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Friday, November 1, 2019

SG Estates responds to complaints over site works

* The new housing development off Vicarage Road.

Nearby residents have been complaining about the way work is being carried out on the new housing estate in Llangollen.

But the boss of the company carrying out the work says they are doing their best "to address and alleviate local traffic issues". 
Complaints from residents centre on large HGVs and various plant driving along Vicarage Road with insufficient room to pass parked residents' vehicles. 
One resident is said to have had the wing mirrors of her car knocked off by a passing vehicle.

Also there are HGVs meeting each other at the pinch point at the top of Hill Street and said to be causing a problem for other road users, particularly pedestrians and those with wheelchairs, push-hairs and prams. 
Steve Griffin, managing director of SG Estates, which is carrying out the building project, says in a statement issued to llanblogger yesterday evening: "Just prior to commencement of the roadworks on Hall Street and Willow Street, SG Estates were approached by Hafren Dyfrdwy (HD) regarding the construction of a new reservoir off Vicarage Road, to the rear (South) of the property known as Fron Hyfryd.  
"HD told SG Estates of its need to install a main from the A5 to its site and requested that they be allowed to lay the pipe whilst SG Estates undertook our works on Hall Street and Willow Street.

"SG Estates decided that it was in the public interest to accommodate HD’s pipe laying within our works programme thereby minimising disruption in the locality (traffic/noise/access) and avoiding further road closures in the vicinity at a later date - not to mention the additional traffic and muddy roads so soon after we had completed our work.
"However, SG Estates' decision to assist with the reservoir project has come at a price. SG Estates has experienced a significant delay to its progress as a result of accommodating these 'unrelated' works, and our programme has been delayed as a result of it.
"Without this incurred delay and other unforeseen circumstances the majority of the roadworks to feed the development site would have been completed by now. 
"SG Estates are a small, local family-owned development company and our financial resources are not as endless as some of the large national companies and the resultant delay would have had a serious impact on the viability of our company proceeding with the development.
"We have had to commence works on some of the properties on phase 1 of the development out-of-sequence and prior to the roads being completed. This action has been required in order to meet our financial responsibilities and deliver the required housing to the market in a timeous manner. 
"This site has been identified by Denbighshire County Council as being vital to meet the shortfall in available local housing and SG Estates has invested heavily in delivering this vision.
"Accordingly, we are committed to delivering the project and infrastructure as soon as possible and without further delays.
"Works continue to progress on-site, and it is anticipated that the roads shall be tarmaced to base course in approximately 6 weeks’ time.
"SG Estates has already spent almost £2 million on reconstructing and upgrading the local highway, utility and infrastructure to date, underlining our commitment to Llangollen.
"In addition we have sponsored several local events and organisations including (Llanfest / Bikefest / Christmas lights / football team etc. We are committed to helping the local community as best we can. 

"We are keen to get the roads completed as this delay is causing frustration for everyone, not least ourselves. The biggest issue that we are facing is that we can only lay a road when everything required beneath it has been laid.

"We continue to push our contractors and the utility companies to expedite the works and enable the tarmac surface to be laid as soon as possible to address and alleviate local traffic issues. 

"We are calling on relationships with the other utilities' personnel to try to keep works on track, and they are trying to help out, so hopefully the impact of events this week can be mitigated as soon as possible.

"The traffic issue on Hill Street is also being impacted as a result of plant and materials being delivered to HD. 

"We apologise to the local neighbour who has experienced inconvenience and we will ensure we expedite our final works to the highway upgrades and ensure all our resources target a timeous completion date."

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Police boss backs law change on assisted dying

* North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones.
A police boss is calling for a change in the law to allow assisted dying.
North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones is one of 18 PCCs from across the UK to sign a letter to the Ministry of Justice urging reform on the right to die.
Mr Jones is supporting the campaign that’s been launched on behalf of Ron Hogg, the Police, Crime and Victims Commissioner for Durham, who has motor neurone disease and wishes for the law to be altered to allow him to end his life.
It is an incurable condition that eventually leads to muscle wasting and death.
Mr Hogg already needs help to breathe and is challenging the law banning assisted dying.
He is said to be considering going to the Dignitas suicide clinic in Switzerland to shorten the suffering his condition will lead to.

It is understood he would prefer to die in his in Scotland, where he was born, but the current ban on assisted dying means he will have to go overseas.

It could also mean ending his life earlier than he would want for fear he could be too ill to travel.

Mr Hogg said: “I think the law should allow assisted dying. Clearly you need to have safeguards. But there ought to be a clear path outlined where individuals who would want to choose that route can do so, and can do so legally within the UK.

Since being elected as North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, Mr Jones has worked closely with Mr Hogg, who has been an innovative and passionate advocate of drug reform.
Mr Hogg has pioneered a new approach to minor offenders, including people with problematic drug use, through a successful scheme called Checkpoint.

The North Wales commissioner is about to launch a similar scheme called Checkpoint Cymru which will see low-level offenders here being given the chance to avoid a criminal record by signing up to a strict rehabilitation programme and staying out of trouble.
The letter co-signed by Mr Jones said: “Many will have experienced or heard of cases where the blanket ban on assisted dying has caused distress, confusion and pain for dying people, their loved ones, and even the investigating police officers themselves.
“Most recently, great-grandmother, Mavis Eccleston, was acquitted by a jury after being charged with murder for helping Dennis, her husband of 60 years, to end his own life rather than suffer any further agony from advanced bowel cancer.
“Earlier this year, 76-year-old Ann Whaley was investigated by police for booking travel to and accommodation in Switzerland for her husband, Geoff, who had arranged an assisted death at Dignitas in order to avoid a prolonged, traumatic end from motor neurone disease. 

“The cost of these investigations - financial, emotional and societal - cannot be easily dismissed.

“We believe it is time for a renewed look at the functioning of the existing law on assisted dying.

“While there are clearly differences of opinion as to whether or how the law should change, we contend that the law is not working as well as it could and seek an inquiry to confirm that.”

The letter has been welcomed by the Dignity Dying organisation.

Chief executive Sarah Wootton said: “It is clear that the blanket ban on assisted dying is not working for dying people, for their families, or for the dedicated public servants who must enforce it.

“We all agree that vulnerable people must be protected, but that is not happening under the status quo.

“The ban on assisted dying merely drives the practice behind closed doors and abroad, with seriously ill people often ending their lives prematurely for fear of becoming too ill to act.

“There is also a scattergun approach to enforcing the law. Either there is either no scrutiny at all, meaning potential safeguarding opportunities are being missed, or loving family members are criminalised for acts of compassion and are forced to endure distressing and intrusive investigations at great cost to the public purse.

“When half of police and crime commissioners across the country recognise that a law is not working, law-makers have a duty to listen. It is time for a Ministry of Justice-led inquiry into the blanket ban on assisted dying.”

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Be safe, be considerate this bonfire night

Denbighshire County Council is urging people to have an enjoyable but considerate bonfire night.

For many, bonfire night attractions provide enjoyment to thousands of people and residents are urged to attend organised display for their own safety, but are also urged to be aware of the potential impact on the misuse of fireworks on vulnerable people in communities, as well as animals.
Councillor Mark Young, Cabinet Lead Member for Planning, Public Protection and Safer Communities, said: “We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable bonfire night, but to consider those people who may find fireworks distressing.

“That is why we are asking people if they intend to host your own private event to inform their neighbours in advance, so they can make arrangements for any pets or to be away from home to avoid being affected by large noise and lights.

“We would also encourage people using fireworks to follow the guidelines issued by the manufacturers, take the necessary precautions and avoid any accidents from happening. Following the firework code greatly reduces the risks of accidents."
Anyone that chooses to use fireworks in an anti-social and irresponsible manner could find themselves on the wrong side of the law.
Under fireworks regulations there is generally a curfew preventing people from letting off fireworks between 11pm and 7am but this is extended to midnight on November 5th and 1am on New Years’ Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali. Similarly, parents and youngsters are reminded it is illegal for children under 18 to buy or be in the possession of fireworks.
Fireworks are explosives and should be treated with great care and respect, here is our advice for anyone considering using fireworks this November:
1.        Only buy fireworks from reputable outlets and be wary of fireworks sold via social media
2.         Don't drink alcohol if setting off fireworks.
3.         Keep fireworks in a closed box.
4.         Follow the instructions on each firework.
5.         Light them at arm's length, using a taper.
6.         Stand well back.
7.         Never go near a firework that has been lit.  Even if it hasn't gone off, it could still explode.
8.         Never put fireworks in your pocket or throw them.
9.         Always supervise children around fireworks.
10.       Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves.
11.       Never give sparklers to children under five.
12.       Keep pets indoors.
13.       Don't set off noisy fireworks late at night and never

Inner Wheel whist drive planned

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Eisteddfod singer proves a hit Down Under

Jodi Bird (pictured) who won International Voice of Musical Theatre 2019 at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod this year flew to Australia last week to perform as part of her prize.

The 21-year-old from Penarth sang on the stage of the Royal International Pavilion and won the prestigious global title plus, £1,500 prize money and the opportunity to perform at the Gold Coast Eisteddfod.

Jodi travelled  ‘down under’ with her dad, Frank to take part in the Gold Coast Musicale which showcased an array of specially selected music, dance and vocal performances. 

The all-expenses-paid trip was funded by the Gold Coast Eisteddfod to promote international harmony and to acknowledge the outstanding musical talent showcased in Llangollen.

Jodi wowed the audience with two songs from musical theatre - Don’t Rain On My Parade from Funny Girl and I Dreamed a Dream from Les Misérables

She then returned to the stage to conclude her Australian stage debut with two powerful solos, Defying Gravity from Wicked and Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina from Evita.

Jodi said: “It has been such an honour to represent Wales on an international level. I am so grateful for the opportunity to perform some of my favourite musical theatre solos at the Musicale and I hope people enjoyed the evening.”

The Gold Coast Eisteddfod features over 70,000 singers and dancers, 330 bands and orchestras, 175 choirs, almost 1,500 dance groups and over 3,000 solo dancers. The festival provides fantastic opportunities for young performers from around the world, including Jodi Bird, in a friendly and lively atmosphere.

Judith Ferber, the Gold Coast Eisteddfod’s General Manager, said: “We thoroughly enjoy providing the opportunity for international performers to present their talent at our Eisteddfod.

“Jodi’s performances were fantastic and a great addition to our Musicale. We’re so pleased she won at Llangollen and was given the chance to sing here.”

Llangollen Eisteddfod’s Artistic Director, Dr Edward Rhys-Harry, said: “Every year we welcome the world to Wales and it is wonderful that Jodi has the chance to share with the world her incredible singing talent.

“Jodi gave a beautifully strong performance in Llangollen for International Voice of Musical Theatre this year. We’re very pleased to hear she’s enjoying her time at the Gold Coast Eisteddfod.

“Achieving this renowned accolade and having the opportunity to perform internationally inspires exciting musical careers. We’re delighted to give individuals the chance to showcase their talent in Llangollen and with our friends in Australia.”

Monday, October 28, 2019

AM slams bogus holiday let claims

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood (pictured) has called for the Welsh Government to ensure that a hard line is taken on property owners who falsely claim they are providing a holiday let.

Questioning the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd, Rebecca Evans AM, on how the Welsh Government ensures that second home owners pay council tax, Mr Isherwood emphasised the need for routine checks to be carried out on claimed self-catering properties.       

Speaking in Chamber, Mr Isherwood, who in a debate in the Welsh Parliament on the same day raised  concerns that Welsh Government legislation on second homes is costing North Wales “millions”, said: “As you know, the Non-Domestic Rating (Wales) Order specifies the terms, 140 days' availability, 70 days' occupancy, in order to qualify as a self-catering business. And you referred to the gate-keeping role played by the Valuation Office Agency and the documentation they require, and that they'd investigated a few cases referred by Gwynedd.

“But what tripwire is in place within the system to ensure that the Valuation Office is routinely investigating and checking at least a sample of claimed self-catering properties to ensure that they are what they claim to be, whilst also recognising that the terms the Welsh Government implemented were a compromise with the tourism industry to protect legitimate businesses?”

In her response the Minister said: “If local authorities particularly have any concerns about any property at all, they should draw it to the attention of the Valuation Office Agency and they will assess it in detail. Actually, any attempt to mislead an authority or the VOA, or knowingly provide false or inaccurate information, could lead to prosecution for fraud. So, seeking to avoid or evade paying tax in that way is extremely serious”.

Speaking afterwards, Mr Isherwood added: ““Rather than hitting law-abiding small businesses and property owners, action should be focused on any property owners who falsely claim that they are providing a holiday let, hitting them in the pocket and in the Courts."  

Three Eagles shortlisted in tourism awards

Llangollen restaurant the Three Eagles has been shortlisted for 2019’s Go North Wales Tourism Awards in the category of ‘Best Place to Eat’.

The awards, now in their fourth year – were created to celebrate and recognise excellence in the region’s hospitality and tourism sectors. 

They aim to showcase and celebrate the achievements, hard work and dedication of those working in the industry.

Opening in December 2018 following an extensive building renovation, the Three Eagles has established itself as Trip Advisor’s number one restaurant in Llangollen.

Featuring the culinary talents of executive chef Adam Gaunt-Evans, who himself recently featured on BBC 1’s “Gareth’s Great Welsh Adventure”, the venue has been garnering healthy reviews for its quality, seasonal food offerings and popular cocktails.

Director Tracey Owen explained how being shortlisted for this award is testament to the incredibly hard work of the entire Three Eagles team.

“We are all so delighted to be shortlisted for this award and we really hope we can go on to win. We are working hard to ensure that this is North Wales’s best place to eat so to be recognised for that, it would be such a great achievement”, said Tracey.

“Our chef Adam and his kitchen team have developed a range of exciting menus which guests really seem to love. But when you visit the Three Eagles, it’s not just the food that’s worth shouting about. We ensure that excellent service provided to customers is a priority and all of our front of house staff must take credit for the way that they look after our guests.” 

Winners of the Go North Wales Tourism Awards will be announced on Thursday November 14 November at Venue Cymru, Llandudno.