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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Prime Minister encourages public to clap for Captain Sir Tom tonight

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has encouraged members of the public to clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore at 6pm this evening (Wednesday), according to the BBC.

The 100-year-old, who raised almost £33m for NHS charities by walking laps of his garden, died with coronavirus in Bedford Hospital on Tuesday.

Mr Johnson said the clap would also be for "all those health workers for whom he raised money".

He added Capt Sir Tom's life was "a long life lived well".

Call for parking areas to be closed to stop Covid rule breaking

* The Panorama near Llangollen.

A Llangollen resident is asking the area's two county councillors to consider temporarily closing parking areas in a local beaut spots to prevent their use by lockdown rule-breakers.

On Tuesday llanblogger highlighted the story about Clwyd West Senedd Member Darren Millar and two Denbighshire County Councillors, Martyn Holland and Huw Williams, who were asking for lay-bys on the main A494 to be temporarily closed.

They were concerned that people are parking in them to access nearby fields to go walking and sledging during lockdown, despite Welsh Government Covid rules stating that people should not travel for exercise.

A concerned local resident has now written to Llangollen county councillors Graham Timms and Melvyn Mile asking them to consider similar measures in this area.

In his email to them, he says: "Having read the article in llanblogger, I just want to let you know of an issue up on the Panorama. 

"I was up there yesterday afternoon on my mountain bike, exercising from home back to home in accordance with the current Welsh Covid Regulations. 

"I was disappointed therefore to see cars parked in informal parking spaces as you go from by the castle along as far the junctions at the top of Garth. 

"Some people are clearly breaching the regulations and disregarding public safety in relation to the pandemic which is very regrettable. I saw about nine vehicles including a chap who was getting a drone out of the boot of his car to fly in this beautiful location.

"You therefore might like to consider asking for these lay-bys to be closed similarly to the request of your fellow councillors in Denbighshire. 

"I would also mention that there was considerable rubbish dumped in the parking space as you come up the hill from the Sun Trevor, turn right and the informal parking area is on the left at the top of a rise."

Town Council by-election could be held on March 18

* Llangollen Town Hall, base of the town council.

If the vacancy is contested, a by-election for the seat of former Cllr George Hughes on Llangollen Town Council will be held on Thursday, March 18. 

Mr Hughes resigned from the council last October.

In Wales, any by-election scheduled to take place after March 16, 2020, or was due to a vacancy that occurred during the pandemic, could not take place before March 2021.

Any person wishing to stand as a candidate at the by-election should contact the Returning Officer at Denbighshire County Council on 01824 706114 or 706118, or email to obtain nomination papers.

Completed nomination papers must be presented in person by appointment with the Returning Officer or her Deputy at County Hall, Ruthin no later than 4pm Friday, February 19.

Roadworks planned for Regent Street this week

Latest local roadworks notification from is: 


Regent Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

04 February — 04 February


Delays likely - Traffic control (Stop/Go boards)


Works location: The Grapes, Regent Street, Llangollen


Works description: Cherry picker Permit


Responsibility for works: Welsh Government


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: PD510212110734619



Coronavirus update from Welsh Government


Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government (dated yesterday) is:


Coronavirus in numbers

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has today published statistics on provisional weekly deaths, including deaths involving Covid-19, for the week ending 22 January.

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

Where to find the latest information

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Council workmen fill in more Castle Street potholes

Workmen are this morning (Tuesday) in the process of filling in the remaining potholes on Castle Street.

llanblogger recently highlighted the number of deep holes along Llangollen's main street by sending a series of pictures of some of the worst ones to the county council.

As a result a council spokesperson said an officer would be sent to inspect the holes to see if they were a safety hazard.

Yesterday llanblogger revealed how a number of the deepest holes had been filled in - sparking a flurry of comments about the quality of the repairs.

Today workmen were back to give attention to the remaining holes and were still in the area at the time of posting this story.

Possibly the deepest of all the holes on the bridge has now been filled along with a number of others further along the street.

llanblogger will be checking again to see if all the potholes have been filled.  

* Possibly the worst pothole of all, on the bridge, is now filled.

* The hole at junction of Castle Street and Parade Street has been filled.

* The hole at the Market Street/Castle Street junction was yet to be done this morning.

Politicians call for closure of lay-bys to halt Covid rule breakers

Clwyd West MS Darren Millar and two County Councillors are calling for a number of lay-bys in Denbighshire to be temporarily closed to deter people from breaking Covid-19 rules

Mr Millar and councillors Martyn Holland and Huw Williams are concerned that people are parking in lay-bys along the A494 to access nearby fields to go walking and sledging during lockdown, despite Welsh Government Covid rules stating that people should not travel for exercise.

The MS said: "In between Christmas and New Year, Denbighshire Council rightly took the decision to close the car parks at Loggerheads and Moel Famau following reports of large numbers gathering there over the festive break. 

“Whilst such action has had the desired effect, unfortunately people have now taken to parking along the A494 and in lay-bys along this stretch to access nearby fields for walks and sledging.

“North Wales Police are patrolling the area, but even this does not seem to be deterring people and I think the only way to put an end to it is to temporarily close off the lay-bys.”

Cllr Holland, who represents  Llanarmon-yn-Iâl  and Llandegla, said: “I would particularly like to see the Plymog layby in my constituency temporarily closed off to discourage people from coming here. 

“As a county councillor, I always dread it when it snows as people flock here to sledge. But given all the terrible news on the television in recent weeks regarding the pandemic, I’ve been shocked that people are still travelling here.

“The Welsh Government rules clearly state that you should not be travelling for exercise.

“My constituents are very concerned that they are being put at risk and I’m therefore calling for these lay-bys to be temporarily closed to prevent people coming here during lockdown.”

Cllr Williams said: “I’m disappointed with the Welsh Government for not closing the lay-bys which has resulted in people parking and abusing the Covid-19 rules. Something needs to be done about it and soon.”