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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Children's safety is priority says county chief of schools' return

Denbighshire County Council has issued a statement in response to the announcement by Welsh Education Minister Kirsty Williams MS today that schools will re-open in phases from June 29.

The main points of the Minister’s announcement were:

  • It is proposed that all schools will start the next phase on 29 June, with the term extended by a week, therefore ending on 27 July. 
  • In the next academic year, beginning in September, the intention is that the autumn half-term break will be expanded to two weeks.
  • In each school there will be a phased approach. Year groups will be split into cohorts with staggered starts, lessons and breaks. It is expected that this will mean, at most, a third of pupils present at any one time, though schools may need time to reach this level of operation.
  • There will be much smaller classes, providing secure dedicated time with teachers and classmates. This time will include online and personalised classroom experience, getting children and teachers ready for a similar experience in September.
Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public Engagement, said: “The safety of our children, young people and our staff is a top priority and we would like to reassure parents and guardians that we will do everything it takes to create safe environments for when our pupils and students return.

“The Welsh Government has made it clear from the outset of coronavirus that schools will only re-open in Wales when it is safe to do so, but we recognise that some parents/ guardians may be still have concerns around the timing.

“A lot of work is going on in Denbighshire and across North Wales, to review all our education and school policies and procedures, to make sure they are fit for purpose for new arrangements to be put in place that will allow our schools to open safely.

“We will now consider the details of the announcement in great detail and we will work closely with schools, governing bodies and teaching unions to prepare for re-opening schools, with stringent social distancing measures being introduced in every school. There will be rigorous cleaning and hand hygiene procedures in place and we will ensure that schools have everything they need to operate safely. We await further guidance from Welsh Government in due course.

“Schools will provide information over the coming days and weeks about arrangements  that will be put in place and steps that people must follow to ensure  that the health and safety of all our pupils and staff are protected."

All Welsh schools to re-open on June 29

The BBC us reporting that all schools in Wales will reopen on 29 June, the education minister has said.

For the full story, see:

Poll starts on return of Saturday morning waste facility

* The Facebook poll created by former county councillor Stuart Davies.

A former Llangollen county councillor has started an online petition asking local people if they want to see the swift return of the Saturday morning waste recycling service on the Pavilion car park. 

The service, in which a small fleet of county council refuse vehicles parked up for a few hours to collect waste brought in by residents, was suspended early in the lockdown.

Current Llangollen county councillor Graham Timms said recently that he and fellow local representative Melvyn Mile were lobbying hard for the return of the service but were experiencing difficulties as the county had said it could not yet ensure it can be carried out observing the required social distancing.

Without the Pavilion service Llangollen people must drive over to the Ruthin recycling site, which is operating an appointments only system, to deposit their household waste.

But now ex-councillor Stuart Davies has posted a poll on Facebook which asks local people to say yes or no to whether they want to see the service resumed as soon as possible.

The online test of public opinion was posted only this morning on the Llangollen & District Noticeboard page but more than 100 people have already voted in favour of a return of the service.

Mr Davies said: "I know our two county councillors are lobbying for the return of the Saturday morning service and I thought a show of public support like this might strengthen their argument."  

Llangollen's lack of suitable waste recycling facilities rapidly becoming a hot topic.

And Clwyd South Senedd Member Ken Skates is looking into whether an agreement exists between Denbighshire and Wrexham for local people to use the Plas Madoc tip.

Since Llangollen's own recycling facility on the A539 was closed in 2007 people from this area have been using either the Wrexham site, or the "pop-up" Saturday morning waste service on the Pavilion car park. 

Both facilities closed when the coronavirus lockdown began about 10 weeks ago but the Plas Madoc facility opened again last week.

Mr Skates asked Wrexham last week if Plas Madoc could be used by local people but, as llanblogger reported earlier today, he was told this was being reserved for Wrexham residents.

Now it has been suggested that some form of agreement was reached between Denbighshire and Wrexham for Llangollen's use of Plas Madoc 13 years ago.

And Mr Skates said today he was seeking clarification from the two councils about whether this is the case.

Llangollen county councillor Graham Timms is also looking into the agreement claim, which was made by Stuart Davies.

Updates on coronavirus from Welsh Government

Latest Covid-19 updates from the Welsh Government are: 

  • Public Health Wales has today confirmed a further 67 cases of coronavirus in Wales today bringing the total number of cases to 14,121 – the real figure will be much higher.
    • Sadly, there were a further seven deaths reported by Public Health Wales today, bringing the number of confirmed coronavirus deaths reported by Public Health Wales to 1,354. 
Where to find the latest information
Health Minister Vaughan Gething held today’s press conference – you can watch again at:

Firefighters tackle wildfire on Panorama Walk

Denbighshire Free Press is reporting online this morning that firefighters have been tackling a blaze in Llangollen overnight.

North Wales Fire and rescue Service received a call just before 11.30pm on Tuesday reporting a wildfire in Panorama Walk.
Crews have been tackling the flamed through the night.
A spokesman told the Leader the incident involves two seats of fire.
Three crews and a wildfire unit are still in attendance at the site this morning.

* A picture of the fire in the distance supplied to llanblogger by Stuart Davis.

Fringe cancelled but team has other plans in mind

This year's Llangollen Fringe in its usual form has been cancelled due to the coronaviris crisis.

But the team behind the popular annual event has come up with a number of other ways to keep up interest in the arts and music festival. 

Subject to the coronavirus restrictions, this is what they plan to deliver over the summer and into next year: 

* July 17-26 - some online Fringe activities details of which are to follow 

* September 22 and into 2021 - A series of Town Hall gigs featuring the headline performers they had planned aimed at showcasing the usual eclectic Fringe mix of performances

* After July 17 - a day of entertainment on Centenary Square. This will be a free, public event and will be staged at the first available opportunity. The aim is to make this a fun day which also serves as a showcase for local talent.

In a message to supporters, Fringe organisers say: "If you, or someone you know, can provide a 20-30 minute performance ‘at the drop of a hat’, please get in touch with Chris."

Festival ticket holders are asked to either send an email to the Fringe which organisers say will result in a full refund, or let them hold onto the cash, which will mean: 

You will be welcome to come along to all the planned headliner gigs, free of charge

* Receive 50% off next year’s Festival Ticket and

* Come along to one of the Fringe's monthly comedy clubs

The team adds in its message: "Our videographer has accumulated hours of Fringe footage over the last 10 years or so and we are putting together a compilation of highlights.  

"Is there a special moment you would like to see?  If so, and we have it recorded, send an email here and we will include it on our website.

"We thank you for your most valued support and hope you can enjoy the ‘little bit of us’ that we are trying our hardest to bring to you this year.  

"Let us all hope we can get back to normal, if that exists anymore, soon… and certainly in time for next year."

More Covid volunteers are highlighted by Cat

To mark the current National Volunteer Week, Cat Meade, co-ordinator of Llangollen Coronavirus Help Group, has turned the spotlight on more groups helping the town through the the pandemic crisis.

She says of them on Facebook:

Zero Food Waste and Food Share Llangollen 
These guys Volunteer ALL YEAR round, these past 10 weeks they have supported more and more local families, nothing is too much and they ALWAYS do it with a SMILE 

Jane Louise Tornado Kalamity Wild Stephanie Mitchell Lesley Greasley
Jane started the food parcels when we first went into Lockdown, I was messaging orders day after day and with the team they got delivered that very day.

Kirsty had the idea of the VE DAY packages, which together with our Volunteers, Steve chef The Swan Inn, Pontfadog and the lovely Pretty Vintage Tearoom and Barista Coffee we all pulled together to make it a memory for those in Lockdown.

Steph never stops delivering, always happy to help, her daughter is following in her footsteps and has started a small business making jewellery with 70% of everything sold going to the Foodshare Fund, please support.
Lesley is not only doing food deliveries and helping, she has also been preparing and cooking hot food for the vulnerable. 

The Foodshare require their own FULL TIME premises in TOWN as they are currently using the Pengwern hub, but this is only during lockdown, Pref somewhere with a kitchen facility that can become their full time base. If you can help please contact one of the ladies. 

Food Share itself said: "Here is just *some* of the shopping we've done today to make food parcels to support people in our #llangollenfamily

Today alone, 3 unpaid volunteers have done 10 hours' work behind the scenes, and that's before we do our surplus round at 8pm.
Cat goes on: 

A big THANK YOU to Lisa Griffiths 

Lisa has been a Volunteer for 10 weeks, been with the team from day 1. I assign her tasks 4/5 days a week sometimes more than once a day, Lisa has been a PRIME volunteer assisting the elderly with shopping, picking up a list for Aldi, HB along with collecting the orders I submit for residents to Stans, collecting and delivering.

Lisa also helped in the delivery of VE Day packages and the 3,000 leaflet drop we delivered 2 weeks ago.

Any time I message (sometimes at short notice) she says YES and does it with a smile.

I have had a lot of residents comment on how friendly, lovely and helpful Lisa has been with them.
Lisa does all of this while being a mum at home, she doesnt want the limelight and is a genuine lovely lady.

Please join me in saying a BIG THANK YOU to Lisa, you have the heart of an Angel. Amazing lady.

Also on Facebook Cat has made a plea for funds to help her group keep up the good work.

She says: "Every Little Helps Llangollen. Funds are very low, please help us to keep supporting.

The link to the group's gofundme page is: