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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Specially-written song marks centenary of Women's Peace Petition


* The Madri'gals sing during the exhibition launch at Dory Gallery.

Local ladies’ choir Madri’gals performed a specially-written song as part of a weekend of celebrations in Llangollen to celebrate 100 years of the Welsh Women’s Peace petition.  

Welsh Women’s Dream, to the tune of iconic Welsh folk song Myfanwy with lyrics by Moira Gleed of Llangollen, delighted people who heard it when they came along to the launch this morning (Saturday) of an exhibition centred on the petition at the Dory Gallery in Regent Street, which will run until August 11.

In 1923, the horrors of WW1 having galvanised a generation against conflict, the women of Wales organised an unprecedented campaign for world peace.

A total of 390,296 women - a number from Llangollen - signed a memorial petition through the Welsh League of Nations Union, said to have been seven miles long, calling for America to join and lead the new League of Nations and 2023 marked the centenary of the campaign.

Throughout 2023/ 2024, this once-forgotten story has been brought back to life thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, with communities across Wales and beyond celebrating the women’s achievement and starting new conversations about peace today.

* The peace petition banner on show at the gallery. Next Wednesday afternoon it will be proudly carried in the Eisteddfod's Parade of Nations through the town centre.

The weekend of celebrations in Llangollen began last night (Friday) when St Collen’s Community Hall hosted a one-woman show, entitled Annie Cwrt Mawr, inspired by the experiences of Annie Hughes-Griffiths, who travelled across America with the petition in 1924.

Tomorrow (Sunday) Llangollen Museum is hosting a heritage walk around town, visiting homes and workplaces of notable women who signed the petition back in 1923/24. 

People can go along to hear about their fascinating research and learn more about life of local women in the 1920s.

* To book your free space or learn more, visit Eventbrite at: Taith Gerdded Treftadaeth / Heritage Walk Tickets, Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite

The exhibition at the Dory Gallery centres around a new piece of work from local artist Bethan M Hughes named Thread of Peace, a 16m-long stitched piece inspired by the story of how the original petition pages would supposedly measure seven miles if placed end to end. The Dory Gallery is open every weekend.

* Thread of Peace, a 16m-long stitched piece inspired by the story of the original petition pages. 

Throughout 2024, Bethan has been running stitch sessions across North Wales, collecting contributions from over 150 people to this incredible piece of work. 

Thanks again to additional funding from Wales Arts international, a group of Women from America have also contributed to the project, participating in lively online sessions.

A spokesperson for the local organisers said: “We are so grateful to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for the opportunity to bring the work of so many communities together in this exhibition to celebrate this amazing story. We have such an exciting programme of events planned – everyone is welcome!”

* To learn more about the Women’s peace petition or get involved, visit:

Manics and Suede double-bill rocks the Pavilion

* Manic Street Preachers hit the stage. All pictures: CUFFE & TAYLOR

Manic Street Preachers and Suede kicked off their double-headlining UK and Ireland tour tonight with a hit-filled night in Llangollen.  

The indie music legends played to a capacity crowd at Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod marking a triumphant third return for the Manic Street Preachers after they last headlined at the festival in 2017.

One of the most influential and iconic rock bands to have come out of Wales, The Manics shared the night with frontman James Dean Bradfield declaring: “It’s a privilege to be playing here. It’s the third time so thanks for having us back.”

Beginning their set with roaring crowd-pleaser Motorcycle Emptiness, the Welsh legends performed hit after hit including Everything Must Go, You Stole the Sun From My Heart, Elvis Impersonator: Blackpool Pier and A Design For Life before ending the night with number 1 hit If You Tolerate This Then Your Children Will Be Next.

Taking to the stage ahead of Manics was a fully energised set from Suede.  

Singer Brett Anderson was on form from the first note belting out hits including Trash, Animal Nitrate, Filmstar, and Metal Mickey. 

A rendition of first single The Drowners saw Anderson jump into the crowd. 

They ended the night with a rapturously-received Beautiful Ones and a farewell word from Anderson was: “Llangollen you have been beautiful.”

The all-star shows are part of a new partnership between the Eisteddfod and Live Nation promoters Cuffe and Taylor. 

The series continues tonight (Saturday) with Kaiser Chiefs.

* Suede opened the night.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Shock closure for Vale of Lllangollen Rotary Club

* The Facebook post in which the closure announcement was made.

The Vale of Llangollen Rotary is being wound up, according to a post on its Facebook page this afternoon (Friday).

Since it was set up in the autumn of 2022 the club, which always said it would “do things differently” has helped to revive a well-loved Llangollen event, staged two successful illuminated tractor runs and raised thousands of pounds for local charities.

But the Facebook post, in the name of club president Lee Todd, says: “It is with deep regret that we announce the closure of the Llangollen Rotary Club, effective July 1st.

“This decision was not made lightly, and we understand it will come as a disappointment to many. 

“After careful consideration and deliberation, the membership has determined that continuing operations is no longer feasible. 

* Club president Lee Todd.

“We are deeply grateful to all those who have supported the Rotary Club here in Llangollen. 

“We are particularly proud of our commitment to supporting local charities, and we are pleased to announce that all funds raised by Llangollen Rotary Club will be distributed to them in July. 

“While the Llangollen Rotary Club will be closing its doors, the spirit of service that has defined our organisation will live on through the continued work of these worthy charities. 

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have been a part of the Llangollen Rotary Club journey and thanks again for all your support.” 

Only last month, the club assisted with the revival of the annual Llangollen summer fete at Plas Newydd which had been halted by the pandemic in 2019.  The event raised £1,600 for a number of good causes.

The Rotary also organised two Christmas-time tractor runs, raising £6,000 and £1,600 respectively.

* The Rotary Club team at the summer fete. President Lee Todd is with town crier 'Chem' Cheminais on the right.  

Eisteddfod volunteers put finishing touches to the field

* Members of the floral committee outside their almost-complete tent.

With less than a week to go before the 2024 Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod begins a small army of volunteers have been putting the finishing touches to the field.

And they've let llanblogger have these pictures to show the kind of work they've put in to create what promises to be the biggest and best festival in years.  

Things kick off with the traditional Children's Day and the debut Tom Jones concert on Tuesday and continue at that high level, with a host of competitions and activities inside the big tent and outside on the field, until Sunday when the Family Fun Day and Katherine Jenkins round things off in style the following Sunday. 

* Issy Richards sets out the merchandising display.

* Marketing's headquarters almost ready to go.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Contact me direct with your waste collection problems, says councillor

With no sign of any improvement in Denbighshire's ongoing waste collection crisis a Llangollen county councillor is encouraging people whose bin collections have been missed to get in touch with her direct.

Cllr Karen Edwards says she has been inundated with calls for help from people whose recyclable waste has not been picked up, sometimes since the controversial new collection system was introduced in the first week of June.

She added: "I have been able to help in a number of cases but if people don't tell me about I obviously can't assist them.

"If you have a problem with your recyclable waste collection please email me at: simply stating your address and postcode and how long you have been waiting for a collection and I will look into it for you."

Ysgol Dinas Bran offers parking for tomorrow's Eisteddfod concert

Ysgol Dinas Bran is offering people attending tomorrow (Friday's) Manic Street Preachers and Suede concert being hosted by the Eisteddfod at the Pavilion, parking spaces for £10 each on the school's own car park, not its playing field. Follow the one-way system. 

They say 100 spaces will be available from 4pm.

Railway children to return to Llangollen after 60 years

* Ysgol Carrog children leave the train at Llangollen station heading for the Eisteddfod’s Children’s Day in 2019.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has teamed up with the town’s heritage railway to turn back time by more than 60 years for scores of eager schoolchildren.  

On Tuesday July 2, the first day of this year’s Eisteddfod, 160 pupils from three schools in the Dee Valley will board a train to transport them in style between Corwen and Llangollen railway stations to enjoy Children’s Day which is traditionally held on the first day of the core festival.

And that’s something that’s not happened since the summer of 1963 when the last ‘Eisteddfod special’ left Corwen before the line was closed as part of the infamous Beeching rail cuts the following year. 

Since then, dedicated railway volunteers have gradually re-opened the whole of the 10-mile-long line, with the final link being completed last summer when the new £1.25 million Corwen station was officially opened by Lord Hendy, chairman of Network Rail.      

This has enabled a party of youngsters plus their teachers to travel into Llangollen station on Tuesday July 2 to enjoy a fun-packed day at the Eisteddfod along with their counterparts from schools across north Wales.  

The three lucky Dee Valley schools involved in the time-shifting travel experience are Ysgol Bro Dyfyrdwy in Cynwyd,  Ysgol Caer Drewyn in Corwen and Ysgol Carrog.

Ian Lebbon, chairman of the Eisteddfod’s marketing committee who has organised the special excursion, said: “Llangollen and Corwen Railway has agreed to run the special service for pupils to attend our children day instead of travelling by coach.  Not only is this good for our environment but adds to the children’s excitement.  

"The last children to use this exact route would have been pupils from Llangollen’s Ysgol Dinas Bran travelling from Corwen in 1963, which means it has taken over 60 years to return such a service.  

"We did do our best to recreate the Eisteddfod special pre-pandemic in 2019 but that was before Corwen opened and we had to board the children at Carrog, the station further along the line.  It’s quite possible that some of our 2024 travellers may have had grandparents who used the service daily in 1963."

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has teamed up with Live Nation promoters Cuffe and Taylor for this year’s festival. Bryan Adams, Simple Minds and Paloma Faith are just some of the names who have already performed on the iconic stage at Llangollen Pavilion. 

A spokesperson for Llangollen and Corwen Railway said: “The railway is very proud to be involved in the International Eisteddfod again after a long absence of running trains to bring schoolchildren and other guests to this historic and prestigious event.  

"Our beautiful station at Llangollen has welcomed many visitors to the town since it first opened, some 162 years ago.  We hope all those who travel with us over the next few weeks thoroughly enjoy their time at the Eisteddfod and take away extra special memories of travelling to the event by train.”

The Core Eisteddfod starts on Tuesday, July 2 – as thousands enjoy a Children’s Day Concert in the Pavilion and a variety of performances throughout the day, on the vibrant outside stages.  

Tom Jones is will make his Llangollen debut that evening as the Eisteddfod embarks on its biggest and most ambitious festival yet.