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Friday, December 5, 2014

County to charge for garden waste collections

Denbighshire County Council is informing residents of changes to its garden waste collections.

Garden waste will not be collected over the winter months, with the service ending on Friday, 16 January, 2015.  

When the service resumes on 30th March,  2015, the council will be introducing a charge for using the service. Garden waste will be collected fortnightly.

People can sign up for the service now and there is a discount for people signing up before the end of January. People can sign up by visiting the council’s website (, by visiting any of the county’s One Stop Shops or by calling 01824 706101.

The council will arrange to collect your garden waste for 12 months from the date of your first collection.  They will arrange to collect your garden waste over 12 months from the date you sign up.

The council says it will send residents signing up a unique identification label for their green bin(s) or a tag for green dumpy sacks, a calendar showing  collection days and any additional containers (if necessary) before collections begin. Residents moving addresses within Denbighshire after signing up for garden waste collections can transfer the arrangement for the collection service to their new property.

The cost of the new service will be £24 a year for one green wheelie bin or three dumpy sacks or £36 a year for two green wheelie bins of six dumpy sacks. A discount of £2 will be offered to those signing up before the end of January.

More than 500 residents have already taken the opportunity to register for the garden waste service, taking advantage of the early-bird discount.  The following garden waste goes in your green wheelie bin or green dumpy sack: grass cuttings, garden prunings, branches and twigs, leaves, bark, flowers and plants.

The council says it will not empty green dumpy bags or green bins which contain soil, general household rubbish or food products. Garden waste can also be disposed of through recycling parks, free of charge.

Some garden wastes can be shredded and returned to the soil as a mulch or composted at home either on a traditional compost heap or a home composter. More details about the home composter are available from the council.  C

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “We are going through a period of significant change as a council and we need to make some difficult choices, as part of our efforts to save £17 million over the next two years.

“The proposal to charge for green waste collections has been agreed. We appreciate this is a very different way of working and we are offering people plenty of time to set themselves up for the new service which begins at the end of March."

St Collen's Christmas Fayre this Saturday

St. Collen's Christmas Fayre will be held at Llangollen Town Hall tomorrow, Saturday, December 6, with the 'doors open' at 10.30am.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Warning over "suspect" mattress sales

Trading Standards officers in Denbighshire are warning residents to be on their guard against suspect mattress sales.

The warning comes after reports were received that there is a white van travelling throughout the area offering “discounted” mattresses for sale.

Emlyn Jones, Public Protection Manager, said: “We are unable to confirm whether the mattresses bear the correct labels and whether they comply with the applicable safety legislation, such as flammability requirements.

“Additionally, we are unable to confirm that this is a legitimate business. Without the ability to trace the business consumers would not be able implement their cancellation rights – a 14 day cooling off period for goods bought on the doorstep where they can change their mind and cancel the contract – or, should a problem develop after purchase, it may be difficult to try and claim a refund for the price paid.”

They have urged anyone approached to purchase a mattress on their doorstep or whilst in the street to just to say no.

Anyone approached by these sellers can report the matter to police by calling 101 or Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06 (03454 04 05 05 for Welsh language).  This helpline offers free, independent and impartial advice on all consumer issues.

People are advised to try and report the vehicle registration as well as any trading name the sellers are using.

Railway favourite goes in for major "surgery"

* The engine in action at Llangollen on a previous wintry occasion.

Llangollen Railway’s flagship engine, No.7822, Foxcote Manor, built in 1950, won’t be hauling this season’s Santa Special trains.

It is in the Locomotive Works having what is akin to major heart surgery to repair its boiler.

Although the engine received a ten year major overhaul in 2011, costing in excess of £100k, the owners, Foxcote Manor Society, have been hit with a need to spend a similar, unplanned, amount two years later in 2013/14.

This followed the discovery of a crack in the throat plate ahead of the firebox which required the damaged area to be cut out.
* Llangollen Railway engineering
Luke Denoven with the new throat plate,
the area of the firebox where
the plate is to be fitted.
The work, as well as being complex and expensive, has meant a new challenge for the Llangollen Railway's workshop’s engineers in fabricating a new plate as a one off item.

It has been successfully completed and is currently waiting to be fitted.

In addition, the boiler must now have all 127 small tubes renewed, and the twelve large tubes, before steam testing will follow to allow the locomotive to operate again in early 2015. The new tubes are costing over £14,000 and the Foxcote Manor Society is appealing for donations to help with this unexpected repair to a popular engine.

Neil Evans, chairman of the Foxcote Manor Society, said, “This is a classic example of the challenge steam locomotive owners face in keeping their historic machines in operational order.
"The cost of this repair is a big expense for the members of Foxcote Manor Society. Small tubes cost £50 apiece and those wishing to see this popular engine back in action at Llangollen may help by making a donation.”


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Support Small Business Saturday says Cittaslow

llanblogger has received the following statement from Mike Edwards on behalf of Cittaslow Llangollen about a special event this weekend:

"Through your blog on behalf of Cittaslow I would like to call on all Llangollen and Dee Valley residents to fully support Small Business and Buy Local Saturday on the 6th December, 2014(poster below in Sal's email).

"Research has shown that for every pound spent in a local area with independent businesses seventy pence (70p) recirculates in the Local Economy, so everyone benefits from using local shops and traders. We are fortunate to have a vibrant and viable town centre which is a successful community social facility, so you can pop down into town and browse and buy in our numerous locally owned shops, but also visit the Library, Town Hall, Museum and finish off with a meal or a drink in the numerous restaurants, cafes and pubs. So coming into town is always a pleasant experience where you can chat to friends you meet whilst getting those everyday essentials like your meat, produce, grocery etc. 

"We are fortune at the moment to have two butchers, two Greengrocers, two delicatessens, two newsagents plus cafes, a florists, opticians who we are in danger of losing in future, so I would urge everyone to use them or lose them.
"Small Business Saturday is a National Event aiming to inspire and support local independent shops and suppliers and this initiative is an excellent fit with the aims and objectives of Cittaslow Llangollen. Cittaslow promotes towns like Llangollen with its strong community spirit and encourages amongst other things the principle of Field to Fork by using local food producers, farm shops, artisan crafts and independent local shops, catering and hospitality facilities.

"So I urge all residents to get behind our unique local businesses this Saturday and for the future to keep Llangollen vibrant and retain its unique characteristics and prevent it from becoming just another "clone town."

Health alliance speaks out over ambulance queues

Following the news that ambulances were queuing a claimed 16 deep at Wrexham Maelor Hospital on Monday the North Wales Health Alliance have issued a statement.

Mabon ap Gwynfor of the alliance said: “The closure of four community hospitals at Flint, Llangollen, Blaenau Ffestiniog and Prestatyn, has meant losing more than 50 community beds, which has placed further unnecessary pressure on our district general hospitals.

"The Health Board will always say that they were experiencing particularly difficult circumstances.

"It’s winter, these circumstances come around every year. We have an aging population and serious GP recruitment issues as well as specialist doctors.

"These facts are well established and the senior managers of our Health Service should be prepared for these eventualities.

"It’s not rocket science to plan for winter and the ongoing pressures on hospital beds. One way of starting to deal with these issues would be to re-open our community hospital beds as part of their new phase of community health centres.”

KLS responds to Sainsbury's agreement plea

Martin Crumpton, chair of Keep Llangollen Special (KLS) responds to the recent plea by local county councillor Stuart Davies for opponents to "put their prejudices aside" when it comes to the planned new Sainsbury's store:
Having read your recent article,, it’s time to set the record straight by taking the opportunity to respond.
Using pejorative words like ‘prejudice’ in this case is, of course, misleading as it implies irrational opposition to something. In five years of research, there has never been a single recorded instance of an edge-of-town large-format supermarket bringing anything but unemployment, and the prospect of 130 jobs is as likely to happen as the commitment to saving 110 jobs at Dobson & Crowther turned out to be.
The councillor seems oblivious to the changing pattern of supermarket shopping, being rejected wholesale by more and more shoppers. The likelihood of so many even part-time, low-wage jobs being created for local people is no more viable than, say, a footbridge across the River Dee, which he and Ken Skates AM once claimed Betsi Cadwaladr was applying for EU funding to build – but they’re not.
We naturally wish Dobson & Crowther, supported by Welsh Government money, well and we will also focus and redouble our efforts to help Llangollen’s many small employers provide decent jobs for local people and help keep the local economy from being swallowed-up by huge corporations.
We can’t expect everyone to have a solid grasp of economics, to be fair, nor current affairs and prevailing business conditions, but KLS will continue to fight for the heart and soul of our beautiful town, and in that spirit we’d like to take the opportunity to offer Cllr Davies our most special Christmas wishes.

Chair ΞKeep Llangollen SpecialΞ