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Monday, February 3, 2020

Tax cut bad luck for climate, says county councillor

Denbighshire Tories and Independents would rather cut council tax by 13p per week than give the county’s climate change plans a boost, according to Graham Timms, Labour county councillor for Llangollen (pictured). 

“That’s the message I took from the Conservative and Independent group at the recent County Council meeting," he said.

“In early December, Denbighshire councillors were presented with a budget which showed a 4.8% rise in council tax for 2020/21. A few days later the Welsh Labour Government came true on its promise to substantially increase their financial support to councils so that local authorities would be able to deliver better services across Wales.

“So I was really disappointed when the Tory/Independent cabinet in Denbighshire decided that instead of improving services to our residents they would cut the council tax. This was the biggest increase from the Welsh Government for years and should have been used for the purpose it was intended, rather than cutting council tax.”

He added: “At last week’s council meeting the Denbighshire Labour group proposed to use a small amount of the money from Welsh Government to tackle climate change. 

"It would have cost 13p per week for the average Band D household. We suggested that the money should be spent on a range of measures to combat climate change and to encourage residents to support the county-wide effort in reducing their own emissions.

“The proposal was defeated by 24 votes to 14 meaning that the council tax cut went ahead.

“Back in July every single councillor voted to support the declaration of a climate and ecological emergency and yet they could not agree to support this proposal. It seems that they are far more faint-hearted when they realise there is a cost involved."

The proposed council tax in Denbighshire has been cut by £6.64 for a Band D house next year, making Denbighshire’s 4.3% increase one of the smallest in North Wales.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Brexit disagreement becomes major talking point

* The Brexit day picture which led to the exchange of  views.
The Brexit disagreement on llanblogger between Langollen’s county councillors old and new has become a major talking point, particularly on social media.

It started when llanblogger carried a picture last Friday sent by former town mayor and councillor Stuart Davies showing his yacht moored in Portugal decorated with the flags of Wales, England and Scotland to celebrate Britain’s official departure from Europe.
This prompted a response on Saturday from the town’s present county councillor, Graham Timms, in which he said: "It’s a pity that one of our former county councillors thinks that it’s a good idea to send pictures of his private yacht in Portugal to celebrate the split between Europe and the UK.

"We need to remember that 48% of the population (and rather more than that in Llangollen) are disappointed about the split."

And he went on to stress Llangollen’s long history of welcoming people from across Europe and the rest of the world.

The two stories, shared to social media, sparked a lively response from people on both sides of the argument yesterday.

Since then Stuart Davies has been back hit back at Cllr Timms’ contribution with: “Typical comments from a Remoaner, it shows the Labour Party of which he is representative, still haven’t got it!

“We live in a Democracy, the People Voted! His MP lost her seat because she didn’t listen to what the people voted for. I predict that his AM will lose his seat in the coming Welsh Assembly elections.”

Ramblers stride out for a sunny Chester walk

Llangollen Ramblers took a sunny riverside walk through Chester last week. 

A spokdesperson for the group said: "We're not always off up the hills - we truly have walks to suit all capabilities. And we are always keen to welcome new walkers. 

"If you are interested, email Judy at for more information."

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Llan councillor hits out over Brexit celebration picture

Llangollen county councillor Graham Timms (pictured) has criticised his predecessor for celebrating Britain's departure from Europe.

Yesterday (Friday) llanblogger featured a picture sent by former county councillor and town mayor Stuart Davies of his yacht, which is moored in Portugal, dressed in the national flags of Wales, England and Scotland to mark Brexit, of which he was a keen supporter.

In response Cllr Timms says: "It’s a pity that one of our former county councillors thinks that it’s a good idea to send pictures of his private yacht in Portugal to celebrate the split between Europe and the UK.

"We need to remember that 48% of the population (and rather more than that in Llangollen) are disappointed about the split."

* Stuart Davies's boat dressed to mark Brexit.
On Britain's first post-Brexit day Cllr Timms added: "I will not be celebrating today, but I will continue to work to bring our community together, whether they voted to leave or to remain.

"This town has a long history of welcoming people from across Europe and the rest of the world and it is my hope and belief that our community will continue to do that.

"We also need to make sure that we give our support the organisations in our town that foster these relationships, particularly the International Eisteddfod, ECTARC and our schools." 

Meanwhile, Stuart Davies has sent in a picture of his welcome to Portugal by a local government official as part of his temporary residence in the country ...

Friday, January 31, 2020

Former Llangollen mayor celebrates Brexit Day

Former Llangollen mayor and county councillor Stuart Davies (pictured) has sent in this picture of his boat, which he keeps in Portugal, "dressed for Brexit Day" with the national flags of Wales, England and Scotland.

Mr Davies has been a keen supporter of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union.

Police boss: Don't prosecute people using medical cannabis

A police boss is calling for assurances that people using cannabis for medicinal purposes will not be prosecuted.

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones (pictured) has written to the head of the Crown Prosecution Service in Wales asking for a guarantee that sick people will not be hauled before the courts for trying to alleviate their conditions.

Mr Jones, a former police inspector, is a long term advocate of drug reform.

He was deeply touched by the recent death of Phil James, a young father from North Wales who took cannabis oil to prolong his life after being diagnosed with a brain tumour at the aged of 33.

Mr James’ case made global headlines after he advocated for the use of CBD which contains banned Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
The father-of-one from Oakenholt, near Flint, said the oil shrunk his tumour and staved off seizures allowing him to spend longer with his wife Nicola and their 15-month-old daughter, Phoebe.
He was diagnosed with a grade three tumour at the end of 2015 and it dramatically reduced in size after taking the drug.  
But Mr James then suffered a minor stroke and a CAT scan revealed a secondary tumour, causing him to suffer a series of falls, in February 2018.   
He died at Nightingale House Hospice in Wrexham on January 5. 
According to Mr Jones, the case of Phil James was a perfect example of why it was necessary to ensure that people who took medicinal cannabis should not have the additional worry of being threatened with the possibility of prosecution.
It was, he said, “cruel and inhumane” for people to be criminalised for being seriously ill.
In his letter to Chief Crown Prosecutor Barry Hughes, the police and crime commissioner wrote: “I am writing to you to request your support in preventing the prosecution of those using cannabis for medical purposes.
“On the 1st November 2018 the UK Government announced that cannabis products can be legally prescribed to individuals who could benefit from the medicine. “Cannabis based products have been proven to help those suffering with a number of issues including MS, Parkinson disease and epilepsy.

“Since the legalisation of medical cannabis there have only been two individuals that have received an NHS prescription for the drug.

“Unfortunately there are hundreds of individuals in the UK that need medical cannabis to continue to live without pain and enable them to lead a normal life.

“To those who don’t have an NHS prescription they are left with two options, the first is to pay for a private prescription and the second is to cultivate cannabis with a risk of receiving a criminal record. The cost of a private prescription for medical cannabis can be up to £3,000 a month. This is a cost which is impossible to sustain yet these individuals are increasing their debts and using their savings just to live a pain free life and prevent prosecution.

“In October 2019 MPs hosted a Cross Parliamentary meeting on Drug Reform called ‘forced to break the law: how should police respond to medical cannabis users’. 

“During this meeting we heard from individuals who use cannabis to relieve their symptoms yet spend their days worrying that they will be prosecuted for their cannabis use.

“During the meeting we heard about Lesley Gibson an MS patient who has spent the last year awaiting prosecution for the cultivation of cannabis.

“In January 2019 Lesley’s home in Carlisle was raided by Cumbria Police and her cannabis plants were removed. Lesley could not afford a private prescription and was left with no option but to medicate herself for her MS and grow her own cannabis plants. Her local Crown Prosecution Service decided to take the case to where she was acquitted. The Crown decided that it was not in the public interest to prosecute an individual who cultivated cannabis for medical purposes only.

“Is this now National CPS Policy that it is not in the public interest to prosecute users of medical cannabis? If so I welcome this progressive policy change and I agree that it is not in the public interest to prosecute users of medicinal cannabis.

“Individuals are forced to cultivate medicinal cannabis because the UK Government will not support widespread prescribing of pharmaceutical cannabis by the NHS.

I look forward to receiving clarification from the Director of Public Prosecutions.”

Choral concert for St David's Day