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Monday, January 7, 2013

Former Dinas Bran pupil bids for national fame

* Former Dinas Bran pupil Natalie Timmins is a finalist in Britain's Next Top Model.

A young actress and model who went to school in Llangollen is bidding for national fame.
Twenty-three-year-old Natalie Timmins, who attended Ysgol Dinas Bran, has reached the grand final of the 2013 Britain’s Next Top Model competition.
Born in Wrexham, Natalie grew up in Trevor and Garth and moved Oswestry in her late teens, later living in Plas Madoc.
She took A Levels in drama and theatre studies, dance and media studies at Yale College in Wrexham.
After finishing her studies last year, Natalie moved to Liverpool to enable her to attend professional acting classes.

She is also currently appearing in The Love Machine on Sky Living TV and is a main “picker” on the dating show presented by Chris Moyles.

Natalie said: “I auditioned for Britain's Next Top Model to gain a little bit of exposure and recognition to try and encourage my acting career.
“I am visiting Hollywood in the summer to audition for agents and to get work over there and at the moment I am trying to arrange some charity events to help raise money for Children with Cancer UK as part as being a candidate for the competition.”
The online voting system is now open and you can vote for Natalie on 

She is in the natural beauty category under Natalie T from Liverpool.  

It costs £1 to vote and all proceeds go to Children with Cancer UK.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Temporary lights on the A5

According to Denbighshire County Council, contractors Parry Construction are carrying out stone wall repairs on the A5, from the area boundary to Queen Street, Llangollen, until January 18.
Temporary lights will be in operation to control traffic duing this period. 


Think before buying a pet, says government

The Welsh Government is asking people to think carefully before buying pets in the New Year.
Environment Minister, John Griffiths, said: "As we enter a new year some people may be thinking about purchasing a pet dog or cat.

"I would ask anyone thinking about getting a pet to make sure that they understand what is involved in looking after an animal properly, including the veterinary costs, and to ensure they know where the animal has come from.

“If you do not know where your animal has come you will have no assurance that proper care has been taken of its health and welfare nor that it has been socialised properly. This could potentially lead to behavioural problems and costly veterinary expenses.”

Wales’ Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr Christianne Glossop, said: “We believe that some people are buying and selling dogs and cats that have come from abroad, some of which may have travelled illegally.

"This puts the health of the animals, and the general public, at risk from diseases including rabies and parvovirus. They may also be advertised in a way that misleads the buyer regarding the animal’s history, breed or pedigree.

"I would urge anyone not to buy a cat or dog from an unknown source. If you are planning to bring a new animal into your home, it’s important that you know where it comes from and where it was born. Be particularly careful when buying dogs or cats advertised on the internet or through local or social media.”

If you are planning to buy a pet dog or cat, make some basic but important checks:
  • Buy your animal from a reputable supplier. Advice on buying a dog or cat is available from veterinary surgeons and a range of animal organisations, including the Dog Advisory Council, Kennel Club, the Dogs Trust and the RSPCA
  • Check the animal’s history by speaking to the previous owner. If you are buying a puppy or kitten, you should ask to see it with its mother and the rest of the litter.
  • View the animal and its documentation before you buy. If it was born outside of the UK it must have either a pet passport or a veterinary certificate. The pet passport needs to confirm that it was vaccinated against rabies at the correct age. This must be done according to the vaccine manufacturer’s data sheet (normally at three months of age). For dogs, the passport should also show that it has been treated for tapeworm.
  • If you have any doubts about an animal speak to your vet before agreeing to buy it.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Register your bike to help cut crime, say police

Photograph of a bicycle being security marked
Did you get a new bicycle for Christmas? Or have you treated yourself to a new bicycle in the sales?
If so, North Wales Police are requesting that all bike owners register them to help reduce bicycle crime.
Over recent months many bicycles have been stolen from across North Wales, with many of these being specialist and expensive bikes.
North Wales Police and local Community Safety Partnerships are working in partnership with ‘BikeRegister’ - the UK’s leading online bicycle identification and registration initiative, to help reduce thefts and identify stolen cycles within North Wales.
Bicycles can be registered for free by providing the frame details.
However, options are available to purchase Bronze, Silver and Gold marking kits which offer different levels of protection.
Once registered owners can go onto theBikeRegister website with their unique password and communicate with others. A search facility for stolen bikes and so much more is also available.
If your bicycle is stolen, report it to the police on 101 and flag it as stolen on your account as soon as possible. Reporting your bike as lost or stolen helps the police match its description and return it to you.

Friday, January 4, 2013

It's not too late for a flu jab

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is urging those most at risk of developing serious complications from seasonal flu, and who have not already done so, to get a free jab.
Dr Sian Owen, Immunisation Lead for the Health Board, said: ‘The annual seasonal flu immunisation campaign was launched in October and is one of the largest public health campaigns which the NHS runs to protect the population from flu infection."
Up to this week, 68.4 percent of people over 65 in North Wales have already had their jab but the target is for 75 percent to have the jab.
If you are due to have your 65th birthday before the end of March 2013 you are eligible for a free flu jab. The GP practices still have flu vaccine available to give protection to their patients against flu virus.

Leigh Pusey, Nurse Immunisation Coordinator, said: “With the announcement that the flu season has now started in the UK, it’s particularly important for children and adults who have an ‘at risk’ condition such as diabetes, heart disease or any other long term condition such as lung, kidney or liver problems to have their seasonal flu jab. If you’re not sure if you’re eligible please contact your GP to check.
"It’s important to remember that the seasonal flu vaccine is safe and does not contain any live virus, so it cannot cause flu. Those who had a seasonal flu jab last year will need to get a new jab this winter. As the flu virus changes every year, the flu vaccine is updated to match the latest flu viruses circulating in the community.”

Practical tips to help avoid spreading germs to others and to help avoid infection yourself include always carrying tissues, covering your cough and sneeze with a tissue, disposing of the tissue after one use and cleaning your hands as soon as you can.
Talk to your local GP, nurse or pharmacist to find out more or visit the NHS Choices website at:

Campaign aims to create foodie heaven in region

* A toast to the new Holy Grail Ale at Valle Crucis Abbey with Robert Price from Cadwyn Clwyd and 
Ynyr Jeffreys-Evans of Llangollen Brewery.

The Hamper Llangollen and Mold food festivals and a host of award-winning producers are to star in a campaign to transform North East Wales into a foodie heaven for visitors.
The aim is to give tourists a taste for the area so they have an appetite to come back again - and again.
It's all part of the drive by Tourism Partnership North Wales to make the region a top five UK destination for visitors.
The renown of Welsh lamb has already travelled far and wide with the likes of American President Barack Obama and the Pope tucking in.
But organisers say the Food North Wales campaign is about more than just lamb, beef and pork.
Apart from the award-winning butchers there are bakers and brewers, buffalo herders and bee-keepers, fudge, paté and cheesemakers, and even a purveyor of garlic products.
They will be showcased on the new Food North Wales website that's being hailed as a gateway to gastronomic delight.
The campaign will be officially launched at the Bodnant Welsh Food Centre in the Conwy Valley on January 16.
Carole Startin, Marketing and Events Executive with Tourism Partnership North Wales, explained: "Food North Wales is all about bringing together for the consumer under one umbrella.
"We have wonderful food and drink that’s produced locally. As well as our marvellous meat, there are our fantastic vegetables and heavenly bread, exquisite liqueurs and fine ales - they are part of the wonderful taste of North Wales.
"The website will also include information about where to eat and drink and the latest news stories about the fine food available in North Wales.
"We are what we eat and food is an integral part of our identity, it helps embed our unique sense of place.
"It therefore makes perfect sense for the food sector and the tourism industry to work more closely together than ever to make it easier for the tourist to find some quality food and drink while they’re here on holiday in Wales - and also help with their research before they come."
"As a perfect complement to our fine produce and truly exceptional restaurants, we have some fantastic food festivals across North Wales such as Conwy Feast, Mold Food and Drink Festival, Hamper Llangollen and the 700-year-old Conwy Honey Fair.
"We also have the newly established Clwydian Range Food Trail and we'd like to see more trails like this developed."
It was a sentiment echoed by Tansy Rogerson, the Marketing Manager of the £6.5 million Bodnant Welsh Food Centre that was officially opened by Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall last summer.
Ms Rogerson said: "We’ve got so many fantastic artisan producers on our doorstep as well as nationally in Wales that we need to shout about them.
"The purpose of this campaign is to tell people outside Wales about the fantastic food on offer and to signpost them to where they can find it.
"Increasingly people want to know where their food comes from and we have 100 per cent traceability with our meat.
"By supporting local producers, we are keeping the economy going as well as keeping and creating jobs in rural North Wales."
Dewi Davies, the Regional Strategy Director of Tourism Partnership North Wales, is a passionate advocate of the economic benefits of promoting the food sector.
He said: "Our vision is to make North Wales a top five UK visitor destination and our strategy is geared up to achieve this goal.
"To be successful we have to provide brilliant visitor experiences and food is a central part of these experiences.
"There were already a number of good food initiatives in different corners of North Wales but we felt it was important to have an all-encompassing campaign highlighting all the great food stories that we have across the whole of the region.
"We have some fantastic producers - like Llaeth y Llan Village Dairy, Snowdonia Cheese, Patchwork Paté and Halen Môn - and we need to make information about them available in an interesting way to our visitors.
"As part of the campaign, we will identify those places where you can actually buy all this wonderful food - whether it is the Blas ar Fwyd delicatessen in Llanrwst, Edwards the butcher in Conwy, the Bison Grill at the Rhug estate, Hawarden Farm Shop or indeed Bodnant Welsh Food where the launch is taking place.
"All this fantastic food gives people another reason to come to North Wales, another reason to dwell - and another reason to make a return visit."
For more information go to

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tributes to 17 year old who died after collision

On New Year's Day we reported the sad news that a 17-year-old youth had died from his injuries after being involved in a road traffic collision in Gwersyllt.
North Wales Police has just posted on its website this official tribute to him from his family: 
"The family of 17 year old Ian Gallagher have paid tribute to the selfless, loving student who died on New Year's Day following a road traffic collision.

* Ian Gallagher was training to become a soldier.
Ian's parents, Alan and Andrea, his brother Phillip, sister, Beth, his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins have been overwhelmed by the immense support from the student's friends and the local community.
Alan said: "The messages and the outpouring of support from the communities of Denbigh, Caerwys and Wrexham have been incredible, we have been so touched by the warmth of feeling from his many friends."
A former pupil of Denbigh High School, Ian was also well known in Caerwys, where his grandparents live.
Ian was well on his way to achieving his lifelong ambition of becoming a soldier. For the past six months Ian had been a student at the Motivational Preparation College for Training (MPCT) in Wrexham and had started his application to join the Army.
Alan said: "In our eyes he was already a soldier, we are extremely proud of him and all that he achieved. Ian was never afraid to raise his head above the parapet and stand up for the right things. He cared deeply for his family and friends and always put others before himself."
Ian had a special place in his heart for the newest member of the Gallagher family, his nephew, nine month old Riley Jay.
Riley Jay's father, Phillip (Ian's brother) said: "Ian looked out for everyone. He loved Riley, the teddy bear he gave him for Christmas is a special present which we'll keep for him until he's older."
Alan and Andrea also paid tribute to all those who helped Ian following the collision which happened on the A541 Mold Road, Wrexham, during the early hours of New Year's Day.
Alan said: "The emergency services, the medical staff, those who were with him, we are deeply grateful for everything that they did for Ian, we cannot thank them enough."