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Monday, July 20, 2015

Statement from KLS on recent developments

It should be self-evident that agreeing to a developer’s plans to construct a lighthouse would rightly have people incensed if the developers built a well-head for fracking instead.
The public expects to have exactly what it’s agreed to, no more and no less – we won’t accept an abattoir when we were promised a health centre. The public is in no mood to sign blank cheques or give carte blanche to a developer who refuses to specify what the development is for.
Now Sainsbury’s have pulled out of building a giant, town-killing supermarket on the edge of Llangollen, we’re expected to accept something else in its place but the people behind the negotiations, including our elected representatives, won’t tell us what, except to intimate that it’ll bring in jobs of some kind and on that basis, they’ll support it.

For the residents, it’s a classic pig in a poke and they have the legal right to buy it using our own money whether we like it or not. It is wholly improper for voters and taxpayers to be treated as if they all had diminished responsibility and need legal guardians instead of elected representatives.

If something else is now required to be developed then there must be an entirely new planning application submitted.
Due to the lack of information being distributed to the residents of Llangollen, I have written to Denbighshire Local Planning Authority asking them to void and annul the original planning application for the 32,000sqft supermarket development.
It would be patently absurd to assume that detailed plans for a supermarket could be adapted to build a marina, outdoor leisure centre or anything else.

As usual, confusion reigns supreme here in Llangollen. At the moment, Llangollen is being fed crumbs and hints of unspecified “good things to come”, of unknown ‘interests’ being expressed i n the newly-built shell but with no indication of what type of businesses have their eyes on it. Consequently we don’t know if access designed for a giant supermarket will be suitable for one or more new clients, if hours of use will change, if waste collection will increase or even if present foul water drainage will cope. We have no projections for traffic flow and capacity and all this must be re-examined by Highways.

Also needing to be re-examined is the changed situation over Planning Policy Wales version 4 which can no longer be disregarded due to the delay in adopting the LDP. Do we even know what will replace the gigantic sign which was originally intended to read ‘Sainsbury’s’ or how the original agreement with the Town Council to use car parking spaces might be affected?
Will the small cafeteria on the play park now be protected and will the reduction of trees now be obviated if the requirement for sight lines to attract passing trade is no longer a priority as it usually is in retail?

If not, can we revisit the impact on the AONB, one of the most contentious aspects of the development?

We don’t know if there are legal implications regarding the condition on Cilmedw and Sainsbury’s opening for trade but KLS would not wish to impede the new company operating the Cilmedw business. However, the status of the link between to two developments should be clarified to avoid possible future complications.

Can there possibly be any doubt that the whole thing needs to be thought-out properly? Can there be any doubt that without input from the community another dismal failure is virtually guaranteed? Can there possibly be a valid reason why our elected representative baulk at any involvement by their constituents when yet again we’ve proved our capability to shape our town’s future and avoid the pitfalls nobody else saw coming?

In a nutshell, the more information we’re can provided with, the greater likelihood we can avoid the bitter divisiveness Llangollen suffered the first time around.

Please be reassured KLS’s motives remain unchanged – to protect the character and viability of independent small traders, to protect our local economy from predation by national multiples, but above all to encourage sustainable, skilled work to support our youngsters and local workforce.

We have to get it right this time. KLS is always willing to participate in consultations and any aspects which may have impact on Llangollen.

It cannot be overemphasised that there’s no short cut to creating a new planning application completely from scratch or else the old, inherent flaws will reappear, and local involvement is the key to success from the very beginning – the original error was in assuming the town could be shaped to suit the project when only the reverse could possibly work.

Martin Crumpton
Chair ΞKeep Llangollen SpecialΞ

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Good rockin' at Fringe's steam train music event

* The Del Sharrons get the train underway from Llangollen station.

There was good rockin' all along the line this evening as Llangollen Railway hosted a Fringe event called Rock 'n' Roll Steam Train.

Revellers turned up from 5pm to be greeted by sounds from the band Del Sharron playing on Llangollen station.

Shortly afterwards, they boarded the train, hauled by a steam engine, which took them to Carrog station where there was a lively set from the country outfit, The Goat Ropers.

On the way back there was dancing in a carriage specially set aside for the purpose.

It was then back aboard for the return leg to Llangollen where once again they were able to groove to tunes from Del Sharron heavily laced with 60s favourites.

* The Goat Ropers play for train passengers at Carrog station.

* Dancing on the train back to Llangollen (picture by Mike Edwards).  

* Dancing breaks out on the platform back at Llangollen station.

Musical theatre workshops for the holidays

Get your Splurge guns ready and brush up your Charleston as we're heading for 1920s Chicago.

Gangsters and molls are wanted for this year's Musical Theatre Workshop, Bugsy Malone, to be held in Llangollen, Wrexham an Oswestry by local dance instructor Julie Thomas.

And to celebrate 10 years of her workshops Julie has chosen one of her favourite children's shows.

The latest two-day workshops will run in the three towns during the summer holidays.

Julie said: "If your boy or girl aged six to 12 years old enjoys performing then book them on to this fantastic event which will culminate in a short performance for family."

* See poster below for further details ...

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Search and rescue team called to Llan

North East Wales Search and Rescue has just revealed on its Facebook page how one of its teams were called out to Llangollen last Wednesday.

They say ...

"CALLOUT: On Wednesday 15/7 the team was called to treat and evacuate a young person with a significant lower leg injury following a fall at Dinas Bran Castle, near Llangollen.

Ten of our volunteer team members responded with two Landrovers.

When we arrived on scene a Welsh Ambulance Service crew had already reached the casualty and were providing initial treatment.

The casualty was placed in a vacuum mattress to stabilise the injured leg and then stretched back to the waiting ambulance. We wish the casualty a speedy recovery. The picture shows the team members carrying the casualty down."

Railway swings into 1960s weekend

* Railway staff get into the swing of a previous 60s weekend.

Llangollen Railway will be staging its sixth 1960's weekend On July 24-26.

Organisers say there's lots of 60's themed things to enjoy all along the line over the weekend and they are encouraging visitors to join staff in dressing up in outfits from the era.

Dr Beeching's Bar in the Robertson Suite at Llangollen station will be open on Friday evening, Saturday from 12 until late and Sunday.

Eight local real cask ales will be on offer at £3 a pint along with Wrexham lager, wines and cider.

The railway is  running a 1960's-themed pub quiz at around 8.30pm. Entry will be £5 per team with all proceeds going to boiler repairs for Foxcote Manor, the line's flagship steam locomotive.

There will be live music performed on the platform during Saturday afternoon and evening, from 7-10pm.

Entry is free and burgers from the station restaurant barbeque will be available.

Further up the line, Berwyn station café will be open and alighting from the train here provides quick and easy access to the recently reopened Chain Bridge, now resplendent after a full restoration.

The popular and free "rail replacement" vintage bus service will be running between Llangollen and Corwen during the day, also calling at Berwyn and Glyndyfrdwy - where there is a large vintage vehicle rally of 60's era cars and other vehicles.

A café in the station will be serving tea and cakes.

Anyone with a vintage car from the 1960s or older is welcome to bring it along to display and will receive complimentary travel on the railway for the event.

Carrog station tearooms will also be open, which is a good spot to get off the train for a cuppa, cake and a walk around the village with its spectacular views and the Grouse pub.

Throughout the weekend the railway will be running an intensive timetable of vintage trains - with  steam locomotives temporarily weathered to look grimy and unloved, as they were in the 60s as many branch lines, including Llangollen, were closed and steam traction was replaced by diesels and railcars. 

Two diesel locomotives and a railcar will be in use over the weekend to demonstrate the "new order" - though they themselves are all now over 50 years old and have been replaced by more modern electric and multiple unit trains on the railways of Britain.

The historic autotrain will also be used, which sees a pannier tank steam locomotive sandwiched between two coaches. 

* To see video of highlights of the railway's last five events go to:

Friday, July 17, 2015

Fringe opens to packed Town Hall

Llangollen Fringe started last night with comedy from Sara Pascoe and a packed Town Hall really enjoyed the show. 

The festival was officially opened by the Mayor, Cllr Mike Adams, and town crier Chem watched by Bob Jaques and Sara Roberts from the Fringe.

Tonight (Friday) it's Babyhead, Radio 6 Music DJ Don Letts and live music from well-known vintage reggae band Talisman.

Sunday we see Juan Martin making his first appearance in Llangollen for eight years. 

He has been voted as one of the top three guitarists in the world and so we are in for a treat of great flamenco music from the virtuoso performer.

Other events:
* High and Mighty at Castell Dinas Bran - storytelling and music.

* Fringe Acoustica at the Rafa club

* Opening of Art Exhibitions at Y Capel at 2.00pm on Saturday

Vicar's charity cycle marathon


Land’s End to John O’Groats 2015

Charity Cycle Ride:

25 July - 4 August 2015


* The Rev Andrew Sully is getting on his bike.


Looking for a cure to

Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy: