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Monday, March 25, 2024

Dog owners reminded to be responsible during Easter holidays

Denbighshire County Council and the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB are reminding dog owners to act responsibly as more people prepare to visit the area’s countryside hotspots during the Easter holidays.

Both bodies are urging people to follow important advice to keep pets on leads whilst walking through the countryside following reported incidents last year at land around Moel Famau.

Livestock worrying, where dogs disturb and chase sheep, is illegal. Any dogs caught worrying livestock can be destroyed and the owners can be prosecuted.

Visitors should make themselves aware of what restrictions and guidelines are in place at the area they visit and to keep themselves and others safe. People should also check ahead to see if countryside facilities are open and also park responsibly in designated areas.

Councillor Win Mullen James, Denbighshire Cabinet Lead Member for Local Development and Planning, said: “We do know that many dog owners visiting our countryside areas are respectful and take care to keep their pets on a lead and I would like to thank them for making this effort.

“However, there is a minority who do not follow the rules and we are urging them to remember that they are ultimately responsible for their dog while walking through the countryside.

“Dog owners who ignore the rules and let their pets worry livestock in the area can be prosecuted and their dog legally shot if caught in the act. This is extremely distressing to all and an outcome we want to work to prevent.

“If you are bringing your dog, please always plan ahead if visiting our countryside, know the land you are going to walk through, respect the countryside code and always keep your dog on a lead.”

For more information, visit and follow the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB on Facebook and X.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Latest local roadworks alerts

Latest local roadworks alerts from are:


Butlers Hill, Llangollen, Denbighshire

25 March - 12 April


Delays likely - Road closure


Name: Butlers Hill, Llangollen


Location: Butlers Hill


Description: Streetworks / License - Streetworks


Responsibility for event: Denbighshire County Council


Current status: Planned




Regent Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

25 March - 12 April


Delays likely - Diversion route


Name: Diversion


Location: Regent Street


Description: Streetworks / License - Streetworks


Responsibility for event: Denbighshire County Council


Current status: Planned






Greenfield, Llangollen, Denbighshire

25 March - 27 March


Roadworks, Delays unlikely


Traffic management: Some carriageway incursion




Works location: OUTSIDE 6


Public facing description: has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified works to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Scottish Power Renewable Energy.


Responsibility for works: Scottish Power Renewable Energy


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: GY004461824R




Saturday, March 23, 2024

County councillor speaks on local use of Plas Madoc recycling centre


Llangollen county councillor Karen Edwards has made the following statement about the use of the Plas Madoc recycling centre by the people of Llangollen:

"People of the Dee Valley care about recycling. We know that because over a thousand people signed a petition I helped to launch over three years ago. 

"Councils are expected to work together to make best use of the property assets and to the residents of the Dee Valley it seemed an obvious choice that we should be using the recycling facility at Plas Madoc rather than having a thirty two-mile round trip to Ruthin to dispose of our waste.

"We finally achieved a success of sorts for Llangollen (LL20 postcode) because we now have access to Plas Madoc via the DCC booking system. It will run for a trial period of three months from the 18th March to the 17th June. 

"Both Wrexham and Denbighshire Councils will need to satisfy themselves that the financial arrangements are fair to both parties and that the system works effectively. Details of how the booking system operates can be found at this link: website or via customer services 01824 706000

"We are not ‘out of the woods’ entirely as the access is for a trial period, but if the service proves itself, I will be working to ensure that it continues.

"Anyone with issues about the arrangement can contact me at:

Historic pub receives £452,700 government boost to secure its future

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has welcomed news that the UK government is to provide £452,700 in funding to help Owain Glyndwr Community Hotel Ltd to purchase and refurbish the famous Corwen landmark. 

The Grade II listed building can trace its origins back to the 14th century. It served as the site of the first public Eisteddfod in Wales in 1789 and is one of only eight surviving coaching inns along the historic London to Holyhead A5 route. 

The current owner of the hotel has been looking to sell in recent years, and there has been a notable local campaign headed by Corwen Town Councillor Dr David Counsell to purchase and refurbish the site for the benefit of the local community.


The £452,700 in funding will come from the UK government’s Community Ownership Fund which opened in 2021 to support community groups to take ownership of assets which are at risk of being lost to the community. 

In addition to the funds from the UK government, the Owain Glyndwr Community Hotel Ltd have also independently raised over £164,000 through share sales. 


Across the UK, the Department for Levelling Up has announced £33.5m today to save more than 80 projects in our communities. Of these, six vital community spaces in Wales have been saved from closure thanks to £3.1m from the Department for Levelling Up’s Community Ownership Fund.

* Simon Baynes MP and Cllr Dr David Counsell outside the Owain Glyndwr Hotel in Corwen in 2022.


This funding for the Owain Glyndwr Hotel comes on top of the £13.3 million Clwyd South Levelling Up Fund, secured by Simon Baynes MP from the UK government in 2021, which contains a substantial package of investment in Corwen Station, the town centre and the surrounding area.


Mr Baynes said: “I am delighted by the news that the UK government has approved the Owain Glyndwr Community Hotel Limited’s Community Ownership Fund application. 

"The £452,700 awarded will cover top up funding for the purchase, revenue funding to cover any trading shortfalls in the first 12 months and will kick start the refurbishment programme.


"I was very proud to back this campaign and I have been enormously impressed by everyone involved, including Cllr Dr David Counsell and County Councillor Alan Hughes, all of whom should take great pride in their work helping to save this historic landmark for future generations.


"Since I was elected as the MP for Clwyd South in December 2019, I have been particularly keen to support the beautiful town and community of Corwen, which has suffered from a lack of investment. I am very pleased to have helped bring significant Levelling Up Fund investment to the town from the UK government so that Corwen can realise its great potential and prosper in the years to come.”

Friday, March 22, 2024

County's Cabinet approves care home fees increase

Denbighshire County Council’s Cabinet have approved the recommendation of an increase of 8.8% for care home fees for 2024/25.

Councillor Elen Heaton, Lead Member for Health and Social Care, who presented the recommendation said: “I’m pleased that Cabinet has unanimously agreed to approve the proposed 8.8% increase in our residential and nursing home care fees. 

"Considering that this is significantly more than the 3.8% increase we’ve received in our settlement, this decision reflects that, even in the face of significant financial challenge, Cabinet is prioritising the provision of care in our community. 

"We currently spend around £13 million on approximately 364 placements in 82 homes. Now that Cabinet has approved the increase, our expenditure is set to increase by over £1 million. 

"This increase strives to strike the delicate balance between navigating challenging financial constraints and ensuring that we are maintaining a sustainable future for the care sector in Denbighshire.”

New Welsh Government role for local MS Ken Skates

* Ken Skates MS.

Clwyd South Senedd Member Ken Skates has returned to government in the ministerial line-up announced yesterday by Wales's new First Minister Vaughan Gething. 

He becomes Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport.

Wrexham-born Mr Skates Ken, who has his constituency office in Llangollen, was appointed to the Welsh Government as Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology in 2011. He was then appointed Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism in 2014 and promoted to Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure in May 2016. 

In announcing his new top team Mr Gething said: “I’m incredibly proud to bring together a government drawn from all parts of Wales to serve the whole of our nation, with progressive politics at its heart. In particular, I am pleased to appoint a Minister for Mental Health and Early Years to ensure we deliver in the first 1,000 days of the life of every child. 

“This Ministerial team will answer the call of the generation in waiting, to create a stronger, fairer, greener Wales. We will take action to strengthen our economy by providing opportunities for everyone and being steadfast in our commitment to a just transition to net zero. Our goal to deliver green prosperity is reflected by the creation of a new Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language. 

“I believe in a Wales that recognises that we can celebrate our differences and take pride in all those things that draw us together and make us who we are. While there will be many challenges ahead, there are even greater opportunities. I am ambitious about the work this team will do to make Wales an even better place." 

Your chance to nominate special volunteers for an award


Denbighshire Council for Voluntary Service (DVSC) is invited nominations to its Volunteer Awards 2024.


Conditions for the awards, which are being held as part of Volunteers Week, are that the nominee must do their volunteering within Denbighshire.

Organisers say the aim is to say thank you to a special volunteer.


People can only make one nomination and individuals cannot nominate themselves.


The rules also state that the nominee - whether an individual or a group - must not be contacted or made aware that they are being nominated for an award.

Categories are Dedicated service, Newcomer, Team Leader, Fubdraising, Environmental Conservation, Community Support and Young Volunteer

Closing date for nominations is Friday May 3.


The awards will be presented at DVSC’s base in the Naylor Leyland Centre, Ruthin on Friday June 7. 

Nominate Here :

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