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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Warning to drivers over icy roads

The BBC is reporting this afternoon (Tuesday) that drivers are being warned that icy roads could lead to possible disruption to travel in parts of north and mid Wales on Wednesday morning.

The story says that the Met Office said there was also a chance of snow overnight, particularly on high ground, as temperatures plunge.

It adds: "The yellow "be aware" warning is in place from 16:00 GMT on Tuesday to 12:00 GMT on Wednesday.

North Wales was hit by severe weather last week as heavy rain led to flooding after rivers burst their banks.

The Met Office said falling temperatures and wintry showers could cause problems in north and mid Wales on Wednesday morning.

"The public should be aware of the potential for increased iciness, especially early on Wednesday, and possible disruption to travel," it said.

BBC Wales weather presenter Sue Charles said Tuesday could see a mix of sleet and snow in Snowdonia, heavy at times, and wintry weather elsewhere.

"This evening showers continue as a weak cold front moves southwards but they'll become mainly confined to western coasts with maybe the odd wintry flurry inland," she said.

"But also the Met Office is warning of an ice risk across north and mid Wales as temperatures fall near freezing following those showers."

Llan chamber donates to Ruthin flood victims

* Flood-hit houses in Ruthin.
Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism is making a £200 donation to the Mayor of Ruthin’s appeal for the town’s flood-hit families.
At their meeting at the Hand Hotel on Monday night, chamber members were told by the chair John Palmer: “I suggest we donate £200 to the appeal. I believe it would be a nice act of solidarity for those poor people affected by the flooding.”
Members agreed to go ahead with the donation.
+ Denbighshire County Council has received requests from members of the public on where they can leave financial donations following last week's flooding.

The council is reminding people that they can make a donation to the Ruthin Mayor's Appeal Fund or the St Asaph Mayor's Flood Relief Fund.

To donate to the St Asaph Mayor's Flood Relief Fund, make cheques payable to: “The Mayor's Charity Account" and cheques can be dropped off at the Cathedral Diocesan Office in St Asaph.

To donate to the Ruthin Mayor's Fund, make cheques payable to “Cyngor Tref Rhuthun” or “Ruthin Town Council”. The account number is 20788929, sort code: 202576 and money can be deposited at Barclays Bank on St Peter's Square, Ruthin.

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: "We have been overwhelmed by people's generosity and it's humbling to see communities pull together at a time when co-operation is needed the most.

"Receiving and distributing goods as a result of all this goodwill has become un-coordinated and we don't want to be in a position where goods don't get to people quickly. That is why we are now calling on people to donate financially instead.

"The council is extremely grateful for this co-operation."

Tobacco display law now in force

A new law has come into force in Wales banning the display of tobacco in supermarkets and other large shops.
It is hoped the ban will help reduce the take-up of smoking among young people, who can be tempted to take up smoking by seeing cigarettes on display.
The display of tobacco products can also tempt adults who are trying to stop smoking. The law will extend to smaller shops, including specialist tobacconists, in April 2015.

Since Monday large retailers have no longer been able to have cigarettes and other tobacco products on display, except when staff are serving customers and carrying out tasks such as restocking.

Tobacco price lists will also look different. A plain A3 price list with no tobacco branding can be shown at the point of sale, with an illustrated price list available to customers on request. Customers may be asked for proof of age before being shown the illustrated list.

Non-compliance with the new law, which will be enforced by local trading standards officials, is a criminal offence. Anyone found guilty could face a fine of up to £5,000 or up to two years in prison.

Health Minister Lesley Griffiths said: “Smoking remains a huge risk to public health in Wales. Around 20 per cent of our NHS admissions are related to smoking, at a cost of more than £1million a day.

"Our aim is to reduce smoking levels in Wales to 16% by 2020 with an ultimate vision of a smoke-free society, in which the harm from tobacco is completely eradicated.

“We know that young people can be influenced by seeing cigarettes on display, and that they can tempt adults who are trying to give up the habit.

“We see this new law as an important part of our drive to tackle the harm caused by smoking. If we can prevent young people from ever taking up smoking, we can give future generations a better chance of a healthy life.”

The Welsh Government has a range of initiatives designed to tackle smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke. These include the Fresh Start campaign, which is targeting smoking in cars carrying children and offering Fresh Start packs for those who wish to give up smoking.

Art and craft show comes to Town Hall

An art and craft fair will be held at Llangollen Town Hall on Saturday, December 8, from 10am-3pm.

It will feature ceramics, textiles, cards, jewellery, teddy bears, silk scarves, painting on ceramics, feltwork, glass painting, soaps, make-up, paintings, woodwork, knitting, decorated boxes and Christmas wreaths.

Also on sale will be quirky Christmas gifts and decorations.

Refreshments will be available.

A spokesperson for the organisers said: "Come along and take a look at the unique and gorgeous array of hand-made designs and crafts.

"You will be delighted by the stylish mixture of art and craft on display. That elusive Christmas present could be waiting for you to buy."

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dog fouling problem highlighted

* Llangollen's own anti dog fouling poster. 

The Daily Post has a story today that will interest people in Llangollen where the amount of dog fouling is a cause for concern.

The paper says that in the past eight years councils in North Wales have received more than 9,250 fouling complaints.

Denbighshire has handled over 1,000 complaints since 2008, it adds.

See the report at:

Classic car rally stops off in Llan

* The Hand car park is a hive of mechanical activity as entrants prepare for the next gruelling leg.


* A gleaming Mini Cooper is ready for the off.

* Robert and Susan McClean prepare their 1962 Rover 100 for the road.

* A rally-seasoned Porsche from Belgium.

* A BMW roars off from the Hand car park.

* A Porsche needs a little coaxing as it heads away from Llangollen.
A host of magnificent metal filled the car park of the Hand Hotel when entrants in a prestige classic car endurance rally spent the night in Llangollen.

Le Jog 2012, the 18th Land's End to John O'Groats Reliability & Touring Trial, which takes place over four days, has been described as the toughest event of its kind in Europe due to the severe weather drivers taking part often encounter along the route.

One team taking part, Robert and Susan McClean from Barrow-in-Furness, said they had encountered snow on the way to Llangollen from South Wales on Saturday evening.

However, they said they had managed to avoid the worst of it in their rally-seasoned 1962 Rover 100.
Organised by HERO – Historic Endurance Rallying Organisation – Le Jog is open to cars built before 1984 and attracts entries from across Europe.

In the Hand car park was a cavalcade of vehicles from various parts of Europe, including Germany, Belgium and Holland.

After setting off from Land’s End early on Saturday morning, the rally took a direct line to the Severn Bridge before heading to South Wales and weaving its way north to Llangollen.
After breakfast drivers travelled on through Cheshire and Lancashire, Northumbria and into Scotland.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Snow on the hills above town

* Snow on the hills overlooking Llan.

Although there was none of the white stuff in town, a dusting of snow was visible on the hills overlooking the town this morning (Sunday).

On social media sites there were reports of a light covering of snow overnight in places like Coedpoeth, Bwlchgwyn and Ponciau.