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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Candidates respond to FoE's survey

Friends of the Erath Llangollen has carried out a survey of the views of all the candidates standing for the local Clwyd South constituency in the General Election on May 7 and has sent their responses to llanblogger to share with our readers ...
Mabon Ap Gwynfor – Plaid Cymru 

About you 
I live near Corwen, with my wife Nia and three young children. I’m a Governor of our community school, and am a Director with one of our National Theatres. 
I am a campaigner, and believe that the community voice should be heard at all levels. I have campaigned for improved health services – including the re-introduction of community hospital beds, and maintaining our neo-natal and maternity services. I am also campaigning to oppose fracking and invest in research and development into renewable technology, including solar and tidal, as well as smaller scale such as geothermal and hydro.  
Top 3 policies  
  1. Better employment to tackle poverty 
Our most valuable resource is our people, with a wealth of talent to be unleashed. We would increase public procurement in Wales by 25%, creating approximately 3000 jobs in this constituency. We would stop the exploitative zero hours contracts, and make the minimum wage a living wage (currently £7.85p/h).   
  1. Invest in people and communities 
Austerity has had a disproportionate impact on women, children and disabled people, with essential services and assistance cut. Yet Government can afford £100bn on Trident and lose £120bn through tax avoidance and evasion. We’d introduce a financial transaction levy and scrap Trident, using the money to invest in communities and services.   
  1. Invest in our environment 
Solar, tidal and other renewables offer us an opportunity to create jobs and tackle climate change. North Wales produces more electricity than we consume, yet electricity is dearer here. Fracking: We cannot commit to another generation of fossil fuels, and the possibility of contaminating our water supply. Fracking should be banned. 
Vision for Clwyd South 
We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to shift politics away from the consumerist self-centred consensus. For too long UK politics has been about attracting the support of the wealthy at the expense of ordinary people. While we’ve suffered cuts the rich are richer. This year, however, instead of choosing the least worst option, you can positively vote for Plaid Cymru knowing that in a hung Parliament our voice could be decisive - we would not balance the books on the backs of the poor. My modest vision therefore is to ensure that we have no more need for foodbanks. 
How you would tackle Climate change 
Instead of the Big 6 energy companies, we would like to see the small 1 million, with each household having the ability to produce electricity, and look to utilise public buildings to generate electricity. We’d set a target of producing the equivalent of 100% of our electricity consumption from renewable energy by 2035. Changing the National Grid to allow community grids would be essential. We would also invest in community based farming to produce more locally grown food, and save on food miles. More needs to be invested in retrofitting houses with better insulation, which would also help fight fuel poverty. 
More information 
Twitter: @mabonapgwynfor 
Mandy Jones UKIP 

About you 
I was a shepherd and farm contractor in Clwyd, for 14 years. I brought my family up in Corwen and all of my grown up children, are fluent Welsh. I attended Llysfasi College, for many years, studying agriculture & small animal care. I am passionate about getting the best deal for South Clwyd:
We need extra funding here, South Wales gets everything and North Wales gets the dregs, I will fight for extra funding. UKIP is the only party that represents ordinary people, thus, being able to change things for the better, in South Clwyd & indeed, North Wales.
Top 3 policies  
  1. 1. Health 
UKIP will return NHS management to Qualified Clinicians and cut upper management bureaucracy with their, over-inflated wages. Putting those saved funds, back into front line NHS services. We will make sure the NHS is free at the point of delivery and time of need for all UK residents. 
  1. Education 
UKIP will remove Tuition Fees for students taking approved Degrees in Science, Medicine, Technology, Engineering and Maths, on the condition, that those students, Live, Work and Pay Tax in the UK, for 5 years, after completion of their degrees. 
              3. Housing 
UKIP will prioritise housing for Local People and Ex-Armed Forces Personnel. We will protect the Green Belt and only build on Brownfield sites, thus, lowering the price of homes through relaxed VAT. Homes built on Brownfield sites, will be exempt from Stamp Duty on first sale. 
Vision for Clwyd South 
We, in UKIP, believe that open and honest communication is a priority and we freely, give our numbers and email addresses out to the people of our communities, so they can contact directly, when they need to. 
  • I want to travel on my road and find, NO pot holes.  
  • I would like to get the Corwen Skate Park up and running, after a 15 year delay. 
  • I want to see communities, coming together more, to support older/disabled residents. 
  • I would like more local/community/organised/fun nights/days, for the many, not just the few. 
  • I want the old fashioned, Community Spirit back. 
How you would tackle Climate change 
UKIP supports research of technologies. Pursuing a policy of having an Energy Mix is sensible, but unreliable forms of energy production, would not be part of that mix. 
We don't support policies that make it difficult to keep a home warm, but, the environment needs protecting. 
We don't support measures which have a negative impact at home, while other countries continue to develop their economies without consideration for the environment. We need a global solution that all countries sign up to; any agreement which does not have the support of the US, India and China (Kyoto) is not worth having.
Susan Elan Jones - Labour 

About you 
I was born, brought up and live in the Clwyd South constituency. I am not a career politician and became an MP after 15 years working for charities. This life experience was a key driving factor in my decision to stand for Parliament.  
I am currently Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Charities. In Parliament, I worked to secure changes to help small charities and opposed the damaging Lobbying Act. During my time as MP, I helped more than 3,000 local families. I’ve prioritised issues like jobs, road safety, animal welfare, tackling online child abuse and supporting S4C. 
Top 3 policies 
  1. I will stand up for jobs for local people and abolish exploitative zero-hours contracts. 
I don't think there is any issue in our constituency more important than jobs and tackling zero hours contracts. As MP, I called on the Government to guarantee a job for every young person out of work for a year and for every adult unemployed for over two years.  
  1. I will back radical plans to cut heating bills and protect precious energy resources. 
The current set-up where the energy companies call the tune has to end. I firmly support radical action to tackle high heating bills and provide improved home insulation that will help protect our precious energy resources. I’m also committed to seeing oil prices brought under the scope of regulator Ofgem.  
  1. I will continue to publish all my expenses and oppose MPs’ pay-rises and second jobs. 
There can be no compromises in the quest to restore trust to politics in our country. That’s why I’ve always been 100% transparent with finances, publishing every penny my office spends. As MP, I stood up for proper accountability for MPs and opposed MPs pay-rises and MPs having second jobs.  
Your vision for Clwyd South 
The wonderfully diverse 240 square mile constituency of Clwyd South is where I come from and it is where I am proud to call home.  
I am passionate about better employment prospects and greater economic justice for our home area. About strong protection of our outstanding natural environment. About more opportunities for young people. And about greater social cohesiveness, where we support community groups and have zero tolerance for the menace of anti-social behaviour.   
I would be honoured to be re-elected as your Member of Parliament to serve our home constituency of Clwyd South. 
How you would tackle Climate change 
I was delighted when Ed Miliband said that climate change would be one of his main priorities as Prime Minister. This is a pivotal issue and I fully support Labour’s global deal to reduce carbon emissions through:  
  • Ambitious emissions targets for all countries, strengthened every five years with a scientific assessment of the progress towards the 2C goal. 
  • A goal of net zero global emissions in the second half of this century. 
  • Transparent, universal rules for measuring/ reporting emissions. 
  • All countries adopting climate change adaptation plans.  
  • Richer countries providing support to poorer nations in their efforts to combat climate change.   
More information 
David Nicholls – Conservatives 

About you 
I was the first person in my family to go to university and I am proud of the sacrifices made by my parents to give me a better start in life.  I recognise the importance of aspiration and I want everyone to have access to the same opportunities that I did. 
I became a barrister, and I have worked for myself for over 12 years.  I believe in the importance of hard work and taking responsibility. 
I have only recently become involved in politics – because I believe in taking action to make sure that our communities can grow and thrive. 
Your top 3 policies  
  1. A stable, growing economy 
We have to get our economy right by repaying our debts and living within our means.  If we don’t, we will waste vast sums on interest payments and we won’t be able to afford well-funded public services.  We are on the right track but there is more to be done. 
  1. Increasing employment 
As well as getting the economy right, we need to make sure that everyone benefits. And that means jobs.  More than 1.9million jobs have been created since 2010 across the whole country.  The hopelessness and waste of unemployment is sickening.  I am committed to working towards full employment. 
  1. Well-funded public services 
I believe in well-funded, well-run public services, like schools and hospitals.  We want the best for our children or when we are ill.  I am committed to making sure that our public services deliver effectively and that our NHS remains free at the point of need. 
Your vision for Clwyd South 
Clwyd South is a beautiful constituency and has great potential.  We need to do more to build our tourism industry – not just in Clwyd South but across the whole of North Wales.  This means working together to achieve better promotion of our region, better transport links, and improved mobile reception.  I also believe we need to make sure that our farming and agricultural communities can thrive. 
Regenerating our local communities should be another key focus, so that we can provide new homes for our young people and allow small businesses to grow, creating new jobs. 
How you would tackle climate change 
There is no doubt that our climate is changing.  This is one of the most serious threats our country and the world faces.  Left unchecked, it will have far-reaching consequences for our society. The Conservatives are addressing this by: 
  • Making Britain a global leader in the development of clean energy. 
  • Investing in low-carbon and green energy with energy market reforms. 
  • Supporting carbon capture technologies. 
  • Setting up the world’s first green investment bank to fund projects from offshore wind farms to measures to help industries to reduce the amount of energy they use. 
  • Helping people make their homes more energy efficient. 
More information 
Twitter:  DavidClwydSouth 
Facebook:  DavidNichollsforClwydSouth 
Duncan Rees – Green Party 

About you 
Duncan Rees was born and brought up in Cardiff, studied at Liverpool University, and has lived for 20 years in the village of Brynteg outside Wrexham. 
Duncan has recently ended 21 years working as a membership and community officer for the Co-operative group.  He is a strong advocate of a fair deal for producers – both overseas, and in Wales. Duncan Chaired the Wales Fairtrade organisation.
Married with two grown up children, Duncan takes an active interest in local issues, and is particularly interested in environmental matters, supporting local community and co-operative development, and improving public transport.  
Your top 3 policies  
  1. Prioritise policies for the common good  
Defend the NHS, cancel Trident higher taxes for the richest, increase public spending, bring British Railways back into public ownership. Introduce policies to tackle climate change and move towards a carbon neutral energy system. 
              2. Bring honesty back into politics. Encourage people to vote for what they believe in – rather than voting tactically between two or three discredited “main parties”. 
              3. More resources for sustainable transport 
Better bus services, improved rail frequency, reopen old railway routes, improve facilities for cyclists and pedestrians. 
Your vision for Clwyd South 
I would like to see an area in which we lived up to our vision of what is possible, and what we want to vote for,  rather than believing the hollow promises of politicians, of several persuasions, who have failed us in the past – and will fail us again in the future  - if we let them! 
I believe that there is a receptive audience for the key Green messages on issues such as climate change, transport, public spending, energy policy, nuclear weapons, and building sustainable communities.  In short, I believe we can make a difference – and give the increasing number of people wishing to support us a real alternative to the discredited “main” political parties. 
How you would tackle Climate change 
This in one of the most vital issues facing the world today. To avoid catastrophic results from climate change we need to make a massive shift from burning carbon fuels towards renewable energy resources, and we need government resourcing to accomplish that. Between 80 and 90% of fossil fuels needs to be kept in the ground to avoid the worst outcomes. This is Green party policy. 
More information 
Bruce Roberts – Liberal Democrats 

About you  
I was born and educated in Wrexham. I have degrees and Physics and Philosophy and am a Chartered Accountant. I worked in industrial research for a time but have spent the last 18 years running my own business as an accountant.  I employ 6 people. I joined the Liberal Democrats in the early 1990’s, motivated by the lack of compassion of Margaret Thatcher’s conservatives and the unrealistic Labour alternative.  
Your top 3 policies  
            1Economic renewal 
Clwyd South is typical of much of Wales in its lack of economic dynamism.  I would like to see the encouragement of small business and individual economic independence by putting in place incentives for business start-up. 
                 2. Educational opportunity 

As a society we are becoming more divided (economically and socially)  and the best place to start to narrow that gap is to give opportunities in education to those from deprived backgrounds.  The pupil deprivation grants which are a major plank of Lib Dem policy in England should be extended to Wales. The increasing segregation of children from different backgrounds needs to be reversed. 
                  3. Climate change  

Whatever other policies we might implement they are irrelevant if we do not address the issue of climate change.  Realistic but ambitious goals need to be agreed.  This cannot be done in isolation and we need to work with our EU partners to set targets and negotiate with the other major trading blocks to decrease our impact on the climate. 
Your vision for Clwyd South 
The three priorities above reflect my vision.  Clwyd South is typical of most of Wales and the UK generally and the wider priorities also stand well here. 
How you would tackle climate change 
Whatever other policies we might implement they are irrelevant if we do not address the issue of climate change.  Realistic but ambitious goals need to be agreed.  This cannot be done in isolation and we need to work with our EU partners to set targets and negotiate with the other major trading blocks to decrease our impact on the climate.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New musical work to be premiered at Llangollen

A new work to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Welsh colony in Patagonia in South America will have its world premiere in North Wales.
The concert at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod on Wednesday, July 8, where the piece will be performed by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales will also star former royal harpist Catrin Finch (pictured below).
The work has been written by composer Hector MacDonald, a fourth generation Welshman who comes from Chubut Province in Patagonia where descendants of the original settlers cling on to their Welsh identity.
The migration was masterminded by non-conformist minister Michael D Jones, from Llanuwchllyn, near Bala.
He also considered Vancouver Island, in Canada, but eventually settled on Patagonia before around 150 people set off from Liverpool on May 28, 1865.
There are now many as 5,000 people in the Chubut area who still speak Welsh, and in recent years there has been a significant revival of interest in all things Welsh.
Eilir Owen Griffiths, the Eisteddfod's musical director, is delighted the anniversary of the Welsh outpost will be celebrated at the festival which starts on Tuesday, July 7, and runs until Sunday, July 12.
He said: “It’s wonderful that the Welsh community in Patagonia continues to thrive a century-and-a-half after it was first established.
“It’s always a pleasure to see a musician such as Catrin Finch take to the Eisteddfod stage. She has done so much to take harp music to the world and she is a wonderful classical musician and performer.
"The Sounds of South America concert will be a fitting tribute the courage and the endurance of the original settlers whose legacy lives on today."
Catrin’s career took off after she was named Royal Harpist to the Prince of Wales in 2000, a traditional position revived after a century-and-a-half.
She said: “I last appeared at Llangollen in 2002 and I’m really looking forward to going back to what is a very special festival.
“It’s remarkable that a small town in North Wales has the ability to draw so many top musicians from around the world. I really enjoy mopping up the special atmosphere there.
“I’m really looking forward to the concert. It’s an amazing thought that there’s a little Welsh community on the other side of the world. A piece of North Wales in Patagonia."
Catrin, who graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in 2002, says she will always be grateful to Prince Charles for asking her to become his first Royal Harpist.
She said: “It was a springboard for my career and I enjoyed a wonderful four years as Royal Harpist. It gave me the opportunity to expand my career and put the harp in the spotlight.
“In America because I was the Royal Harpist, they wanted to know more about the instrument and it gave me the opportunity to promote both classical music and the harp.”
According to Patagonian composer Hector MacDonald, whose uncle, Elvey MacDonald lives in Aberystwyth and  is a former director of the Urdd youth organisation, it was a "fabulous experience" to be able to work with Catrin and a world-class symphony orchestra.
Hector said: “I have been fortunate enough to have had several choral works performed in Wales but the opportunities do not exist in Patagonia for a composer to develop the skills required to write for a symphony orchestra.”
There will be a Patagonian theme on the field before and after the concert when the Welsh band, Brigyn, will be appearing on the S4C stage where they will be performing songs from their current CD that's been inspired by Patagonia.
Among the other highlights at this year's Eisteddfod will be the Thursday night concert when heart-throb tenor Alfie Boe will be joined on stage by Britain’s Got Talent star Jonathan Antoine.
Other big draws include Oscar-winning music legend Burt Bacharach, the immensely popular Canadian singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright and TV choirmaster Gareth Malone.
For the final concert, Ali Campbell, the voice of UB40 who sold 70 million records, who'll be reunited on the eisteddfod stage with two other founding members of the group, percussionist, trumpet player and vocalist Astro and keyboard player Mickey.
Children’s Day and the Parade of Nations, led by Eisteddfod President Terry Waite will take place on the Tuesday afternoon before the evening Heart of Llangollen concert.
Wednesday’s programme will include a new competition for the International Young Musician of the Year as well as the Children’s Choir of the World while Thursday’s competitions will see another first, the International Voice of Musical Theatre Trophy.
The Blue Riband event, the Choir of the World for the Pavarotti Trophy, is decided on Saturday night as well as the Open Dance competition.
* To book tickets and for more details on the 2015 festival go to the website at

Good heavens - Llan nuns take Wrexham by storm

* Members of Llangollen Operatic Society take the chance to
rehearse their production of Sister Act in front of shoppers at Eagles Meadow.
From left, Heather Scott, Justine Bradey, Jan Bellis and Biba Baksh-Jones

Sassy nuns from Llangollen surprised shoppers when they broke out into song.
The harmonious group from the Llangollen Operatic Society was at Eagles Meadow shopping centre, in Wrexham to promote their production of the hit musical, of Sister Act.
They sang a heavenly 15 minute medley which included, Bless Our Show, Fabulous Baby, Sister Act, and Spread the Love Around.
The divine musical comedy, based on the hit 1992 film starring Whoopi Goldberg, will be on at Llangollen Town Hall from April 21 to 25 at 7:30pm.
There will also be a special matinee performance at 2:30pm on Saturday April 25.
The 40-plus cast includes sisters, priests, altar boys and even a bishop.

* Nuns tune up to delight Eagles Meadow shoppers with their Sister Act selection. 
Though the songs are different, the plot is the same as the film, where lounge singer Deloris Van Cartier played by Whoopi Goldberg has to pretend to be a nun when her mob boss ex-boyfriend puts her on his hit list after she witnesses a murder.
The musical has featured on London’s West End and on Broadway in New York.
The Llangollen Operatic Society was one of only 50 amateur groups to be granted a special license to stage the production.
Tracey Rawlinson, the director of the production for the Llangollen Operatic Society, said: “It’s a fantastic opportunity for us to come to Eagles Meadow today to let people know about the show. Hopefully it will help us sell some tickets.
“We decided to do Sister Act because it’s just one of those films that everyone knows about. The plot is the same as in the film but the songs are different.
“We’ve got a great cast and we love the music. It’s quite a challenging show because normally we only have a two part harmony, but in this production there are songs where there are five part harmonies, which takes a lot of skill. There’s a lot of choreography in the show as well.
“We were one of only 50 amateur groups to be granted a license to do the show which is pretty prestigious.
“Recently a group of us went on a 10k fun run round the hills of Llangollen to raise funds for the Leonard Cheshire Disability charity. The weather was great and we raised £1,500. Half of the money will go to the charity and the other half is going to the Llangollen Operatic Society.
Shopper Becky Lloyd, 34, from Rhosddu, in Wrexham, watched the surprise performance with her son Rhys, 10.
She said: “Rhys has given it a big thumbs up. It wasn’t what we were expecting to see when we came to Eagles Meadow today. It’s a lovely surprise. They sound very professional. I think it’s brilliant – I love Sister Act. I’m hoping to go to watch it.”
Elen Haf Tayor, 19, from Wrexham, who is going to study at the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, is playing the role of Delores.
She said: “I’ve had to learn to be incredibly sexy and sassy for the role. I’m wearing the Delores animal print shades. I’m really excited about the production. I think it’s going to turn some heads. We’re hoping being here at Eagles Meadow today will help us generate some ticket sales.”
The ex Ysgol Morgan Llwyd pupil, added: “It’s been so much fun. This is my first project with the Llangollen Operatic Society. I was very nervous to begin with but it’s been great and they have made me feel so welcome.”
Eagles Meadow manager Kevin Critchley, said: “I absolutely loved Sister Act film when it came out and the musical version from Llangollen Operatic Society looks like it’s going to be fantastic.”
* Tickets for Sister Act cost £10 with concessions at £8. They are available at
Tickets are also available at Jade’s Hair and Beauty Llangollen, and Llangollen Tourist Information Office, 01978 860 441.   

Crazy examples of ambulance 999 calls

THE Welsh Ambulance Service is reminding people not to call 999 unless it is a genuine emergency.

The service took 19,151 non-urgent calls in the last seven months just 318 of which required an ambulance.

None of those 318 callouts resulted in a patient being taken to hospital. 

They include a woman who called 999 because her athlete’s foot infection had worsened, and a man who wanted dental work for two broken teeth.

Here are some examples of those calls:

* ‘Athletes foot infection – worsened,’ August 2014, Conwy

* ‘Two cotton buds stuck in ear,’ November 2014, Cardiff

* ‘Dancing too much – sprained ankle,’ September 2014, Llandudno

* ‘Got two broken teeth – wants dental work,’ December 2014, Dolgellau

* ‘Male feeling knackered,’ September 2014, Abergele

* ‘Punched a punch machine,’ November 2014, Wrexham

Richard Lee, the Trust’s Head of Clinical Services, said: “Many of the patients we attend to as a result of a 999 call receive treatment from the ambulance service but do not end up travelling in an ambulance. They could be treated at home, referred to alternative care or might even decline treatment.
“The Trust is taking steps to ensure that patients only travel to hospital when absolutely necessary and are referred on to the right part of NHS Wales where this is safe and clinically appropriate.  
“While the majority of calls we receive via 999 are entirely appropriate, we also take some non-essential calls from people with colds, toothache, back ache and other minor conditions.
“Calls of this type put people's lives at risk as the ambulance attending that patient is not available for a serious road accident, heart attack or stroke.
“Once again, we urge the public to ‘Choose Well’ to ensure busy emergency services are available for those who need them most urgently.
“For advice and treatment of most illnesses, visit your GP, or call NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47 for confidential health advice and information. NHS Direct Wales is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
“Treatment for minor injuries, such as cuts, bites, stings and muscle and joint injuries, can be provided at your local Minor Injuries Unit, where there is no need for an appointment.
“Please remember to only dial 999 in a life-threatening emergency, if someone is seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk.”

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Community clean-up planned for Friday

Community Clean Up
Friday 17th April
10.30am start
Meet at: Trevor Basin Car Park
Children welcome, but please make sure they are accompanied by an adult
Equipment provided
For further information,
please contact:
Ceri on 01978 292450

"Come clean on animal welfare", says Labour candidate

Susan Elan Jones, Labour candidate for Clwyd South, is urging all political parties to come clean on animal welfare issues.

Ms Jones, who is a supporter of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "Many residents who live in our beautiful rural constituency of Clwyd South are strong supporters of animal welfare.
"People are especially concerned about the prospect of a return to the bad old days of packs of dogs being allowed to rip foxes to death, and new badger culls.

"The Conservatives and Plaid are so out of step with people in our local community on this issue. The Tories want new votes on Parliament on this issue and the Welsh Nationalists are keen to back them,

"Plaid MP Jonathan Edwards has even gone so far as to tell a national newspaper that he wanted the law in Wales to change so that packs of dogs be allowed to flush out foxes - and unbelievably, he described the Hunting Act as "a spiteful act against rural communities."

"The Tories and Welsh Nationalists may not think these issues matter, but for many of us, animal welfare is a vital concern. I am proud that a Labour Government brought in the Hunting Act and I believe that all candidates and MPs should take a proper stand against animal cruelty."