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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Police boss cracks down on drugs gangs and child abuse

* North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones.
A police boss has vowed to crack down on drugs gangs and child sexual exploitation after his proposed 38p a week rise in the cost of policing was approved.
Among the other priorities revealed by North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones are tackling domestic abuse, cybercrime and modern day slavery.
Mr Jones was speaking after the 7.7 per cent increase, one of the lowest in England and Wales, was given the green light by the North Wales Police and Crime Panel.
According to the commissioner, it will enable him to invest in front line policing by recruiting an extra 34 officers and six staff on top of the 90 additional officers and staff taken on since he was elected in 2016.
The UK Government gave special dispensation to forces to charge an extra £24-a-year for Band D properties and most forces are expected to accept the opportunity to take the maximum after years of austerity, allied to the necessity of pumping more cash into police pensions because of the uncertainty surrounding Brexit.
But at £19.98 former police inspector Mr Jones’s increase is well below the £24 ceiling.
He said: “North Wales is still one of the safest places in the UK but that doesn’t mean we don’t face challenges and many of these are in new forms and we have to be ready to adapt to them.
“The fact is that a great deal of crime committed today happens online and we are very aware now in North Wales that our frontline is now online.
“But we are also seeing the use of county lines by city drug gangs to infiltrate areas like North Wales by coercing and exploiting children and young adults to build up their drug supply networks.
“I believe police resources should be concentrated on targeting the organised criminals who are responsible for peddling drugs and not their helpless victims."
Since his election in 2016 Mr Jones has presided over increases in staffing by North Wales Police while the Force has faced real terms cuts in its budget and he added: “It’s vitally important that we set the precept at the right level to provide an effective and efficient police service that delivers value for money.
“I have worked closely with the new Chief Constable and his team to decide on the level of budget needed to deliver the priorities in my Police and Crime Plan which aims to reduce threat, risk and harm by identifying the most vulnerable people in society. I will do everything in my power to protect them. 

"Crime is evolving and as a police force we have to change to deal with new threats like modern slavery, human trafficking and child sexual exploitation, with the threat posed by online paedophiles.”
As part of his commitment to consultation, Mr Jones has again carried out an online survey of council tax-payers in North Wales with nearly 2,000 people responding, an increase of over 50 per cent on the previous year.
More than 1,000 of them backed an increased in precept of 37p or more with a third in favour of a much higher increase of 50p a week.
It also showed “overwhelming support” for the priorities in Mr Jones’s Police and Crime Plan which sets out the strategy for policing North Wales.
It all comes against the backdrop of £31 million in savings forced on North Wales Police since 2011 and a real-terms cut of £2 million in the annual grant from the Home Office for the coming year.
In total the North Wales Police budget for the coming year is £154 million and has been allocated so as to deliver the priorities of the commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan.
Mr Jones added: “I have been encouraged by the public’s overwhelming support for my vision for improving the way the region is policed.
“The survey has shown that 90 per cent of those who responded are in favour of prioritising tackling organised crime and keeping neighbourhoods safe.
“It is important to consult with the public to find out what kind of a police force they want and what their priorities are.
“As well as consulting the public, I have had detailed discussions with the Chief Constable and his senior team who confirmed that a council tax increase of 7.74 per cent will enable much needed investment back into the front line following a decade of financial cuts and will support the best possible operational delivery of policing in North Wales.
“It strikes a proper balance between affordability for council tax payers and ensuring the Force can continue to be an efficient and effective force.
“Four and a half per cent of the increase was needed just for a standstill budget which would have meant that the force was unable to cope with the growing demand generated by new and emerging crime.
“We are facing new and increasing challenges so the force must evolve and adapt and despite the swingeing cuts of recent years, we continue to invest in our frontline, making us fit for the future.”
Chief Constable Carl Foulkes said: “We have aligned our efforts as a force to deliver on the priorities set out in the Police and Crime Plan in order that we can ensure that North Wales continues to be one of the safest places in the UK to live, work and visit.
“As a result, we are focusing our approach on strengthening front line policing, increasing our proactive capacity and protecting vulnerable people through our Operational Improvement Programme.
“In addition to the extra personnel we have recruited since 2016, we will  have an additional 30 investigators who will be a major asset as we tackle the new and emerging crimes we need to concentrate on.
“Over the past decade North Wales Police has absorbed £31 million in austerity cuts and we are now having to be even smarter in the way we operate.
“As well as making the most of the diminishing budget at our disposal, we are working more closely with partners so we are making the best use of our joint resources.”

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Family's tribute to Llan resident Malcolm Twigg

* Malcolm Twigg in his Llangollen male Voice Choir blazer.
A family member has prepared this special tribute to Malcolm Twigg, the well-known and passionate member and promoter of Llangollen Male Voice Choir, who died earlier this week.

Mal grew up in the valleys of South Wales where he was looked after as a child by the grandmother he always spoke very highly of.
They lived in a converted railway carriage. Mal was sent as a young boy to Aberfan during the terrible disaster of the mud slide in 1966 to help serve hot drinks to the people working non-stop on searching.
As he grew up he turned into a very promising rugby player playing at a high level until a typical shoulder injury put a stop to his career.
In his early 20s Mal was involved in a head-on collision with a lorry in which he was very lucky to survive.
He lost the sight in one eye, and was in hospital for a few months with spinal and head injuries.
Mal met his partner Jan in Llanelli, the town where they ended up living.
It was Jan’s dream to return to Llangollen with Mal to show him around the town where her grandmother and mother had lived.
During this short break away from Llanelli Mal and Jan were standing outside the house in Princess Street where Jan’s family had once lived. They began talking to the current owner who told them it was available to rent and they moved to Llangollen almost straight away.
Mal loved the scenes Llan has to offer and will be remembered by many for posting so many of his pictures on the Llangollen Facebook page.
He enjoyed his walks in the fresh air along the river, took great pride in his flowers and loved to feed the birds. His bird table was never empty.
His biggest passion was Llangollen Male Voice Choir, which he worked very hard to promote, advertise and grow, winning respect and some great friendships along the way. His work and passion for the choir will be missed greatly.
Mal was a man with a heart of gold who would do anything for anyone. He stood strongly by his word.
His final post on the Llangollen Facebook page was: "What a beautiful town we live in."
He will be greatly missed by family members Jan, Ricky, Thom, and Dave Rutherford.

Festival team hands over big cheque to air ambulance

* Christmas Festival team members hand over the cheque to the Wales Air Ambulance crew. 

Members of the committee behind the annual Llangollen Christmas Festival have handed over almost £2,000 in donations to the Wales Air Ambulance.

They went along to the ambulance base at Mid Wales Airport in Welshpool to meet paramedics, doctors and pilots manning the lifesaving helicopter which flies from there on missions across the country.
And they presented them with two cheques – one for £1,000 which was the proceeds of last year’s festival at the end of November and the other for £950, the cash collected by festival committee chair and Llangollen town councillor Austin Cheminais on his appearances with Santa during the festival season.

The group was then given a closer look at the banks of hi-tech medical equipment packed in the helicopter’s fuselage.
Wales Air Ambulance covers the whole of Wales every single day.
Each year its fleet of helicopters attend around 2,500 missions, covering countryside, towns and cities. This includes miles of Welsh coastline and mountain ranges.
Wales Air Ambulance prides itself that it can be there for anyone in Wales within 20 minutes and brings a mobile A&E direct to patients.
Its team of critical care consultants and practitioners has some of the most pioneering equipment and skills in the world, including blood products and techniques developed in the armed forces. This means that patients receive advanced care before they even reach hospital.
The air ambulance is funded by the people of Wales and relies entirely on the public’s support to help keep the helicopters flying.
The charity does not receive direct funding from the government and does not qualify for National Lottery funding.
It therefore needs to raise £6.5 million every year to operate the service, with each mission costing an average of £2,500.
Cllr Cheminais has raised many hundreds of pounds for the air ambulance over the past few years as a way of saying thank you for the way the Midlands helicopter zoomed in to airlift him to hospital back in 2010 after he was run over twice by a delivery van in the car park of the school in Walsall where he was then headmaster.
He said: “All our air ambulances do a fantastic job of and I am delighted that, once again, we have been able to support the charity with money raised at the Llangollen Christmas Festival.
“It was also very interesting for our committee members to get a first-hand look at the Wales Air Ambulance and chat to crew members about their vital role during our visit to Welshpool.”  

* Team members are briefed on the working of the air ambulance.

* Lifesaving equipment packed inside the air ambulance helicopter.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Pupils given chance to create ‘buzzing’ logo

Schoolchildren can create a ‘buzz’ about their work with the chance to design a new logo.

Denbighshire County Council is offering children aged 5-14 the chance to design the Council’s ‘Bee Friendly’ logo.

Last year the Council was awarded Bee Friendly status from the Welsh Government, a scheme which aims to make Wales a pollinator-friendly country.

The Council is working with schools and community groups to create bee and bug ‘hotels’, reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides and identify sites to improve for pollinators by planting wildflowers and sowing wildflower seeds.

Students are being asked to come up with a simple, eye-catching design to be used on all Bee Friendly sites and in publications and should include a pollinating insect like a bee or butterfly.

Cllr Tony Thomas, the council’s lead member for the Environment, said: “I’d like to wish all those who enter the competition the best of luck and I look forward to seeing the fantastic entries.

“Bees are vitally important to the eco system and as well as pollinating plants in gardens, parks and the wider countryside, they contribute to the wider environment. “Denbighshire becoming a Bee Friendly county is part of our work to enhance and protect the county’s environment.”

There are three age categories, 5-7, 7-11 and 11-14 and a winner will be chosen from each category, before an overall winner is selected.

Schools of category winners will be provided with assistance to create a ‘Bee Friendly’ area at their school.

The closing date for the competition is March 14 and to enter, send your designs to Denbighshire Countryside Services’ ‘Bee Friendly’ Logo Design Competition, Liam Blazey, Biodiversity Officer, Loggerheads Country Park, Ruthin Road, Mold, CH7 5LH.

* For more information contact 07787 741763 or

Monday, January 28, 2019

Composting workshop planned at Plas Newydd

A series of composting workshops are to be held across North Wales, including Llangollen, next month.

The workshops have been arranged by Friends of the Earth Cymru in conjunction with the Welsh Government and other organisations.

The local one will be at Plas Newydd on Sunday February 10, from 11.30am-3.30pm.

Other workshops are planned for Canolfan Ni in Corwen on February 27, from 11.30am-3.30pm, and at Prestatyn Men's Shed, from 10am-2.30pm.

* To book any of the workshops, contact Mair Davies on 07969 891683, or email:

Homes application for Tyn-Y-Wern site

A planning application has been submitted to the county council for the demolition of the former Tyn-Y-Wern Hotel on Maesmawr Road, Llangollen and the erection of 14 dwellings.
The plan, by Knights Construction Ltd, was validated last week and is due for consideration by the council.
A planning and design statement by consultants acting for the applicants says: “The proposed development would not materially alter the overall character of the area as the scale and density of the development reflects the existing ribbon style settlement pattern.
“The application site is located within the 40mph speed limit. The proposed access can achieve appropriate visibility in both directions.”   
A previous application, for 12 detached homes, was submitted for the site in October 2017.
* For further details of the current application, reference number 03/2018/1141, go to:

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chance for greatest dancers to be on top of the world

* Dawnswyr Bro Cefni competing at Llangollen.

A new festival is to offer Wales’s dancing hopefuls a unique route into one of the world’s greatest cultural events – and the chance to compete for a share of £3,500.
In a ground-breaking partnership the inaugural Festival of Discovery on Anglesey in May will give 12 troupes of folk dancers the chance to perform on stage at this year’s Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.
It’s the first time the Eisteddfod, founded in 1947, has allowed another event to act as a qualifier for its prestigious competitions which have helped launch the careers of world stars like Sir Bryn Terfel, Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo.

The Festival of Discovery Wales will take place at the Anglesey Showground over three days from Thursday, May 30, to Saturday, June 1, and is really three events rolled into one combining adventure, culture and the great outdoors.
It chimes with the Visit Wales campaign which has designated 2019 as the Year of Discovery and includes a packed programme of music, dance, food, nature, science, adventure and evening entertainment as well as the chance to take up a glamping offer of luxury tented accommodation on site.
Folk dance will be an integral part of the cultural section with four competitions, Traditional Folk-Dance Group, Choreographed/Stylized Folk-Dance Group, Children’s Traditional Folk-Dance Group, and Cultural Showcase – with the top three in each class invited to Llangollen in July - as well as dance workshops to introduce dance to a new audience.
Wales’s very own king of clog dancers, Huw Williams, winner of dancing crowns at Wales’s National Eisteddfod and at Llangollen Eisteddfod, will be among those running dance workshops at the festival and he will also be a judge for the dance competitions.
Huw, 59, from Brynmawr, in Blaenau Gwent, has written songs for folk music legends Fairport Convention, performed with the chart-topping Ralph McTell and manages the acclaimed Welsh band Calan which includes his daughter, Bethan Rhiannon, also a Welsh clog dance champion.
He said: “Welsh folk music is enjoying a revival. It’s like watching a tornado starting and I think the same could happen to Welsh dance because it is quite unique.
“Welsh dance struggled to survive the religious revival of the 19th century with dance particularly affected and it used to be that no Welsh dance group could ever win a folk dance competition because none of their dances were traditional – they were all composed.
“When I started in the 1970s we had to develop our own dances, inventing new steps and that is a unique aspect of Welsh folk dance.
“I invented many of the steps and younger dancers have come along and taken dance along and they are much better and more inventive than me and I’m looking forward to seeing that on Anglesey.
“It should be a fantastic festival and a chance to celebrate our Welsh culture and language.”
Festival of Discovery organiser Davina Carey-Evans, managing director of Beaumaris-based Sbarc Event Management, said: “It’s very exciting to have a partnership with Llangollen Eisteddfod and to have Huw Williams involved.
“He is a real legend of Welsh dance and this is a real opportunity to showcase dance as an important and vibrant element of Welsh culture and the competitions give a chance for dancers from across Wales to earn a place at the Eisteddfod and perhaps feature on the stage on Saturday night competing for the Dance Champions of the World title.”
That’s something the Eisteddfod’s Acting Musical Director Edward-Rhys Harry is excited about and he said: “This partnership with the Festival of Discovery is a first for us and is about reaching out into the community and forging links with other cultural events.
“Dance is very important to us at Llangollen and we are very well represented from an international point of view and we hope this will encourage a stronger entry from within Wales, across all ages, no holds barred.
“We have the Dance Champions of the World on stage on Saturday night at the Eisteddfod and I hope to see not just representation from Wales but for them to go all the way.”
* Entries for the Festival of Discovery’s four dance categories, must be in by March 29, and details of how to enter, as well as full information on the three-day event, are on the website at
This year’s Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod takes places from July 1-7, see website for further details,