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Saturday, December 29, 2012

llanblogger now back in action!

Following our Christmas break, the llanblogger editorial team is now back in action and looking forward to providing readers with all the latest news - local, regional and national.

If you have got anything you share with readers, either from over Christmas or looking ahead into the new year, just get in touch with us at the usual e-mail address -

We're waiting to hear from you!

Landslip leads to reorganisation of train services

* The locomotive No.802 at Glyndyfrdwy where
the Mince Pie Specials are temporarily terminating
due to a riverside landslip.
A riverside landslip has led to the temporary reorganisation of seasonal train services on Llangollen Railway. 

Railway officials discovered on Boxing Day that a short section of banking had fallen into the river just west of the station at Glyndyfrdwy where the heritage line runs close to the river. 

For safety reasons they immediately suspended services between Glyndyfrdwy and Carrog.  

Railway spokesman GeorgeJones said:  “Pending further investigation of the situation, and any potential for the landslip intruding on to the track, the decision was taken to terminate the winter-time series of Mince Pie Special trains from Llangollen at Glyndyfrdwy.” 

Railway chairman, Jim Ritchie, said:  “Llangollen Railway regrets the disruption to visitors' plans for visiting the Dee Valley for the train ride through to the terminus at Carrog.  

“The riverside situation requires a detailed assessment as to the repair which may be needed, but we will be unable to put this in hand until after the New Year period. 

“In the meantime, we trust our visitors will still enjoy the shorter run by steam train through to Glyndyfrdwy and take advantage of the opportunity to explore the Welsh countryside." 

Train time departures from Llangollen have been revised to start 11.15am, 1.15pm and 3.15pm through to the end of the festive season services on  January 1.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas to all our readers!

llanblogger would like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas.

And we are delighted to say that there are now quite a few readers out there.

In fact, since we started the blog on July 9 this year, we have managed to notch up a total of over 26,000 page views, which averages out at 200-300 each day.

We would like to thank everyone who has so far taken the trouble to have a look at our site, especially our regulars who we know keep on coming back.

We trust that people like our blend of very local, regional and Welsh national news, which aims to bring you an accurate and unbiased presentation of the stories that affect us and our town.

We also aim to update the blog as often as possible to keep it fresh and newsy.

A bit of an exception to this rule will be that there will be no new posts for the period over Christmas - from Friday, December 21 to Friday, December 28 - as our editorial team are taking a seasonal break.

However, we will be back in full swing straight after that and over the New Year period, hoping to bring you all the best in newsy updates right into 2013 and hopefully well beyond.

Once again, Merry Christmas ... and thanks for reading our blog!

Phil Robinson,
llanblogger editor.

Report domestic abuse, say police

Historically, incidents of domestic abuse increase over Christmas, when the pressures of family and money and an increase in alcohol consumption place additional strain on relationships.
A publicity campaign which highlights Domestic Abuse at Christmas time has been launched by the Welsh Government and it has the full support of North Wales Police.
* Domestic abuse (picture posed by models).
Domestic abuse happens all year round, however research indicates there is a strong link between alcohol consumption and domestic violence.
Detective Superintendent John Hanson from North Wales Police said: "I want to encourage victims to report incidents of domestic abuse so together with our partner agencies we can access appropriate support and intervention for these victims and their families.
 “Christmas is a special time when families should be enjoying the festive season; I want to inform any victim of domestic violence, that we have dedicated domestic abuse officers and public protection officers across North Wales who will ensure that all domestic abuse crimes are investigated, as well as providing support and information to victims about police procedures and legal proceedings."
Domestic abuse is happening every day in every part of the UK and one incident of domestic abuse is reported to the police nationally every minute. One in four women and one in six men will be affected at sometime in their lives.
As part of their campaign the Welsh Government has launched a television advert and a poster using the slogan‘Don’t just wish for it to get better,’ which is being aired in the run up to Christmas. Social media is also being used to highlight the campaign.
If you are living with domestic abuse, North Wales Police encourage you to come forward. You will be treated with compassion and dignity. You will be believed and your complaint thoroughly investigated. We are committed to giving you the support and assistance to live your life free of fear.
Further information and advice regarding Domestic Abuse, together with links on how agencies can help you, is available via our Advice and Support section.

Pick a safe party say health chiefs

Emergency Department staff are calling on revellers to choose a safe night out on the eve of the year’s busiest party season.
NHS staff working in the regions three emergency departments at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Glan Clwyd Hospital and Wrexham Maleor are supporting the Choose Well campaign as the festive season begins to get into full swing.

Year on year, Wales’ emergency departments and ambulance service have seen a rise in the number of people using both services. Emergency Department attendances in Wales are up by 12 per cent since 2005

December attendance at the three emergency departments in North Wales has increased from 12,642 in 2009 to 13,280 in 2011.

Welsh Government figures also report that only 27 per cent of people who go to Emergency Departments are admitted as an Emergency.

The Choose Well campaign centres on a colour coded thermometer to assist people in linking their symptoms or injury to the right service, which is right for their need.

And this year NHS partners across North Wales have reached out to the younger generation to help make sure the right services are available for the right patients across the winter months.

Stats have revealed that people aged between 15-29 regular use an emergency department when their ailment could be dealt with more quickly and efficiently by a pharmacist , GP or minor Injuries units for cuts, bites and strains.

Dr Aruni Sen, Consultant in Emergency Medicine said: “We all know that traditionally, December can be a busy month following the onset of colder weather, increase in flu and norovirus cases and above all, the aftermath of the Christmas party season.

“We don’t want to spoil the festive season for people but we would urge them to make the right choices while out for the night, be sensible when consuming alcohol and keep safe whilst in crowded places.

“Emergency Departments are ready first and foremost for those facing a life threatening situation. Having to deal with a person sleeping off the effects of too much alcohol could draw out resources away from someone who really needs our support urgently.”

If you do need help over the festive season, please remember the services below:

• Self care –Many illnesses can be treated at home by using over-the-counter medicine, taking plenty of fluids and getting plenty of rest. Self care is the best choice to treat very minor illnesses and injuries.

• NHS Direct Wales offers confidential health advice and information 24 hours a day by either calling 0845 46 47, or via the internet Contact NHS Direct if you are ill and have any questions about health. The service can also help you to find health services in your local area.

• Pharmacist Visit a pharmacy when you are suffering from a common health problem which does not require being seen by a nurse or doctor. Your local pharmacist can give you advice on common illnesses and the medicines you need to treat them. They may help if you have run out of your normal repeat prescription. They can also provide Emergency Contraception

• GP and Out of Hours Services - During office hours please contact your GP for advice and treatment of most illnesses. GP advice is available outside office hours from your local out of hours service, To contact out of hours services, telephone your usual GP number or NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47.

• Dental Services For advice contact your registered Dentist. If you are not registered with a dentist and need urgent treatment, you can call the North Wales Dental Helpline on 0845 60 10 128 to find out about emergency dental clinics.

• Minor Injuries Units– Located at some hospitals, these should be used for the treatment of minor injuries such as cuts, bites, stings and muscle and joint injuries. There is no need for an appointment. Minor Injuries Units are located throughout North Wales. They can treat minor injuries and give you health advice. For details of your nearest Minor Injuries Unit, please contact NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.

• Emergency Department (A&E) or 999 – Emergency Department (A&E) can treat people who are very ill or badly injured. They can be found in Bangor, Bodelwyddan and Wrexham. You should always call 999 in a life threatening emergency - if someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

Hillsborough survivor welcomes new inquests

* Survivor - Kelvin "Kelly" Davies.
A HILLSBOROUGH survivor fsys news that fresh inquests are to be held into the deaths of 96 Liverpool fans who died in the 1989 disaster is an “early Christmas present” for relatives.
Yesterday, the High Court quashed the original inquest verdicts returned on those who died in the crush which developed on the terraces at the Shefffield stadium.
The Lord Chief Justice Lord Judge also ordered fresh inquests following an application by the Attorney General.
And, in a separate development, Home Secretary Theresa May has announced a new police inquiry into the tragedy.
These moves have been welcomed by 56-year-old Kelvin “Kelly” Davies, who narrowly survived death himself and had to be carried unconscious from the terrace on an advertising hoarding which fellow fans had ripped from the side of the pitch.
After being given emergency first aid he came to surrounded by dead bodies in the stadium’s gym, which was being used as a makeshift mortuary.
Mr Davies, who  works as a machine operator at the Dobson & Crowther factory in Llangollen, still has flashbacks of a young boy dying right next to him as they both lay fighting for breath on the terraces.
He said of yesterday’s developments: “This is very good news for the relatives of those who died and for the survivors – it has come as an early Christmas present for us.
“It has taken a long time for this to happen but at last it has and these are two important steps on the long road to final justice.
“As a survivor of that day I have gone through hell over the past 23 years, so god knows what the relatives of those people who died have had to endure.
“It’s as though the 96 who died were just swept under the carpet and didn’t mean a thing.”
He added: “I was at the original inquest and sat there for two days without being called and now I intend to take some time off work to attend the new hearings.
“It would be marvellous to see the inquests this time go in favour of the families.
“Two or three years ago you’d never have dreamt that things would develop like they have today but we’ve had some good people helping us out.
“They’ve been prepared to step up to the mark and demand something is done to set the record straight at last.
“Hopefully, when this new legal process is over someone will be held accountable for what went wrong that awful day.” 

Property mark your gifts, say police

* A bike is property marked. 
With Christmas just around the corner police are reminding people to property mark gifts as many of us will be purchasing and receiving the latest electronic gadgets, computers, jewellery and must-have accessories.
Unfortunately, having these items will provide thieves with the perfect incentive to commit burglaries.
A number of precautions can be taken to help protect your new gadgets and belongings from opportunistic burglars.
One of the best ways to do this is to mark your property by using an ultraviolet pen to mark your items with your postcode and the number of your house/flat.
Items can also be registered with Immobilise - an online tool where you can register items such as mobile phones and other items free of charge. Once an item has been registered, police officers can access the database to trace the owners of any property they may recover.
Items such as bicycles can also be registered with Bike Register - the UK’s leading online bicycle identification and registration initiative.
Other tips on how to secure your property:
  • Take pictures of all valuable items
  • Make a note of the make, model and serial numbers of your items. This will help the police to identify them if they’re stolen
  • Invest in motion sensor lighting to light up the approach to your house.
  • Dispose of gift packaging carefully. Make sure you only put your rubbish out just before the collection and do your best to fold boxes so they don’t advertise your new contents of your home to thieves. Ideally take the packaging to a recycling plant
  • Protect your identity and shred receipts and personal information.
  • Make sure your doors and windows are locked
  • Keep your curtains/blinds closed at night
  • Make your home looked lived in if you’re going away. Cancel milk and paper deliveries, use light timers to turn lights on and off, and ask neighbours or a family member to pick up your mail and open and close your curtains
  • Make sure your garage and shed are locked securely. Any ladders that you leave outside are also secured against something so burglars can’t use them to access your house
  • Don’t hide keys under flowerpots or under door mats as burglars know where to look.
  • Use a house alarm if you have one.
Further information is also available via theImmobilise and Bike Register websites.