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Monday, April 26, 2021

Issy shows off her Ladies of Llangollen collection on national TV

* Issy gets ready to film her sequence on the show. Below: Items in her treasured collection.

* Issy is told the total value of her collection is about £350. 

A Llangollen woman went on national TV to show off her treasured pieces of local memorabilia.

Issy Richards, a former deputy mayor of the town, took her prized collection featuring the famous Ladies of Llangollen along to Bodnant Garden to be admired on BBC's Antiques Roadshow.

And long-standing expert Stephen Moore told her that her collection was worth around £350, although she said she had no intention of selling any of the items because they are of such great sentimental value to her.   

Explaining how her appearance came about, Issy said: "I have always been fascinated by the story of Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby, the Ladies of Llangollen, and their home, Plas Newydd, which is the jewel in Llangollen's crown.

"My late mother Heather Richards collected memorabilia about the Ladies including books such as Doris Grumbach's 'The Ladies' and Elizabeth Mavor's 'Life With The Ladies of Llangollen'.

"I've continued to collect items over the years, so when BBC 's Antiques Roadshow put out a call for interesting items, I sent a photograph of them, not expecting any further response."

She added: "However, I did then get a call from a BBC researcher who asked a few questions, then an email inviting me to bring my collection along to Bodnant Gardens on September 2nd last year. 

"There were strict Covid rules and regulations to comply with, and forms to complete for myself and my three guests. 

"The weather on the big day itself couldn't have been worse, with torrential rain and high winds, plus it was very cold! 

"Stephen Moore, who made his first appearance on AR in 1997, is a charming and colourful character with an interest in the Ladies of Llangollen himself, we had a preliminary chat and he selected half a dozen items for the filming. 

"It was interesting watching other people being filmed from a gazebo nearby. I got a bit cold, damp and nervous, but then it was my turn.

"My items were set up on a high table, but it was so windy that a print knocked a piece of china onto the grass, everyone gasped, but fortunately it wasn't damaged.

"The cameras rolled, action was called, and hopefully people enjoyed seeing our Ladies on national television." 

Local roadworks alert

The following local roadworks alerts have been issued by


Castle Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

28 April — 05 May


Delays likely - Traffic control (give & take)


Works location: Castle Street


Works description: 26/4/21-30/4/21/Jayne Valentine/Drainage Survey/Give and take...


Responsibility for works: Denbighshire County Council


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: QR015S000000001729


Market Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

28 April — 05 May


Delays unlikely - Traffic control (give & take)


Works location: Market Street


Works description: 26/4/21-30/4/21/Jayne Valentine/Drainage Survey/Give and take...


Responsibility for works: Denbighshire County Council


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: QR015S000000001730


Oak Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

28 April — 05 May


Delays unlikely - Traffic control (give & take)


Works location: Oak Street


Works description: 26/4/21-30/4/21/Jayne Valentine/Drainage Survey/Give and take...


Responsibility for works: Denbighshire County Council


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: QR015S000000001729


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Over 1,100 get second Pfizer jabs at health centre

Over 1,100 people aged over 70 received their second jabs during a Covid-19 vaccination clinic which ran throughout yesterday and today (Sunday) at Llangollen Health Centre.

As a full team of medics administered the second doses of the Pfizer injection indoors, volunteers from Llangollen Tidy Town Team once again took care of the car park stewarding.


MP elected vice-chair of Parliament woods and trees group

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes (pictured) has been elected a vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Woods and Trees.

The group meets to discuss ways in which woods and trees can be preserved, protected, expanded and the impact of climate change.

During the meeting at which Mr Baynes was elected members of the APPG also received a presentation of The Woodland Trust report entitled State of UK Woods and Trees.

Mr Baynes said: “I’m delighted to be elected vice-cChair of the APPG for Woods and Trees. 

"This is an extremely important group and places woods and trees at the forefront of the agenda, ensuring they are protected at a critical time for our environment. 

"I look forward to working with the group, to ensure that the vital role they play in safeguarding our eco-systems is recognised and that we can prevent further damage to our precious Welsh and other UK woods and trees.”

Pandemic forces eisteddfod to make staff redundancies

* Happier times - a scene from the eisteddfod parade in 2019.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has blamed the pandemic for having to make four staff redundant.

However, as part of a restructuring exercise, two roles have been created and filled by existing staff from the team of six, with a further one due to be advertised shortly.

Due to the pandemic the 2020 eisteddfod had to be cancelled and replaced with a series of online events.

This year’s festival has also fallen victim to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis and has been postponed until next year. A similar programme of alternative events is being planned.

In a statement about the staffing cuts the eisteddfod management says: The impact of the pandemic has been devastating for us as an organisation.

“We had no other option but to review our costs and re-structure to safeguard the future of the eisteddfod. 

“It must be emphasised that the cuts are in no way a reflection of the standard of work or dedication of our staff. It follows the financial situation that has arisen following the Covid-19 pandemic.  

“Our board have been cautious in our discussions, ensuring that we have looked at every possible source of funding to safeguard as much of the workforce as possible. 

“We have managed to maintain a core staff team to oversee key areas of work over the next year until we’re in a position to rebuild.”

In a further comment to llanblogger, they add: “The redundancy process involved the restructuring of the staff team of six. To confirm, four people have been made redundant.

“Following a consultation, two new posts were created and two of the six staff members were successful in securing these positions. A further post will be advertised next week.

“The changes reflect the current needs of the organisation in light of the reduced workload and changing circumstances.”

In an announcement back in January the eisteddfod said: “It is with deep regret that after careful consideration, we have to announce the postponement of our usual eisteddfod until 2022. 

“We are working hard to create an alternative format for 2021 involving digital and hybrid options - details will be confirmed in late spring.” 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Update given on household waste campaign

* Phil Jones is campaigning to secure access for local people to Plas Madoc tip.

The man behind the on-going campaign to provide Llangollen people with a convenient waste recycling facility has given his latest update on how it is going:

Phil Jones says: "It has been six months since Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC) confirmed that it was in discussion with Denbighshire County Council (DCC) to negotiate an access agreement to the Plas Madoc Recycling facility for residents of the Dee Valley.

"I contacted our County Councillors recently to enquire as to the state of progress in these discussions.

"Cost information has been provided by WCBC and although it has been implied that the possible charges will put added financial pressure on DCC, the quantity of waste has not changed. 

"So if DCC is no longer processing it, then there should be cost savings to our council. 

"I trust our councillors will be able to get a thorough financial appraisal from officers to identify costs and savings associated with any possible change in service.

"I was informed that this matter will be considered at the next meeting of the Dee Valley MAG which is due to take place on May 17. 

"You may not have heard of the MAG (Member Area Groups), so here is a link to their purpose:

"In summary these local groups of County Councillors, served by senior officers, are intended to 'provide on-going engagement and dialogue with communities at grass roots level'

"We have had a massive response to our campaign. Over 800 residents have signed the petition submitted to DCC last January, so I hope that our County Councillors will be in no doubt that access to the Plas Madoc site is THE highest priority for their electors. 

"So we will have to wait a bit longer to find out whether our County Council has listened to their rate-payers and responded effectively to our request for full-time access to a modern recycling facility. Watch this space."  

Outdoor hospitality will re-open on Monday

Outdoor hospitality will re-open on Monday with customers able to enjoy outside beer gardens, cafes and coffee houses.

Denbighshire County Council says it is working with businesses to ensure they are able to re-open safely to help customers enjoy themselves while protecting communities.

It adds that customers can also play their part by following guidance:

• There may be some queueing at premises so you will be expected to remain socially distanced from anyone not in your household.

• All premises must take your contact details for Test, Trace and Protect should they need to contact you.

• You will not be able to stand in a seating area to consume your drink.

• Please treat all staff with respect. They've missed you and want you to enjoy yourselves but abusive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated.

•  If you use public transport or need a taxi you will need to wear a face mask. Drivers, including taxi drivers, have the right not to take you if you do not wear a mask.

• Proprietors and landlords must stick to the rules as well so if you’re concerned about any premises contact

Emlyn Jones, Denbighshire County Council’s Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside, said: "Re-opening outdoor hospitality is a major step in the easing of lockdown and businesses have been working hard to ensure they are providing a safe space for customers to enjoy themselves.

"Covid-19 hasn't gone away and we still have to take every precaution to ensure it doesn't return. We are asking customers to please do their bit so we can continue to keep levels low and help protect our communities.”