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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

New way for patients to contact health centre is trialled

Llangollen Health Centre is notifying patients it is trialling a new way to contact the practice.

In a Facebook post it says: "During the Covid-19 pandemic it has become clear that patients appreciate having an alternative method of contacting us other than the telephone and we have been encouraging patients to email us with non-urgent requests. 

"However, there are issues with emails and we have been looking for an alternative which gives patients the same flexibility but also ensures the query has some structure and contains all the necessary details.

"From 4th January 2021, we are trialling a new system for contacting us regarding non-urgent queries and we would like patients to use this system instead of emailing us. Please note you are still able to phone us on 01978 860625.
"If you need to contact us regarding a non-urgent issue please use the following link:
"You will see three options:
· I have an admin query – please use this for requests for repeat prescription, sick notes, test results or anything else that is not related to a medical issue
· I want help for a medical issue – please use this to go on triage regarding a medical issue. If your query is regarding a skin lesion, mole, rash or lump please upload a photo if you can
· I want to see online advice – please use this for advice and guidance on condition, symptoms and treatments, including self care advice
"You will be asked some standard questions to ensure that you do not need an ambulance and then you will be asked to provide some further information regarding your query. We will aim to deal with your query within two working days.
"For urgent queries please continue to ring us on 01978 860625."

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