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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Helicopter rescue drama near Sun Bank


More than one helicopter is thought to have was involved in the rescue of what is believed to have been a walker from the Panorama near Sun Bank earlier today.

This picture is taken from a short video film posted on Facebook by local dance instructor Julie Kirk Thomas who lives nearby.

Julie, who runs the weekly Strictly Fun Dancing sessions in Centenary Square at 10.30am on Mondays, told llanblogger: "It's been very busy here with helicopters and I was filming from our garden.

"We noticed climbers on the old quarry behind us this morning whilst dog walking.

"It all went quiet just after 3pm today."

The Daily Post online reported later this afternoon:

"A woman has been flown to hospital after falling at a former quarry now used by climbers.
"Emergency services were called to the Trevor Quarry site at Panorama Walk near Llangollen just after 12.30pm on Saturday after reports that a woman had fallen.

"The Wales Air Ambulance and coastguard helicopter were both required to attend."

Isherwood raises concerns over care home funding during pandemic

Shadow Minister for North Wales Mark Isherwood has expressed concern over the £22.7 million support package announced recently by the Welsh Government for local authorities to help adult social care providers meet the additional costs associated with the pandemic.  

Although it is now August, this funding covers the period from July 1st, and leading figures in the care sector have claimed it discriminates against care providers in North Wales in favour of those in the south of the country.

Mr Isherwood has been calling for more support for care homes in North Wales since June and has challenged the Health Minister over the matter on a number of occasions during virtual Plenary meetings of the Welsh Parliament in recent months.  

Therefore, whilst welcoming the additional support package, he is disappointed that care home providers in North Wales will receive substantially less than those in South Wales.  

He said: “Once again, care home providers in the North are the poor relations. 

"As Mario Kreft MBE, the Chair of Care Forum Wales has stated: 'Funding is allocated via local councils and health boards which means we essentially have 29 variations on a theme which is an absolute nonsense. The vast majority of care home residents are publicly funded and providers have been forced to dance to the varying tunes of local councils for a generation. The absurdity of the situation was recently highlighted by the Cheapskate Awards handed out by Care Forum Wales which illustrated the unfair post code lottery plaguing the sector in Wales.'

“Five North Wales Local Authorities were presented with Cheapskate Awards for paying amongst the lowest care home fees in Wales amid the coronavirus crisis, with an inbuilt North-South divide.

“Sadly, care homes in North Wales are being left behind when it comes to funding, despite calls from myself, other politicians and the sector, for North Wales to be treated fairly.  

“As Care Forum Wales have said, the overwhelming priority now must be ‘to devise a national action plan to implement long-term structural change to mend a system that’s broken and fragmented’.”

Mr Isherwood added: “Aside from the unfairness of the system, Care Forum Wales have also warned that this additional funding will serve only as a ‘temporary sticking plaster’. 

"The Health Minister has said he will review the situation in September, but the majority of care home providers cannot wait until then. They need action now from the Minister to balance the system and alleviate as far as possible the likely impacts of any second wave of Covid-19 infections, and the routine seasonal flus and other pressures that the latter part of the year will bring, so that care homes and nursing homes can support NHS Wales through this coming winter.”

Saturday, August 8, 2020

County explains why car park can't be used by permit holders

The county council has explained why a sign which has appeared outside the East Street car park in Llangollen saying it can no longer be used by parking permit holders.

A spokesperson for Denbighshire County Council said: “The sign relates to the free two-hour parking offer in six of the county’s car parks which runs up until December 31. 

The car parks chosen for this offer are predominantly short stay car parks where permits are not valid. This is to ensure spaces are kept free for shoppers and visitors, generating a higher turnover of visits to help support our town centre businesses.

“However, in Llangollen because permits are valid in the town’s short stay and long stay car parks, we chose East Street Car Park for the offer to ensure spaces are kept free for shoppers and visitors, while still allowing permit holders to use Market Street, Mill Street or Hall Street car parks.”

Friday, August 7, 2020

Stay safe this weekend, says Wales's tourism minister

* Weekend traffic queues 
on the A5 into Llangollen.
As the first weekend since indoor hospitality has been open begins and with good weather forecast Wales's Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism Dafydd Elis Thomas is reminding residents and visitors alike to enjoy what Wales has to offer safely.
He said: “We are now at the height of summer and with hospitality businesses able to open again, many people will be taking advantage of the good weather to visit Wales or explore their local area.  After the difficulties for the tourism industry this will be welcome for many.

"If you are planning to explore and enjoy what Wales has to offer this weekend remember to do so safely.  

"There are a few things which we can all do to help keep ourselves, our families and communities safe.

“Plan ahead and check local arrangements such as parking facilities. If where you want to go is very busy think about an alternative which is quieter – there are plenty of places to choose from.  You might discover something new.

“Remember to maintain social distance, and keep two metres apart from others, including when outdoors and on the streets.

“It’s great to see that most tourist businesses are now open and we all have a part to play in keeping everyone safe, and ensuring our restaurants, pubs, cafes and attractions can remain open.

“We can enjoy the wonderful countryside and attractions here in Wales over the summer.  Let’s all do so safely.”

* Visit Wales is encouraging visitors to make a pledge to care for each other and the place we call home. To sign the pledge visit:

St Collen's to re-open for services on August 30

St Collen's Church is to re-open following the lockdown later this month.
On its Facebook site, the Llangollen Group of Anglican Churches, it says: "We are pleased to announce, that as part of the Amber Phase of re-opening churches for public worship, we are able to open the doors of St Collen’s church on Sunday 30th August.
"As previously mentioned, this will be a staged process for our group of churches as is the case across the Church in Wales and other Mission Areas.
"There will be one celebration of the Mass at 11am at St Collen’s each Sunday from the 30th. At this stage, we do not know when our other churches will be able to re-open.
"The service on the 30th, ‘Re-Opening the Doors’, will reflect on the mixed feelings of grief, loss, thanksgiving and renewal that many have experienced during the start of the Covid pandemic. If you would like to share your lockdown story during the service, please contact Fr Lee. The service will begin with a short liturgy outdoors (weather permitting) and then it will proceed with a joyful entry into the church.
"As we are not allowed to sing, we can, however, shake a tambourine or ring a handbell! If you have these, please bring them with you.
"There will be clear instructions given at the start of the service and there will be hand-santizing stations and signage around the church to guide your movements and indicate where you are able to sit.
"Please bring a face-covering/mask with you. Someone will be available to take a temperature check before you enter the building. If you have a temperature then you will be advised to go home. This measure is for the safety of everyone.
"Communion will be received in one kind (bread only). You are advised to sanitize your hands before receiving the host. It might be a good idea to bring a pocket-size hand sanitizer with you. You will be invited to receive communion from the front step of the Chancel in front of the iron screen (the chancel will be out-of-bounds). You must form a single line down the central nave aisle whilst observing the 2-metre physical distancing rule. Please return to your seats via the side aisles.
"There will be no sharing the Peace in the traditional way and, as I mentioned above, there will be no singing. Refreshments will not be served after the service.
"Services will continue to be live-streamed via Facebook for those who do not feel they are ready or well enough to gather together with others. Please remember that you do not need to be signed up to Facebook to watch these services. It just means that, if you do not have a Facebook profile, you cannot watch the services ‘live’ but you can watch them once the service has ended and been saved on the page."

Trains picking up the pace at Llangollen Railway

* Pictures by George Jones.

Train services are now back in action at Llangollen Railway following its emergence from lockdown.

Yesterday's service was steam-hauled with No.3802 up front.

In the top picture it is seen passing Berwyn and, below, later arriving at Carrog.

Steam runs Friday, Saturday and Sunday supplemented by diesel trains at the weekend to cater for social distancing requirements.

Pub raises thousands for good causes with its quiz nights

* Online quizzers zoom into action to help good causes.

A local pub has been raising thousands of pounds for good causes over the past few months.

Since March, the Sun Trevor has been running its weekly Wednesday night quiz online and over £2,000 has been raised mostly for Nightingale House Hospice but also including £160 for Chester Zoo when it was in plunged into crisis when it closed due to the pandemic.

This Wednesday night was the 21st online quiz and for the first time since lockdown began some of the regular teams took part from the beer garden, whilst others continued on zoom.

Many team members also took advantage of The Eat Out to Help Out meal deals the pub has available.

* The pub's beer garden where some of
the quizzers took part from on Wednesday.