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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Town crier's bell tolls to signal "save our bank" protest

* Chamber of Trade and Tourism chairman David Davies before
heading inside the bank with the 150th anniversary card.

* Town crier Austin Chemenais tolls his bell to start the protest.

PROTESTERS gathered outside the HSBC bank in Llangollen earlier today (Thursday) to show their anger at the branch being axed as part of a regional closure programme.
On the stroke of noon, town crier Austin Chemenais tolled his bell to draw attention to the demonstration in Bridge Street which was timed to coincide with a celebration of the 150th anniversary of banking in the town going on inside.

The protest was organised by members of Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism whose chairman, David Davies, went into the branch with a large card marking the anniversary and expressing local hopes that it would stay open for another 150 years.
Mr Davies emerged shortly afterwards to say that a senior manager from HSBC in Wrexham had politely accepted the card but had refused to come outside to speak to the protest group who were being filmed by press photographers and TV crews.

“We’ll now wait to see what happens as a result of our protest,” said Mr Davies.    
“We had sought a meeting to discuss the closure of the branch with the HSBC’s regional manager but she has turned us down.

“We don’t want this very valuable branch to close but we would like to at least discuss other possibilities such as it remaining open a couple of days a week.”
Llangollen is one of three HSBC branches earmarked for closure next February, along with those in Conwy and Beaumaris, as a result of a claimed fall in trade due to more customers doing business online.

Bank bosses say the administration of accounts will be transferred from Llangollen to Wrexham with five staff being deployed elsewhere within the group.
There has been cross-party condemnation of the closures from local politicians and the issue was raised in the Welsh Assembly earlier this week.

Responding to one North Wales AM who questioned the closures, HSBC regional director for the south west and Wales, Rachel Thomas, said: “Whilst we fully understand the depth of feeling about our decision to close this branch, the decision is final.

“We therefore believe that our time is best spent providing tailored one to one support to our Llangollen customers who may have problems accessing banking facilities and ensuring that their needs are catered for in the best way possible.”

Clwyd South AM Ken Skates said: “The turn-out today just goes to show the strength of feeling over this issue in Llangollen, and we can only hope HSBC takes note.
"I am in the process of trying to arrange a meeting with the regional director so we can sit down and see if there is anything that can be done to keep HSBC services in the town or to see if the building can be put to community use should the company follow through on its plans.
“I am only too aware how angry and upset people are about this, and HSBC’s arrogance and refusal to engage with the community certainly hasn’t helped matters.
"With the closures of branches in Cefn Mawr, Rhos and Corwen in recent years the bank appears to be turning its back on the area, so they should not be surprised if some of their loyal customers in my constituency now decide to turn their backs on HSBC.”

Older People's Commissioner visits county HQ

Denbighshire councillors heard first hand about the work being carried out by the Older People's Commissioner for Wales, Sarah Rochira, visited County Hall, Ruthin, on Monday.

Ms Rochira (below right) talked about her role and her priorities for action to ensure the wellbeing of all older people and that policies are in place to reduce any barriers to leading a fulfilling life into old age.

She told members about some of her key aims, which include promoting awareness of the rights and interests of older people in Wales, challenging discrimination, encouraging best practice in the treatment of older people and reviewing on the law affecting the interests of older people.

During the discussion, councillors also heard about what Denbighshire is doing in response to the Commissioner's agenda for change.

Cabinet Lead Member for Social Care, Councillor Bobby Feeley, and Older People’s Champion for Denbighshire, said: "It is well documented that we have a high proportion of elderly people living in our County and that demographic change is a key factor in our planning for the future.

"This is why it is important that we have excellent links with the Commissioner and to ensure we are working closely with her to provide the best service we can to our older residents and embedding the wellbeing of older people at the heart of our public services across the board - not just within a social services context.

"We completely agree with her that some aspects of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Bill are not fully worked out yet- laudable though they are. In particular we are concerned that the Bill is not fully costed.

"It has been extremely useful to hear from the Commissioner and I'm sure all members will take away something from our meeting with the Commissioner."

Ms Rochira said: “It was a pleasure to meet with Denbighshire County Councillors in Ruthin.

“This meeting provided a good opportunity to speak to councillors about my priorities. These include the need to focus more strongly on key local and community-based facilities such as buses and community transport, public toilets, pavements and community centres.

“These are essential to the maintenance of older people’s health, independence and wellbeing. As we grow older as a nation, we need to fundamentally rethink how we design and plan our communities.”

Heavy steam loco thumbs a lift

* The heavy transport with locomotive on board ready to depart.
Following a heavy lift of component parts, the project to build a new example of the LMS 'Patriot' class of express steam locomotive took a major step forward in the yard at Llangollen railway on Wednesday afternoon, despite some difficult weather conditions.
Engineers undertook the complex task of lifting the main frames, with smokebox and cab attached, on to the three sets of main driving wheels and secured the assembly on a trailer in readiness for transport to Birmingham.

By 4.30pm the heavy load was on the road and heading for the West Midlands.
Initially the assembled parts will be displayed at the National Arboretum before heading on to the National Exhibition centre at Birmingham where it will be on display at the Warley Model Railway Show on Saturday/Sunday November 23/24.


Campaign launched to tackle disability hate crime

North Wales Police have teamed up with partners to launch a campaign to raise awareness of disability hate crime and encourage more victims to come forward and report matters to the police.
Copy of poster 
The bi-lingual poster campaign was launched Police Headquarters in Colwyn Bay.
North Wales Police and representatives from TAPE, Wired and ARRIVA came together to launch the initiative which will run as a pilot for two weeks.
An ARRIVA bus was present outside headquarters to mark the launch which was attended by Chief Superintendent Simon Humphreys and Greg George of North Wales Police, Winston Roddick, the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, and Wired – an organisation which supports people to live as independently and with as much choice and control as possible.
“We know that disability hate crime is under reported in North Wales and we hope that this campaign will go some way to raising awareness of the issue,” said Chief Superintendent Simon Humphreys. 
“It is important that victims of disability hate crime, as well as members of the public who believe they have witnessed such an incident, should report it to police.”
Greg George, Head of the Diversity Unit at NWP, said: “The Diversity Unit work closely with disabled people (and those who support them) to deal with the policing issues that affect them. It is from one of our regular meetings that the idea to run the campaign was born. A challenge was set for community members to devise a poster – scores of which will now be displayed on ARRIVA buses. The campaign has the full support of ARRIVA and the posters will be displayed on all buses travelling out of the Rhyl depot.”
Len Cater, General Manager, Arriva, Rhyl, said: “Arriva Buses Wales is proud to support the North Wales Police campaign to stop disability hate crime. It is important that any hate crime is reported, and we are pleased to be able to help publicise the issue on our buses in the area.”
The North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner commended the initiative and said: "This is an important campaign to inform people about disability hate crime.  It brings the Force and the community together to target offenders and tackle the problem.”
TAPE Community Music and Film have also written and produced a short video which looks at the issues of reducing stigma for people with a learning disability.
Steve Swindon, CEO, TAPE community Music and Film, said: “The development of the hate crime poster has stemmed directly from the work of the Stigma production team and their desire to make a difference to the lives of other people. They have worked with a consistent professionalism and real focus, using their own experiences to inform the work and ensure that the key message comes across clearly.
“We at TAPE are extremely proud to have been involved in supporting this project."
Adult Services Manager of the Wired group Susan Cassapi said: “Wired’s ethos is that all people are part of society and this campaign goes a long way to address the issue of hate crimes and bullying that some disabled people face every day. We are delighted to have been involved. 
“Wired feel that this poster campaign will make people think more about hate crimes.”

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Axed banks issue raised in Welsh Assembly

* Demo tomorrow: the HSBC bank in Bridge Street. 

Members of the Welsh Assembly are to be updated on the closure of three HSBC bank branches, including the one in Llangollen, according to a Cabinet Minister.
In the Senedd, North Wales Conservative AM Mark Isherwood called for a government statement on the issue, which has sparked anger in the town and will be the subject of a demonstration outside the Bridge Street bank tomorrow (Thursday) at 12 noon.
Addressing Lesley Griffiths, Minister for Local Government and Government Business and AM for Wrexham, he said: "I wish to raise a matter that I know that you, personally, will be concerned about, namely the announcement by HSBC that it is closing its Llangollen, Conwy and Beaumaris branches.
"What engagement is the Welsh Government having, could have, or will have, with the bank regarding this?
"Widespread concerns have been raised by constituents, business constituents and individual customers regarding the impact this will have on those areas, on themselves, the wellbeing of the businesses in their towns, on their communities, but also on the many thousands of tourists who visit the area.
"They are afraid that rural areas are taking the brunt, that this is not in the interest of customers and that it is a short-sighted business decision. They believe that we need to take a longer term, truly customer-focused approach."
Ms Griffiths replied: "In relation to your concerns about the closure of HSBC branches - and you referred to Llangollen in my colleague Ken Skates’s constituency - the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport has discussions with all banks and will update the Assembly in due course."

KLS chair has more thoughts on HSBC bank closure

Martin Crumpton, chair of Keep Llangollen Speecial (KLS) has written this piece expressing his views on the issue of the closure of the town's HSBC Bank:  
In the run-up to Christmas, it’s scrag-end of grants and sponsorship for us, but filet mignon for the banks.
We could cock a snook at HSBC over their inflexible plans to close their Llangollen branch, and switch our accounts to Barclays.
Barclays, having announced 1,700  job cuts and undisclosed branch closures, are likely to be next.
If they are, we could cock another snook at them and switch to NatWest.
However, if RBS, in the guise of NatWest follows suit as they always do, we’ll be left bereft of snooks and nobody to cock them at anyway.
We genuinely find their cut-backs difficult to swallow. What other industry sector cuts back in a time of banking plenty? Perhaps they’re making a pre-emptive strike in advance of all the talk of banking levies and caps on bonuses?
KLS has put pressure on the Welsh Government and we will watch with interest. We are also pursuing alternative, ethical banking providers.
We don’t have to take this lying down.
The Chamber of Trade and Tourism has been working hard on this issue too, which is very much appreciated by all.
In support of the Chamber, KLS has agreed to ask our members to attend their PR exercise tomorrow, the main event being at noon, and we ask everyone to do so – not to heckle the staff but to show HSBC’s faceless hierarchy that we value the bank’s presence and maybe show them how counter-productive their decision is.
On a much happier note, and despite watching snow fall as I write this, the one, true Father Christmas is getting his elves to work overtime to provide everything we need in Llangollen’s local shops.
The fake Santas in the large supermarkets is more likely to steal presents from you by bogus offers and not-very-special Special Offers, such as Buy One, Waste One Free.
Tell your friends and neighbours that the next Buy Local Day (Friday 13th December) is where the genuine Christmas Spirit begins!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Closure decision is "final" says Llan bank boss

The recently announced decision by bosses at HSBC to close the Llangollen branch is final.
That is the clear message from Rachel K Thomas, regional director, retail banking & wealth management, South West & Wales, in an email to David Davies, chair of Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism.

Earlier this week, Mr Davies wrote to her requesting an urgent meeting to discuss the closure.
But in her emailed reply, which came through earlier today (Tuesday) she declines the request and makes it clear that the closure, which has sparked a wave anger in the town, will go ahead.

The email reads in full: 

Dear Mr Davies

Thank you for your recent email regarding the closure of Llangollen Branch.  

We are always reluctant to close branches and will only make a decision to do so after a careful and rigorous review of the sustainability of the branch. This takes into consideration the branch’s performance over the last five years and an in depth analysis of internal and external data to understand branch use and the local demographics. We will also consider whether there are other measures we can take to improve the viability of the branch, such as reducing opening hours. Unfortunately, in the case of Ll angollen branch, the level of business is not sufficient to justify the branch's continued operation and we have taken the decision to close the branch.

Whilst we fully understand the depth of feeling about our decision to close this branch, the decision is final. We therefore believe that our time is best spent providing tailored one to one support to our Llangollen customers who may have problems accessing banking facilities and ensuring that their needs are catered for in the best way possible. As a result, I must regretfully decline your invitation to a public meeting.

Kind regards

Rachel K Thomas

Regional Director, Retail Banking & Wealth Management, South West & Wales Region, HSBC Bank PLC.

* This Thursday, at 12noon, the chamber is going ahead with a formal protest outside the bank in Bridge Street and is inviting as many local people as possible to take part.