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Friday, September 4, 2015

New ale launched in honour of Katherine Jenkins

* Songbird ... brewer Ynyr Jeffreys-Evans, right, and Hamper
Llangollen chairman Colin Loughlin raise a toast to singer Katherine Jenkins.

Music loving brewers are launching a new real ale called Songbird in honour of Welsh singing sensation Katherine Jenkins.
The special recipe has been produced in celebration of the news that Katherine will headline the opening night of the 2016 Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.
The new ale will be unveiled by Llangollen Brewery at the Hamper Llangollen Food festival in the autumn.
Head brewer Ynyr Jeffreys-Evans says the new brew is blonde and hoppy, but also boasts a fun, sophisticated character, just like bubbly, beautiful mezzo-soprano Katherine, who is currently expecting her first baby.
Katherine (pictured above left) announced earlier this year that she and husband, artist, Andrew Levitas, are expecting a little girl later this year.
Llangollen Brewery are now hoping they will be able to help ‘wet the baby’s head’ by encouraging Katherine’s legions of fans to toast the addition to the family with a refreshing pint of Songbird.
Hamper Llangollen 2015 will be held over the weekend of October 17 and 18 in the Royal International Pavilion.
The popular event in Llangollen’s Royal Pavilion is recognised as one of the UK's top 10 food festivals.
Cadwyn Clwyd has provided financial support over the past few years to ensure the festival's long term viability, this was funded through the Rural Development Fund for Wales 2007-2013, which is funded through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Welsh Government.
Llangollen Brewery has already tested the beer out on close friends and family and Ynyr says it has the potential to be one of their best special edition ales to date.
He said: “We went for a light, refreshing, medium amber colour, with slight citrus notes in the flavour. It is very much in our traditional style, very hoppy.
“We’re thrilled to be unveiling it at Hamper Llangollen 2015, as we so much enjoy exhibiting there.
“We’d also love it if Katherine would come and visit us and maybe try a pint herself, when she’s in Llangollen for next year’s Eisteddfod.”
The singer has said she will be taking some time off after the baby is born, but expects to be back on stage in 2016 when she will return to Llangollen Eisteddfod for the first time since 2010. Before that she will sing at the Queen’s official 90th birthday celebrations in May.
Tickets are already selling like hot cakes for her Eisteddfod concert version of Georges Bizets much-loved opera Carmen, the tale of a naive soldier seduced by a fiery gipsy woman. It will be the first time that Katherine will publicly deliver all Carmen’s operatic arias in one performance.
Among those planning to be there is Llangollen Brewery owner Steve Evans, who is a big fan of Katherine’s singing.
Ynyr, 30, who is Steve’s nephew, said: “He is a big fan and was delighted when we came up with the idea of naming one of our celebration beers after her.
"It is the first time we have named a beer after a contemporary personality and who better than Katherine? She has a huge following in her homeland of Wales and is recognised all around the world.”
The brewery has been going for five years and is thriving, having produced a core stable of hoppy bitters – Wrexham Borders (3.9%); Llangollen Bitter (4.2%) and Holy Grail (4.3%) – along with a porter – Welsh Black Bitter – and a lager.
The brewery also owns four pubs, The Abbey Grange Hotel, where the brewery is based; The Sun Inn, Rhewl; Prince of Wales, Llangollen; and Railway Inn, Pontybodkin.
Ynyr, 30, said they regularly produce seasonal, limited edition bitters to add to the core range. Others have included one to celebrate the Six Nations rugby tournament and another, Rail Ale, marking Llangollen’s connection to the steam railway.
Songbird will have an alcohol volume of 4.2 per cent, which makes it perfect for the festival audience.
Ynyr said: “It’s not too heavy and it’s very refreshing, great for people who like a nice pint in the afternoon. As always at the festival there will be a chance to taste this and our other beers before buying, which means we get valuable feedback from customers.”
A previous ale which they launched at Hamper Llangollen 2012 became so popular that Ynyr and Steve decided to include it in their permanent collection.
Ynyr said: “There was so much demand for it that it simply made sense to keep it on the pumps. It’s now one of our best sellers. Hopefully Songbird will be just as well liked.”
Hamper Llangollen food festival, held annually, is in its 17th year, having become one of the highlights of the UK culinary calendar. The 2015 event will showcase more than 100 local and international exhibitors, along with demonstrations by top chefs.
They including Britain’s youngest head chef, Luke Thomas, and Welsh culinary champion, Graham Tinsley, plus TV personalities including stand-up comedian, Silky, who will show off his cookery skills for the first time ever.
Hamper Llangollen chair Colin Loughlin believes this year's festival is going to be one of the best ever.
He said: “Thanks to a whole host of indigenous companies, North East Wales is rapidly establishing a reputation as a centre of excellence for high quality cuisine.
“The food festival is a perfect shop window for the companies who form the backbone of our rural economy.
"The location of the Pavilion is absolutely spectacular - I can't imagine that any other food festival in the UK has a more beautiful setting."
* For more details about Llangollen Food Festival-Hamper Llangollen 2015 visit and for information about Llangollen Eistedfodd visit

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Quiz night in aid of prostrate group

Llangollen Prostate Support Group are holding a Grand Quiz  at the RAFA Club, Llangollen on Friday September 11.

Doors open 7pm and quiz starts at 7.30pm.

Quiz master is Paul Belton from Wrexham .

The quiz is open to teams of up to four at £2 per person.

Prizes will be awarded for the highest total, lowest total and the most original  team  name.  

All proceeds go to the support group which was formed  five years ago to raise awareness of the condition in this locality.

Its members meet at the Hand Hotel on a monthly basis.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Latest figures show county is star performer

Denbighshire County Council continues to be the top performing local authority in North Wales and one of the best in Wales, according to latest figures released by the Local Government Data Unit – Wales.

All councils in Wales are assessed against a series of measures, to gain a snapshot of how services are performing. 

Denbighshire either saw an improvement or maintained its position in 33 out of 45 indicators it is assessed against during 2014/15, the findings of which have been published today.

The council has one of the highest figures for top quartile performance in Wales and also has a lower number of poor performing indicators than any other Welsh council.

A key headline is that Denbighshire continues to be the best for recycling in the whole of Wales.

The council is also among the best in Wales for Special Educational Needs statementing, for adult protection referrals where the risk has been managed and for keeping in contact with former looked after children.

The council appears in the top quarter performing authorities for:

•             the average lost working days/ shifts
•             One of the lowest percentages for school leavers with no qualifications or looked after school leavers with no qualifications;
•             Compliant food premises;
•             Delivering disabled facility grants
•             Vacant properties returned to occupation
•             Lower levels of delayed transfers of care
•             Care plan reviews completed in time
•             Children seen by a social worker at initial assessment
•             Waste sent to landfill.

Dr Mohammed Mehmet, Chief Executive of Denbighshire, said: “We are proud of these results and they continue to show that the Council performs well, even at times of significant change due to budgets and uncertainty around merger issues.  

"That is down to the work of our staff and councillors working together with our partners to making sure that providing high quality services remains at the heart of what we do."

Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, said: “We have made a firm commitment to improving the quality of life for residents by providing the best possible services in Denbighshire.

“These figures show we are very much on the right track. However, we always want to aim higher and we will not become complacent as we strive to improve our public services further."

Health campaigner selected as Assembly candidate

Plaid Cymru – The Party Of Wales have selected Mabon ap Gwynfor as their candidate in Clwyd South for next year’s National Assembly elections.
Mabon ap Gwynfor, who lives near Corwen, stood for Plaid at last May’s Parliamentary elections, and increased the party’s vote by 20%.
Mabon ap Gwynfor (pictured) said: “It was an honour to stand for Plaid Cymru in my home area in May and we received more votes than ever before here. We also had more people join and help with the campaign, which creates a good platform for the coming year’s campaign.
“The context for next year’s Welsh General Election will be very different. The key questions will be about the NHS and investing in improving the economy in north Wales.
"It will be about who would people rather see as First Minister - Leanne Wood or Carwyn Jones. Who would be best to ensure improvements in our health service, education, agriculture. Who can improve the lives and life chances of the people who live in Wales.
“Our key message is the need to invest in the Welsh economy, to provide jobs for our young people in particular and create healthier, more vibrant communities. Plaid Cymru’s campaign pledge to ensure that we have enough GPs in every community and train more specialist doctors to meet the growing demands of the NHS, especially here in the North, has proved to be very popular and my experience in campaigning for better health services locally backs that up.
“The cuts agenda being forced on local councils and charities by both the UK Tory and Cardiff Labour Governments are having devastating consequences on many people. Not only are people losing their jobs but we are also seeing basic services being cut – whether buses, libraries, leisure services or community centres.
“This has led to mass campaigns, for example the wonderful example of Plas Madoc being re-opened by a community cooperative.”
The 37-year-old father of three chairs the North Wales Health Alliance campaign group, which continues to fight for better NHS services in the area and campaigned to keep hospital beds in Llangollen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Urgent message from doctors' surgery

llanblogger has been asked to carry the following announcement from the doctors' surgery ...


We are currently experiencing problems with our main phone line – 01978 860625.

If you need to contact us between 8.00am and 6.30pm please ring 
01978 860489.

If you need urgent medical assistance between 6.30pm and 8.00am (overnight), please ring the 
Out of Hours service on  0300 123 55 66.
We apologise for any inconvenience.

Recording Gwyn's landmark day

* Gwyn welcomes the royal visitors to his shop.

As revealed recebntly by llanblogger, Gwyn the Butcher in Llangollen has been shortlisted in  a prestigious national competition to find high street champions.

Gwyn Davies in Castle Street has reached the final three in the food and drink retailer category of the Welsh Government’s High Street Heroes Awards.

The competition aims to honour businesses which help to make town centres great.

Members of the public were asked to nominate individual businesses and services in the six High Street Favourites categories - food and drink, fashion, health and beauty, leisure, home and garden, professional and financial services, eating out on the high street and community service provider.

Established for almost 40 years, Gwyn Davies Butchers put their success down to providing the local community with quality meat and a friendly, personal service.

The winners of all categories will be announced during High Street Week, 19–26 September 2015.

Gwyn has just released this picture of a another landmark occasion for him – the day when the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall came to call at his shop when they visited the town after touring the Eisteddfod field.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Busker raises £200 for Llan Christmas festival

* Busker Chris Burton plays outside the Town Hall on Saturday.

A musician from Walsall helped raise over £200 for Llangollen's Christmas festival on Saturday.

Chris Burton made the money by busking outside the Town Hall for four hours supported by a gorilla and town crier Austin Cheminais.

Chris has strong links with Llangollen and is a strong supporter of the Christmas festival. 

The annual event attracts a lot of visitors to the town and raises a substantial amount of money for Wales Air Ambulance.

The festival, to be held this year on Saturday November 28, relies on fundraising events, donations and sponsorship for its income.

* If you would like to contribute or sponsor the event, the Christmas festival committee can be contacted through Llangollen’s town clerk, Gareth Thomas, at the council office.