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Monday, December 9, 2013

Closure of Plas Madoc leisure centre proposed

* Plas Madoc leisure centre ... proposed for closure.

The closure of Plas Madoc leisure centre, which is used by many people from Llangollen, is proposed in a report by consultants due to go before a Wrexham Council scrutiny committee on Wednesday.

To see the full report go to:

RAF flies in to help tidy Plas Newydd grounds

* RAF volunteers at work in the stream.

* Part of the RAF team zeros in on a little burning.

The Royal Air Force flew in to help give the grounds of Plas Newydd a winter makeover at the weekend.

Around a dozen volunteers sortied out from RAF Shawbury on Saturday and Sunday to attack a variety of tasks including tidying up the stream and burning excess foliage.

Heritage team leader for Denbighshire County Council, Kevin Pennington, said: "'We are really grateful for their help, it is a busy time of year for our gardener, keeping our site well maintained and attractive for visitors and the people of Llangollen to enjoy.
"The impact of this extra help will be really beneficial in looking after our beautiful site.".

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Red sky at night ...

The other day llanblogger brought you a picture showing a striking red sky at morning.

Now we've just captured a photograph of red sky at night over Regent Street in Llan.

HSBC closure – "Broken Promises"

llanblogger has received the following letter about the closure of the town's HSBC bank:

A report by Aled Blake on WalesOnline on 17th March 2010, when Rachel Thomas was appointed as Regional Director for Wales states: 'Ms Thomas, who will have the job of expanding HSBC’s presence here, said: 'HSBC’s commitment to Wales is clear. I look forward to building on the strong foundations that have been laid by my colleagues.
'Wales continues to be a key business area for HSBC, we employ more than 2,700 people in the region and have the highest market share compared with any area in the UK. My intention is to carry forward our distinguished  history, good customer service and grow business in Wales.'
Since then she has closed several branches in North and Mid Wales and appears to have ignored her job description. What I can’t understand is why she has been allowed to get away with it by her bosses.
HSBC owe the people of Llangollen a debt of gratitude for their loyalty to the bank in all its guises over the last 150 years, from its beginnings as the North and South Wales Bank, Midland and HSBC.
It also needs to recognise that Llangollen is an important international town with a vibrant community that does not deserve the way it has been treated. The speed with which this decision has been made and the disregard for loyal customers beggars belief, and as a former employee of the Midland Bank, leaves me saddened and disillusioned.
Gill Thomas

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Skates pledges to keep up the HSBC fight

* The HSBC Bank in Bridge Street which is earmarked for closure.
CLWYD South Assembly Member Ken Skates has vowed to continue fighting for ‘the best deal possible’ for bank users in Llangollen after HSBC announced it will close the town’s branch in February. 
Labour AM Mr Skates and North Wales AM Mark Isherwood met the company’s regional director in Cardiff on Thursday (December 5) to highlight constituents’ concerns over the axing of the branch, which HSBC says has one of the lowest usage rates of its 1,100 in the UK. 
Mr Skates, who is based in Llangollen, said: “It was a useful meeting and I was glad to have the opportunity to stress to the bank just how many people will be affected by its decision. HSBC is refusing to budge on its plans to close the branch, but I will continue to fight for the best deal possible for my constituents. 
I have asked the company to consider keeping a cashpoint for its loyal customers here, and they have said they will provide me with contact details for the owner of the building so we can look at whether it could be retained for community use. 
The bank says its records show that the majority of customers in Llangollen use other branches and are internet registered, and the company also stressed that personal banking customers can access HSBC services via any post office. 
Mr Skates added: “For many customers, especially some older ones, the loss of the branch is difficult to bear and they will not easily switch to internet banking. 
“HSBC has promised to offer full support to customers and has asked me to urge people to contact them to ask about alternative ways to access banking services. The company has also promised to provide a range of collection and drop-off services for business customers."

Friday, December 6, 2013

Support Buy Local Day this Saturday


This Saturday, Keep Llangollen Special is combining its latest Buy Local Day, when people are encouraged to support local shops rather than going outside the town to spend their money, with Small Business Saturday, a similar event which has proved very successful in the United States and is being promoted locally by Clwyd South MP, Susan Elan Jones.

NI axe will aid local jobs quest, says Aled Roberts

The drive to help young people get jobs in Denbighshire will be boosted by plans to abolish employers’ National Insurance Contributions (NICs) for under 21-years-olds, North Wales Assembly Member Aled Roberts has said.
The news means businesses will no longer have to pay tax on employees aged under 21 years old, he believes, and companies will save £1,000 each year for every young employee earning £16,000.
In Denbighshire the plan to abolish NICs for young people from April 2015 means companies will not have to pay the contributions for 3,760 young people.
 Mr Roberts welcomed the decision, which was as part of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, and said:  “The Liberal Democrats are focused on getting young people into work and this is exactly the kind of initiative needed to give businesses a break and encourage them to start recruiting.
“Since 2010 we have already helped create more than 1.5m new apprenticeships. Meanwhile, Nick Clegg’s £1bn Youth Contract is supporting work experience, wage incentives and apprenticeships.
"Our economy is growing because of the hard work of people and businesses, they deserve this help. The coalition's economic plan is the rock on which our recovery is being built – and it is happening because of the Liberal Democrats.”