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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Operatic looking for show sponsors

Llangollen Operatic is looking for sponsors for their forthcoming production of Anything Goes by Cole Porter, which will be staged from April 16-20 in Llangollen Town Hall.

Society spokesperson Louisa Jones said: For just £100, we are offering local companies and individuals the opportunity to sponsor one of our five performances.

"In return for this, sponsors will receive tickets for front row balcony seats for four people, a drink each from the bar, programmes, prominent display of your/your company's name and the chance to display and distribute your marketing material during the evening.

"We believe this is a very good deal and in addition to getting an evening of great entertainment you will be making a valued contribution towards the cost of putting on what is guaranteed to be a fantastic show.

"If you consider a full price ticket is £9 this year, it's particularly good value for money."

* For more information, contact:, or tel: 07989 985644.

Twenty Club aims for smash hit with Glass Menagerie

* Anna Turner, who plays Laura Wingfield.
Llangollen’s Twenty Club’s will present the American classic, The Glass Menagerie, on three nights next week (Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 7, 8 and 9) in the Town Hall.

This play is seen as the most touching, tender and painful of Tennessee Williams’ works and is the gripping portrayal of a post-depression family in crisis.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Buy Local Day in store for next Friday

Local shops can supply you with smaller, useable quantities of food at the right price – unlike the large packs supermarkets try to persuade you to buy.

That is one of the key messages from community group Keep Llangollen Special (KLS) as it organises its next Buy Local Day.
Timed for next Friday, March 8– usefully just a couple of days before Mothering Sunday – this will see a number of businesses in Llangollen offering special deals to savvy local shoppers.

KLS chair Mike Edwards (pictured left) said: “We are distributing printed colour flyers to residents in the next few days - Maesmawr is already done - and also getting a version of the new Buy Local poster to the shops around town.

“We are encouraging shopkeepers to make a special offer to local residents on the day and KLS are co-operating with the Slow Food initiative supported by the Town Council.”
Mike added: “We would strongly recommend residents to buy fresh quality local food and not travel outside Llangollen and support the local economy and supply chain.
“KLS has found from a survey carried out that local produce is actually very competitively priced and its possible to buy quantities you actually need not large packages which supermarkets encourage you to buy with resultant high levels of wasted food.
“So our strong message to Llangollen people is Buy Local next Friday.”

River's future discussed at meeting

* The River Dee in Llangollen.

The future of the River Dee over the next 20-30 years was discussed at a meeting in Llangollen’s Wild Pheasant Hotel on Thursday.

Four bodies – the Environment Agency, Environment Agency Wales, Natural England and the Countryside Council for Wales – jointly commissioned specialist contractors Jacobs to carry out a major ecological study taking in over 50 kilometres of the Dee, along with some of its tributaries such as the River Ceiriog, from Bala to Chester Weir.
The study was based on information from previous surveys and also included the results of new inspections which took place late last year.
The aim was to record the physical conditions of the rivers  and habitats along them to give an understanding of their physical processes and identify potential restoration actions.
Data from the survey was used to compile technical and management reports and it was these that were highlighted at a consultation workshop for a range of interested individuals and groups at the Wild Pheasant by members of the survey team.
The reports reveal that in places the physical form of the rivers have been altered by weirs, flood embankments, bank protection and straightening - all of which can reduce habitat quality, quantity and variety and affect the movement of fish, water and sediment.
No specific restoration actions were put forward, although a range of options was outlined by Dr Andrew Brookes (pictured right) from Jacobs.
He explained that the waterways put under the microscope included two separate Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), one in Wales and one downstream in England, which provided habitats for species such as Atlantic salmon, lamprey, otter and club-tailed dragonfly.
He said that when it came to the physical condition of the rivers there was “a lot of room for improvement” with only 28 per cent of surface waters in the Dee catchment area being classified as ‘good’ or ‘high’ ecological standard and the majority of bodies of water having been heavily modified over the years.
Dr Brookes added: “There are challenges and not a lot of money available.”
But he stressed: “There are sources of funding and we are talking about a long-term strategy with a time frame of 20 to 30 years.”
He then answered a number of technical points put to him by members of the audience.   
Consultations on the reports will continue amongst interested parties, including landowners, fishing clubs, river and wildlife trusts.
Comments made by them will then be considered and amendments made to the final restoration plan before it is published at the end of March. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Greetings of the day from llanblogger

Happy St David's Day to all llanblogger readers!

New breast cancer scan could save lives says AM

The Welsh Government is being urged to adopt a new breast cancer scan that could save dozens of lives according to health experts.

Llyr Gruffydd, Plaid Cymru’s regional AM for North Wales (pictured right being shown the screening process) made his plea during a debate he had organised on tackling breast cancer among women under 50 years of age.

He told the Assembly: “Breast Test Wales do a great job of screening women over 50 years of age, when the risk of cancer rises. There are also mammograms available for under 50s but it is not an effective form of screening.

“However, cancer specialists and the National Institute of Clinical Excellence have established that there is a group of younger women with genetic or family history that make them more pre-disposed to breast cancer.

“The best way, it is felt by experts, to deal with this small but specific group is to offer MRI screening. This has been NICE’s case for the past seven years and it’s about time the Welsh Government adopted this guideline.

“A thorough pilot has taken place in the North to establish that this kind of programme can work and it’s estimated that it would only cost about £500,000 a year to screen hundreds of identified at-risk women. These are hard economic times but it’s impossible to put a price on anyone’s life when it’s possible to deal with this so promptly.”

The campaign is being supported by MacMillan charity, Treasure Chest, a breast cancer support group based in Llandudno and senior clinicians including Dr Alexandra Murray, lead consultant Cancer Genetics Service Wales, Dr Kate Gower Thomas and Dr Andy Gash, of Ysbyty Gwynedd.

Dr Murray said: “I believe that MRI screening should be available for young women at high risk of developing breast cancer, as one of a range of options for managing their risk.
“At the moment these women have to choose between mammography, which is less effective in young women with a genetic risk, and bilateral risk-reducing mastectomies. MRI screening has been shown to be effective in this group and it offers them a realistic alternative to surgery.
“Not every young woman with a high genetic risk will want MRI screening but it should be available for those that do.”
Anybody wishing to join Llyr Gruffydd’s campaign can contact him or sign the petition

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Watchdog given more time to consider health changes

The BBC North East Wales website is reporting this afternoon that the patient watchdog for north Wales has been given more time to discuss NHS reshuffle plans with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, which include the closure of Llangollen Cottage Hospital.

See the full story at: