The charge comes from Martin Crumpton, a researcher for the campaign
group Keep Llangollen Special, in a strongly-worded letter he has sent to
Denbighshire’s planning committee chairman, Cllr Dewi Owens, Wales’s
Environment Minister John Griffiths and the Local Government Ombudsman.
Mr Crumpton says that at the county’s September planning committee when
the new store on the Dobson & Crowther site at Berwyn Street was
approved, a set of conditions were
imposed which meant it could not have an in-store butchers or delicatessen in
order to protect Llangollen’s high street businesses.
But he claims these two conditions have since been overturned by
planning officials.
Mr Crumpton said: “There is no
evidence that Sainsbury’s had even asked for these conditions to be lifted.
“The reason given by planning officers in an e-mail to me was that they
would be a ‘wholly unreasonable
limitation on the operation of a modern foodstore’.
“The only conditions remaining are that Sainsbury’s cannot have a
third-party butcher or deli counter on its premises, but are free to run their
own. “
He added: “Sainsbury’s have since
appealed against other conditions, notably the no café restriction, and from
the reason given above, it seems likely that planning officers will recommend
removing this restriction too when the matter reappears at the next suitable
planning committee meeting.
“Despite being national planning policy to protect high streets from
supermarket domination, Denbighshire has not yet adopted the new Local
Development Plan, which would incorporate these policies.
“It still adheres to the 13-year-old Unitary Development Pan, which
expired last year, and has no such protections built into it.”
A spokesperson for the county council
said: “We respect the concerns expressed
over the process of drafting conditions on the planning permission for the
foodstore on the Dobson and Crowther site, and we have responded directly to
the individuals raising them.
“The statement that the conditions have been 'overturned by planning officials' and that there are 'irregularities in the determination of this application' are strongly refuted, and will be dealt with through the appropriate complaints process.
“Officers and both the two local members, who are on the planning committee, have followed the resolution of planning committee in September, which was that the amended conditions would be agreed in consultation with the local members.
“The statement that the conditions have been 'overturned by planning officials' and that there are 'irregularities in the determination of this application' are strongly refuted, and will be dealt with through the appropriate complaints process.
“Officers and both the two local members, who are on the planning committee, have followed the resolution of planning committee in September, which was that the amended conditions would be agreed in consultation with the local members.
“The new planning application seeking
variations to the wording of other conditions on the planning permission is a
separate matter, and is currently the subject of a formal consultation
has to be dealt with on its own merits, and will be considered by planning
committee in due course - having regard to the policies of the council's
Development Plan, national guidance, and any comments which may be received.
The new planning application is reference number is 03/2012/1407 and is
available for viewing at Llangollen Public Library, or online at