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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Collen Players' next variety and music hall show is May 6

* The cast of the last Collen Players' show in March.

The first acts have been announced for The Collen Players' next variety and music hall show.

Due to be held in St Collen's Community Hall on Friday May 6, The Good Old Days will transport the audience back in time to a place where a selection of acts will recreate the rumbustious Victorian music hall of the naughty 1890s.

Chairing the proceedings as usual will be Father Lee Taylor, who is an aficionado of this form of vintage entertainment and originally put together The Collen Players to present the very first Llangollen music hall just a couple of years ago.

So far announced as appearing in a bill of comedy, sing-a-long, dance and tribute acts are Mike Connolly, Alison Jarvis, John Williams, Phil Robinson and speciality act Colin Bourdeic.

There will be a special prize for best dressed Victorian in the audience.

* The show begins at 6.30pm and tickets, priced at £15 and including supper, are available by calling
📞 01978 861768, or emailing📧

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

More night works to take place in Castle Street

* The recent re-surfacing work in Castle Street.

Denbighshire Count Council has announced that night works are due to take place in Llangollen as part of the town’s major public realm improvement project.

Work to re-surface Castle Street from Market Street junction up to and including the Mill Street/Abbey Road junction will take place between May 3 and May 20, excluding weekends, between 6pm to 12am, Monday to Friday.

The re-surfacing works have to be conducted under a road closure, says the council. 

It explains: "Consideration was given to other options, such as undertaking the work during the day or conducting a shorter series of night time closures.

"However, it was determined these options would not be feasible for safety reasons and because, in the case of the shorter series of night time works, they would cause more disturbance to residents.

"The council would like to thank residents for their understanding during this period."

Families urged to join scheme for free healthy food

A Welsh Government minister is encouraging eligible families to sign up for Healthy Start to get healthy food and vitamins for free.

Families can get a pre-paid card that is topped up every 4 weeks with credit to buy healthy food - fruit, vegetables, pulses and milk and infant formula. They can also get free Healthy Start vitamins.

Currently, nearly 40% of people within Wales who are eligible for the scheme are not claiming it.

Healthy Start is available to those who are more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under four, and are in receipt of certain benefits. From the 10th week of pregnancy until a child turns 4, you could be entitled to more than £1,200 to spend on healthy food.

Healthy Start cards can be used in retailers that sell food and accept MasterCard.

They can be used to buy:

  • cow’s milk
  • fresh, frozen and tined fruit and vegetables
  • dried and tinned pulses
  • first infant formula milk

You can also collect free Healthy Start vitamins. Taking certain vitamins during pregnancy and in early childhood improves both mothers’ and children’s health – just ask your midwife or health visitor for advice on where to get them.

Flintshire mum-of-two Emma already benefits from Healthy Start. Emma was told about the scheme by her partner’s mother.

Following the birth of her first child, she began accessing the scheme in 2019 and then again after her second child was born. Emma says the Healthy Start Scheme has helped financially and encouraged her to buy healthy foods.

To make the most of her allowance, which is automatically added to her card every four weeks, Emma  said: "My tip would be to organise and plan ahead what meals you are going to make for the family. I use fresh fruit and vegetables, but I also use frozen and tinned fruit and vegetable so we can always have some in the meals we make. I always use my Healthy Start allocation to buy these foods."

Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Lynne Neagle said: "Typically four in ten people in Wales who could be receiving Healthy Start have not yet applied. I would urge people who think they may qualify to apply on line. Sadly, the increased cost of living is affecting so many families in Wales and across the UK, and I want to ensure that people are aware of Healthy Start and making use of the scheme to help them buy healthy food for their families."

* To find out if you’re eligible visit

Monday, April 18, 2022

Three local roadworks alerts


The following local roadworks alerts have been issued by


Berwyn Street, Denbighshire

19 April - 22 April


Delays likely - Traffic control (multi-way signals)




Works location: O/S 8 BERWYN STREET


Public facing description: Wales & West Utilities Ltd has not assigned a specific description to this Works. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Wales & West Utilities Ltd.


Responsibility for works: Wales & West Utilities Ltd


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: XY254005000326317

Castle Street, Denbighshire

19 April - 22 April


Delays likely - Traffic control (multi-way signals)




Works location: O/S 8 BERWYN STREET


Public facing description: Wales & West Utilities Ltd has not assigned a specific description to this Works. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Wales & West Utilities Ltd.


Responsibility for works: Wales & West Utilities Ltd


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: XY254005000326318


Regent Street, Denbighshire

19 April - 22 April


Delays likely - Traffic control (multi-way signals)




Works location: O/S 8 BERYWN STREET (REGENT STREET)...


Public facing description: Wales & West Utilities Ltd has not assigned a specific description to this Works. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Wales & West Utilities Ltd.


Responsibility for works: Wales & West Utilities Ltd


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: XY254004000167429





Sunday, April 17, 2022

County council candidates introduce themselves

Soon after nominations for the Denbighshire County Council elections were announced llanblogger issued an invitation, via the blog, to the candidates for the two Llangollen seats to send in their biographies/manifestos to help readers decide who to vote for.

Up until Friday's submission deadline only four of the six candidates had sent in any information. They are:

Stuart Davies - Independent candidate

I have been a Town Councillor and County Councillor for several terms since 1995. I have wealth of experience as a councillor and “know how to get things done”. 

At the moment there seems to be a disconnect between Denbighshire County Council (DCC) and Llangollen residents. Residents find it difficult to access and engage DCC.

If elected I want to give residents more voice and direct access to their County Council, to make sure their views and concerns are taken in to account properly. 

If elected I promise to do what I have always done and that is to be available at all times to residents, by phone, email or social media. 

I will call for a website review with the emphasis on easy resident access to the areas they want. 

If elected I want to make phone access easier and simpler for residents and my aim is to ensure that the One Stop Shop resource is always there.

The things I will concentrate on in the first 100 days are:

Waste and Recycling. The new rules on black bins which are causing concern at the moment, in the absence of a Waste Strategy Plan for the Dee Valley I aim to work with the DCC Head of Service to address this and  to revisit the Plas Madoc issue. In the interim I will request DCC to provide more resident access to the Pavilion site without the need to book a slot in advance.

* Parking in the town centre and the 2020 scheme should both be subjected to a review of the effects following completion of the works and changes made if required.

* I will also push to make a start on near town parking provision.

* I will carry on the campaign for an environmental weight restriction on the Town Bridge.

* I will continue to campaign for the Green Dee Power electricity generation project which I started as a Town Councillor, as well as for more Electric Vehicle charging points in the town centre.

I will support the Llangollen Riverside Park local community group at DCC level to attempt to get the funding and support they are requesting.

* The Horseshoe Pass reduced speed limit recently came into being. I will call for a review after a year in operation to determine if it has been effective in reducing accident rates. If it has not achieved the desired results, I will call for a review of historic and current data and a push for enhanced solutions.

Karen Edwards - Independent candidate 

I grew up in Llangollen and am familiar with the issues that affect the town and surrounding community.  I am a truly independent candidate with no affiliation to any political party. 

I have previously served the local community in various roles. As a Town Councillor I initiated the purchase of land around Castell Dinas Bran to protect our heritage.  

Between 2013 and 2018 I also worked with local businesses to raise money for the improvement of the Christmas lights to enhance the character of the town during the Christmas period, and I was part of the team that delivered the Centenary Square project.

I assisted with the campaign to secure access to a proper waste recycling site. Over 1000 residents supported the campaign but there has been no agreement to date. If elected I will encourage Denbighshire County Council to renegotiate with Wrexham County Borough Council for an access agreement.

My key priorities are:

-     * Protection of our heritage, culture and environment

     * Providing affordable housing through the re-use of derelict/brownfield land

-  * Sustainable tourism that acknowledges the needs of local residents and businesses

-  * Traffic management and parking that properly serves the interests of our businesses and residents

-     * Ensuring that decisions take into account the climate change agenda

* I will ensure a common-sense approach to the challenges facing our community. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope I can count on your support.   

Paul Keddie - Independent candidate

Firstly, I'd like to thank the dozens of residents who have been in touch to wish me well since I announced I was standing to be your new County Councillor. 

I am the only candidate standing in both the Town and County Council elections, this shows my level of commitment.  I want to be the strong voice in County Hall that you deserve

I have a strong track record of putting our community first. I am a Director of the Llangollen Fringe Festival, I volunteer as a Stage Manager at the Eisteddfod, I organise the monthly Comedy Nights and am a member of Llangollen Town Council. 

I will always fight; fight to improve our town and villages, fight to keep Council Tax as low as possible and fight for our fair share.  

Whether it’s promoting our tourism and events, fighting for more police, fixing our broken roads and pavements or a 2 hour round trip to get rid of our waste - I have a plan to finally get to grips with these issues. 

I have a record of action and a promise of much more. 

On Thursday, 5th May, please support me - PAUL KEDDIE - a real Independent.

Sarah Marshall – Green Party candidate

The caring community, thriving business and cultural life of our town inspires me. I want to protect what’s great for future generations, balancing the need for all residents to have safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.

I live in Llangollen (since 1992), have two Welsh educated children, their father is a local organic livestock farmer. I have worked for over 30 years in NHS, Local Government and Public Health. 

Community roles included:

· Outdoor pursuits instructor, Tyn Dwr YHA

· Youth Club Leader

· Secretary - PTFA

· Production team - Llangollen Community Panto

· Choreographer - Llangollen Operatic Society

· Volunteer - Friends of the Eisteddfod 

Key Green Party principles:

· Affordable housing and work opportunities

· Access to excellent local food/produce

· Renewable/affordable energy.

I am committed to the following goals, aligned with DCC 2030 Net Zero strategy.

1. Ensure the Council prioritises tackling climate and ecological change in decision making.

2. Improved biodiversity (pollinators, wild-flowers and trees) of local greenspaces and access to thriving natural settings.

3. Local business development, contributing to a circular and sustainable local economy.

4. “Fit for the future” active travel and public transport options for residents and visitors, including accessible electric charging.

5. Improved local recycling facilities. 

The other two candidates are:

* Butters Dawn Welsh, Conservative Party 

* Jarvis Roger Welsh. Conservative Party 

In the last county council election in 2017, the two councillors elected for Llangollen were Graham Timms of Welsh Labour 659 votes (29% of votes) and the Independent Melvyn Mile with 658 votes (29%).

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Work planned for next week on 2020 Project

Work planned for week starting Monday, April 18 on the town's 2020 project is:

* Paving outside the Town Hall

* Excavating and kerbing on the west side of the bridge 

* Installing lights on the west side of the bridge 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Rhug Estate's big boost for electric vehicle drivers

* The new 120kW chargers in the Rhug Estate farm shop car park.

Rhug Estate has teamed up with InstaVolt to put in eight rapid electric vehicle car charging points.

The 120kW InstaVolt chargers are capable of adding 100 miles of range in just 15 minutes and are being installed in the estate's car park. 

They will make Rhug the largest private provider of EV charging points in Wales.

The installation is in addition to the existing Dual 7kW Type 2 PodPoint chargers located at the Rhug Estate farm shop car park, which were placed there five years ago. 

Lord Newborough, owner of Rhug Estate, said: “Scottish Power and the Welsh Government, alongside chargepoint provider InstaVolt, have enabled us to achieve this installation in a matter of weeks and they should be up and running by the end of the Easter holidays.

"During periods of solar gain, the electricity supply for the new EV charging points will come directly from the solar panels located behind Rhug Estate’s farm buildings. This aspect makes it a truly green project and highly sustainable.

“Drivers and passengers will be able to enjoy the facilities at Rhug while their car is charging. 

"Rhug Estate is perfectly situated on the A5, three miles west of Corwen, where traffic from Manchester and Chester meet the main A5 road from the Midlands before it separates again leading to the Llyn peninsular and the west Wales coast. This is an ideal place to break the journey and re-charge yourselves and the car.”

InstaVolt was approached by Rhug Estate to provide the ultra-rapid service which it has deployed around the UK.

Its CEO Adrian Keen said: “We are thrilled to be bringing reliable, rapid and accessible charging to Wales at a location of such prominence and functionality for road users. 

"The widespread installation of EV charge points across our nation is encouraging the consumer uptake of EVs and providing them with the confidence to make those longer journeys, knowing that they have options for charging throughout the country.”

Scottish Power, the owner and operator of the electricity network in north Wales, started work in March on installing the new electricity connections at Rhug Estate which is required for the installation of the new EV charging points.

Liam O’Sullivan, Scottish PowerManweb Licence Director, said: “It’s great to see shovels in the ground in our work to enable new vehicle charging points. This additional capacity will ensure people can travel and enjoy what Wales has to offer, with access to cleaner transport. 

“As well as unlocking low-carbon capacity, we hope the new infrastructure will help to drive footfall and tourism to the Rhug Estate – a valuable local business that is already a champion of high sustainability standards.

“We’re working closely with the Welsh Government to enable electric vehicle charging as we move forward with plans across many other sites. This important project will ensure the region is at the very heart of the UK’s transition to a cleaner, greener future, and that this also brings with it economic prosperity for Wales.”

Scottish Power’s work at Rhug Estate is being delivered in partnership with the Welsh Government, which will see new capacity for vehicle charging delivered at 25 sites across Wales.

A spokesperson for the Welsh Government said: “We want to ensure all electric vehicle users in Wales can confidently access charging when and where they need to. We’re very pleased to see this start to take shape at the Rhug Estate and welcome their foresight in developing rapid charging infrastructure to complement their business.”