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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Beware of dodgy "David Cameron" e-mail

* Cheers! Hope you enjoy the two million quid I'm sending you.

llanblogger has received an e-mail from the Prime Minister.

And, apparently, he wants to make us £2 million richer.
The only stipulations are that I get in touch with Foreign Secretary William Hague to arrange for payment to be made, I can’t have the windfall all at once and I shouldn’t tell anyone else about it – or I’ll get nothing.   
Hard to believe?
Well, of course it is because it’s a load of rubbish.
The e-mail in question dropped into our inbox early on Friday morning, and it says: 
“Our ref: ATM/13470/IDR
Your ref:...Date: 13/12/2012


I am The Rt Hon David Cameron MP,Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury
and Minister for the Civil Service British Government. This letter is to
officially inform you that (ATM Card Number 5454 7168 0041 0640) has been
accredited with your favor. Your Personal Identification Number is 1090.The
VISA Card Value is 2,000,000.00(Two Million, Great British Pounds Sterling).

This office will send to you an Visa Card/ATM CARD that you will use to
withdraw your funds in any ATM MACHINE CENTER or Visa card outlet in the
world with a maximum of ?5000 GBP daily.Further more,You will be required to
re-confirm the following information to enable;The Rt Hon William Hague MP
First Secretary of State for British Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs.. begin
in processing of your ATM Card.

(1)Full names: (2)Address: (3)Country: (4)Nationality: (5)Phone #: (6)Age:
(7)Occupation: (8) Post Codes

Rt Hon William Hague MP.
First Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Tel: +447035907446

TAKE NOTICE: That you are warned to stop further communications with any
other person(s) or office(s) different from the staff of the State for Foreign
and Commonwealth Affairs to avoid hitches in receiving your payment.”
Even if you’re tempted to believe there might be a grain of truth in all this, there are a few glaring errors such as the “Prime Minister’s” reputed e-mail address of (, which hardly seems like one Mr Cameron is likely to have, the spelling and grammatical errors and the fact that governments usually take money away from you rather than handing out.
The expert advice to anyone who receives such communications is always that if something seems too good to be true it invariably is.
This e-mail is so preposterous it’s laughable, so let’s hope no-one actually falls for it by giving the sender any personal information.

Hospital visitors asked to help combat stomach bugs

Visitors to hospitals across North Wales this winter are being asked to help banish the bugs which can put a serious strain on services.
This time of year traditionally sees cases of sickness and diarrhoea rise considerably, causing admissions to be restricted, staff to go off ill and appointments to be postponed.
The bugs behind the winter blues are the two types of virus, Norovirus and Rotavirus, which cause short-lived unpleasant symptoms for the patient and a headache for hospital services.
Already the virus will be circulating in the community, waiting to thrive in a place where there is a lot of people movement and contact...such as a hospital.
A Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board spokesperson said: “The ideal environment for this virus to spread is any place where large numbers of people mix together which is why outbreaks of the illness are particularly common in hospitals.
"One the bugs gets into the hospital, they can make already poorly patients seriously ill, especially the elderly and those with chronic conditions.
“Although we have decontamination polices in place to combat outbreaks, these can take a few days to have an impact, meaning wards and services are still affected during an already busy time for the NHS.
"We might have to restrict visiting or even close wards until the problem is contained, meaning a lonely festive period for some patients.
"People can help the NHS beat the bugs and keeps services running over by choosing to take the few simple steps below:
· Wait at least 48 hours if you have experienced symptoms of vomiting or diarrhoea
· No more than two visitors to be at a patient’s bedside at any one time
· We strongly advise visitors not to bring small babies or children onto the wards
· Visitors should always wash their hands with soap and water before entering and exiting the ward
· Visitors should always use the chairs provided and not sit on beds
· Always wash your hands after visiting the toilet
The main symptoms of the Norovirus infection are sudden nausea, stomach ache followed by severe ‘projectile’ vomiting and or diarrhoea.
You may also have a slight fever, headache, stomach cramps and aching limbs. Symptoms usually begin between 12 – 48 hours after a person becomes infected, with most healthy people making a recovery within one to three days; however young children and elderly people can sometimes suffer complications, the most frequent of which is dehydration.
Sickness and diarrhoea can be best treated by staying at home, drinking plenty of fluids and getting some rest. Advice is available from your local pharmacist, or by logging on to or calling 08454647.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Council's weather warning

Denbighshire County Council is urging people to take extra care on the roads this morning, as icy weather continues to affect the North Wales region.

Gritting teams have been out and about overnight, but the road temperatures have been slow to rise this morning. All roads are open, but the Council urges extreme caution.

Wetter, milder weather is forecast for the rest of the day.

Winter bug closes three Maelor wards

The Leader is reporting this morning (Friday) that three wards at Wrexham Maelor Hospital have been closed to new admissions following the outbreak of a vomiting bug.

Eight patients are displaying symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting, adds the story.

For the full report see:

Reminder to check food hygiene ratings

Denbighshire County Council is reminding consumers of the national food hygiene rating schemes as they prepare to eat out over the festive period.

The National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, knwon as Scores on the Doors, is a UK-wide scheme being developed between the Food Standards Agency (FSA), food businesses, local authorities and other related organisations.

The chief purpose of the scheme is to allow consumers to make informed choices about the places in which they eat out and from which they purchase food, and through this, to encourage businesses to improve hygiene standards.

Restaurants, takeaways, cafés, sandwich shops, pubs, hotels, supermarkets and other retail food outlets, as well as other businesses where consumers can eat or buy food, are given a hygiene rating as part of the scheme.

There are six different hygiene ratings - the top one represents a very good level of compliance with legal requirements and businesses across the country will be rated consistently by participating Local Authorities, so ensuring that they are compared fairly. All local authorities in Wales are intending to take part in the scheme.

All ratings are published on a national website where consumers can see them, and businesses will also be encouraged to display them at their premises.

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: "We want people to eat safely this Christmas and people considering eating out in local restaurants can check the score achieved by the establishment prior to dining there. The majority of local businesses do comply with the stringent health and safety rules, but occasionally, some may fall below the standard required and we will ask the business to take steps to rectify the problem."

Ten pages of ratings related to the LL20 postcode covering Llangollen and district can be seen at: 

Llan band youngsters delight Glyndyfrdwy audience

Llangollen Silver Band youth section goes from strength to strength.

Last Friday the people of Glyndyfrdwy were delighted to welcome the youngsters to their annual Christmas get-together to play a mixture of carols and Christmas music interspersed with items of songs and music by local children.

Their next major engagement is at Llangollen Town Hall on Friday, December 21 at 7pm  for a Grand Gala with the Training Band and Senior Band.

Tickets at £5 are available on the door or via the website at www.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Llan in the bleak mid-winter

With temperatures not moving much away from zero all day today, most of the local landscape ended up under a thick carpet of frost.

You don't see it happen often but even part of the canal basin was frozen over.

The eisteddfod field also looked pretty bleak, in stark contrast the hive of activity it was back in July.

Send in your chilly pics to

* Part of the canal basin was frozen over. 

* A wintry eisteddfod field.