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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

llanblogger reviews new novel by Wrexham author

Book review by llanblogger

British journalist Jack Telford was involved in the Spanish Civil War right up to his neck.

But even greater adventures awaited him when he went on to immerse himself in World War Two.

His support for the losing Republican side made him a marked man when the sad Spanish conflict ended and it was only by the skin of his teeth that he managed to escape the turmoil which followed Franco’s victory.

Telford’s fictional odyssey through a battle-scarred Africa and Europe are told by Wrexham author David Ebsworth in his epic new novel, A Betrayal of Heroes.

We first meet Telford in Ebsworth’s opening novel featuring him, Until the Curtain Falls, which is set in a Spain torn apart by civil conflict in the late 1930s – a subject which the author has taken to his heart and become an acknowledged authority on.

In this new offering, the third in the series which runs to a mammoth 750 pages, we catch up with Telford as he becomes caught up with Nazi spies in Casablanca and then fights alongside former Spanish Republicans recruited into the army of Free France all the way from the Libyan desert to the liberation of Paris.

His credentials as a correspondent for the old Reynolds News - which actually existed - give Telford access to some of the Second World War’s hottest spots and a cavalcade of real famous people whose stories Ebsworth skilfully weaves into the narrative.

In his spying guise, for instance, he links up with the film star Leslie Howard, whose death in plane crash en route from Spain to the UK in 1943 remains a tantalising mystery to this day and, as a war reporter, he crosses paths with the likes of Charles De Gaulle, US general George Patton and even Ernest Hemingway.

Apart from its fast-paced action and absorbing plot, what impresses most about this book is Ebsworth’s minute attention to detail.

If he writes about a character lighting up a cigar, he has to describe in detail its brand and the colour of the tin it came from. And if someone boards a plane it must be identified right down to the type and the sound its engines make as they get ready for take-off.

Telford’s incredible wartime journey affords him a number of near-death experiences but will our hero survive to find himself at the centre of some fresh adventure? We shall have to see.

A Betrayal of Heroes is available on Amazon at:

Monday, July 26, 2021

Firefighters called out to Berwyn, says Leader

Leaderlive is reporting this morning that firefighters have been called out to a Llangollen home following reports of a blaze.

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service confirmed just before 8am on Monday that crews were on their way to a property opposite the Chainbridge Hotel in Berwyn following reports of a house fire.

* For the story, see:

Plan for local people to use Plas Madoc tip to be raised again with Welsh government

* The household waste recycling site at Plas Madoc.

Llangollen's lack of a permanent local waste recycling facility is to be taken up again with the Welsh Government, according to a local campaigner.

Phil Jones has been promoting the idea of Denbighshire striking a deal with neighbouring Wrexham for Dee Valley residents to be able to use its household waste recycling centre at Plas Madoc.

This, he says, would overcome the problem of local people having to use a pop-up facility at the Pavilion or travel over to Ruthin to use the tip there.

Mr Jones organised a petition in favour of striking a deal with Wrexham which has attracted around 900 signatures.

He has provided regular updates on his campaign to llanblogger and in the latest of these he says: "started a campaign to establish access to the Plas Madoc recycling site for residents of the Dee Valley when I was told by County Councillor Mel Mile that there was ‘no appetite’ to do a deal with Wrexham CBC for a service level agreement between the two authorities. 

"Hearing this I wrote to Hannah Blythyn, the Welsh Minister responsible for waste. She in turn contacted the Chief Executive of Denbighshire CC and was assured that cross border co-operation in the efficient use of property assets (like modern recycling facilities) in line with Welsh Government policy on asset management, was underway.

"Of course we are in a pandemic, so negotiations take more time. Well, roughly one year later I have now received an email from Tony Ward, the DCC officer responsible for the waste service. 

"He tells me that the cost of paying for a service at Plas Madoc is not affordable. You might find this somewhat surprising, in that the quantity of waste is the same for both authorities and therefore one might assume that the savings made by a reduction in volumes for Denbighshire would roughly correspond to the costs incurred in asking our neighbouring authority to process the waste. 

"Apparently not; Mr. Ward tells me that the costs of processing waste deposited at the Pavilion pop-up is £7.26 per booking whereas, the equivalent charge per booking required by Wrexham CBC equates to £41.67. Why such a difference I wonder?

"I will now be seeking clarification on how these costings have been calculated. Local authorities are expected to collaborate in the utilisation of expertise and resources so that efficiency savings can be made in the delivery of services. So, over-charging for services or under accounting for costs is not compatible with this ethos."

He added: "The Welsh Government wants us to be a world leader in recycling and we are bombarded with press releases telling us how well we are doing. Yet, if you live in the Dee Valley be ready to drive 30 miles if you can’t make it to the pavilion pop-up. 

"Instead of solving a problem Denbighshire CC has created another layer of bureaucratic costs discouraging recycling with a booking system and limiting access to a few days a month. 

"We know that DCC spends far more per head of population on waste services in the north of the county but 13 years after closing our recycling site without consultation we still have a second class service. 

"Mr Ward tells me “there is therefore no plan to continue discussions about this with WCBC”. Well, for the 900 people who signed our petition, yet another fob-off is not acceptable.

"Thank-you for your continued support. We now know that our elected county councillors have never supported our campaign for access to Plas Madoc despite over 900 people signing our petition.

"If you feel unhappy about this you could write to them to say so, at:

"We will now take up this issue again with the Welsh Government and be asking if their policies regarding recycling and asset management are being applied effectively in North Wales. 

"Are our public servants just ‘talking the talk’ and not really ‘walking the walk’ when it comes to recycling?"

Saturday, July 24, 2021

'Tell me if you've been hit by pension injustice', says Skates

Member of the Senedd Ken Skates wants women in his constituency who have been affected by state pension age increases to be awarded compensation by the UK Government. 

The Clwyd South MS said the Women Against State Pension Injustice (Waspi) campaign have been vindicated after a watchdog’s investigation found there were failings in the UK Government’s communication of the changes.  

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman found that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) should have told the women – who maintain they did not know the retirement age was rising until it was too late to prepare – more than two years earlier than it did. 

Mr Skates said: “This has been a long-running campaign which my colleague Susan Elan Jones worked extremely hard on during her time as MP, and this is a big finding. Nearly four million women have been affected by the state pension age changes, including many in Clwyd South and across North Wales.” 

Women born in the 1950s have long said the lack of information around the decision to increase their retirement age from 60 to 65 resulted in financial and emotional distress, with research in 2005 finding that only 43% knew their pension age was changing. The state pension age for both men and women has now increased to 66. 

Mr Skates added: “The Ombudsman has now said what the campaigners have said all along. Maladministration has been established and these women should be compensated. I would expect all MPs across North Wales to make the same case to the UK Government so they can finally get justice for what they’ve been put through.” 

Former Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones presented a petition to Parliament on behalf of Waspi campaigners in her consistency. Although no longer a Member of Parliament, she remains a strong supporter of the campaign. 

She said: “This is a major breakthrough. There is still a long road ahead for these women to get the justice they deserve, but this backs up everything the campaigners have said and finally acknowledges that the DWP were in the wrong. 

“This has had a huge impact on so many women who were given no time to make proper plans for their retirement. I hope this is the beginning of the end of their tireless campaign.” 

The next stage of the Ombudsman’s investigation will consider the impact of the DWP’s failings, and could recommend affected women receive compensation from the Government. 


Roadworks alert for Regent Street has sent out the following local roadworks alert:


Regent Street

25 July — 25 July


Delays likely - Traffic control (two-way signals)




Works location: REGENT STREET OUTSIDE NO 28...


Public facing description: has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified works to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Welsh Water.


Responsibility for works: Welsh Water


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: PE12595625434/02



Friday, July 23, 2021

Volunteer's first riverside litter collection is a success

* Dwysan with the donated litter collection bag.

The conscientious Facebook user who called for something to be done about the “huge” amount of litter in Llangollen had her first successful outing yesterday afternoon.

llanblogger revealed how Dwysan had asked earlier in the day if anyone was interested in doing something constructive about the litter explaining: “Tourism is really important to Llangollen and I don't want to bring negative attention to it. However, there is a huge litter problem here and in all other tourist spots.” 

The post then went on to suggest people should write to the county council asking them to provide more litter bins for the town, particularly by the riverside and put some signage up asking people to use the bins and/or take their rubbish home. 

Dwysan also suggested people could go to the river area yesterday afternoon armed with waste bags to collect litter from tourists after handing out notes asking for co-operation.

“I am looking to do this in a gentle and proactive way - simply handing out bin bags with a smile - no blaming, no arguing just asking,” Dwysan said.  

Later yesterday Dwysan told llanblogger: “I've been out. I was donated some bags from Keep Wales Tidy. A volunteer up the road dropped them off. I was very polite. 

“Most said they had their own bags but the ones that took them said they were really grateful and what a good idea it is. 

“I was by the river opposite the park - the rocks. It was mostly families and they seemed a bit more set up. Also lots were swimming so it was hard to talk to them. Maybe it's best to go later on in the day. I will have to think of some initiatives. 

“Someone has commented that paddlers clean the river twice a week so there's a few things going on. Just need to add to it.”

Thursday, July 22, 2021

New Chief Executive for Denbighshire County Council

Denbighshire County Council has announced the appointment of its new Chief Executive.

Graham Boase (pictured), currently Corporate Director of Economy & Public Realm, has been appointed to the role.

Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, said: “This is a fantastic appointment for Denbighshire and, on behalf of our staff and residents in the county, the elected members and I would like to congratulate Graham and welcome him to the new role.

“There was an extremely a rigorous selection process with a number of strong contenders in the running who all performed to an extremely high standard.

“Denbighshire County Council is one of the best performing councils in Wales and we are now looking forward to working with our new chief executive to continue that success into the future.”

Mr Boase said: “I am very excited about becoming Chief Executive of this fantastic council, having started working for Denbighshire as far back as 1996.

 I’m so grateful to the elected members for showing their trust and faith in me, it gives me a lot of confidence to know that they have backed my progress from Head of Service, to Corporate Director and now to Chief Executive.

“I think I know the council well and I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into the job, talking to our excellent leadership team, dedicated elected members and our residents about our future Vision for the Council.”

Mr Boase starting working for Denbighshire at its inception in 1996, initially as a Senior Planning Officer, in 2003 he became Head of Planning & Public Protection and in 2017 was promoted to Corporate Director: Economy and Public Realm. He will begin as Chief Executive on 1st August.