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Monday, July 18, 2016

Llan bus services taken over by fresh company is reporting today (Monday) that another company has take over the running of the Llangollen bus routes axed last week when GHA went into administration.

See the full story at:

Isherwood raises questions on rail services

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood has called on the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure, Ken Skates AM, to answer the calls of rail users in North East Wales and ensure improved services in the region in the future.

Responding to the Cabinet Secretary’s Statement on Transport ModernisationAn Update on the Wales and Borders Franchise and Metro Programmes’ Mr Isherwood (pictured) highlighted the issues facing rail users in the region and asked what action the Welsh Government is taking to address them.

He said:  “Given evidence suggesting that 20 per cent of interview or job offers at Deeside Industrial Park are being turned down due to transport difficulties, and that the 2011 census shows the use of rail to travel to work in Flintshire at only 1 per cent - less than half the average for the whole of Wales, in a region where there’s a stronger economy and a significant population living within 5 km of existing stations - how will the Welsh Government’s proposals for rail transport in the region enable people to reliably get from where they are to where they wish to go, at the time they wish to travel, enabling those who can’t drive to access employment and promote a modal shift to rail in our region?

What is the Welsh Government’s position on calls from rail user groups for two trains per hour on the Wrexham-Bidston route, starting earlier and continuing into the evening, within the franchise specification for 2018?”

He also asked: “With regard to the reference we’ve heard in your Statement to the metro programme for North Wales and the North Wales summit last Friday, in your Statement you say you want to maximise opportunities for cross-border connectivity and you refer to Growth Deals either side of the border. Is it not the case that we need a single Growth Deal with the Governments working together, which was the UK Government offer?

“I’m pleased that the (UK) Under-Secretary was present at the meeting on Friday, but could you comment in the context of that joined-up growth deal and the work of the North Wales Business Council, the Economic Ambition Board, the Mersey Dee Alliance, and others on a proposal that incorporates the whole of North Wales, from Holyhead through into north-west England, not just specifically what you’re referring to as the metro region?”

Mr Isherwood called for improved provision for disabled passengers to include those with sensory impairments - hearing and sight loss.

The Cabinet Secretary agreed that the Wrexham-Bidston line is a crucial route in the national rail network, and said he is “keen and determined that that route should have adequate investment to meet the needs of the passengers it carries and those people who would wish to use the service.”

He also agreed that better  rail access is needed to Deeside Industrial Park, saying: “We have been able to identify the fact, that a new station will be required on Deeside Industrial Park as part of an integrated transport network for that specific region.”

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Toy and train fair set for August 20


The town's Pavilion is to host the next  annual Llangollen Toy & Train Sale on Saturday August 20, from 10.30am-3pm.

Organiser Chris Dyer said: “Llangollen  attracts a great range of traders from  all over Wales and England and a wonderful array of stock is always available from all the big names such as Dinky, Corgi, Matchbox, EFE, Tri-ang, Hornby, Lima, Wrenn and Bachmann.

"In the current economic climate, prices have never been keener and it is an ideal time to build up collections at budget prices.

"Traders are also very keen to buy and to exchange so do raid your attics and  bring along any of your surplus items. We can promise visitors a great day at Llangollen.

"A sister event, the Oswestry Toy & Train Sale, will be taking place at the Oswestry Show Ground, on Saturday and Sunday October 22 and 23, followed on Sunday October 23 by our all-new event at Venue Cwmru, Llandudno."

* For more details, tel: (01643)702757 and 07966 694579, or see the website:

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Mystery of wool covered landmarks unravelled

* A wool-draped tree outside the Town Hall.
Local WI members have unravelled the mystery of why landmarks across the town centre ended up with a woolly look first thing this (Saturday) morning.

Everything from the phone box to trees were given woollen coverings as part of a special exercise called yarn bombing - sometimes called guerilla knitting or yarn graffiti.

It was a joint venture between Glyndyfrydwy WI,  Llangollen WI and Valley Girls WI with the aim of celebrating creativity and spreading some colour and happiness in the community.

A Valley Girls WI spokeswoman said: “It really has been teamwork with members of all three WI's quietly knitting away at home to create squares,  pom-poms and other motifs.

“We came together to create the larger pieces to cover the key structures.

“We're hoping to salvage what we can of the knitwear to make blankets for needy groups, maybe the elderly in our community or possibly refugees.

“Another idea is to make them into twiddle muffs which are used by people with dementia as this different textures and shapes can help soothe restless hands. 

“Many thanks to all involved and to the Fringe Festival committee for their support too.”

Town landmarks take on mystery woolly look

Famous landmarks in the town have this morning (Saturday) taken on a decidedly woolly look.

llanblogger is looking into how it happened and will bring you the full yarn later ...

MP questions new PM about driving offences sentencing

Susan Elan Jones MP has tabled four written questions in Parliament about sentencing for driving offences.

Her questions coincide with a new Prime Minister taking office.

The Clwyd South Labour Member was awarded the title of 2015 Parliamentarian of the Year by road safety charity Brake.

Now, she is calling on Theresa May and her new Justice Secretary to sort out a Government review of motoring offences and penalties with immediate effect.

The four questions Susan Elan Jones MP has formally tabled are:

 - To ask the Secretary of State if and when a public consultation on motoring offences and penalties will be conducted as part of the government’s announced sentencing review.
 - To ask the Secretary of State when the results of the government’s sentencing review on motoring offences and penalties are expected to be published.
 - To ask the Secretary of State what recent discussions he has had with the Department for Transport about the government’s sentencing review on motoring offences and penalties.
 - To ask the Secretary of State to make a statement about the proposed purpose of the review into sentencing of motoring offences and penalties.

Ms Jones said: "The Government promised a review of motor offences and penalties in 2014. I appreciate now that this is now being considered alongside a review of other offences.

"However it is not fair to the victims of road traffic accidents and the families of those killed on our roads that they should have to wait any longer. Everyone knows that the current sentences for driving offences are a nonsense. That's why I am calling on the new Prime Minister and her Justice Secretary to get this all sorted as soon as possible." 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Business lending drops after bank closures

* Plaid Cymru's Mabon ap Gwynfor with a defunct cash machine.

Bank lending to local businesses in the Ceiriog Valley has dropped by 30% in just two years after it lost its last bank, according to Plaid Cymru research.

The collapse in lending is mirrored in other communities that have lost local bank branches, according to a new report published by campaigning group Move Your Money UK.

Move Your Money UK’s report shows that bank branch closures dampens lending growth among small and medium-sized businesses by 63% on average. This figure becomes 104% when the last bank in town closes.

Plaid Cymru spokesperson for Clwyd South, Mabon ap Gwynfor, who has been campaigning against the closure of numerous bank branches in the constituency, said that while branch closures might make sense for the banks themselves, they were having a " devastating" impact on local communities and businesses, adding to the " slow death" of High Streets across Wales.

He added: “Many of the bank closures have happened relatively recently here, so we do not know the full impact yet.

"But the Ceiriog Valley lost its last bank back in 2011 and lending to medium and small businesses for the LL20 7 postcode area shows a significant year-on-year fall in lending with £14,700,000 being lent in the second quarter of 2013 falling to £10,800,000 by the final quarter of last year. That’s a 30% drop in lending to SMEs in the area.

"The LL14 area, which covers Rhosllanerchrugog, Penycae, Cefn, Ruabon and surrounding areas has also seen a drop in lending to SMEs from £14,000,000 in the final quarter of 2013 to £12,300,000 in the final quarter of last year, and has also seen banks close in Rhos and Cefn Mawr, but the area is yet to feel the full impact of the closure of HSBC in Ruabon.

“These are not just numbers on a spreadsheet, they represent economic confidence in an area, they represent investment, direct and indirect employment, they show a significant loss to the local economy and community.

“While the Government have come up with a banking protocol, which is toothless and frankly not worth the paper it’s written on, they must  enforce the Banking sector to make a full community Impact Assessment before any closure, and if that assessment proves negative than they should remain open."

LL20 7 is the postcode area for the Ceiriog Valley and southern parts of Llangollen, Trevor, and Froncysyllte.

Both the Ceiriog Valley and Cefn Mawr lost their last banks in 2011, and Llangollen has also seen several banks close in the last two years.

Llangollen, Pentredwr and Eglwyseg, LL20 8, records a £1m fall in lending to SME's between early 2013 and late 2015, lending £10.4m in the second quarter of 2013 and £9.5m in the final quarter of 2015.

Mr ap Gwynfor said, "This is bad news for businesses in Llangollen and the area, who are now finding it harder to invest and grow their businesses."

Clwyd South only has one bank branch left - Barclays in Llangollen.