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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Llangollen car park tops list for parking fines, says report

A public car park in Llangollen has seen the most parking fines issued in the last two-and-a-half years, a Freedom of Information (FOI) request has found.

*For the full story in Leaderlive, go to:

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

MS calls on businesses to enter prestigious tourism awards

Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, is calling on tourism businesses in Llangollen to enter this year’s prestigious Go North Wales Tourism Awards. 

Mr Rowlands, Chair of the Cross-Party Group on Tourism in Welsh Parliament and a keen supporter of the industry in North Wales, said: “Everybody knows how passionate I am about encouraging and promoting tourism in my region of North Wales and I am delighted to see the prestigious Go North Wales Tourism Awards being held once again this year. 

“Tourism was one of the hardest-hit industries during and post Covid with very little help coming from the Welsh Labour Government which continues to chip away at this sector. 

“I was lucky enough to attend the award ceremony held at Venue Cymru last year when it was really great to see so many businesses receiving the recognition they deserve after what has been an extremely tough few years. 

“Time and time again I have raised tourism issues in Welsh Parliament yet my calls always seem to fall on deaf ears. Tourism is big business in North Wales, in particular, yet the Welsh Labour Government continue to hamper its growth with its crippling 182 day holiday let regulations and the soon to be introduced tourism tax. 

“Against this adversity our tourism industry is still strong and these awards demonstrate how important this sector is to North Wales.” 

The Go North Wales Tourism Awards champions the very best of the regions tourism industry and this year the event will take place once again at Venue Cymru, Llandudno, on Thursday November 21.

After what has been a challenging few years for the industry, this is a great opportunity to celebrate and recognise excellence in the region’s hospitality and tourism sectors.

The awards showcases and celebrates the achievements, hard work and dedication of those working in the industry.

For the first time in many years, award winners from some of the regional categories will also feed into the national Visit Wales Awards, to be held in Spring 2025. 

Deadline for applications will be Monday October 7 2024. For more details on how to apply go to:

Funding fair planned for Town Hall on October 2


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Police warn over fake QR codes on parking machines

* A fake QR code placed on a car parking machine in Conwy.

North Wales Police have sent out a warning after receiving more reports of fake QR codes being placed on car parking machines and electric vehicle charging points across Denbighshire and Conwy. 

They warn that the scam could also spread to other parts of North Wales.  

Officers say: "Criminals often place stickers with their fake QR codes on them over the genuine QR codes. This is known as ‘quishing’ and the criminal’s fake QR code will take you to a fake website that will steal your financial and personal information. 

"In addition to taking your money via the fake website, criminals will also capture your bank details and possibly other sensitive information such as passwords, financial data, or personally identifiable information (PII). That information can also be used for other purposes, such as identity theft, financial fraud, or ransomware."

Acting Detective Sergeant Roheryn Evans, from the North Wales Police Cyber Crime Team, said: “Criminals are always looking to exploit any means to trick people into providing their personal data, bank details or passwords. 

"As with all other cybercrime, consider who is asking you to click on a QR code and whether or not the originator is genuine. Never provide personal information unless it is a trusted source.”

Police advice when using QR codes:

·  Always check for tampered QR codes (stickers) before scanning. Some QR codes in open spaces (like stations and car parks) could be risky.

·  If in doubt, do not scan a code and use a search engine to find the official website or app for the organisation you need to make a payment to.

·  When scanning a QR code, use the QR-scanner built into your camera, or one that comes with your phone, as opposed to using a downloaded app from an app store.

·  If you receive an email with a QR code in it, and you're asked to scan it, you should exercise caution as police are seeing an increase in these types of 'quishing' attacks.

·  You should always check your bank accounts regularly and report any suspicious activity to your bank immediately.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Update on yesterday's aqueduct incident

North Wales Police have issued an update on yesterday's incident which saw roads around the aqueduct closed for some hours. 

It says:

"Shortly before 10.40am yesterday, Thursday, August 22nd, we were called to a report of a body in the water in the Froncysyllte area of Wrexham.

Officers attended, alongside colleagues from the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service and the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust. The body of a man was located and, sadly, he was pronounced deceased at the scene.

Formal identification is yet to take place.

The death is not being treated as suspicious, and the Coroner has been informed."

ITV Wales highlights battle to save town's public toilets

* Dr Rhys Davies is interviewed by Joanne Gallacher from ITV Wales.

The fight to save Llangollen's under-threat public toilets will be highlighted on national television this evening (Friday).

A film crew from ITV Wales were in town over lunchtime to record interviews with two local people prominent in the battle to prevent Denbighshire County Council from getting rid of the Market Street loos.

In a bid to balance its budget the council aims to shed all the public conveniences it runs and offer local town and community councils the chance to take them over.

But Llangollen Town Council has already come out against a take-over on the grounds that it would be beyond its financial means and lead to a big increase in the amount it draws from council tax.

The county council has pointed out that it has no legal duty to provide public toilets.

But respected former GP Dr Rhys Davies, who was first to be filmed by the TV crew, stressed that it certainly had a moral duty to do so. 

He also pointed out the public health problems which would be created if visitors to the town found there were no toilets available.

* Town councillor Scott L Felton is filmed for his interview.

Also appearing on camera was town councillor Scott L Felton who branded the loss of the toilets as a "disaster", adding that the county council was failing to listen to the people of Llangollen who voiced their opposition to the move at a packed public meeting earlier this month.

Despite numerous invitations, no representatives from the county council attended that meeting.

The film crew later went out and about in the town speaking to residents, businesses owners and visitors about the potential loss of the toilets, many of whom agreed that it would do great harm to Llangollen.

* The item is due to be screened on the ITV Wales evening news at 6pm tonight.        

Panto group looks forward to its next big show

Llangollen Panto Group has issued an update on its next show while also looking back at its last smash-hit show.

It says: "Exciting times for Llangollen’s Panto Group, following on from our summer holiday workshops, we have our auditions for Beauty and the Beast on Sunday 1st September at 2pm at St Collen's Community Hall. 

"After the amazing success of this years panto Jack and the Beanstalk, which enabled us to make a donation of £1500 to Nightingale House, something we’re very proud of and couldn’t have a a done with out you, the Llangollen community, your support was, as ever the best, thank you. 

"We’re thrilled to have so many people wanting to join us and have been inundated with requests to be in the show or to get involved behind the scenes too.

"It’s not too late if you would like to get involved, whether auditioning for one of our hilarious characters or behind the scenes please message us and let us know before the 1st September."