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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Local MP welcomes Labour power price freeze plan

Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones has given her full support to a Labour Party commitment to freeze gas and electricity bills until 2017.
The policy will become law if Labour wins the next general election. 
At the Labour Party Conference by Labour leader Ed Miliband unveiled wide-ranging plans to overhaul the energy market and scrap regulatory body Ofgem, replacing it with a watchdog that compels companies to pass on wholesale price reductions to homes and businesses.
Ms Jones said: "This is such a sensible proposal that will really help ordinary people.
"We all know how much gas and electricity bills have gone up. This has been especially true in the last year after our  so-called 'spring', which saw the worst snow in our area since the 1960s.
"The cost of gas and electricity in our country is a scandal. Since David Cameron become Prime Minister, gas and electricity bills have shot up by £300. This just isn't right at a time the energy companies are making such huge profits.  
"Gas and electricity are not luxury items. It is high time we had a government who was prepared to tackle how the energy companies treat their customers. If Britain elects a Labour Government in 2015, we will have a government that is committed to doing so."

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Woman rescued from Chirk house fire

Firefighters were called to reports of a fire at a property in Chirk at 01.35hrs in the early hours of this morning (Wednesday).

Three fire appliances from Chirk, Llangollen and Wrexham were mobilised to the bungalow on LodgeValleyPark.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus rescued a 65-year-old woman from the property.

She was transferred to hospital by ambulance following preliminary treatment at the scene by paramedics for severe smoke inhalation. Her condition is described as serious.

Firefighters used six sets of breathing apparatus and two hose reel jets in extinguishing the fire.

A dog, also rescued from the property, is in a serious condition and the RSPCA is being consulted.

The damage to the property is currently being assessed and the cause of the fire is under investigation.

Firefighters strike today

Firefighters will strike over pensions for four hours today (Wednesday).

The Fire Brigades Union says almost 80% of its members voted in favour of industrial action in a ballot that ended earlier this month.

Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union General Secretary, said: “This initial strike is a warning shot to government.

"Firefighters could not be more serious about protecting public safety and ensuring fair pensions. Governments in Westminster and Cardiff have simply refused to see sense on these issues.

“It is ludicrous to expect firefighters to fight fires and rescue families in their late-50s: the lives of the general public and firefighters themselves will be endangered.

“None of us want a strike, but we cannot compromise on public and firefighter safety.”

The strike will take place for four hours, between noon and 4pm.

The FBU says that the government’s own figures have shown that thousands of firefighters could face the sack without access to a proper pension simply because they are getting older.

In a statement the union says: "A recent government review found that over half of current firefighters between the ages of 50 and 54 are no longer able to meet fire and rescue service fitness standards for fighting fires. Beyond the age of 55, two thirds fail to meet the standards.

"Although the government has previously claimed that older firefighters could be moved to less physically demanding roles, FBU research found only a handful of ‘redeployment’ opportunities in fire and rescue services, meaning mass sackings would be inevitable."

Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith reassured the public: "North Wales Fire and Rescue Service has arrangements in place to continue to provide a service during strike action" but warned that, "because of the circumstances, services may be limited.

"The Service's business continuity arrangements will ensure a speedy and safe return to normal services on conclusion of any period of industrial action."

Pip joins elite bubbly club

* Pip Gale (left) and Colin Loughlin.

A wine expert will be adding sparkle to a food festival after being honoured by an elite club of the finest champagne makers.
Pip Gale, a director of Gale's Wine Bar in Llangollen, has become one of just 250 members of the prestigious L'Academie du Champagne (Champagne Academy).
He was enrolled after successfully completing a week-long course in France's Champagne region.
It involved sampling more than 130 different champagnes - including one that costs £500 a bottle - and eating in Michelin starred restaurants.
According to Pip, he was honoured to be invited by the Academie to take part in the prestigious course.
He plans to use his expertise to bring some of the fine champagnes he discovered to the Hamper Llangollen food festival on Saturday and Sunday, October 19 and 20.
Hamper Llangollen was recently recognised as one of the top 10 food festivals in the UK.
Pip was one of a 16-strong hand-picked group selected by the leading Grand Marque Houses to attend the course.
The academy was founded in 1956 to promote the premium product in Britain and Ireland – the second biggest market for champagne after France.
Pip said: "It was a huge honour to be accepted by the Academie because there are only around 250 members worldwide.
“You won't be surprised to learn that I enjoyed the experience immensely. We had amazing meals in family homes, and went to two star Michelin restaurants.
“They’ve got some eye-wateringly priced bottles - £50,000 a case for one of them.
“It was just fabulous fun, and the people that were on it were really lovely people.
“The people who run the champagne houses are clearly very passionate about their product and what it means. It was lovely.
“I always have been a pretty good advocate of champagne but what I've learned will help me be an even more effective ambassador.
“I had this straight view of this is how champagne was made, and I didn’t quite see the styles. I thought they were all pretty much the same, and it’s not true at all.
“We had to blind tasting exams, where you had to go and pick out the grapes and so on.
“They break the course down. So on the first day you learn about the history of champagne. The next day it was the vines and then you go on to the picking of grapes and then the wine making.
“After that you go on to the packaging and marketing aspects of the champagne business.
"It was a really hectic schedule which involved about two and a half hours on each of the subjects and then followed by an exam on each of the different aspects.
Pip can’t wait for the Hamper Llangollen where once again Gale's will have a stand.
This year he will be showcasing some of the champagnes he discovered on his travels.
He said: “The festival is certainly a very big deal for us. Obviously we’re local to Llangollen. It is an excellent way to talk to customers and show them something really interesting.
“Llangollen is very lucky to have such wonderful events like the food festival and the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod. They really put the town on the map.”
This year's festival is being supported by the rural development agency, Cadwyn Clwyd.
Cadwyn Clwyd’s contribution came via the Rural Development Fund for Wales 2007-2013, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Welsh Government.
Hamper Llangollen Chairman Colin Loughlin is mightily impressed by Pip's achievement.
He said: “It’s a great honour for Pip and for the food festival. Pip’s is extremely knowledgeable on the subject of wine in general and champagne in particular.
“And the poor man must have suffered. But as I say, somebody’s got to do it.” added Colin with a wry smile.
Gales, thought to be the first wine bar in Wales, was opened by Pip’s parents, Richard and Gillie Gale, in 1977 after narrowly obtaining planning permission following much public protest. It has since become a part of the town’s fabric.
Pip said:  “It was a revolutionary idea in those days. We had people protesting, and we only got through by the slimmest of margins on the planning because people didn’t understand wine.
“It was a really quite tricky concept back then. All of the pubs complained and everybody gave us a month before we called time on the new venture - and now we’re the oldest licence in town.”
Colin Loughlin added this year's festival was shaping up to be one of the best ever.
He said: "This year Graham Tinsley, the star of ITV's Taste the Nation and a former captain of the Welsh Culinary Team, will be joined in the show kitchen at the festival by the ever popular Dai Chef.
"We have a wonderful array of fantastic food producers clustered in the area and the festival is the perfect shop window for them.
"Hamper Llangollen is celebrating its 16th anniversary this year and is firmly and rightly established as a major highlight in the UK's culinary calendar."
Robert Price, Cadwyn Clwyd's agri-food project officer, said: "In addition to many favourites, we have lots of new food producers wanting to come this year.
"The location of the Pavilion is absolutely  spectacular - I can't imagine that any other food festival in the UK has a more beautiful setting.
"It's also brilliant news for the local economy. If you buy from a local producer, all that money is recycled through the local economy and that sustains employment in our rural areas."
For more information about Hamper Llangollen 2013 go to:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Methodists stage their annual harvest auction

Members of Llangollen Methodist Church held their annual Harvest Festival auction on Monday evening.
After enjoying a harvest supper prepared and served by people in the congregation, bids were invited for produce and flowers donated in church the previous Sunday.
The healthy proceeds of the auction were donated to the local Leonard Cheshire Home.  
* A table groaning with produce.
* An array of flowers ready for bids.

* A giant marrow is offered up for auction.

Dragon plan still ready to take flight says creator

* An artist's impression of the dragon scheme.

The man behind the £4 million plan to build an 80ft tall bronze Welsh dragon and cultural centre near Chirk is offering people a chance to buy into the scheme. 

Simon Wingett is launching a loyalty card scheme giving investors a lifetime of discounts for a one-off fee of £95. 

Mr Wingett says he has had to scale down the ambitious project, earmarked for land off the Halton roundabout, to fit in with the “risk adverse” nature of financing during the the credit crunch. 

The Erbistock-based art dealer officially unveiled his Waking the Dragon project on St David’s Day in 2011. 

His aim has been to create a Welsh cultural icon on one of the main gateways to the country close to the A5. 

Mr Wingett believes his brainchild will create up to 80 jobs and attract visitors from across the globe.

It is also planned as a lasting tribute to his late father, well-known local businessman Frank Wingett, who died from throat cancer in 1988, and raise £1 million a year, with all entrance fees going to the Frank Wingett Cancer Appeal. 

Soon after its launch the project took a major leap forward when Wrexham Council agreed to grant an option on the land at Chirk Park to the Frank Wingett Cancer Appeal. 

Mr Wingett had envisaged the entire cost of the project would be raised from commercial sponsorship and charging people £2,000 for a personal dedication on each of 416 steps inside the structure.

But he now reveals the tough financial climate hoas forced him to scale back the scheme.

Mr Wingett said: “I am launching a loyalty card scheme based on Brewdog of Scotland’s highly successful Venture (Equity for Punks). 

“This will offer for £95 a lifetime of discounts across the food, drink, event, merchandising and more.

“Based on crowd funding, this innovate scheme will help raise the minimum of 50 per cent private equity and investment needed to unlock Visit Wales finance (SME Fund) and high street bank funding to realise the scheme.”

Mr Wingett says that integral to the plans are a Welsh centre of excellence, farm shop, cosmopolitan café bar, art gallery and tourism and business hub. 

He added: “This one-time donation will not only help us secure this astonishing landmark but create a most exciting and significant UK tourist destination and signpost.   

“By helping the project people will also help cancer sufferers across Wales. 

“A small car park charge will in perpetuity go to Marie Curie giving every person help towards the right and dignity to die at home. 

“The colossal statue will stand majestically astride a 50ft hill looking across England and beyond. 

“Accessible by a double helix pathway up to a viewing platform and the dragon’s talons,  the dragon will be surrounded at the base by 11 stone monoliths creating one of the first standing stones in Wales for thousands of years. 

“Each monolith will represent one of the 11 stories in one of the world’s most famous fairytale collections, The Mabinogion.   

The landscaped gardens will also be home to a large covered amphitheatre to stage education, theatre and other workshops. 

“They will be home to a sculpture park showcasing national and international works  unseen in Wales before.  

“When the project is underway 80 full-time jobs will be created.  There will be many more construction jobs utilising some of the most skilled labour force in Britain. 

“Two hundred thousand visitors will pump much-needed revenues into the local economy. 

“Waking the Dragon will complement the area’s rich and diverse culture and heritage, including the World Heritage site at Poncysllte Aqueduct, Chirk Castle and Erddig, acting as a beacon to strengthen its national identity based on its roots. “  

For more information on the scheme, go to, contact Moneypenny on 0845 371 2422, or email: 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Appeal follows fatal collision on A5 past Corwen

An appeal for information and witnesses is being made following a fatal collision on the A5 Maerdy, Corwen today (Monday, September 23).
The Ambulance Service alerted officers to the incident involving a motorbike and an Iveco Tipper lorry at 1.56pm.
Police attended and the rider of the motorbike, who is believed to be a man in his 60s, was taken by helimed to the Maelor Hospital in Wrexham with serious injuries.
The motorcyclist later died at the hospital.
Anyone who witnessed the collision or has information is urged to contact Sgt 1043 Thomas at Deeside Roads Policing Unit or officers on 101.
Diversions are currently still in place and a section of the A5 road is expected to remain closed until around 6pm today.