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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Roadworks alerts for Berwyn Street


Latest local roadworks alerts from are:


Berwyn Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

20 November - 21 November


Roadworks, Delays likely


Traffic management: Lane closure


Description: excavate and lay cable for new connection


Works location: outside 6


Public facing description: has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified works to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Scottish Power Renewable Energy.


Responsibility for works: Scottish Power Renewable Energy


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: GY0022101343089A




Berwyn Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

20 November - 21 November


Roadworks, Delays likely


Traffic management: Traffic control (multi-way signals)




Works location: outside 8


Public facing description: has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified works to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Scottish Power Renewable Energy.


Responsibility for works: Scottish Power Renewable Energy


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: GY0022101343089




Saturday, November 18, 2023

Appeal launched to support local families at Christmas


The annual Llangollen Christmas Appeal has been launched to support the town's Food Share and local families this festive season.

This is the fourth year of the appeal and organisers say there are more people than ever to support this time.
The aim is to provide gifts for local families as "every child and adult deserves a gift to open at Christmas," they say.
Children's gifts needed are toys, teddies, books and arts and crafts items for both girls and boys aged two to 10 plus gift sets for teenage boys and girls.

Male and female gift sets required include toiletry sets/Lynx sets/socks, hot water bottles, scarves and gloves.
Also needed are chocolate and biscuit treats.
The organisers say: "Anything would be gratefully received and make someone's Christmas. Everyone should get to have a Christmas ."
* Drop-off point is Wingetts office in Castle Street from Monday to Friday and Saturday 10 -12 .

Also being taken are cash donations, so that volunteers can shop for gifts and wrap them.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Have your say on proposed new National Park for this area

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) are inviting feedback on an initial Area of Search map for a proposed new National Park in North East Wales.

And people in Llangollen, which is included in the plan, will get the chance to have their say, in person, tomorrow (Saturday, November 18) at the Town Hall between 10 and 4pm.

The engagement period will run until Monday November 27.

Welsh Government has commissioned NRW, as the Designating Authority in Wales, to evaluate the case for a new National Park based on the existing Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). 

The case for the park will be considered within the existing Senedd term (2021-2026).

A questionnaire to capture feedback is now live on the project website. This can be accessed at:

Ash Pearce, Project Manager, said: "We are engaging with local people and groups early in the project to ensure we can capture and understand all the issues and opportunities that relate to the proposed new National Park. 

"We will consider and account for the feedback provided as we work through a series of technical assessments and prepare our informed recommendations.

"There will be a full public consultation on a proposed boundary in 2024. At this stage, we have identified an area to study and want to listen and understand the significant issues, opportunities and themes affecting the area.

"We warmly invite everyone interested in our work, to join us at one of a series of in-person and online engagement events over the next two months. Also most critically, to complete our questionnaire which will ensure that we can capture their feedback.

"The events will be an opportunity to learn more about the project, ask questions of the team and share feedback on an early map of the area being assessed.

"People will only need to attend one event, be that online or in-person as the information shared will be the same for each event."

The Llangollen engagement event is due to take place at the Town Hall on Saturday November 18, from 10am until 4pm.

People are encouraged to drop by at the in-person events, there is no need to book a place. If interested in taking part in one of the online events, email the project team at with your name, state your interest (e.g. resident, community leader, landowner, farmer, business owner, organisation representative, etc) and which event you are interested in (the date). These will be bilingual events with simultaneous translation provided.

NRW have prepared procedural guidance setting out the statutory process that must be followed. It is evidence based and allows for engagement and consultation with statutory consultees, the public and other stakeholders. 

* For more information on the project and evaluation process, visit the website at:

Decision time looms for libraries and One Stop Shop hours cut plan

* Llangollen Library in Castle Street.

Denbighshire County Council’s consultation about the reduction in hours to the library and One Stop Shop service closed at the end of October.

The consultation generated a record-breaking 4,600 responses, which equates to nearly 5% of Denbighshire’s population.  

A paper with recommendations for the next steps will go to Cabinet for a decision on December 19. 

The consultation proposed a 50% reduction in hours to Denbighshire’s Library and One Stop Shop Service. 

This proposal meant that all eight council run libraries, including Llangollen, would remain open to deliver services to residents, albeit for fewer hours. 

Councillor Emrys Wynne, Lead Member for Welsh Language, Culture and Heritage said: “We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to participate in this consultation. 

"The large response rate demonstrates the strong feelings about this proposal and Officers will now take time to consider everyone’s feedback before it is given full consideration at Cabinet’s December meeting. 

“As a council, we are saddened that we have to consider reducing frontline services, but this is the harsh reality of the current economic climate.  

"While this proposal is unpopular, it would ensure that the service continues in all Denbighshire Libraries/One Stop Shops which gives us hope that we can return to a full service in a more favourable economic climate.”

Last month, Denbighshire County Council warned that it faces significant budgetary pressures due to rising costs and demand for services. 

Despite an expected increase in funding of £5.6m (3%) by Welsh Government, this still leaves a funding gap of £20.4m. 

The council, like local authorities in Wales, must find significant savings and Cabinet has asked services across the authority to put forward proposals for consideration.

Eisteddfod invites male voice choirs to follow in Pavarotti's footsteps

* Luciano Pavarotti at the Eisteddfod in 1995.

In 1955 Luciano Pavarotti was a 19-year-old teacher when he came to the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod as part of Chorus Rossini, from Modena, Italy.  

His choir left as the overall winning choir and Pavarotti went home determined to make music his career.  

Now the festival is searching for a male voice choir to follow in the famous footsteps of Pavarotti and Chorus Rossini.  

Male Voice Choirs are invited to join competitors from all over the globe at the 2024 Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod. 

They have the opportunity to celebrate in a unique combination of competition and international peace and friendship at one of the world’s most inspirational cultural festivals. 

The closing date to apply for all of the group competitions, including the Male Voice Choir competition, is Thursday November 30.

Dave Danford, Lead Programmer & Production Manager at the festival, said: “It’s still incredible to think that one of the most successful opera singers of all time was inspired to pursue a career in music by a visit to Llangollen in 1955.  

"Like hundreds of thousands of others, he experienced the magic of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.  

"We are giving male voice choirs from around the world the chance to follow in Pavarotti’s footsteps. By entering, they will be in with a chance of competing for the Pavarotti Trophy, awarded annually to the winners of our Choir of the World competition.”

Pavarotti said many times that he wanted to return to Llangollen one day, and eventually made a triumphant return with his father in 1995 to headline at that year’s festival, marking the 40th anniversary of his first visit to north Wales. 

The Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has entered a new partnership with Cuffe & Taylor, part of Live Nation. 

Together, they have promised a magical concert programme for the core Eisteddfod week from July 2 – 7 2024.  

Details will be announced at 9am on Monday December 4.  

Acts already announced for next summer include Manic Street Preachers, Suede, Jess Glynne, disco king Nile Rodgers & Chic, Paloma Faith and Kaiser Chiefs.  

Railway shortlisted for top tourism award

Llangollen Railway has been shortlisted for “Attraction of the Year” at the Go North Wales Tourism Awards.

Winners will be announced next Thursday November 23. 

In announcing the achievement on social media, the railway, which it's way back from administration and through lockdown closure two years ago, said: "With our fabulous new station at Corwen now open and a nearly sold-out Santa Special season still to look forward to, we’ve had a very successful 2023. This award is the icing on the cake! 

"Our staff and volunteers have shown phenomenal dedication to turn the railway around from the brink of extinction and take it back to being one of North Wales most successful tourist attractions - in just two and a half years."

"Wish us all luck in the final stages of judging and keep your fingers crossed for us next Thursday night."

Health watchdog volunteer Stuart Davies wants to hear from you

* Stuart Davies wants to hear from you on health matters. 

Former Llangollen county councillor Stuart Davies has become a volunteer for health watchdog body Llais Cymru North Wales.

Llais aims to make sure people's views and experiences are used by decision-makers to plan and deliver better health and social care services.  

When things go wrong it has independent and trained complaints advocates who can support people to make complaints.

Stuart Davies said: "Over the next month myself and other volunteers want to know what experiences  - good or bad - people in North Wales are having in relation to two specific services. 

"With cataracts we'd like to know people's experiences on waiting times for surgery, access to ophthalmic services, what impact is this having on people's lives, such as ability to drive, work, care for others, are people finding that they are having to try and access treatment from outside of North Wales and if so are they having to pay for this treatment?

"On the Covid and flu vaccination programme we want to hear about your experience them -  how is it being rolled out in your GP practice, how easy is it to find out information about the availability of vaccines in your local area, have you heard feedback from others in your family or community about their experiences? Please do let us know.

"We would like our volunteers to share with us anything that they are experiencing, hearing or reading about in relation to health and social care services in their community. 

"We would also like our volunteers to help us to recruit volunteers to Llais North Wales. 

"We want to work with you to learn how we can do this successfully and we recognise that this will take time. 

"In the meantime we ask our volunteers to help us with this vital priority over the coming months. Whilst we do not have the national training programme just yet, there is plenty we can do and have done in terms of local training, mentoring and buddying up."

* If you have any experiences in North Wales you wish to share OR become a volunteer, then Llais can be contacted directly on

Stuart Davies can be contacted by email on

The Llais website is at: