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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Council gives guidance on disposing of your PPE

Denbighshire residents are being asked to dispose of single-use personal protective equipment (PPE), such as face coverings, in their non-recyclable waste container.

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen an increase in the volume of single-use face coverings and other PPE, which cannot be recycled.

All single-use PPE, such as face masks or disposable gloves, should be treated like other products likely to have come into contact with the human body, such as tissues or baby wipes, and placed in the black bin or pink sack for disposal.

All Denbighshire’s non-recyclable rubbish is safely incinerated at a purpose-built facility in Deeside.

Cllr Brian Jones, Denbighshire County Council’s Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “Thanks to the tremendous effort of our residents, almost two-thirds of the rubbish we produce in Denbighshire is recycled.

“In December, we had a record-breaking month delivering 1,214 tonnes of recycling from blue bins. For most of our rubbish, recycling is the best possible option and contributes hugely to the protection of our environment, which is a priority for the Council under our Corporate Plan. None of our black bin waste is sent to landfill, instead it is being used as a fuel to generate electricity.

“However, paper-based face coverings or masks cannot be recycled, even if the packaging suggests they can. It is vital all materials with which we have personal contact are placed in the black bins so they can be safely disposed of without further human contact. This is always the case, but it is especially important during this pandemic.”

If you are self-isolating, or there is a confirmed case of COVID-19, at home then the council says it will continue to collect your rubbish as normal. However, please ensure that any personal waste is double-bagged and allowed to stand for 72 hours before putting it out for collection in your black bin or pink sack.

The council also advises everyone wipes down the handles and lid of their collection bin before and after every collection and to thoroughly wash hands after dealing with any rubbish.

It adds that personal products that should be put in the black bin or pink sack include, but are not limited to, disposable masks, gloves, other PPE, tissues, paper hand towels, disposable wipes, cotton wool, cotton buds, disposable nappies, incontinence products, feminine hygiene waste, plasters, dressings, toothbrushes, combs or any item that has been in close proximity to any person in your household.

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government


Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government (dated yesterday) is:


Coronavirus in numbers


What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

Where to find the latest information



MP welcomes £650m support from UK Government for Wales

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes (pictured) has welcomed the announcement that the UK Government has provided the Welsh Government with an additional £650 million to support people, businesses and public services affected by Coronavirus.

He says the funding brings the total allocated to the Welsh Government since the start of the pandemic to £5.85 billion. 

That, he says, is on top of all of the other UK Government support packages including the furlough scheme, the Eat Out to Help Scheme and the different business loans.

In recognition of the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic and in response to calls for flexibility, the Welsh Government will also be able to carry over any of the £650 million not spent this year into the 2021/22 financial year on top of their existing tools to transfer funding between years.

However, Mr Baynes has called on the Welsh Government to now re-examine its proposed Local Government Funding Settlement for 2021-22, in which he says Wrexham Council is set to receive the second lowest funding increase in Wales of 2.3%.

Mr Baynes commented: “I’m very pleased that the UK Government continues to support Wales through the pandemic. This additional funding boost highlights the value of our United Kingdom. 

"It’s important now that this funding gets to businesses and individuals in Clwyd South and across Wales as we look to rebuild the UK economy.

“I would urge the Welsh Labour Government to spend some of this money on a more generous support grant for Wrexham Council which currently has the second lowest settlement in Wales despite having to deal the Covid crisis. The proposed increase of 2.3% for Wrexham compares to an average increase in South Wales of 4.17%, thereby reinforcing the unfairness of the North-South divide.

“This means that, with the heavy burdens of Covid-19, flooding, snow, increased social care and many other factors, Wrexham County Borough Council will be forced to increase Council Tax on residents by 6.95%, despite being a well-run Council. I therefore hope that the Labour Government in Cardiff will look again at the funding settlements for Wrexham Council.”

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Latest Covid vaccination update from Llan Health Centre

Llangollen Health Centre have this evening put out a further Covid vaccination update on social media.

Their post on Facebook says: "We have now moved onto the next priority group which is patients aged 65 to 69 years old and yesterday held our first Covid vaccine clinic in Glyn Ceiriog.

"We have a very limited supply of vaccines over the next couple of weeks and so it may well be early March before we can complete vaccinating this group. Please bear with us – we will arrange clinics as soon as we are in receipt of sufficient vaccine.

"Also, we are being inundated with enquiries from patients who want to know if they fall into group 6 which is patients aged 16 – 64 with under underlying health conditions.

"Again, please be patient, we do not yet have a contract from the Health Board to vaccinate this cohort. When the contract comes it is likely to contain further guidance on who is included in this cohort."

Senedd Member praises NHS's 'monumental' Covid jab efforts

Ken Skates MS with Thomas Halpin, project lead for the vaccination programme (East) and Karen Evans, Assistant Area Director and vaccination programme lead (East). 

Member of the Senedd Ken Skates praised the “monumental” efforts of NHS staff after a visit to Wrexham’s vaccination centre. 

The MS for Clwyd South was invited to join Mark Polin, Chairman of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, at the Catrin Finch Centre at Glyndwr University on Monday (February 15). 

The facility opened on January 26 as one of the health board’s Local Vaccination Centres and has already seen thousands of priority patients given their jabs. 

Mr Skates said: “The team are doing an incredible job and I’m really grateful to the health board for inviting me to go and see how things are going first-hand. I’ve had a lot of feedback recently from constituents saying how impressed they’ve been with the organisation and efficiency at the Mass Vaccination Centre in Deeside and here in Wrexham, and it’s clear to see why.” 

The centre has been open six days a week as the roll-out programme across North Wales continues to accelerate, and Plas Madoc Leisure Centre has also been lined up as a second LVC in Wrexham.

Mr Skates’ visit followed the news that Wales had become the first UK nation to reach the milestone of offering jabs to everyone in the first four priority groups. 

He said: “It really has been a monumental effort by everyone involved and it’s something we can all be immensely proud of. Betsi Cadwaladr was the first health board in Wales to hit 100,000 and it’s fantastic to see the roll-out up here going from strength to strength. They deserve huge credit.” 

Mr Skates added: “We hit our first milestone ahead of schedule, but no one is resting on their laurels. The next phase is already under way and the health board has begun offering appointments to people in priority groups five and six as well as arranging second dose appointments to all those in the first four groups.” 

The next phase of the roll-out will see vaccinations offered to people aged 65-69; people aged 16 to 64 with an underlying health condition; younger adults in residential care settings and unpaid carers who are looking after vulnerable people. 

Mr Skates added: “Arrangements are in place to make sure no one is left behind. If someone missed an appointment because they were ill, or they changed their mind about having the vaccine, a new appointment will be made for them."

Tidy Town Team's 500 unpaid hours for Llangollen

* Tidy Town Team members in their high viz jackets donated by McDonalds.

Llangollen's Tidy Town Team has had another busy year despite the constraints of lockdown.

The band of volunteers' varied programme of activities has included tasks ranging from clearing litter from the path to one of the town's iconic landmarks to helping with the delivery of flu jabs to hundreds of residents.

The team's 500 hours of unpaid work on behalf of the community is detailed in its annual report, prepared by co-ordinator David Davies, which will be presented to the Town Council at its meeting tonight (Tuesday).

His report says: "Despite the shambolic variation of Covid rules and regulations since March, the team has still managed to undertake a significant amount of work during the year.

"Our litter picking activities this year specifically targeted Ceiriog top road/the Gwernant and the canalside opposite Dinas Bran School plus litter picking at all other work locations.

"We have continued to thin timber and clear scrub in Cemetery Woodlands and with DCC Countryside Services, cleared out the stream and tidied around the Army Cadet HQ off Wern Road. 

"As this is a key area clearly visible adjacent to the footpath to the Castle, we hope that the new lease between DCC and the Army will now clearly identify who is responsible for the on-going grounds maintenance.

"During the dry months of the year we have painted or re-varnished a number of seats around the town along Riverside Walk and in Riverside Gardens behind the Ponsonby.

"Our maintenance of the Centenary Town Square continues with weeding the beds and tidying especially for Remembrance Sunday. This year we also refreshed all the seating with a new coating of wood preservative.

"A couple of the team have cleared local footpaths and repaired broken stiles whilst others have cut the hedging at the Health Centre and tidied around the Hawthorn.

"At the request of the Llangollen Health Centre, we embarked on a special venture this year. Over two and a half days we provided traffic management duties for their drive-thru flu vaccination clinics at the Pavilion.  A successful operation vaccinating some 2,500 people.

"Regretfully this year three long-serving members have left us - Alan Williams has sadly died, and Bill Saunders (95) and Les Potts (89) have decided to retire from active duties.

"A big thank you to them, and all the other members of the team for still contributing over 500 hours of voluntary work this year.

"Our thanks also to all our supporters for their help and encouragement including McDonalds this year for our new hi viz jackets and grass cutting equipment."

Monday, February 15, 2021

Air ambulance called to Llangollen Monday afternoon

* The air ambulance landed on the youth centre field this afternoon. Picture: Mike Edwards.

The Wales Air Ambulance landed on the Llangollen Youth Centre Field earlier this afternoon.

A spokesperson for the Welsh Ambulance Service said: "We were called today, Monday 15 February, at approximately 12.45pm to East Street, Llangollen to reports of a person having suffered a fall. 

"We responded with one emergency ambulance and the Wales Air Ambulance was also mobilised. 

"One patient was taken by road to Wrexham's Maelor Hospital for further treatment."

A spokesperson for Wales Air Ambulance said: "can confirm that Wales Air Ambulance attended a trauma incident in Llangollen this afternoon (15/02/21). Our Welshpool-based crew were mobile at 13:32 and arrived at the scene at 13:44. Following treatment from the 'Welsh Flying Medics', the patient was conveyed to hospital by the Welsh Ambulance Service. Our involvement concluded at 14:54."

* The helicopter gets airborne again after the incident. Picture: Stuart Davies.