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Sunday, January 16, 2022

MP presents Prime Minister with school's climate change poems

* Simon Baynes MP, right, hands over the Ysgol Dinas Bran students' poems to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has presented Prime Minister Boris Johnson with a collection of climate change poems written by the students of Ysgol Dinas Brân in Llangollen.

Mr Baynes was given the poems following a visit to the school during Great Big Green Week which ran from September 18 - 26, when he met students and teachers to learn more about their week of activities to encourage awareness and to listen to students’ climate change concerns.

The poems highlight a range of climate issues such as global warming, single-use plastics and deforestation, and were written as a call for action ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP26 – last October and November.

Since Mr Baynes’ visit the school has been recognised with presentation of the highest Eco-Schools Award – the Platinum.

The school’s liaison officer Catrin, from Keep Wales Tidy, said: "Maintaining the Eco-Schools Platinum status is a fantastic achievement. The school, staff and pupils, should feel proud of their hard work and commitment."

Andy Wallis, PSE coordinator at Ysgol Dinas Brân, said: “I would like to thank all the staff and students involved in the Eco Schools programme, and in particular the Great Big Green Week, for the work they have done which has enabled us to win this award. 

"Equally, I would like to thank both the headteacher Mark Hatch and our business manager Jamie Roberts for the investment they have made into making the school more sustainable and decreasing our carbon footprint with the instillation of the solar panels project.”

Simon Baynes said: “I was very pleased to present the Prime Minister with poems from the students at Ysgol Dinas Brân, by which he was very impressed. 

"He remembers the school very well from his time as the Parliamentary Candidate for Clwyd South 25 years ago and is always very interested in hearing about activities locally, particularly in relation to the environment.

“The students and teachers have put in a huge amount of effort recently to raise awareness of environmental issue and reduce the school’s carbon footprint. And it was a pleasure to highlight their exceptional work to the Prime Minister.”

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Winners and answers for Cancer UK Christmas quiz

Its organiser has announced the winners of - and answers for - the latest Llangollen Christmas quiz, which has raised £667.21 in aid of Cancer Research UK.

Judy Smith, of the charity's local committee, said: "I’m pretty sure that this year’s quiz was the hardest ever, but it seems that nothing can defeat some of you!  

"First Jane Hurle of Llangollen with 49 points, second Helen Watson of Cleobury, North Shropshire with 47 points and third Maggie Shaw of Greasby, Wirral with 46 ½ points = Adrian and Catherine Farrel of Llangollen with 46 ½ points. On drawing from a hat, third prize was awarded to Maggie – sorry Adrian and Catherine.

"Well, what can I say, Jane - however did you do it? And Helen, Maggie, Adrian, and Catherine, you’re obviously brilliant too. 

"In fact, I’d say anybody who got more than half a dozen on that quiz was bloomin’ good!  

"But let me just throw in a few more names that surely deserve a mention -  there’s Pat and Richard Reid of Norwich, and Keith Stacey of Malpas with 46; Nenia Blatsou of Bedford, and Keith and Pat Campbell of Northampton with 45½ and Mike Hough of Wrexham with 45. I’d like to add some more but we had a lot of entries returned and I have to stop there.

"Now a word about the quiz itself.  The first section seems to have given you little trouble, although maybe not that many of you were acquainted with John Ryan’s cartoon of Lettuce Leefe in Girl magazine. Alright – it was a bit obscure, and a long time ago! 

"From the second section I learned a lot, as well as enjoying some imaginative answers. Did you know that a scorpion has 8 legs, as well as a spider? We passed that one!  

"And I was intrigued to find there were ‘30 medieval castles in Normandy’, ‘16 fish shops in Grimsby’ and ‘6 rogues in the government’. Really – only 6?  Thank you for all that ingenuity!"

Judy added: "On a more serious note, we were often told there were ‘6 rounds in a gun’.  No that won’t do, not in every gun.  And another common answer was ‘7 specific (or standard) movements of ballet’ – yes, 7 movements by one reckoning, but you had to invent something for the ‘S’. 

"It was a similar story with 20T in the HPD – if you were thinking of football, you had to invent something for the ‘H’.  I’m afraid we didn’t allow either of those. The main problem was with 10C in the B of E.  

"I had intended 10 Commandments in the Book of Exodus, but there was quite a smattering of 10 Chapters in the book of Ezra (or the Book of Esther).  Both the latter are clearly right, but surely the Commandments are better known?  Well, I have to confess, I didn’t know how many chapters in the Book of Ezra!  What to do??  Where we needed to split hairs (as we did for 3rd place), we awarded ½ point.

"Once again our grateful thanks for your support.  We hope you enjoyed the quiz, and that you will make sure to get a copy of next year’s, which should as ever be published on 1st December.

"And finally, an appeal.  On 28th and 29th May this year we are holding the 4th Llangollen Round Challenge, a 35-mile hill hike that can be completed over one or two days to raise funds for Cancer Research UK, and we expect around 500 entrants.  You can find all the details of this on our website  

"It’s a tough hike, but the views are amazing, there are 5 checkpoints supplying you with food and water, and there’s a certificate and medal for everyone at the end.  

"Amazingly, participants even tell us it’s fun and we have many returning each time we put it on (last in 2018).  So if you know anyone who just could be interested in this Challenge please pass on the word.  We’d be very pleased to see them. Again our thanks."

Quiz answers

1                    Opting about a headless fish (4,7)    Plum Pudding

2                    Harbour (4)     Port

3                    Poet on time (6)     Claret

4                    Island tangled in weed (6,4)   Mulled wine

5                    Small amount (6)    Trifle

6                    Drunk sounds like a French particle (7,5)  Pickled onion

7                    Animal snuggery (4,2,8)   Pigs in blankets

8                    Hazard of running in the Lakes? (7)   Falafel

9                    Audibly regret the pig fat (7)   Roulade

10                Colourful group in an empty pen (3,7)   Red cabbage

11                Money mad about directions (6,4)  Cashew nuts

12                Sounds like John Ryan’s foliage (7)  Lettuce

13                Standard cuts (8)  Parsnips

14                Padding (8)   Stuffing

15                State involved with a waterfall (7)   Chutney

16                Vessel and French colour (9)  Panettone

17                European growth (8,7)  Brussels sprouts

18                Vehicle’s degenerating (7)  Carrots

19                Little kind ones (11)  Clementines

20                We hear you’re going to record it? (4,3)  Yule log 

21                1 E on a C                               1 Eye on a Cyclops

22                2 WDMAR                             2 Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

23                3 L on a MS                            3 Legs on a Milking Stool

24                The S of 4 (ACD)                   The Sign of Four (Arthur Conan Doyle)

25                5 NLB on DD                         5 Normandy Landing Beaches on D-Day

26                6 R in a G                                6 Rowers in a Gig

27                7 SM of B                               7 Stuart Monarchs of Britain

28                8L on a S                                 8 Legs on a Spider

29        D, G, P, R, L, L, E, F, S, the 9 CB the B   Denmark, Germany, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, the 9 countries bordering the Baltic

30        10 C in the B of E                   10 Commandments in the Book of Exodus

31        11 DL in 1752                         11 Days lost in 1752

32        12 Y a S (SN)                         12 Years a Slave (Solomon Northup)

33        13 P in a RLT                          13 Players in a Rugby League Team

34        14 T on a GP                           14 Toes on a Guinea Pig

35        15, the FTN                             15, the Fifth Triangular Number

36        16 FS in G                               16 Federal States in Germany

37        17, the MDA                           17, the Minimum Driving Age

38        18 G in the PT                         18 Groups in the Periodic Table

39        19 P of C in a C                      19 Pairs of Chromosomes in a Cat

40        20 T in the HPD                      20 Teeth in the Human Primary Dentition

41        21, the CC                               21, the Current Century

42        22N, the FD of SC                 22nd November, the Feast Day of Saint Cecilia

43        OL23, the OSM for CI           Outdoor Leisure 23, the Ordnance Survey Map for Cadair Idris

44        24 BB in a P                            4 and 20 Blackbirds, Baked in a Pie

45        25, FTF                                   25, Five Times Five

46        26 B in the HF                                    26 Bones in the Human Foot

47        27 M of U                               27 Moons of Uranus

48        28 D in the SM                       28 Days in the Shortest Month

49        29, the AN of C                      29, the Atomic Number of Copper

50        30 MC in N                             30 Member Countries in NATO

Friday, January 14, 2022

Drakeford outlines plan to return Wales to Covid alert level zero

First Minister Mark Drakeford (pictured) has set out a plan to return Wales to alert level zero.

The move comes as the latest public health data suggests cases of coronavirus have started to fall back from their very high levels. 

More than two-thirds of people aged 12 and over have received a booster or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The full move to alert level 0 will be dependent on the public health situation continuing to improve.

Mr Drakeford said: "I want to thank everyone for following the rules we have had in place since Boxing Day to help keep Wales safe while the fast-moving omicron variant has surged through our communities.

"I also want to thank everyone involved in our vaccination programme for the enormous efforts to give almost a third of the population a booster since the start of December – this has been vital in increasing our protection against omicron.

"The actions we have taken together have helped us to weather the omicron storm. The latest data suggests some positive signs that the peak may have passed.

"We can now look more confidently to the future and plan to start gradually removing the alert level 2 restrictions, starting with the outdoors measures.

"But the pandemic is not over. We will closely monitor the public health situation – this is a fast-moving and volatile variant, which could change suddenly. I urge everyone to continue to follow the rules and have your vaccines to keep Wales safe."

If conditions allow, the alert level 2 restrictions will be removed in a phased approach.

From tomorrow (Saturday), the number of people who can be present at outdoor events will rise from 50 to 500.

From Friday 21 January Wales would move to alert level 0 for all outdoor activities. This means there will be no limits on the number of people who can take part in outdoor activities.

  • Crowds will be able to return to outdoor sporting events
  • Outdoor hospitality would be able to operate without additional reasonable measures.
  • The Covid Pass will be required for entry to larger outdoor events.

If the downward trend continues, from Friday 28 January Wales would move to alert level 0 for all indoor activities.

  • Nightclubs will be able to re-open.
  • Working from home would remain important but it would no longer be a legal requirement.
  • Businesses, employers and other organisations must undertake a specific coronavirus risk assessment and take reasonable measures to minimise the spread of coronavirus.
  • The Covid Pass will be required for entry to nightclubs, events, cinemas, concert halls and theatres.
  • The rule of 6, table service and 2m physical distancing no longer required in hospitality.

The self-isolation rules for all those who test positive for Covid and the face covering rules for most public indoor places will remain in force after 28 January.

The 3-weekly cycle would be re-introduced from 10 February, when the Welsh Government will review all remaining measures at alert level 0.

Ysgol Dinas Bran people talk about learning under shadow of Covid

* Ysgol Dinas Bran headteacher Mark Hatch has spoken to the BBC about Covid restrictions.

The thoughts of students and staff at Ysgol Dinas Bran about coping with the Covid-19 situation as they return to face-to-face learning have been shared with the BBC.

In an article on the news website there are interviews with headteacher Mark Hatch and a number of pupils about the situation they find themselves in.

Mr Hatch tells says in the story: "It's hugely upsetting how much impact it's having on the students."

And an 18-year-old pupil says: "It feels weird to be back with more restrictions. It's frustrating in a way to come back to more [restrictions] than there were before." 

* For the full story, see:

Denbighshire businesses urged to apply for funding

Further funding is available for businesses impacted by the latest restrictions arising from the coronavirus pandemic.

Denbighshire County Council is helping to administer the Welsh Government’s Emergency Business Fund - January 2022.

Under the latest package of support, retail, hospitality, leisure and tourism businesses who pay Non Domestic Rates will be entitled to a payment of £2,000, £4,000 or £6,000 depending on their rateable value.

Applications for this element of the fund open from January 13.

A discretionary portion of the fund is also available to sole traders, freelancers and taxi drivers who are able to apply for £500 and businesses that employ people, but do not pay business rates, will be able to apply for £2,000.

Applications for this element of the fund open from January 17.

Businesses will need to re-register their details through an online process with Denbighshire County Council to receive their payments.

An eligibility checker from Business Wales is available to help businesses gauge how much they can expect to receive under the new support package.

Cllr Julian Thompson-Hill, the Council’s Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, said: “We are alerting businesses to the fund and encouraging those eligible to apply.

“We understand it has been a difficult period for businesses who have worked hard to support the local economy and local employment.

“We are working closely with the Welsh Government on administering this fund and have made the application process as simple as possible.

“Businesses should also be aware the Welsh Government is reopening the Economic Resilience Fund from January 17 to support businesses that have sustained a 60% or greater loss in trade, within the hospitality, leisure and supporting supply chain sectors and applications for this fund must be made directly to Business Wales.

“Businesses can qualify for both the Emergency Business Fund and the Economic Resilience Fund.”

To find out more or apply you can visit


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Denbighshire to consider 2.95% council tax rise

Denbighshire County Council’s Cabinet is set to discuss the draft budget for the 2022/23 financial year.

At a meeting on January 18, members will consider a plan to raise Council Tax by 2.95% ahead of the proposals being put to full council for final approval at a meeting on January 25.

As part of the budget process the council has received the draft budget settlement announced by Welsh Government which suggests Denbighshire’s budget will increase by 9.2% for the 2022/23 financial year, with increases of 3.3% and 2.2% the following two years.

The increase in funding comes with a number of new responsibilities the council will be required to fund, including pay increases, ensuring the Real Living Wage for social care workers and mitigation for the end of the Covid Hardship Fund.

The council therefore has a funding gap of £2.623million to fill for the coming financial year. Proposals to fill this gap include operational efficiencies amounting to £634,000 and an increase in Council Tax of 2.95%.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance, said: “This budget comes after a second difficult year dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, which has put an additional strain on resources for example, continued pressure on social services, schools, children’s services and waste services.

“We have previously made a firm commitment to Denbighshire residents to try and protect services that the public value and expect as much as possible.

“The council has a strong track record of doing this and we have tried to lead by example by being as efficient and effective as possible, reducing our budgets and making savings through better ways of working.

“Councillors will continue to scrutinise the budget over the coming weeks before it is put to Full Council for discussion and final approval on January 25.”

Welsh Government to help people in arrears pay their rent

Minister for Climate Change Julie James is urging anyone who has fallen behind in paying rent because of the pandemic to contact their local authority to find out if they can receive financial help to avoid eviction. 

The call is in a bid to keep people in their homes and close to their social networks to avoid the devastating impact that homelessness can wreak on physical, mental and social wellbeing. 

First announced in July last year, new changes to the £10m Tenancy Hardship Grant just announced  mean that anyone facing arrears due to covid-related reasons from the start of the pandemic in March 2020 right up until December 2021, can apply. 

This means that tenants in rent arrears because they lost their jobs following the removal of the Furlough scheme in September, or who suffered a significant decrease in income when the Universal Credit uplift was removed by UK Government, may now be eligible under the new criteria. 

Other examples of rent arrears as a direct result of the pandemic include a loss of income due to lockdowns or because of becoming ill with Covid-19. 

Also now able to apply are tenants in social housing who are not in receipt of housing-related benefits. Tenants in private rented accommodation are still encouraged to apply. 

Julie James said: “I am urging anyone who is facing eviction or who has fallen behind on their rent because of the pandemic to contact their local authority today to find out what help is available to them.

“Our £10m Tenancy Hardship Grant will help prevent eviction and support tenants to remain in their homes. The impact of being made homeless on people and families is huge – including support networks being lost, children having to move school, and families’ mental health and well-being suffering. We want to do all we can to help avoid that situation. 

“The grant should provide significant cost savings to each local authority in preventing homelessness and supporting people to remain in their homes and maintain their tenancies.” 

Ruth Power, CEO of Shelter Cymru said: “We welcome the changes to the Tenancy Hardship Grant announced today. Widening the eligibility criteria will mean more people, who are struggling during the pandemic to pay their rent, are able to access support to keep their homes. Our advisors are working with people across Wales whose incomes have been seriously affected by the pandemic and who are really worried about the future. Getting money quickly to people in need will prevent families becoming homeless.”

* Applications are now open, with the final date for rent support being December 31st 2021.