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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Anything Goes opens tonight

Llangollen Operatic Society's production of  Cole Porter's Anything Goes takes to the stage tonight (Tuesday) for a five-night run at the Town Hall.

Set on board an ocean liner bound for England in the 1930s, this lively, witty musical tells the story of stowaway Billy Crocker who, aided by a glamorous evangelist turned nightclub singer and a New York gangster, sets out on a mission to get his girl before she marries an ageing English gentleman.

This show has everything from comedy to romance, poignant solos and rousing chorus numbers guaranteed to have your toes tapping.

Porter’s jazzy score is a triumph and recognisable songs include I Get a Kick Out of You, Blow Gabriel Blow and the title number Anything Goes.   

Tickets are priced £9 and £7.50 (concessions) and are on sale now from Llangollen Tourist Information Centre, Jades Hair & Beauty or for telephone bookings call Stella Bond on 01978 860441. 

KLS chair hits out at planners

Local planning authorities “run scared of corporates and their highly paid professional advisors” and fail to protect independent local businesses as they did when granting planning consent for an out-of-town Sainsbury's supermarket, to the detriment of Llangollen town centre.  

That is the view of Mike Edwards, chair of Keep Llangollen Special (KLS). 

He was reacting to a new report that says the Welsh planning system should be focused on economic development and not climate change or affordable housing.

The report, from newly launched think tank Gorwel, claims that discussions about planning have too often centred on issues that Wales cannot address on its own and much more should be done to drive the economy forward.

Evidence of the failure of the planning system to help local businesses can been seen, authors Steve Belzak and Russell Deacon claim, in the “increasing homogenisation of town centres” and the development of “out-of-town retail centres dominated by large, often multinational corporations”.

Mr Edwards said: “In their panic to avoid a costly planning enquiry local planning authorities ignore Planning Policy Wales and fall down in front of speculative property developers and corporate supermarkets. 

“Building out of town increases traffic journeys and is not environmentally friendly. Wales needs to give priority to town centres and independent Welsh businesses and support the employment and income generation from shops and local suppliers.  

“This keeps money recirculating in local economies to the community's benefit, whereas supermarkets export money out of local economies to corporate HQs mainly in the South of England. 

“Elected representatives need to stand up for local businesses and the employment they provide and not encourage corporate businesses and the low-paid part time work they offer whilst exploiting local communities and suppliers.”

Monday, April 15, 2013

Explosions at Boston Marathon

The BBC and other media are reporting that two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon race have left an unknown number of people injured.

For the full BBC version of the story see

Power cut homes urged to seek compensation

Susan Elan Jones, MP for Clwyd South, is urging any of her constituents left without power for 24 hours or more during the recent severe weather who has not yet received a compensation payment to contact their energy supplier as soon as possible.
As soon as the bad weather spell began, Ms Jones was in contact with ScottishPower, the main energy supplier in the Dee Valley, which was one of the worst affected areas in the UK with 10 foot high snow drifts and 6,000 customers left without power. 
Ms Jones has now received a comprehensive response from ScottishPower.

In it, the company advises customers who were without power for 24 hours or more and have not yet been contacted by staff to put in a claim. ScottishPower customers can do this by calling 0330 1010 158 or visiting
"I pay huge tribute to power company engineers, local authority staff and so many other people who battled really treacherous weather conditions in the cause of their public duty last month," said Ms Jones
"However, I would also like to remind local residents not to forget to make a claim from the power companies if they are entitled to one. Any of my constituents who is entitled to a compensation payment should either contact their power company direct, or get in touch with my office via my website, by phone on 01978 824288 or by letter to me at The Enterprise Centre, Well Street, Cefn Mawr, LL14 3AL.”

Supermarkets to cut petrol prices

The ITV news website is reporting that four supermarkets are to cut the price of petrol from tomorrow.

See the full story at

Anti-dog fouling firm wins warm praise

Shop the dog foulers by ringing 0800 2300234

A company employed by Denbighshire County Council to help address issues around dog fouling and littering has been praised by residents for creating visibly cleaner streets in the county.

Kingdom Security Services, the company contracted to carry out environmental enforcement for the council, has teams of enforcement staff working across the county who have joined forces with the authority to rid our streets of dog mess and litter.

Teams are kitted out with video cameras to patrol hot spot areas on the lookout for anyone who fails to clean up after their dog or throws litter on the street.

A resident of Maes Afallen, Corwen recently reported dog fouling in a children's play area.

They said: "I complained to the council about a woman who was regularly allowing her dog to foul in the children's play ground near to my home and not picking it up and also about the dog owners allowing their dogs to foul on Railway Walk near Maes Afallen.

"The response I received was without doubt everything I could have asked for. Enforcement officers came here immediately and now the problem has been sorted out. I have been given dog bags, signs and have been promised a bin for the play area.  I understand that the litter has also been cleared from the Railway Walk.

"I am over the moon with Denbighshire's response I can't fault them. Some commitment is clearly being shown dealing with the problem of irresponsible dog owners."

A Rhyl business owner said of their experience:  "As a local business owner in Rhyl town I am heartened to see the introduction of high profile enforcement officers regularly patrolling the town centre.

"I have watched the officers carefully since they started and have questioned them about their role, they were very open and told me what they did and the reasons why Denbighshire had engaged them.

"In the short time they have patrolled Rhyl I can see that there has been a huge improvement, the streets are much cleaner and more pleasant to walk in. I fully support the enforcement of littering and especially dog fouling. It is about time the couldn't care less culture changed and I believe that the reputation of Rhyl will change for the better. I can say I actually feel safer being in Rhyl.

"The council provide plenty of bins in the town so there is no excuse for anyone littering especially throwing the cigarette ends on the floor. We should report people we see allowing their dogs to foul and accept that we can help clean up our environment. Anyone who gets caught and fined has only themselves to blame. I support the council's actions."

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: "We are delighted to receive such positive feedback for our efforts to clean up the streets of Denbighshire. The company is an integral part of this success.

“Dog fouling and littering are two of the most common complaints we receive here in Denbighshire. It was highlighted in our latest resident’s survey as one of the most pressing issues in communities.

“Not only is dog fouling a health hazard, it blights the environment in communities across the authority and now is the time to tackle the issue robustly.

“We will be looking to engage with communities, educate people on the need to clear up after their dogs and make it much easier for people to report through a freephone number and social media as well as the more traditional methods of making a complaint.”

To report problems with dog fouling please call freephone 0800 2300234.

Police launch speeding crack-down

A crackdown on speeding motorists is set to take place throughout north Wales this week.
North Wales Police will be taking part in a European-wide initiative to crack down on speeding motorists from Monday, April 15th to Sunday April 21st.
The TISPOL (European Traffic Police Network) campaign will see police forces across Europe tackling speeding by conducting random speed checks.
North Wales Police Roads Policing Officers along with Go Safe will be combining their efforts to deter and detect motorists who choose to ignore the speed limits. Drivers who are caught speeding will be issued with anything from a Fixed Penalty Ticket to a summons to attend court.
Acting Sergeant Mark Jones from North Wales Police’ Roads Policing Unit said: “We want to work with drivers and that is why we are giving advance notice of this week-long operation.
“Speeding is an issue that concerns many residents and one that we take extremely seriously.
“Those who choose to ignore the speed limits can expect to be prosecuted for their actions.”
The campaign starts shortly after North Wales Police released figures under the Freedom of Information Act highlighting some of the highest recorded speeds on roads throughout the region – which included 125mph recorded on the A5 near Corwen.
A/Sgt Jones added: “We are committed to making our roads a safer place for all who use them and we will continue to crack down on those irresponsible drivers who choose to ignore speed limits and drive irresponsibly, not only risking their own lives but the lives of others.”
North Wales Police has a robust strategy around enforcing the ‘Fatal 5’ offences which are speeding, drink and drug driving, dangerous driving including unnecessary risk taking, failing to wear a seat belt and using a mobile phone whilst driving.
Further information regarding TISPOL can be accessed via their website