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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Santa swoops in to check festival plans

* Santa and faithful “helfer” Gorgeous George board the Wales Air Ambulance for their flight to Llangollen.

SANTA chose a high-flying way to check out the route he’ll be taking into Llangollen’s annual Christmas Festival later this month.   

He winged his way over the famous tourist town aboard a helicopter provided by the Wales Air Ambulance, the charity which will benefit from the big seasonal show on Saturday, November 29.

Santa – known in Wales as Sion Corn – always tries to find a novel way of getting to Llangollen and last year he and his trusty elves braved the rapids of the River Dee to reach their destination.
This year with the help of the Air Ambulance and Gorgeous George, his faithful “helfer”, he took to the skies to check the airspace over Llangollen. 

Swooping and soaring above the town they traced the route he will take before joining the traditional festival parade and later handing out presents to children waiting to meet him in the Town Hall.

However, Santa was heard to whisper to George that the helicopter was a bit slow compared to his usual magic sleigh and couldn’t even disappear!

The Christmas festival features stalls, entertainment, music, Punch and Judy and morris dancers.

The parade starts at 1pm and the Christmas lights will be switched on at 5pm followed by a spectacular fire dance and fireworks.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Details of local roadworks

The county council has given details of the following local roadworks:

A542 Abbey Road, November 13 and 14, temporary traffic lights to allow BT works; A5 Berwyn Road, November 13, temporary traffic lights to allow BT works; A5 Regent Street, November 14, temporary traffic lights to allow BT works.

Bache Mill Road, November 25-December 2, temporary traffic lights to allow electrical works by ScottishPower; A5 Berwyn Street, November 14,  temporary traffic lights to allow BT works; A5 Queen street, November 15 and 16, temporary traffic lights to allow BT works.

Oak Street, November 29, road closure to allow Christmas festivities by Llangollen Town Council; A5 Berwyn Street, November 12, stop/go signs to allow remedial works by O’Connor Utilities; A5 Berwyn Street, November 16, temporary traffic lights to allow BT works.

Fron Bache, November 9-11,  road closure to allow electrical works by ScottishPower; Geraint, November 18 and 19, road closure to allow works by Amberon; A5 Berwyn Road, near Mile End Cottage, temporary traffic lights to allow water works by Dee Valley Water.
A5 Queen Street, November 15 and 16, temporary traffic lights to allow BT works; A5 Berwyn Street, November 16, temporary traffic lights to allow BT works; A5 Regent Street, November 12, temporary traffic lights to allow remedial works by O’Connor Utilities; Pengwern, November 13-25, temporary traffic lights to allow electrical works by ScottishPower.

Countryside access issue raised in Assembly

The on-going dispute over off-road vehicles using the countryside around Llangollen has been cited in an exchange in the Welsh Assembly.

At a recent public meeting in the Town Hall both off-road users and residents shared their opposing views on the issue.
A follow-up meeting is due to be held soon.

In the Assembly last week North Wales Liberal Democrat AM Aled Roberts put a question to Natural Resources Minister Carl Sargeant about access to footpaths.
Mr Roberts, who attended the Llangollen public meeting, said: “Does the Minister have any intention of reviewing the statutory framework regarding access to the countryside?”

The Minister replied: “As part of the ongoing review of access, I intend to issue a Green Paper for consultation. I will look at improving the opportunities for responsible outdoor recreation together with reducing the burdens placed on local authorities and landowners.”
Mr Roberts came back: “A number of meetings have been held in the Ceiriog Valley and Llangollen areas, with Ken Skates and others in attendance, where there are problems with historic roads being blocked, to some extent, by 4x4 vehicles.

“Would you be willing to consider the complexity of the situation, because there are a lot of problems with councils not knowing exactly which routes these different roads should take.”
Mr Sargeant told him: “Yes, indeed; aside from the Green Paper with regard to seeking views on the network, that is something that I will ask colleagues across Government and my department to look at specifically. If there is a void of guidance, perhaps we should review that consideration.”


Christmas comes early with fun Twenty Club play

Christmas has come early for Llangollen audiences as the Twenty Club stages its rib-tickling version of the Alan Ayckbourn play Season’s Greetings at the Town Hall on three nights this week plus a matinee on Saturday.
Despite having been in business for over 60 years, the club has lost none of its vitality and has assembled a formidable nine-strong cast for this black-ish, often farcical, comedy by the old master which tells the tale of a dysfunctional family spending the festive season uncomfortably together in an average English suburban house.

A number of excellent new players have been recruited to strengthen the already-powerful core of established actors.
These include David Edgar, who gives a brilliant portrayal as man of the house Neville. He’s an electronics retailer without any energy to spare on his wife Belinda, who is played to perfection by another very useful newcomer Paula Sutton.

Fresh in the club’s ranks too is Robin Cowley, who turns in a neat performance as Neville’s pretty useless mate Eddie.
The role of Clive, the novelist who arrives at the house to spend Christmas with his girlfriend Rachel, Belinda’s nervy spinster sister, is taken by another new face, Mathew Oswald-Haggett, who fits it as snugly as a winter glove.

This was also the first Twenty Club appearance for Ellie De Bolla who proves a suitably nutty Phyllis, the wife of another family friend, Bernard.
That part – an ineffectual doctor with a penchant for pathetic puppet shows, is taken by club first-timer Christopher Sims who has already shown his on-stage prowess with the likes of Llangollen Operatic Society and brings to it a very deft comedic touch.

Twenty Club stalwart Mike Law provided a marvellous interpretation of Harvey, a cantankerous old bore who exhibits just about every “ism” in the book and also has an unhealthy habit of carrying around an armoury of knives and guns.
Another club favourite Liz Evans takes the part of Rachel with aplomb and experienced Twenty hand Nicola Holmwood makes a perfect Pattie, bumbling Bernard’s long-suffering missus.

The whole thing is a credit to director Natalie Evans and producer Anna Turner and the entire behind-the-scenes team deserve a pat on the back for providing a very classy setting. 

There’s nothing too complicated about the plot which revolves around a bunch of people who don’t get on all that well being forced to spend yet another Christmas together.
The interplay between them sparks lots of laughs and the end goes with quite a bang, although I’d better say no more about that because Season’s Greetings still has three more performances to go – one tonight and two on Saturday, including the 2pm matinee, and I wouldn’t want to spoil things for those who have yet to see it.

So give yourself an early Christmas present by getting along to the Town Hall to catch this stylish and very funny production. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

AM turns up heat on fuel poverty

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood chaired and spoke at the Energy Best Deal Review Event in the Assembly yesterday.
He also welcomed Jayne Bellis from Flintshire-based Pennysmart, the lead organisation for the North Wales Financial Capability Forum.
Ofgem and Citizens Advice have been working together since 2008 developing and delivering face to face consumer advice through the Energy Best Deal scheme.
As chair of the Cross Party Group on Fuel Poverty, Mr Isherwood provided an update on the Cross Party Group’s work to raise awareness of the problem of fuel poverty in Wales and to investigate the solutions needed to combat it.
Energy Best Deal is delivered in England and Wales by members of the regional Financial Capability Forums, getting people off expensive tariffs and onto the best energy deal available to them.
Energy Best Deal sessions are aimed at low income consumers. Front-line staff work with people at risk of fuel poverty, who can be signposted to a range of further help with issues such as fuel debt, benefits entitlement and energy efficiency.
The campaign aims to make people aware of the savings that can be made by switching fuel providers or negotiating with existing providers; provide information about help available from energy suppliers and government for people struggling to pay their gas and electricity bills, and inform consumers about how they might save money by using less energy and sources of advice and help around energy efficiency.
Mr Isherwood said: “With energy bills unaffordable for 1 in 3 Welsh households and the budget constraints on local services, the heat is on for those living in fuel poverty.
“Thankfully, help is out there – but it is our job to connect that help to the people who need it most.  
“In 2012, 30% of households in Wales were living in fuel poverty, equating to 386,000 homes. Nearly 85% of these are vulnerable households, containing a child, older person or someone with a disability or chronic illness."
He added: “All stakeholders – government, statutory bodies, private companies and charities – have a moral responsibility to change society to one where: children don’t have to grow up in freezing cold homes with mould on the walls; no pensioner has to wear outdoor clothing inside while shivering in one room of their home; no disabled or ill person has to suffer because they can’t afford to use the heating that will bring them some relief and people aren’t struggling to pay for energy that just vanishes through the walls, roof and draughty gaps of their uninsulated home, leaving them cold and poor.”

Store boss set to film Bond-style movie

* Film-maker Dan Speirs outside Ever Beyond in Eagles Meadow, Wrexham.
A store manager from Llangollen is set to film a James Bond-style political thriller.
Amateur film maker Dan Speirs, 28, the manager of Ever Beyond, at Eagles Meadow shopping centre, in Wrexham, is planning his shooting schedule for the movie short.
The story, which has the working title of Trajectory, is heavily influenced by James Bond author Ian Fleming, and begins when a mysterious unnamed soldier finds a potential weapon of mass destruction.
The movie will be shot entirely on his DLSR camera and released on Youtube.
Dan, who attended Ysgol Dinas Bran and has a Media Studies degree from Glyndwr University, is also a graphic designer and creates videos for Ever Beyond, which specialises in kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms.
He said: “The film is very ambitious. It’s easily the hardest thing I’ve ever attempted.
“It’s about a person’s journey. The main character has no name and that’s done on purpose. The reason for that is because it makes it more realistic and gives a fly on the wall feel to it. It will also add a sense of mystery.
“In films generally a lot of things have to be explained. In a real life situation you wouldn’t necessarily find out someone’s name.
“The film is influenced by the likes of Ian Fleming, and going to have a lot of 70s influences too.
“It’s going to be shot across North Wales and Cheshire.
“It’s only going to be a short film, probably about 30 minutes max. I’m going to release it on Youtube.”
Dan has teamed up with his brother Josh Speirs, 25 to create the flick.
Dan said: “We’ll be doing everything, from the filming, to the acting to the editing. Because there are only two of us doing it that presents challenges which we’re going to have to find creative ways to overcome. For example if the two of us are in a scene, the camera will have to be static because there will be no one there to move it. That’s part of the fun of it.
“I really enjoy the crafting of it and creative process. It’s something I’m really passionate about.
“My interest in creating films started when I was still a student. It’s born out of the huge passion for films and how they’re created and a desire to do that myself. I wanted to have a go at making my own.
“I love films by David Fincher like Fight Club, and films by Martin Scorsese. They both have a very distinctive style, and you can tell it’s one of their films just by watching it. They have a particular quality. They inspire me.
“We will be using green screening because we have a green screen at home. If you film someone in front of the green screen you can then replace it with what you want. It’s the same technique they use with weather people on the news. I’ll be editing it using Final Cut software."
He added: “I’ve been doing video editing for about 10 years now and it’s part of my job here. We’re doing more and more of it because we’re putting videos on our website so the customers can see what our kitchens look like.
“I create all our adverts for magazines. Our kitchens are bespoke, so when we create them we tailor them to the customer. We can pretty much make anything the customer wants, from the traditional to the more modern.
“I’ve created show reels that showcase the showrooms.
“It’s a very nice place to work because there’s a really pleasant working environment here.
“We give the type of personal service that you would expect from a local shop.”
Eagles Meadow manager Kevin Critchley added: “I’m a huge James Bond fan and I think this project sounds very exciting. I can wait to see it when it’s finished.”

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Special trains mark Remembrance weekend

To mark Remembrance weekend, and also the last weekend of the season for trains running through to Corwen, Llangollen Railway will have a special headboard on the engine.

The specially made Remembrance headboard will be carried by the rostered locomotive Black Five No.45337 in memory of all those railwaymen who fell in conflicts.

* The special Remembrance train headboard.
Trains will depart Llangollen on Saturday and Sunday at 10.50am, 1pm and 3.10pm for the extended run through to the new station at Corwen East.

Army cadets have been invited to attend on poppy sales duties.

After the last train on November 9 no further services will operate prior to the commencement of Santa Special trains on December 6, which conclude on Christmas Eve.
From Boxing Day, December 26, the series of Mince Pie Special trains will run through to Corwen East until January 1.