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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Exclusive: Llan woman one of first to receive new Covid jab

* llanblogger exclusive 

* 91-year-old Mair Evans receives the vaccination from Dr Alec Jones at Llangollen Health Centre.

A 91-year-old Llangollen woman became one of the first in her age-group to receive the new Oxford, AstraZeneca vaccine earlier this afternoon (Tuesday).

Earlier in the day Llangollen Health Centre was appointed by the Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board as one of only four pilot GP practice vaccination centres in North Wales and immediately began notifying people in the over-80s group that they could come in for the Covid-beating jab just after 4pm.

And first in line for the revolutionary vaccination was Mrs Mair Evans who rolled up her sleeve to receive it from practice member Dr Alec Jones.

Mrs Evans said: “It was all very sudden and when I got up this morning I wasn’t expecting to be getting the injection. However, it’s a good feeling to know that I am one of the first.”

Practice manager Tessa Orton-Jones said: “It’s a great honour for us to be chosen as one of just four pilot centres in the whole of North Wales.

“We’ve made appointments for 48 people in the over-80s age-group to come in to the centre for vaccination today and will continue from here.

“In the practice area we have 5,000 people in the age-groups who will be receiving the vaccination as a priority.

“As one of the pilot centres the health board will obviously be observing how this process goes in a GP practice like ours.”  

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