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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

County council trials body cameras

Denbighshire County Council is presently conducting a trial of body worn cameras for its Civil Enforcement Officers to help improve their personal security.

Civil Enforcement Officers are responsible for carrying out parking enforcement, which is decriminalised in Denbighshire.

The cameras are no bigger in size than a mobile phone and are securely attached to the clothing of the enforcement officers. Use of body worn cameras has increased significantly across the parking enforcement industry in recent years.

The trial will run until mid-November and Denbighshire's Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, Councillor David Smith, explained: "The trial will help inform us about the practical issues surrounding the use of the cameras and how they will assist the safety of our officers in performing their duties."

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

North Wales board welcomes HS2 extension

The North Wales Economic Ambition Board, which is made up of representatives from all six North Wales Councils, welcomes the Recommendation by Sir David Higgins in his Rebalancing Britain Report that the HS2 line should be extended to Crewe by 2027 - six years earlier than originally proposed.

Earlier this year, Sir David outlined the role that HS2 has in unlocking the potential of regional economies outside London and how a hub at Crewe would open up HS2 connection to other locations in the north including North Wales.

The North Wales Economic Ambition Board aims to establish North Wales as a confident and outward looking region with a diverse and high value economy, and believes that to take full advantage of the economic opportunities envisaged by Sir David, electrification the route onwards from Crewe to Holyhead will be needed at the same time. That would enable faster travel to the HS2 Hub at Crewe with onward high speed connections to London, Manchester, Manchester International Airport and Birmingham.

Member of the Economic Ambition Board and Leader of Denbighshire County Council, Councillor Hugh Evans, OBE said: "The North Wales Economic Ambition Board is working to improve inward investment and accelerate economic growth in North Wales.

"We have identified the current transport infrastructure as a barrier for growth and I am delighted that Sir David has recommended the North West hub at Crewe and the extension to it six years earlier than originally planned. His Report also sets out the importance of improving the connectivity between East and West across the north of England. That makes makes electrification in North Wales even more important so as to link seamlessly into the economies of North West of England and beyond."  

"Travel times to and from those business centres would be significantly reduced making connectivity between businesses faster and easier. That will generate a higher level of economic activity not just for businesses in North Wales but for businesses in other parts of the UK as well."

MPs should be banned from second jobs says Jones

MPs should be banned from having second jobs, according to Clwyd South Labour MP Susan Elan Jones.

Speaking in the House of Commons Chamber in yesterday's debate (Monday) on the recall of MPs, she said:"One of the big issues with trust in politicians concerns money....we really should look at Members’ second jobs, which has a lot to do with the erosion of trust."

She added: "Only last weekend a survey showed that 20 MPs declare over £100,000 from second jobs. That is not the norm and a large number of us do not take on any paid jobs.

"However, I think the practice is wrong in principle and it should be banned full stop. A few MPs looked and sounded very unhappy when I said this in Parliament, but I think it needs to be said and I believe the issue needs to be sorted if we are to restore trust in politics."

AM praises team who fought to re-open Corwen line

* Ken Skates AM on his visit to Llangollen Railway yesterday. 

Clwyd South AM Ken Skates hailed the ‘decades of hard work and dedication’ by volunteers to restore of an historic rail line linking two towns.

Labour Assembly Member Mr Skates took a trip on the recently-reopened Llangollen-Corwen line on Monday (October 27), six months after rolling up his sleeves to help lay sections of track.

Mr Skates said: “It’s fantastic to see this Welsh Government-supported project going full steam ahead after decades of incredible hard work and dedication by an amazing team of volunteers.

“While this restoration project has been a genuine labour of love for those involved, the unbelievable amount of blood, sweat and tears that’s gone into this fantastic achievement cannot be overestimated.

“They have turned mission impossible into a reality and created something we can all be exceptionally proud of.”
Enthusiasts had fought for years to reinstate the Llangollen-Corwen, via Carrog, after its closure by British Railways in 1965.


Older People's "Czar" will be at Llan meeting

Sarah Rochira, the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, will be special guest at an open meeting being organised by Age Connects (North Wales Central) at The Hand Hotel in Llangollen on Friday, November 14.

* Sarah Rochira
The meeting, which runs from 10am-1pm, will also be addressed by Clwyd South Labour AM Ken Skates.

Questions are invited from people over 50 on issues affecting older people and should be submitted to Age Connects before the meeting.

This is a bookable event as places are limited.

* To book a seat or submit a question, call Age Connects on 01745 816947.

Llan RBL officials attend Rhyl Poppy Appeal launch

* The Lord Lieutenant and civic leaders at the Poppy Appeal launch in Rhyl.

Officials of the Llangollen branch of the Royal British Legion recently attended the official launch of the annual Poppy Appeal in Rhyl.

Hosted by the legion’s Rhyl branch, a highlight of the event was the release of 100 red balloons in the town’s High Street to mark the centenary of the RBL.
With the Lord Lieutenant of Clwyd, Henry Fetherstonhaugh, performing the official launch assisted by the chair of Denbighshire County Council, Cllr Brian Blakeley, the event also featured displays by the Army’s Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and Royal Logistical Corps along with the police and ambulance service.

Children from local schools were amongst the large crowd who turned out to watch the event.      

Music was provided by the Beulah Brass whose bugler sounded the Last Post and Reveille.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Have your say on budget cuts

Denbighshire County Council is considering a range of cuts, as part of its efforts to cut £17 million from its budget over the next two years.

Now the Council is launching a debate called 'Cutting Our Cloth' , asking residents for views on how the impact of the cuts can be lessened on local communities.

One set of proposals totalling £4.6 million has already been agreed by Full Council. The current round of proposals worth £5.4 million are being considered, with councillors expected to discuss them formally in December and February.

Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of the Council, said: “The Council has worked really hard over recent years to protect jobs and vital public services wherever possible.

“We have managed to save £20 million by concentrating on  inefficiencies, bureaucracy and management, but the time has now come for us to make cuts.

“These cuts are unavoidable. They are the ‘least-worst’ options that the Council has to consider as it sets its budget for the next financial year”.  

Dr Mohammed Mehmet, Chief Executive of Denbighshire, said: “The budget situation in Denbighshire is certainly not unique and we are facing our biggest challenges since devolution.  

“Before final decisions are made on these proposals, the Council wishes to fully understand their impact on the public, on staff and on the wider community.

“While the scale of cuts facing local government in Wales will change the structure and purpose and councils will inevitably do ‘less with less’, they will still continue to provide vital services to residents and good quality, safe care to their vulnerable adults and children.

“And we are making a commitment in Denbighshire to continue providing the best possible services, despite the big challenges we face.”

A summary of proposals can be found on the website,, together with a short online form for you to complete. 

You can submit your response online.  Alternatively, you can e-mail: or write to: Cutting Our Cloth, Communications Department, Denbighshire County Council, County Hall, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin, LL15 1YN or you can leave your comments at any council reception area.

If you wish your comment to be considered by the Council at its December meeting, it should arrive with the Council no later than November 27.