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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Collen Players present smash-hit online Christmas show

* Show chairman Father Lee Taylor.

The Collen Players went online to present their Christmas variety show yesterday evening.

Unable to perform before their usual audience due to the pandemic they observed strict social distancing to livestream their hour-long mixture of song and fun on their own Facebook page.

Their aim was to bring a little pre-festive light to a grimly locked-down world.

And hundreds from across the UK and abroad tuned in to watch them.

Acts were accompanied on the piano by Owen Roberts. 

Presented as usual by their founder Father Lee Taylor, vicar of St Collen’s, who opened with his traditional brand of patter, the whole thing kicked off with a rousing version of Couple of Swells from Julie Thomas and Gethin Davies.

* Julie Thomas and Gethin Davies are a couple of swells.

Next to take to the stage was Phil Robinson reprising a couple of music hall favourites, Champagne Charlie and The Spaniard That Blighted My Life.

* Phil Robinson is Champagne Charlie.

Things were slowed down beautifully when Susan Stokes sang Wouldn’t It Be Lovely from My Fair Lady and O Holy Night.

* Wouldn't It Be Lovely sings Susan Stokes.

The show stayed in reflective mood as Mike Connolly presented the very seasonal Do You Hear What I Hear? And Adeste Fidelis.

* Mike Connolly sings Adeste Fidelis.

Gethin Davies returned for a light-hearted couple of numbers, My Old Dutch and Have Some Madeira M’Dear.

* Gethin Davies presents Have Some Madeira M'Dear.

Young Shea Ferron, who also arranged the technical bits of the show, switched into his other mode as a talented singer to ring out If I Can’t Love Her from Beauty and the Beast and the poignant Christmas in the Trenches.

* Shea Ferron sings the moving Christmas in the Trenches.

There was more music hall-style patter from Father Lee – including the naughty Marrow Song - before special guest Santa Claus was called up to deliver a Christmas message which spoke of Llangollen’s resilience in the face of the ongoing pandemic.

The show ended on just the right note with a rousing version of White Christmas.

* Santa Claus, a close associate of the new Town Mayor, Austin "Chem" Cheminais, delivers his Christmas message.

* A recording of the show can be seen at:      

Friday, November 27, 2020

Tune in for some Christmas cheer this evening

* Neil Barrett and David Lyne's double act will be on the evening's bill. 

The Collen Players are to stage a special Christmas Variety show this evening.

But because they’re not yet allowed to perform for a live Llangollen audience due to social distancing rules, they will be bringing some roistering seasonal cheer through the airwaves.

The group was founded a couple of years ago by Father Lee Taylor, priest-in-charge of St Collen’s Church and a music hall enthusiast.

He said: “Collen Players have now done a number of very successful shows which attracted large and appreciative audiences.

“Unfortunately, we had to cancel one of the shows soon after the pandemic began but we were determined to go ahead with our Christmas special.

“We’ll be streaming it live on our own Facebook page observing the very strictest social distancing rules.”

He added: “Like so many other entertainers we’re having to adapt to this new way of performing but we can’t wait to be involved in the show.

“People have had such a very bad time over most of this year and we think they deserve a little cheering up in time for Christmas.

“We hope as many people as possible will watch the show which starts online at 6.30pm tonight (Friday).

Father Lee will as usual be the evening’s chairman and the performers will be Shea Ferron, Julie Thomas and Gethin Davies, Mike Connolly, Susan Stokes, Phil Robinson, Neil Barratt and Dave Lyne.

Accompanying them on the piano will be Owen Roberts.

* To see the show being livestreamed at 6.30pm this evening, go to the Collen Players Facebook page at:      

Entries invited to business champions awards

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes (pictured) has shown his support for small community-based enterprises in his constituency by backing the Wrexham and Denbighshire Business Champions Awards.

The awards were launched to highlight the achievements of the UK’s very best small businesses who have shown great community spirit in their local area and are aimed at any businesses with up to 50 employees, including hairdressers, cafes, accountants, solicitors and graphic designers.

Small businesses in both Wrexham and Denbighshire have the chance to be in the regional finals, competing at town and country levels. The awards will culminate with five regional finals in Wales, Scotland Northern Ireland, Northern England and Southern England.

Simon Baynes MP said: “In Clwyd South we have so many excellent small businesses who are worthy of the Business Champions Award. 

"So it’s wonderful to see that these businesses have an opportunity to be recognised for their efforts, particularly during these challenging times. I would strongly encourage small businesses in Wrexham and Denbighshire to apply for this award and I want to wish them the very best of luck in this competition.”

Awards Director, Damian Cummins, said: “This year, more than ever, we have learned to appreciate our local independent businesses. From the local corner shop to barbers, pubs and cafes.

“Lots of these small businesses are put off by business awards as they feel they are too small to compete. We wanted to create an awards ceremony that recognised and celebrated the very best of local businesses, from the High Streets to those hidden away in the nooks and crannies of towns and villages.

“The Wrexham and Denbighshire Business Champions are all about the story. We want to know why you are the best in your area and how you support the local community. From being the latest craze or ‘go to’ restaurant in your town, to the family business that’s been going quietly for generations.

 “These are truly local, transparent awards, celebrating local success stories and are incredibly easy to enter. Just reaching the finals alone will help companies to successfully market their business and thrive.”

* For more information, or to enter the awards, you can visit or

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Update on the coronavirus cases at Llangollen Fechan

According to Denbighshire County Council, latest figures available from the Coronavirus incident in the Llangollen Fechan Care Home in Llangollen show there have been five further deaths, taking the total in the last three weeks to 20.

There have been 11 new positive coronavirus tests, which include four residents and seven members of staff, resulting in a total of 60 residents and 40 staff since the start of this incident (as of 26 November)

The Incident Management Team, comprises of Denbighshire County Council, Public Health Wales and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

These organisations are bringing together their expertise and continue to work with the owners of the home and to co-ordinate the response. 

The IMT is taking the incident very seriously, it says.

Co-chair of the IMT, Nicola Stubbins, said: “We continue to work together closely to monitor the situation and to help the owners and staff to implement the control measures.

“We are very sad to report these further deaths and are very concerned about a number of residents who are currently very poorly.

Unfortunately, residents who are already vulnerable through their age or pre-existing conditions are more likely to suffer the worst outcomes from this deadly virus and our thoughts are with all of those affected.

“We still expect to see cases in a variety of settings, and we manage any clusters of Coronavirus appropriately.  This can include providing advice around infection prevention and control, and by supporting contact tracing where required.

“Anyone who meets the definition of a contact will be contacted as a routine part of theTest, Trace and Protect process and provided with additional advice for themselves, their household and other contacts.

“We remind the public that they have a vital role in preventing the spread of Coronavirus.  They can do this by adhering to Welsh Government regulations currently in place in Wales, and by observing social distancing guidelines – that’s staying two metres away from others – and washing hands regularly.”

Council reminds residents of self-isolation support payments

Denbighshire County Council is reminding the county’s residents that have been contacted by NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect service (TTP) and told to self-isolate that they may be entitled to financial support from a package announced by Welsh Government.

The Self-Isolation Support payment is being administered by local authorities and the application process has now been implemented.

People are entitled to a Self-Isolation Payment of £500 if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • They have been told to self-isolate by NHS Wales, Test, Trace, Protect service (TTP) on or after 23 October 2020
  • They are employed or self-employed
  • They cannot work from home and will lose income as a result
  • They or your partner are currently receiving at least one of the following benefits:
    • Universal Credit
    • Working Tax Credit
    • Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
    • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
    • Income Support
    • Housing Benefit
    • Pension Credit

A discretionary payment of £500 may be available if people meet all of the following criteria:

  • You have been told to self-isolate by NHS Wales, Test, Trace, Protect service (TTP) on or after 23 October 2020
  • You are employed or self-employed
  • You cannot work from home and will lose income as a result
  • You or your partner do not currently receive:
    • Universal Credit
    • Working Tax Credit
    • income-based Employment and Support Allowance
    • income-based Job Seekers Allowance
    • Income Support
    • Housing Benefit
    • Pension Credit
  • You will face financial hardship as a result of not being able to work while you are self- isolating.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Cabinet Lead Member for Finance and Assets, said: “We fully recognise that some people will have suffered financial hardship as a result of the covid restrictions and worrying about finances only adds to people’s concerns.

“The Isolation Payment has been made available by Welsh Government to assist those that have suffered financially and the scheme is open until the New Year.   The Council has published the information on its website, on social media and through the local press, in the hope that people who may be eligible come forward to apply.

!The Council is responsible for administering the scheme in Denbighshire and information on the criteria, as well as how to apply and the application forms themselves are available on the Council’s website and we would encourage people to take a look and consider whether they are eligible for the payments.

* To apply, please visit the Council’s website:

SM calls for support for "desperate" B&Bs

North Wales MS Mark Isherwood has again called on the Finance Minister Rebecca Evans to provide an urgent statement detailing how she’s going to support "desperate" small B&B businesses, or explain why she’s “abandoned this key sector and its support for our local economies.”

Throughout the pandemic Mr Isherwood says he has made repeated calls for support for these businesses, yet they continue to miss out on funding sources.

Yesterday he again challenged the Minister over the lack of support.

Calling for an urgent statement on the matter during yesterday’s Business Statement in the Welsh Parliament, he said: “When I asked you for a statement on this six weeks ago, I said the Welsh Government again excluded them from financial support to help them survive the pandemic, this time barred from a third round of the economic resilience fund. 

"They were also deemed ineligible in previous rounds and have been denied small business grants, unlike their counterparts in England and Scotland.

"In reply, you said they should speak to Business Wales advisers to explore whether they can point them in the direction of other forms of support. Having tried this, they told me that only loans were available, and these would push them into unmanageable debt.

“They've since told me that they are also ineligible for your lockdown discretionary grant and ask if the Welsh Government were going to help them before we go into this winter, stating, 'Our sector cannot possibly survive without additional help'. 

They therefore need a statement from you, detailing the support you will now give them, or explaining why on earth you've abandoned this key sector and its support for our local economies.”

The Minister told Mr Isherwood to send her details of the reasons why the B&B owners he referred to were not eligible for the discretionary fund

She added: “We are looking to explore what we can learn from this current ERF phase 3 in terms of our package of support as we move forward for business. So, I'd be keen to understand why they were unable to access funding through the discretionary fund, which is deliberately very wide and broad in order to meet the needs of those businesses that have not yet been able to access support.”

Mr Isherwood added: “I will now go back to the desperate B&B businesses who have been in touch to inform them of the Minister’s latest response and ask for their feedback once more, before writing to the Minister.”  

Christmas quiz papers available from Saturday

Papers to enter this year's Cancer Research Christmas Quiz will be available to collect from this weekend.

Organisers say: "Unfortunately, Llangollen Tourist Information is only open on Fridays and Saturdays, but you can pick up your Christmas Quiz as usual from Pro-Adventure.  

"For those who don’t know the town so well, it’s near the traffic lights at the top of Castle Street.  

"The quiz will be available from Saturday, 28th November. 

"After being so badly compromised by Covid this year Cancer Research UK will more than ever appreciate all the support you can offer to put its valuable work back on track."