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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Expert airs views on easing Castle Street traffic

* Traffic expert Ben Hamilton-Baillie addresses the Town Hall audience.

THE scrapping of traffic lights at the A5 junction, the creation of special zones to help slow down vehicles as they enter the town and flattening of kerbs on the bridge.

These were amongst the suggestions put forward by a visiting expert to ease traffic problems on Llangollen’s busy Castle Street at a public meeting last night (Tuesday).

Earlier this year the Cittaslow Llangollen group, which aims to improve local quality of life, ran a crowd funding scheme to collect enough money to get renowned traffic engineer Ben Hamilton-Baillie to take a look at the town’s main street and suggest solutions to deal with snarl-ups.

After spending the day analysing conditions in and around Castle Street he presented his findings to a meeting in the Town Hall.   

Mr Hamilton-Baillie has an impressive track record of producing schemes to cure traffic headaches in towns across the UK and abroad, all based on balancing out the competing requirements of drivers and pedestrians.
He told an audience of about 60 people, including representatives of the town and county councils, that while he did not have any solutions he would offer a number of ideas to improve Castle Street which could form the basis of future discussion.

Explaining that many towns were now filled with “expensive kit” such as signs, signals and lights, to control traffic, Llangollen was “nowhere near as bad” as some other places.
He went on to give examples of schemes he had worked on, including London’s Exhibition Road and Poynton in Cheshire, where measures put in place to slow down traffic and create pedestrian areas even at once-busy junctions had been highly successful.

These had been based on introducing features such as paved areas which could be shared by vehicles and pedestrians.
Stressing that it was a “great mistake to treat drivers as idiots,” Mr Hamilton-Baillie that determining the safe speed at which vehicles could pass through a town centre was crucial to success and provided the basis for all other aspects of a scheme.

He also said that while red lights could be useful to stop traffic in some cases, he did not like to give motorists a green light, which suggested they were free to speed ahead when traffic lights change.
Giving instances of where lights had been removed completely making no difference to safety, he said: “I’m not sure the signals at the junction of the A5 and Castle Street are necessary. I would do something else.”

He also explained the importance of clearly defining the places where vehicles should change from highway driving to a much slower style.
In Llangollen, with its two main roads, he suggested the creation of paved areas in the road to highlight these spots – around the Sarah Ponsonby pub in Mill Street and in front of St John’s Church in Abbey Road on the A539/A542 and near the end of Brook Street and the junction of  Market Street on the A5.

Mr Hamilton-Baillie also suggested the creation of pedestrian areas in Queen Square and around Royal Gardens, site of the town’s war memorial, to help slow down traffic passing along Castle Street.
Another of his ideas to achieve the same aim was to flatten the kerbs on the bridge.

Other possibilities were the re-siting of pedestrian crossings in front of the Bridge End Hotel and close to Stan’s supermarket to more practical areas for pedestrians.
On the often thorny issue of parking along a stretch of Castle Street, he said it was “no bad thing” for traffic to have to pause as it passed the row of cars.

However, he said it would be more practical to have short blocks of parking rather than one long line as at present.
At the end of his hour-long presentation, which was followed by a question and answer session, Mr Hamilton-Baillie told the audience: “Llangollen is not in crisis but you need to have a clear vision of which way you want to go.”

Town councillor Phil Thane, who arranged the exercise, said Mr Hamilton-Baillie’s ideas would be discussed by the town council at its meeting this week and there could then be discussions between the authority and Denbighshire County Council.

UB40 will be together on eisteddfod stage

* UB40 will close Llangollen 2015 on Sunday July 12.

The music legend who formed one of the world’s top reggae bands has spoken about the bitter feud with his brother who's in a rival version of their original group.

Ali Campbell, the legendary voice of UB40, will be one of the star attractions at the Llangollen International Music Festival this year.

He will be reunited on the eisteddfod stage with percussionist, trumpet player and vocalist, Astro and keyboard player, Mickey, all three being founding members of the original UB40.

Campbell and Mickey left the original UB40 in 2008 but the vocalist admits things just weren’t the same until Astro joined them in 2013 after he walked away from the remaining UB40 band members.

He said: “It was, and remains, a very acrimonious and bitter split. My brother, Duncan, betrayed me. I used to go to him for advice and told him I wasn’t happy with the way the band was being managed.

“He agreed with me that the band was being badly represented and business decisions were being wrongly taken and told me the best thing to do was walk away and refuse to sing any longer which is what I did.

“The next thing I know Duncan has taken over as lead vocalist and has been murdering my songs ever since.”

He added: “But once Astro decided he had to walk away - the original UB40 doing a country album being the final straw - and join Mickey and myself it’s being like going back to our early UB40 days.

“High energy, packed sell-out audiences and we are back on our mission taking reggae music to the world.

“Llangollen, I can promise, won’t have ever seen a concert like the one we intend to put on. I know Status Quo were there last year, well I can promise you this, we’ll smash them."

The gig on Sunday, July 12, will be the final concert of Eisteddfod week and is being sponsored by the Village Bakery.

Managing Director Robin Jones said: "We're very proud to have supported the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod for a number of years because it is such a fantastic festival that puts Wales on the world map.
"We can't wait to be in the audience when Ali Campbell, Astro and Mickey bring the curtain down on this year's. I'm sure it's going to a brilliant concert."
Other big draws during Eisteddfod week include Oscar-winning music legend Burt Bacharach, the immensely popular Canadian singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright, heart-throb tenor Alfie Boe and TV choirmaster Gareth Malone.
There will also be the world premiere of a new work to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Welsh colony in Patagonia in a concert that will also star former royal harpist Catrin Finch.
According to Campbell, now 56, who was born and raised in Birmingham, he can't wait to experience the magic of the Llangollen Eisteddfod.

He said: “We are promoting reggae to packed audiences right around the world and are really looking forward to Llangollen.”

“Reggae just gives you something different, a freedom I suppose. It’s probably the youngest genre around but I listen to music from all around the world and the reggae influence is massive. It’s so influential."

Campbell, who now lives in Christchurch on the south coast, added: "We are in the middle of world tour which is going brilliantly. The simple truth is we are the hottest reggae band around. If you want real reggae and the real UB40 then it has to be us.

“In the last year we have performed in Australia and New Zealand, where I was one of the three judges on New Zealand’s Got talent, and Papua New Guinea.

Father-of-eight Campbell added: “I just want to put on the best show possible and that’s what I promise UB40 fans who come to see our shows. Llangollen won’t have seen anything like it, it’s that simple.”

The Llangollen International Music Festival's musical director, Eilir Owen Griffiths, said: “We try to ensure as many genres as possible are represented at the Eisteddfod and I’m sure the audience will be thrilled to hear Ali Campbell, the legendary voice of UB40, with Astro and Mickey performing all those top UB40 hits.

“It promises to be a wonderful final concert and it will be a great way to bring the curtain down on what promises to be another fantastic week-long festival.   

He added: “The unique atmosphere will be evident on the Eisteddfod field throughout the week as hundreds of competitors and thousands of visitors mingle with spontaneous performances breaking out.

“It’s a fantastic event and, like many of our volunteers, staff and supporters, I absolutely love it.”

* To book tickets and for more details on the 2014 festival go to the website at

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Castle Street traffic meeting tonight

This meeting is tonight ...

Councillor's business tip for Llan firms

Llangollen county councillor Stuart Davies is urging local businesses to contact a big construction firm if they wish to gain work from the construction going on in the county.

He said: "Read Construction is holding a 'Meet the Buyer' event on Thursday, May 28.

"The event will take place from 9.30am to 12.30pm in the site compound at Bodnant Community School in Prestatyn.

"Read wants to meet local businesses with a view to their potentially working on the construction of the Bodnant Community School extension and other projects.

"Read operates all across North Wales, so the opportunities for suppliers to engage with the company are not limited to the Bodnant project.

"The extension and refurbishment of the school is set to be completed in summer 2016 and will allow 420 full time pupils and up to 60 part time nursery pupils to attend the school."

Monday, May 25, 2015

Isherwood's challenge over homelessness

Shadow Housing Minister Mark Isherwood has challenged the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty over her statement on  Homelessness Legislation, stressing that homelessness figures will only fall once the housing supply crisis facing Wales has been addressed.
Mr Isherwood (pictured below) referred to the fact that in England, housing waiting lists have fallen by over 300,000, from 1.7 million, since 2010, yet a report commissioned by the Welsh Government reported four years ago that housing waiting lists in Wales stood at 90,000 and the October 2014 Homes for All Cymru Manifesto starts: “‘There is a housing crisis with more than 90,000 households on waiting lists’.
He therefore asked the Minister: “Do you therefore have figures for waiting lists in Wales, and if these figures are correct, why do you believe they have fallen by 300,000 in England and are still stuck at 90,000 in Wales?
“You state in your statement that you expect the duties on local authorities ‘to prevent homelessness in at least three out of four cases initially and, in due course, even more.’ Clearly, that can be the case, working particularly with third sector providers on things like tackling substance misuse, supporting former veterans, perpetrator programmes, domestic abuse, and so on, to keep households together. But, of course, that doesn’t tackle the housing supply shortage.
“How will you ensure that, therefore, we don’t get a repeat of the situation in 2004, when the Welsh Government intervened after housing waiting lists had grown by more than 120 per cent, and the housing charities subsequently announced that though homelessness fell, hidden homelessness - sometimes called ‘sofa surfing’ - had more than doubled?”
Mr Isherwood, who on Tuesday attended the Let’s Keep On Supporting People in Wales campaign event where he spoke of his support for Supporting People Services and called for the budget to be protected, reiterated this call in the chamber.  
Speaking outside the chamber, he added: “Labour’s massive social and affordable housing cuts from devolution in 1999 caused the housing crisis in Wales that is condemning tens of thousands to waiting lists, overcrowding and homelessness. It also cannot be emphasised strongly enough that services funded by the Supporting People Programme grant deliver better lives whilst saving NHS Wales and Local Authorities money.”   

Sunday, May 24, 2015

New town trails leaflets from county council

* Councillor Huw Jones with Fiona Dolben from the Destination,
Marketing and Communications team launch the new town trails. 
A NEW set of leaflets promoting town trails across Denbighshire is hot off the press.

The county council’s Destination, Marketing and Communication Unit has redesigned its suite of Town Trails in Llangollen, Corwen, Ruthin, Denbigh, St Asaph, Prestatyn and Rhuddlan, including a brand new one produced for Rhyl.

Councillor Huw Jones, Cabinet Lead Member for Promoting Denbighshire said: “We are delighted to launch these new look town trails they will be extremely useful for local tourism businesses to promote the area and to inform visitors who are interested in local history wishing to explore the interesting architecture in Denbighshire as well as delving into its fascinating stories and past.

"These free leaflets will be available from the Tourist Information Centres Tourist Information Centres and libraries in Denbighshire."

* For further information or a free copy of any of the towns, contact Denbighshire’s Destination, Marketing and Communications Unit on 01824 706072.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Health centre to be sold on open market

* The existing health centre in Berwyn Street.

LLANGOLLEN Health Centre is to be put up for sale on the open market, according NHS chiefs.

The move comes after the building in Berwyn Street, which is due to be replaced this summer by the new £5 million primary care resource centre currently being built in Mill Street, was offered for possible redevelopment as affordable housing and there were no takers.

The fate of the current health centre, which houses the area’s GP practice, was the subject of a Freedom of Information request to its owners, the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB), by Llangollen resident Mike Edwards who says he is “extremely disappointed” with the response.

Mr Edwards asked a number of questions, including whether the board has the building on a freehold basis, exactly how it was declared surplus to requirements, if the property is listed and if the board intends consulting the community about its disposal.          

In its reply the board confirms it owns the freehold and says: “The decision to transfer the GP practice to a new primary care resource centre was made at the BCUHB meeting in January 2013, following formal public consultation. 

“The papers from that board meeting outlined clearly how services would be changed, as a result of which the premises are no longer required.

“These changes included the development of a Primary Care Resource Centre (PCRC) in Llangollen.  This is currently under construction and is due to open in the summer of 2015.

“The site option appraisal undertaken for the replacement PCRC development discounted the use of the current health centre and the site was declared surplus to use. 

“There are statutory obligations with regards to listed buildings, and buildings in conservation areas, therefore if it was applicable these requirements would be taken into consideration.

“The health board has considered community benefit in the sense that the property has been offered for affordable housing and advertised on the e-PIMS website. There are no further plans to consider community benefit.”

The board’s reply adds that health boards in Wales are obliged to offer any surplus land or buildings considered to have potential for residential development for the development of affordable housing in the first instance.

And it adds: “The availability of Llangollen Health Centre was offered, however this did not produce a result.

“The health board now intends to offer the property for open market sale.”

Mr Edwards said of the response: I am extremely disappointed at the length of time it has taken to answer my request which was made originally back on April 8.
“The board's initial reply referred to the wrong property although I clearly identified the subject property with its postcode. I can only conclude that the health board is being deliberately obtuse and employed delaying tactics.

“It is alarming to find that that the board has no intention of consulting the local community about the future of a building which was originally constructed as a school with the support of public contributions. 

“The property is in a conservation area so any future schemes need to be tastefully designed in sympathy with the buildings in the immediate area, particularly St Collen's Parish Church and Llangollen residents need to be consulted.”

He added: “The board are clearly proposing to sell the property on the open market to the highest bidder when in fact they came by the property through a transfer from the former Secretary of State for Wales (pre-devolution) and are now endeavour to profit from its disposal whilst totally ignoring the views of the residents of Llangollen. 

“They appear to have learnt nothing from the recent proposals in relation to maternity services at Glan Clwyd which we all know is subject to Judicial Review because of the inadequacies in the way they imposed their decision on the public.”