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Monday, June 9, 2014

Few places left on free first aid course

There are only a handful of places left on a free first aid course organised by Clwyd South Assembly Member Ken Skates.

Labour AM Mr Skates is teaming up with St John Wales so 15 people can attend a two-hour session which could help them save a life.

The event will be held in a private room at the Wynnstay Arms pub in Ruabon from 1.30pm-3.30pm on Friday, June 27, and places – which must be booked in advance – can be reserved now, though there are less than five left.

Mr Skates said: “St John Wales approached me about putting on the training, and I think it’s fantastic idea which I’m happy to be able to extend to my constituents. There will be a fully qualified first aid trainer present and it’s a great opportunity.

“The session is open to anyone aged over 18. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve had no first aid training before or you’re just looking to brush up – everyone is welcome. It should be a fun afternoon, and more importantly you will go away with the knowledge and skills that could save someone’s life one day.”

If you would like to take part, email or call his constituency office on 01978 869058.

Real Deal is coming to town

* David Dickinson is bringing The Real Deal to
Llangollen on June 21.
Dickinson’s Real Deal is coming to Llangollen.

ITV1’s Antiques Show, which is presented by David Dickinson, will be filmed at the town’s Pavilion on Saturday, June 21.

As usual the “Duke” will be keeping an eye on the deals and giving advice about whether to take the dealers’ cash or gamble at auction. But the final decision lies with contributors and it’s up to them to decide which option is the “real deal”.

David Dickinson said: “It’s great to bring the show to Llangollen.

“I’m very much looking forward to visiting Denbighshire, an area of the country I love bringing the show to.

“I remember visiting the area several years ago. The items brought in were fantastic – great quality – with fabulous history and stories attached.  

“Last time we were in the area, a man called Terry sold a gold bracelet to one of our dealers for £290, Vicky’s chess set reached £2800 at auction, and Mary walked away with £900 for her clock. This could be you!”

Dickinson’s Real Deal is currently one of the most popular daytime show on ITV and is regularly watched by over a million people.

Back for an eleventh series, David Dickinson and the dealers are travelling around the country looking for some more bobby dazzlers brought in by members of the public.

A spokesperson for the show said: “Members of the public should bring their antiques and collectables along – our team of independent valuers will be offering free advice on all items brought along on the day. 

“Admission is free and you do not need to book a place or a ticket, however, we do ask that you bring along ID on the day.

“Doors will be open between 9am and 5pm and David and the team look forward to seeing you there.”

You can contact the Dickinson’s Real Deal team with any queries regarding the event or the programme on the DRD hotline: 0117 970 7618.

Or write to the team at: The Dickinson’s Real Deal Team, RDF Television West,

Regent House, Regent Street, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4HG. Email:
The show is also on social media:  Facebook – ITVReadlDeal and Twitter - @ITVRealDeal.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sun shines on Plas Newydd fete

Rain clouds blew away and the sun came out just in time to make the annual summer fete staged by Llangollen Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs in the grounds of Plas Newydd a big success yesterday (Saturday) afternoon.

It was an event for all the family and attractions included a Punch and Judy and Magic Show and a children’s roundabout.
There were plenty of stalls offering plants, cakes, toys and bric-a-brac and prizes could be won on the sideshows and in the grand raffle draw.

One of the highlights of the afternoon was a special ceremony when  King Ben from Ysgol Bryn Collen and Queen Angharad from Ysgol Y Gwernant were crowned by the Mayoress, Mrs Lube.
Following the crowning all children in fancy dress were invited to form a parade led by Chem, Llangollen’s town crier.

All proceeds of the fete are to be shared between Macmillan Cancer Care, Wales Air Ambulance and local charities.
* Llangollen Silver Band sets the musical tempo.
* Youngsters have fun on the roundabout.
* One of the many side-shows at the fete.
* The plant stall stays busy.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Weather moves Pentecost Service to St Collen's

Vicar, Andrew Sully, has asked llanblogger to let people know that tomorrow's (Sunday) Pentecost Service at Valle Crucis Abbey at 11am has now been moved into St Collen's Church due to the weather.

He said: "Sadly, I've had to re-locate the open air service at Valle Crucis to the parish church tomorrow due to unpredicatble weather conditions."

Don't be in two minds about Jekyll & Hyde

* John Whitfield in the title role of Jekyll & Hyde at Llangollen Town Hall. 

Anyone in two minds about whether to go and see Limelight’s current production of  Jekyll & Hyde at Llangollen Town Hall should have no doubts about whether it’s worth it or not – because it’s brilliant.
The musical thriller is based on the novel The Strange Case of Dr Jeyyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stephenson.

Originally conceived for the stage by Frank Wildhorn and Steve Cuden, it features a cracking score by Wildhorn, a book by Leslie Bricusse and lyrics by Wildhorn, Bricusse and Cuden.  
Henry Jekyll, a respectable Harley Street doctor in Victorian London, is carrying out experiments on the good and evil in every person when his research is brought to a halt by the scientific establishment’s refusal to allow him to test his theories on a human subject.

Undaunted, he uses himself for as a guinea pig and swallows down an ampule of the stuff which transforms him from a man of goodness to a beast of pure evil – Edward Hyde.
Naturally, things go steadily downhill from there and he reaches the point where the  psychopathic alter-ego finally takes him over.

Along the way Hyde commits a spate of ghastly murders, which means there’s no way back for Jekyll, who is superbly played by John Whitfield and has a voice to match his powerful acting ability.
Whereas film versions of the story have seen Jekyll undergoing the transformation to Hyde with the aid of all kinds of gruesome make-up, director Lyn Aston, who also choreographed the production, steers away from all this over-the-top stuff by achieving the change through clever coloured lighting effects and a reliance on John’s sheer acting talent.

It works extremely well and he scares the pants off the audience as he heads off into the London night on his killing sprees.
There’s some sensational singing from both Jekyll’s love interests, Liz Jones as his society fiancĂ© Emma Carew and Debbie Louise Peate as Lucy Harris the tart with a heart who falls for him on one of his ventures into the darker side of London.  

First-class support comes from John Clifford as Sir Danvers Carew, Jekyll’s would-be father-in-law, and John Durham as his friend John Utterson.

While the solos are impressive enough, it’s raise the roof time when it comes to the rousing chorus numbers from an ensemble including Steve Hughes, Pete Darby, Emma Williams, Caroline Anthonisz, Derrick Fear, Ken Anthonisz, Tom Stewart, Lucas Howson, Fiona Bassett and Helen Davies.   

Deft musical direction is provided by David Campbell.

If you fancy seeing it, Jekyll & Hyde is on tonight (Saturday June 7) at the Town Hall for the last performance of its three-night run, starting at 7.30pm.

Crumpton calls for block on hospital demolition plan

* Demolition plan: The former Llangollen Cottage Hospital.

The leader of a Llangollen community group has called for an immediate stop to be put on a planning application to demolish the town’s former cottage hospital to make way for social housing.

And he wants local people to tell him if they have evidence of any covenant on the hospital building in Abbey Road.

The planning application calls for redevelopment of the site by way of the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of six social housing units with associated access and parking provision.

But Martin Crumpton, chair of Keep Llangollen Special (KLS), recently wrote to Denbighshire planning chiefs voicing his organisation’s concern that should the cottage hospital be redeveloped while the proposed health centre fails to materialise, Llangollen would be “permanently and irrevocably be left with nothing, just the GP surgery which for years has been chronically short of space for its 9,000 registered patients.”

Mr Crumpton was told by the planners that the future of the cottage hospital and the possibility of the health centre failing to go ahead were matters for the health board and not the county council.  

He then put in a Freedom of Information (FoI) request to the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, which owns the old hospital, asking if the “original covenenant” on the hospital was still legal and, if not, when and how was it had been annulled or otherwise avoided or bypassed.
Yesterday (Friday) Mr Crumpton received a reply to his request, which said: “Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) is not aware of any covenants affecting the Llangollen Cottage Hospital."

Mr Crumpton said: “That the cottage hospital was covenanted to the townsfolk of Llangollen is common knowledge. This response from Betsi Cadwaladr shows that they are attempting to sell property which they cannot prove ownership of.”
He added: “I have called for Planning Application 03/2014/0472 to be stopped immediately,
pending proper investigation.

"I have consulted Denbighshire local planning authority about this and on Friday afternoon they replied that they would take advice on the matter but suspected issues of land ownership and covenants were not ones on which we could justify stopping the processing of the planning application.

“I am now posting this on social media to call for testimonies from residents of Llangollen."

* Meanwhile, local county councillor Stuart Davies has issued a statement to llanblogger about concerns over access to the town's new health centre.

It says: "Cllr Davies is concerned that several rumours are floating around town about the pedestrian access to the new health centre.

"He would like to assure everyone that several site meetings have taken place with local members and highway officers to discuss various solutions.

"They are being worked on and when a definitive plan has been drafted Cllr Davies will make sure that it is publicised and any consultations necessary will take place."

Skates goes in stocks to help Plas Madoc campaign

A politician was due to be put in the stocks before a mini music festival to raise money for the Plas Madoc campaign in Wrexham today (Saturday).

Local bands Tiny Wooden Angels and The Uninvited will be performing in Queens Square from 4pm on Saturday (June 7) as part of the event organised by the Splash Community Trust and AVOW (the Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham).

But before the music starts there will be stalls, children’s activities and a range of other money-spinners from 2pm – including one of the trust’s co-founders, Clwyd South Assembly Member Ken Skates, getting a barrage of soaked sponges.

Mr Skates will also be donning fancy dress as part of a competition open to all children, with a prize for the best outfit.

He said: “People often say the stocks are the best place for politicians, so I've listened! However, for the chance to give me a good soaking, there will be a small charge to help reopen Plas Madoc.

“It's going to be a long and wet afternoon, so I would be delighted if any other politicians would like to relieve me of the duty at any point!”

Trust co-founder and director Greg Ogden, from Trevor, added: “It should be a really fun family day out for a fantastic cause. We’re hoping for good weather, but Ken’s going to getting soaked whatever happens!”

There will also be a raffle with prizes including a Mini Cooper remote control car donated by Wrexham Colour Supplies and cuddly toys, as well as tombola, sweet and cake stalls.

In the case of bad weather the event will be moved inside to the nearby Saith Seren pub.

If you would like to contribute call Jenny Miller on 07921 659099.

The Splash Community Trust now has a PayPal account through which donations can be made. If you want to contribute, type the web address into your internet browser.

Alternatively, you can contact Jenny direct. The trust is also working on a new website, which is coming soon and will include a ‘donate’ button.