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Saturday, June 2, 2018

Ex councillor speaks on A5 road safety

Former Denbighshire County Councillor Stuart Davies says he is disappointed to see yet again more serious accidents on the A5 in Llangollen with the Air Ambulance being called out again within the last few days to attend a serious RTA. 

In a letter to llanblogger he says: 'As a County Councillor I asked the Welsh Trunk road Agency and the local AM Ken Skates, numerous times, to extend the speed limit which would help to calm the traffic leading to this accident hotspot.

'Today I am seriously disappointed that the local AM, who as Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport has the power to deal with Trunk Road issues, has failed to act and we are now seeing the serious consequences.

'I am calling on him to get his officers on the job now before more people get injured!

'One of the local residents Mr John Lloyd who lives adjacent to this hotspot actually made national headlines by erecting a bird box that looked like a speed camera in am attempt to stop people speeding there.

'There was an attempt to force him to dismantle it.'

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

llanblogger takes short break

llanblogger is taking a short break and will be back early next week.

County issues "keep dogs on leads" reminder

Walkers wanting to get out into the open countryside in Denbighshire are being reminded to keep their dogs on leads.

Denbighshire Countryside Service and the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty have joined forces to launch a campaign called Take the Lead, encouraging people to keep their animals on lead in the county’s open countryside.

The Take the Lead campaign is now in its second year and was launched at Easter. The campaign is targeting local residents and visitors to the countryside and wants to build on the success of last year’s initiative.

The campaign includes the production of videos that will be shared on social media, as well as features in the local media and online. 

Councillor Tony Thomas, Cabinet Lead Member for Housing, Regulation and the Environment, said: “The decent weather we have been experiencing is making more people think about getting out into the open countryside to enjoy the views.

“That is great, but we are asking walkers, if they take their dogs, to keep their animals on the lead in the open countryside. This is part of an effort to try and reduce the number of livestock being injured and wildlife being disturbed by dogs.

“Last year’s campaign was very successful and the majority of people do act responsible. We want that to continue and we thank people for their efforts and understanding.

“However this is a kind of message that needs to be repeated time and time again to gain its maximum impact, so we will be sharing our campaign messages with locals and visitors and encourage the small minority who flout the law to take action.

“We have seen some incidents where sheep have been injured or killed as a result of attacks from dogs off their leads. This is what we need to avoid and by working together with dog owners, we can really make a difference”.

“They really must be mindful that they are crossing valuable grazing land where there are sheep roaming. The effects of attacks on animals can be devastating, to the animal and to the landowner.

The campaign will continue throughout the summer and wardens will be out and about monitoring sites.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Nature Quest at Newydd

Nature Quest at Plas Newydd, Llangollen, 
26 May to 3 June
10.30am to 3.00pm
Nature Trail quiz within the grounds of Plas Newydd.
Complete the trail to win a badge.
£3.00 per person

Serious road accident in Llangollen this afternoon

The Daily Post is reporting on a serious road collision in Llangollen this afternoon (Tuesday).
For the full story, see:

Llan's magnificent seven complete charity marathon

* The girls celebrate at the end of their marathon ride. 
Seven intrepid friends from Llangollen braved a fearsome electric storm to complete a gruelling 65-mile charity bike ride.
Elen Roberts, Samantha Jones, Louisa Jones, Stephanie Williams, Tessa Orton Jones, Alix Rawlinson and Tracey Jones took part in last weekend’s Ride the Night event in aid of three women’s charities - Ovarian Cancer Action, Jo’s Cervical Cancer and Breast Cancer Care.

Team member Tracey explained: “Just over 12 months ago we decided to do something challenging, inspired by our friend Louisa Jones’ previous charity rides in India and Cambodia.
“Action for Charity organises several cycling challenges both internationally and across the UK to raise money for these three fabulous cancer charities.

“So at 9pm on Saturday evening we set off from Windsor Race Course to complete the 104km cycle into central London and back.
“All started well on a lovely early summer evening, however at just 15 miles in the weather took a turn for the worse.

“We were treated to the most electrifying thunder storm display followed by an epic torrential downpour for several miles. Roads flooded and cars struggled to cope with this onslaught but we battled on bravely with virtually nil visibility.”
Tracey added: “The rain eventually subsided in the early hours leaving us all tired, wet and very cold but all seven finished the course within six to seven hours despite the odds.

“The overall event raised in excess of £1.5 million. The girls are exhausted but very proud of what they achieved.
“We would all like to thank everyone who has donated to this fantastic charity event and its causes but we also wish to express our gratitude to partners, husbands and family members for their amazing support.”

* The thunder storm they cycled through.

* The finisher's medal they each received.

2018 art exhibitions at Plas Newydd

The following art exhibitions will be staged at Y Caban in Plas Newydd over this season

June - Jan Wallis

Jan Wallis is a textile artist living in Llangollen. Her exhibition at Y Caban includes a 30 metre weaving depicting a river from source to the sea.  Another piece is a knitted representation of the Eglwyseg Crags

July - Rosie Davies

Rosie Davies is creative mostly with the traditional mediums  of oils and watercolour , but also produces  more contemporary works of digital art on the iPad with the app Pro create. Her inspiration is taken from the North Wales landscapes and her solo exhibition at Plas Newydd includes scenes of the   River Dee and Llangollen.

August - Mark Pullin

My imagery deals with emotion, with the capacity to create simple forms and marks to connect symbolically with past event in my life or memories of particular importance.  The presence of shape and colour, their influence on mood and latent energy emerges out of a physical engagement within the medium of paint.

September - Wrexham Cluster for Helfa Gelf

We are a collective group of artists from the County of Wrexham who belong to the Helfa Gelf artists group, who  are represented in 5 counties across North Wales. During this month we will also have our studios open on weekends. During our exhibition we hope to have an  artist in the gallery each weekend

October - Criw Celf 
Criw Celf is a pan North Wales arts programme for more able and talented young artists; the aim of the scheme is to allow children who have shown artistic promise and an interest in art to practice and develop their skills, with masterclasses led by professional artists in a variety of disciplines and at venues throughout Denbighshire.  This exhibition shows a small selection of work created by Criw Celf Denbighshire, with students from years 5 to 9.  Criw Celf Denbighshire is run by Denbighshire County Council Arts Service, with funding from the Arts Council of Wales.