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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Railway operates to Dwyrain Corwen East for last time

 * Final departure from Corwen East for locomotive 3802.

* The bilingual station name, the locomotive 3802 with commemorative decoration.

The final train of the 2018 season from Llangollen to Corwen departed last Sunday at 1510 with the locomotive No.3802 bedecked with a special train headboard.

As the last public service train to serve the temporary platform at Dwyrain Corwen East, a commemorative bilingual head board was provided with Welsh flags to mark the end of four years of successful operations to what has been the Phase 1 station of the Corwen extension project.

Fittingly, Number 3802 performed the honours, as it did with the first train on 22 October 2014 - even the same three Welsh flags were re-used and Harry Barber was the same driver. 

This time the train was not topped and tailed with a second locomotive as in 2014 and 3802 alone performed the final propelling move back to Carrog with a select passenger complement of members and others on board to mark the end of an era. 

A fortunate spell of blue sky for the 1540 arrival brightened the occasion when station staff were on hand with others to mark the occasion. 

Their next task will be to start to dismantle the station facilities and prepare for a move to the new terminal station building which is in course of refurbishment alongside the town carpark. 

The next train to Corwen will terminate at the Phase 2 station which is now under construction alongside the town's car park and will provide direct access from and to the town centre from a date to be announced in 2019.

Stationmaster Wayne Ronneback said: "Although provided as a temporary measure in 2014, the platform has been successful in introducing passengers to the western end of the line and has attracted a growing number of passengers to start their journey through the Dee Valley from Corwen.

"This was necessary whilst the project team tackled the immense task of building the Phase 2 station with a loop line to allow the train to terminate and for the locomotive to run round at the island platform in preparation for the return journey. 

"As of a date to be announced in 2019,  visitors will be able to travel from and to the centre of Corwen where the train will stop over for a 20 minute interval. We expect the new arrangements to attract more visitors from a wider segment of the North Wales tourism market to come for the journey on the only standard gauge heritage railway in North Wales.

"For the winter season of Santa Trains and Mince Pie Specials trains will terminate at Carrog."

Monday, November 5, 2018

Centenary Square lit up for the first time

For the first time since it was opened back in July the town's new Centenary Square is lit up this evening.

The square will be at the centre of the Service of Remembrance this Sunday morning marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One.

The back wall of the square is entirely filled with over 3,000 poppies hand made by an small army of local volunteers.

Museum art exhibition special event

Llangollen Museum will host the launch and prizegiving for its art competition on Wednesday November 7 at 6.30pm.

The museum also has open a Book of  Remembrance to honour those who played a part in the First World War.

The museum's is now on winter opening hours, from 10am-4pm, and continues to be open seven days a week.  

Could windfarm bring windfall for Llangollen?

* One of the huge turbine parts travelling through Llangollen earlier this year. 

Llangollen county councillor GrahamTimms is urging people in the area to complete a survey about the Clocaenog Forest windfarm.

Innogy, the operator of the windfarm will donate up to £700,000 every year to local communities for projects in the area.

However, the area covered by the grants has not yet been decided.

It is expected that the money will be allocated to nearby communities, but Cllr Tims says Llangollen could be close enough to benefit.

The consultation has three suggested boundaries, each covering a larger area. Llangollen falls within the largest area (Option 3).

He said: "I am urging local residents to complete the consultation asking for Llangollen to be within the are that will benefit.

"After all, we are the eastern gateway to the region and visitors will be passing through Llangollen as they travel westwards. We need to make the case for our town to be able to benefit from this funding and the first step is for local residents to take part in the survey."

The windfarm has 27 turbines that are 185 metres tall. Many of the components caused traffic chaos on the A5 this summer as they passed through Llangollen.

Construction is now underway.

The windfarm is planned to be fully operational by the end of 2019 producing up to 96 megawatts, enough electricity to power all the homes in Denbighshire and still have enough spare electricity to supply Colwyn Bay as well. 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Chamber installs life-saving machine in town

* The life-saving machine on the wall of Riverbanc in Bridge Street.
Llangollen Chamber of Trade & Tourism has announced the installation of a public access defibrillator machine in the centre of the town.

Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year, the equipment is to be located on the front wall of the newly-refurbished Riverbanc building - the old HSBC bank - in Bridge Street close to Centenary Square.  

This new machine will complement the one available during opening hours in the Tourist Information Centre in Castle Street and another being provided at Gales wine bar in Bridge Street.

Chamber chair David Davies said: “Heart attacks can occur at any time, to anyone, young or older, resident or visitor, however fit, and response within the first few minutes can be a life saver.

“The Chamber is very grateful for the funding of this project to the Friends of Llangollen Health Centre and Safe & Sound Outdoors.

“Come and see how to operate the equipment on Tuesday November 6 at Riverbanc in Bridge Street. Short demonstrations will be given during the day from 10am-2pm.”

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Chem spreads around fairy dust in the town centre

* Picture by Barrie Potter.
The Christmas Fairy - alias town crier Chem - was out and about in the town centre this afternoon spreading a little magic dust around and raising cash for this year's Llangollen Christmas Festival, which is on Saturday November 24.

He was ably assisted by the King of the Swingers and Wandering Minstrel Chris Burton who entertained with a selection seasonal songs.

County responds to "no show" buses complaints

* An Arriva No 5 at the bus stop in Parade Street.

* The bus stop in Mill Street where the elderly lady was left waiting in vain for a No 5.

One of the town’s county councillors has secured a response to complaints from local travellers about afternoon “no show” buses in Llangollen.

One elderly lady says she was left waiting at the bus stop in Mill Lane in the bitter cold for over an hour from around 3pm last Friday for a number 5 to Wrexham which never arrived.

She claims one bus went right past without stopping during the time she was there.

The lady said later: “I understand the problem is due to the bus company sending its buses to pick up the children from Ysgol Dinas Bran in mid-afternoon.

“I’d have thought that if their scheduled services have to suffer because of the school contract they should have thought before taking it on.”

Llanblogger asked County Councillor Melvyn Mile to look into the problem and he has received the following response from Peter Daniels, Passenger Transport Manager for Denbighshire County Council:

There is a gap in the timetable from Llangollen to Wrexham during the afternoon, owing to two of the three vehicles used on service 5 operating at times more suited to Ysgol Dinas Brân. This is deliberate.

“On schooldays, therefore, there is a journey at 1435 and the next at 1535, when there are two running together to cope with demand.

“The 1505 does not operate and it waits till 1535. While this is inconvenient for regular passengers, the service then picks up the half-hourly frequency at 1605.

“What your complainant probably saw was the incoming bus at 1458 which disappeared out of service to the Pavilion for one of the 1535 departures. The 1528 arrival does the same but then comes back to Parade Street.

“Times are changing marginally next week but there is still no benefit to non-school passengers. Arriva cannot serve the school any other way.”