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Monday, October 30, 2017

Historic school gets new 'green' heating system

* David Jones, right, of Hafod Renewables, with local resident David Crane at Pentredwr Community Centre, near Llangollen.

A historic village school which closed more than 30 years ago has been given a new lease of life in its second career as a community centre after going ‘green’.
Pentredwr School opened in 1909 when the village near Llangollen was the home to many of the quarrymen at the Berwyn Slate Quarry on the Horseshoe Pass.
Then the 60 pupils were kept warm through the winter by two open coal fires but now a sophisticated air-source heating system has been installed by Denbigh-based specialists Hafod Renewables.
Two highly efficient units have been fitted to the rear of the building to take heat energy from the air even on the coldest winter’s night and convert it to warm the large high-ceilinged main room.
The £5,000 system, paid for by a grant from the Waterloo Foundation which supports eco-friendly projects in Wales, complements an array of solar panels on the roof and is part of a £200,000 refurbishment designed to bring the building up to date and make it more user-friendly for the community.
David Jones, Managing Director of Hafod Renewables, said: “The new system will now heat the room effectively and in fact air-source systems are extremely good at heating large spaces like this.
“It acts like a fridge in reverse – the back of a fridge is hot while the interior is cold and this just reverses the process so that the room is heated while the outside is cold.
“It should work very well here in combination with the solar panels and the air-source system can be set to low level heart all the time which can easily and quickly be raised so it’s ready for use in less than an hour on the coldest night.”
The renovation of the community centre has been carried out by Pentredwr Community Association and local resident David Crane, from nearby Eglwyseg, handled the grants for the renewable aspects of the transformation of the Ruabon brick building.
He is delighted at the progress of the building which now provides facilities for everything from caving and mountaineering to Zumba classes.
He said: “We originally bought the property from Denbighshire County Council just before 2000 for £6,000 and we’re now in the process of an update that will make the building much more community friendly.
“It used to be heated by three large electric wall heaters which were very inefficient and cost a huge amount and there have been damp problems too.
“But there are 30 local organisations here and more in the surrounding area who would be interested and we have groups like the North Wales Cavers, climbing clubs and the Duke of Edinburgh Awards which use it.
“There are kitchen facilities and the plan is to terrace the grounds so they will be suitable as a campsite and Denbighshire County Council are installing new toilets so the facilities here will be really excellent.
“We’re also looking at taking someone on part-time who can organise events here and really ramp up the activities.”
Hafod Renewables, which was founded in Denbigh in 2010 by David Jones and his father, Richard, now employs nine staff and has become a key player in North Wales in the installation of non-solar systems such as air and ground-source heating and biomass and this sector now accounts for over 60per cent of its business.
Managing Director David Jones said: “We have been successful by being versatile and not relying on the solar sector and by using only our own dedicated teams of installers.
“Over the last 12 months a number of innovative new products have come onto the market and I believe it is vital to stay abreast of what is a rapidly developing industry because that’s the way to continue to grow the business.
“These products like the high temperature air-source system which can be retro-fitted to older properties are revolutionising the market and can provide heating even when it’s -20C outside.
“The system absorbs heat from the air into a liquid at a low temperature, then a compressor increases the temperature of that heat which warms air which is then blown into the room.
“In the summer it can also be operated in reverse so it becomes an air-conditioning unit to provide cool air.”
* For more on Hafod Renewables go to

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Special event planned at Plas Newydd today


Sunday 29th October

5.00pm  -  7.30pm


Explore the grounds in the fading light and draw some things that go bump in the night.

Friday, October 27, 2017

FoE group takes fossil fuel campaign to bank

* Friends of the Earth campaigners outside Barclays bank in Castle Street.

Members of Friends of the Earth Llangollen visited Barclays Bank this week as part of their campaign against fossil fuels.

According to FoE, Christian Aid has revealed the high street banks are still using savers’ money to support fossil fuel companies, even though governments, scientists and even the banks themselves are in agreement that the country needs to move away from coal, oil and gas to protect our planet.

The Llangollen-based group presented messages from the community explaining why the bank needs to move from fossil fuels to renewable energy as part of the Christian Aid’s Big Shift Campaign.

Group spokeswoman Kay Polley said: "The banks have already agreed to take action on climate change, but they are still financing coal mining and oil companies, and the most frustrating thing is that they are using customers’ money to do this. 

"Barclays is now the only bank in Llangollen, and it’s using our money to fund actions which are destroying the planet.  That must change."

The group presented a letter to the bank to be passed to the chief executive and showed off their piggy bank poster filled with messages of support for the bank to act. 
Kay Polley added: "Climate change is the biggest issue humanity faces. We need everyone, including the people managing our money to make the right decisions to put us on a safer path towards a better future.  

"Fossil fuels are increasingly a financial risk as well as fuelling climate change. As governments and markets around the world act to reduce carbon emissions, the value of fossil fuel companies could decrease rapidly.  

"Christian Aid believes that with a shift in policies and investment decisions, the biggest high street banks could be providing the capital needed to invest in the energy systems we need for the future instead of damaging the planet." 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Plans to build council houses is welcomed

Denbighshire County Council (DCC) have committed to build 170 new council houses – the first in decades.

The news was welcomed by the Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales group of councillors although they are concerned that the plans were not ambitious enough.

Plaid Cymru spokesperson on DCC said: “It was Plaid Cymru that tabled the motion to stop the Right To Buy in Denbighshire because we value our housing stock and believe that we should be able to provide good quality affordable housing to people.

“Building new Council Houses was one of our key manifesto pledges, and we put it forward as a group to be part of the County’s Corporate Plan. We have seen how the people of the County who wish to remain here are forced out because of a lack of affordable houses.

"We’ve seen some people live in very poor rented accommodation which impacts on their health and well-being. The case is clear for a stock of affordable and good quality, and we put a strong case forward to ensure that we saw Council houses being built in Denbighshire. This shows what an effective opposition can do.

“We are concerned however that the plans aren’t ambitious enough. We’d like to see more Council houses being built. But this is a large step forward in the right direction."

* See the original statement by Denbighshire County Council at:

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

AM raises concerns over waterway access

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood has called on the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs to respond to concerns expressed by Salmon and Trout Conservation Cymru regarding access to waterways.  

Questioning the Secretary in the Assembly Chamber, Mr Isherwood (pictured) highlighted the benefits that access to waterways brings to Wales, before outlining the concerns expressed the Salmon and Trout Conservation Cymru regarding the recent Welsh Government Consultation, ‘Taking Forward Wales’ Sustainable Management of Natural Resources’.

He said: “The September 2017 update on the report ‘The Value to the Welsh Economy of Angling on Inland Fisheries in Wales’, collated by the Sustainable Access Campaign Cymru in 2014, found that under the current arrangement for access to Welsh rivers, around 1,500 Welsh jobs and £45 million in household income is supported by angling on inland fisheries each year, that there are 1.7 million days fished on inland fisheries in Wales by licence holders, generating £104 million annually, and that the contribution to the Welsh economy of angling on inland fisheries in Wales must exceed over £125 million annually in Wales.

“In that context, how do you respond to the concern expressed by Salmon and Trout Conservation Cymru that it would not be in the interest of the ecological integrity of such habitats to move to unfettered access under the proposed extended provisions of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, and that environmental protection is paramount when consideration is given to increased access to the natural resources of Wales, and especially the fragile ecosystems in and around rivers and lakes?”

The Secretary, Lesley Griffiths AM, responded: “I think your question lends me to say that it’s really important that you get the balance right, and that’s absolutely why we’ve consulted on such an important issue.”

Mr Isherwood added: “As both the last two National Assemblies have concluded, we need voluntary access arrangements dealt with at a local level rather a one size fits all approach imposed by the Welsh Government, recognising that a blanket approach could create conflict between users, have a negative economic impact on landowners and the fishing industry, and seriously damage the local environment."

Monday, October 23, 2017

County chief executive to stand down

Denbighshire County Council’s Chief Executive, Dr Mohammed Mehmet, has announced that he will stand down from his role in April 2018.

He joined Denbighshire in late 2007 as an interim Corporate Director for Lifelong Learning before  being appointed Chief Executive. 

Dr Mehmet (pictured), said: “My reason for leaving is simply that I believe it’s time for a change: for me and Denbighshire. I started in Denbighshire in December 2007 – on a six month contract!

"The ten years since have been wonderful for me. I have worked with the best staff in the UK and elected members have allowed me to do the job in my own way and have backed me with strong support. I have been lucky and proud to work here as the Chief Executive.

“There is probably never the ideal time for such decisions, but I wanted the new council to settle after the local elections and for members to agree their Corporate Plan before they had to worry about replacing their Chief Executive. I hope that announcing this early will give everyone time to adjust. It should give members time to appoint my replacement while I’m still here and I will, of course, work with members and officers to ensure a smooth transition."

Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire County Council, said: "I would like to show my appreciation to Mohammed for transforming Denbighshire during his period as our Chief executive.

“Mohammed has guided both officers and members through difficult and challenging times into being one of the highest performing councils in Wales, His vision and commitment has set the foundations for Denbighshire to manage the future with confidence and it has been a pleasure to work alongside him,

“I wish him all the best in the future"

Police boss highlights importance of Welsh language

A police boss has pledged to work tirelessly to ensure the Welsh language is given equal status in the North Wales force.

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner spoke out after a police sergeant said some colleagues felt that speaking Welsh was a "nuisance" and might damage their careers.

The issue first surfaced in an article written by Sgt Bevan in the Police Federation newsletter, Our Voice.

According to the commissioner (pictured), being able to speak Welsh in the workplace was a "fundamental and unequivocal right".

It was, he said, vitally important that speaking Welsh should not be seen as a barrier to getting promotion.

He revealed the force were planning a Welsh Language summit next Spring to address how it can, along with its partners, contribute towards meeting the Welsh Government’s target of increasing the number of Welsh speakers to one million.

Mr Jones said: "I am aware of recent media coverage regarding the use of Welsh in the workplace in North Wales Police and some questions raised regarding how I as the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner hold the Chief Constable to account where the Welsh Language is concerned.

"In addition to ensuring that my own office complies with the Welsh Language Standards my team and I work tirelessly to ensure that North Wales Police doesn’t treat the Welsh language any less favourably than the English.

"North Wales Police and I have a Joint Welsh Language Scheme and my team and I regularly scrutinise compliance with that Scheme.

"North Wales Police and I have adopted the principle that in the conduct of public business and the administration of justice in North Wales we will treat the English and Welsh languages on a basis of equality. This scheme sets out how North Wales Police and I will give effect to that principle when providing services to the public in North Wales.

"I am regularly discussing with the Chief Constable and the force, at one to one meetings and via North Wales Police’s Welsh Language Group, how we improve the service that North Wales Police can offer to Welsh language speakers and learners, both within our community and to the staff within the organisation.

"My colleague Dafydd Llywelyn. the Police and Crime Commissioner in Dyfed-Powys,  has written to the College of Policing to challenge them on the need not to treat the Welsh language less favourably in training and assessment and I fully support him in that challenge.

"As fluent first language Welsh speakers we are constantly aware and vigilant that the Welsh language is not treated less favourably.

"As well as being enshrined in law and the new Welsh Language Standards, the opportunity to speak your language of choice within your local community and workplace must surely be seen as a fundamental and unequivocal right. 

"Welsh is not just a language – it is part of our local heritage and culture, and is engrained within our everyday lives.

"It is vitally important, not to mention morally correct and the right thing to do, that North Wales Police holds Welsh in equal status to English.

"I am confident, that this message is constantly reiterated by chief officers to all staff within North Wales Police.

"My team and I constantly scrutinise how North Wales Police works towards attracting more applications from Welsh speakers and learners from Welsh communities to join the police as officers or police staff. Part of this includes nurturing more contact with Welsh speakers and with representatives of Welsh language groups in our communities. A number of Welsh speaking police officers were appointed in South Gwynedd recently.

"I have also recently highlighted the importance of ensuring that North Wales Police’s internal HR proceedings and procedures fully acknowledge and consider ability in Welsh to be a skill, side by side with other necessary skills.

"I meet regularly with senior staff from North Wales Police to discuss how the Force complies with the Welsh Language Standards and my Deputy and I often ask staff when we’re out and about whether or not there are opportunities for them to use the Welsh Language in the workplace.

"I am assured that North Wales Police have done a whole range of things over the years to ensure that it continues to improve its provision of services in Welsh, and to make sure that Welsh is more visible and audible in the workplace.

"These include a significant training programme to ensure that all staff are able to provide linguistic courtesy to each other as well as to the public; advanced courses to support staff in moving towards fluency; initiatives including “Paned a Sgwrs” sessions and the Welsh Language Walking Club; as well as ensuring all signage and key messages are bilingual and that staff display their level of Welsh ability outside their stations, offices and on email signatures.

"A seminar was also held for North Wales Police’s Welsh Language Champions recently in order to re-establish that network.

"Of course, there may be occasions, when North Wales Police do not get everything right as an organisation, but I do believe that the Chief Officers always strive to do so, and to learn from any mistakes if they get things wrong.

"The Assistant Chief Constable recently emailed all staff to emphasise that any member of staff is welcome to use Welsh as part of promotion/selection processes held by North Wales Police.

"The Welsh language shouldn’t be a barrier to progress in the Force. The National Police Promotion Framework (NPPF) has been translated into Welsh, and I would encourage anybody to engage with this process through the medium of Welsh if they wish to do so.

"I would also encourage officers and staff to engage in any selection process within the organisation through the medium of Welsh if this is their preference. Clearly preferences amongst Welsh speakers vary between written and spoken Welsh and any combination is acceptable and encouraged.

"I am fully aware that the Chief Officers are keen to continue to expand on the good progress already achieved, and as such, I would urge fluent Welsh speakers within the organisation to encourage and support learners to ensure that everyone feels comfortable in the workplace and is free to express themselves in their language of choice.

"Also, it is important, that any member of staff lets the force’s Welsh Language Department or the Chief Officers know if they have encountered any problems in any dealings in Welsh in the Force, if they feel they are not being supported sufficiently.

"North Wales Police has made very significant strides over many years in respect of the Welsh language, they are seen to be a Force which takes this very seriously, and are passionate about ensuring a bilingual environment.  The organisation continues to offer excellent services in Welsh and English."