* The Driving Sales Through Marketing course.
Denbighshire’s biggest-ever programme of business events has been hailed a success.
More than 400 people have taken part in 12 workshops, conferences and networking sessions across the county as part of Denbighshire County Council’s growing March for Business programme.
Events included training workshops around e-commerce, social media and marketing, a conference on growth and investment opportunities in Denbighshire, ‘ask the expert’ sessions and a networking dinner held in conjunction with the Federation of Small Businesses.
The programme was devised by the Council’s Economic and Business Development team following feedback from Denbighshire’s annual Business Survey and is part of the Council’s work on developing the local economy through its Economic and Community Ambition Programme, which aims to support healthy private businesses and create higher paid jobs.
Mike Horrocks, the Council’s team and programme manager for Economic & Business Development, said: “This year’s March for Business has been a fantastic success. We have seen record attendances for our biggest ever programme with many events fully booked.
“The most important thing is that we have had great feedback from businesses who have told us the sessions have been of real benefit to them.
“I’d like to thank all the businesses who took time out of their busy schedules to invest in networking and skills development events that have helped make March for Business a success. The real target for us is to see the success of the programme translate into local business success and there are some strong signs that this is happening.
“There are now more businesses starting up every year in Denbighshire, from 280 a year in 2012 to 350 in 2015, we have the best one year survival rates and the highest percentage increases in business financial turnover of anywhere in Wales.
“To add to that employment in Denbighshire has topped 40,000, with more than 1,500 more people in work now than when we started the programme in 2013.
“As part of our focus on getting maximum benefit to businesses we’ll be following up with those who registered for March for Business in order to see how they put the contacts, skills and information gathered during the events to good use in their business – that’s what it’s all about.”
Extra workshops have been scheduled for April 25th and May 16, 17 and 23rd and will include sessions on marketing, social media and building your business online.
* For more information visit www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/business/business-support-and-advice/training.aspx