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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Not too late to nominate local sporting stars

The deadline is looming for nominations for this year’s Denbighshire Community Sports Awards.

They recognise individuals, teams, schools and clubs for their dedication to local community grass roots sport in the county.

* Winners at a previous county sports awards evening.

To date, 70 individuals or groups have been honoured.  There are also elite level athletes representing Wales and Team GB in their chosen sport from the local area, which will continue to be rewarded.
All of the award finalists will be forwarded to the Sport Wales and BBC Wales sport personality awards held nationally in Cardiff, where Denbighshire will be looking to add to the success of eight finalists and six national winners over the last six years.
Nominees must reside in Denbighshire, or be affiliated to a Denbighshire club relevant to their nomination and achieved their success in the last 12 months up to the application closing date which is Friday July 20.

This year’s categories include sports performer, junior sports performer, coach of the year, team of the year, volunteer of the year, disability sport award, young inspiration award, lifetime achievement award and the Sport in School award.
Nominations can be made online:

Councillor Bobby Feeley, Cabinet Lead Member for Well-being and Independence, said:  “The Denbighshire community sport awards has helped recognise and share some amazing stories over the last few years.
“This proves to us that the quality of sport in Denbighshire is very high and that there are plenty of opportunities for people to return to playing sport or to try a new sport as a beginner.
“As a service through our partnership with Alliance Leisure we have continued to invest in our leisure facilities, offering residents a high quality service, and an environment for them to thrive.
Denbighshire Leisure services are also looking for suitable organisations that would like to link to their brand to the community sport awards as a category sponsor and a ‘sponsorship package’ can be sent for more information.
* For more information on the awards please visit or contact Sian Bennett, Health and Wellbeing Manager 01824 712710. 

Singers and Musicians Night in Llandegla

For all you football starved supporters, LLandegla All Styles will be offering its own unique penalty shoot out at its

MONDAY 16th. JULY at 8pm.
Admission £1                    Raffle

Come and perform or just listen.  Either way bring your own refreshments.  Tea/Coffee on sale

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Council considers byelaw to control use of square

* Terry Waite declares open the new Centenary Square watched by Town Mayor Jon Haddy and Deputy Mayor Issy Richards.
Llangollen Town Council is to look at using a byelaw to protect the new Centenary Square from abuse.

The move follows public outrage over a motorbike being parked in the newly-opened square on Tuesday evening just days after its official opening.

The town council has discovered that the bike was left there by its rider for a short time during the late evening while he checked into a local hotel.

He is said to have been highly apologetic when it was pointed out to him that leaving the machine in the public facility, which contains two war memorials, had led to a storm of protest on social media.

As a result of the incident town council representatives had an urgent meeting with the local policing team this morning (Wednesday).

Afterwards Town Clerk Gareth Thomas said: “We are disappointed that the square was misused in this way.

“The proper use of any new facility takes some time to be established and Centenary Square is no different.

“However, we are considering the use of a byelaw to control the use of the square and this will be enforced with fixed penalty notices.”

He added: “I would like the public to be our eyes and ears. If they see any abuse of the square taking place I would be grateful if they would take details and report it to me.     

“I can be contacted by phone on 01978 861345, or by email at:

The five-year project to create the square came to fruition last Sunday morning when it was officially opened by Terry Waite CBE, president of Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

During the course of last week it was used by a steady stream of performers from the eisteddfod, including choral and dance groups from across the world.      

* Byelaws are local laws made by a local council under an enabling power contained in a public general act or a local act requiring something to be done – or not done – in a specified area. They are accompanied by some sanction or penalty for their non-observance.

Byelaws are enforced by the local authority through the magistrates’ court and contravening a byelaw can result in a fine upon successful conviction.

Person hit by train on Chirk line

The Oswestry Advertizer is reporting that a person was hit by a train on the line between Chirk and Gobowen this morning, causing delays.

For the full story, see:

Natural food firm unveils eco-friendly food wrapping

* Carol Allen with one of her goats.

A former teacher who runs a company making skincare products from goats' milk is launching a new eco-friendly food wrapping made from cotton coated with beeswax.

Carol Allen, 60, who set up Llanvalley Natural Products eight years ago, will officially unveil the innovative wrapping at this year’s Llangollen Food Festival which has helped propel her business to success, putting her in the right place at the right time to secure new customers.

According to Carol, she was inspired to develop the new wrapping out of a desire to eliminate plastic waste from the environment.

The anti-bacterial qualities of beeswax make it ideal for food and the wrappings are reusable because they can be washed in warm water.

She is looking forward to showing them at Llangollen Food Festival that’s being held at the iconic international eisteddfod pavilion on Saturday and Sunday, October 13 and 14.

The event has now acknowledged as on one of the Top 10 food festivals in the UK.
Carol will also be selling her range of other products which include soaps, shampoo bars, various balms and bath soaks.

She makes them makes from Welsh goats’ milk produced at her smallholding in nearby Froncysyllte and supplies local B&Bs, gift shops and specialist beauty outlets based in the North West and North Wales.   She also has regular customers in Switzerland, Holland and Australia.

The food wrapping is a new departure for Carol who explained: “The idea is to save using cling film and to get away from using other plastics that are so harmful to the environment.

 “Llangollen is my favourite food festival and it is there I’m going to officially launch what is basically a new product.

“They are produced from natural 100% cotton that I coat in beeswax, there is nothing else added so the wrappings will break down naturally over time, unlike plastic.”

Mother-of-four Carol sources her cotton cloth from a supplier in Oswestry and her beeswax from local bee keepers.

She said: “I make the food wrappings by first washing and ironing the patterned cotton before cutting it into squares and rectangles from as template using crimping sheers so it doesn’t fray.

“The cloth is then put into sets and placed in what is basically an oven tray and sprinkled with beeswax.

“The tray is then placed in a warm, not too hot, oven. When I take them out I brush the cloth, both the warp and weft, to make sure the beeswax has soaked right through. They are then hung on a rack until cool and I can then pack them into sets.”  

“Anything we do that will reduce the amount of waste plastic in the environment has to be a good thing.

“Food wrapped in beeswax wrappings stays really fresh; it’s all natural ingredients so makes for a really safe and environmentally friendly wrapping. And it can be used again and again.”

Carol only uses natural ingredients in her soaps, balms and moisturisers which are safety tested.

She added: “Basically my fresh honey and goat’s milk is saponified with oils and some are embellished with home grown dried flower petals or herbs or wild flowers from around the small holding.

“I strive to make sure all my Llanvalley Natural Products do what they are supposed to do without harming people, animals or the environment. I use only natural ingredients and don’t use palm oil.

Llangollen Food Festival committee member Phil Davies was delighted Carol has decided to launch her beeswax food wrappings at the festival.

He said: “This is what the Llangollen Food Festival is all about, new interesting and innovative ideas. Carol’s LLanvalley Natural Products beeswax food wraps are such a simple and amazing idea that will go a long way to reducing plastic waste.

“Plastic pollution is such a big issue and the fact these beeswax wrappings are completely biodegradable as well as being antibacterial they really are a great way to keep food fresh while protecting our precious environment at the same time.

“I’m just so glad she has chosen to officially launch this innovative new product at the festival. Carol has been alonmg time supporter of the festival and has exhibited her goat’s milk soaps, balms and other products for many years now.”

* To find out more about the Llangollen Food Festival please visit and to find out more about Llanvalley products please visit

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Lorry crashes into bridge in Ruabon

A lorry has crashed into the bridge over the road in Ruabon this afternoon.

For the full story, see at

County chiefs visit Llan to meet traffic group

* County Councillors Melvyn Mile, Tony Thomas, Graham Timms and Brian Jones in Castle Street. 
At the invitation of Llangollen county councillors Graham Timms and Melvyn Mile two Denbighshire Cabinet Members visited the town to meet with the Llangollen 2020 working group.
The aim was to find out about the plans to develop the town centre.
The group aims to improve the centre of Llangollen, making it more pedestrian friendly for visitors and residents. They are also looking at improvements to traffic flow and parking.
According to Cllr Timms, the project has recently received a promise of £500,000 from Denbighshire which it is hoped will encourage other organisations to support the scheme which he says early estimates suggest will cost between £2-3 million. 
Both cabinet members who visited are Conservative councillors for Rhyl, Cllr Brian Jones (Cabinet Member for Highways, Planning and Sustainable Travel) and Cllr Tony Thomas (Cabinet Member for Housing, Regulation and the Environment).

They spoke with the group for over an hour, discussing progress and other ideas to raise the money needed.

Further meetings with other organisations are planned to continue to raise the profile of the group and to gain support for the town.
Cllr Timms said: "Both cabinet members were impressed by the determination of the group to bring about changes that will make the centre of Llangollen become a more vibrant place in the Dee Valley and the heart of the AONB.
“The next few weeks will see a really important consultation taking place where everyone is invited to discuss the problems and possible solutions to Llangollen’s Castle Street.

"We need comments and ideas from all section of Llangollen's community. It's important to also include the opinions of visitors too.”
Cllr Mile added: “The feasibility study team will be carrying out traffic flow surveys over next weekend to enable them to understand some of the difficulties we have. They will be using the results to develop suggestions as to how the town can work better.”
* Cllr Timms said  a public consultation will be in Llangollen Town Hall on Tuesday July 17, from 3-7pm. Arcadis (Consultations) Group are carrying out the survey and everyone is invited to meet them to contribute their thoughts and ideas, he added.