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Monday, January 2, 2023

Railway is now financially strong but Corwen opening delayed

* The new Corwen station, where a test train ran last May, will now open later than planned this year.

The opening of the new Corwen Station on Llangollen Railway has run into a delay.

The new centrepiece building at the extended terminus of the heritage line was due to be welcome its first passengers in early March this year. But the grand opening won't now be able to take place until later in 2023.

Apart from this setback, it's all good news for the railway which has made an unexpectedly rapid recovery from liquidation in early 2021 and the headaches of the Covid lockdown.

Phil Freeth, Finance Director and Board Member of the Trust which now runs the line said: "Llangollen Railway’s financial position has improved significantly through 2022, despite continued challenges facing the Heritage Railway Sector. 

"Results from 2022 have exceeded expectations and, despite long overdue investment in the railway’s track, coaching stock, and the engine shed and yard, our cash resources remain buoyant. 

"Financially, we are in an incredibly strong position. Long may that continue after the challenges we have faced over the last couple of years. 

"Looking ahead to 2023, we expect the challenging economic climate that the country faces will require us to continue to act cautiously, but we are already well-prepared for this and will start the year from a far stronger position than we have for many years."

A further statement from the railway says: "The 2021 audited accounts were spectacular, there is no other way to describe the outcome.  However, a closer look reveals:

-     the significance of £353,000 grant income, principally by way of Covid relief grants from the Welsh Government’s Cultural Recovery Fund and from Denbighshire County Council (business rates relief) for which we are very grateful.

-     £215,000 was received by way of donations, principally courtesy of the generosity of the public in their support of the Full Steam Ahead and Rolling Stock appeals. Again we are extremely appreciative of this show of support.

-     Legacies and gift aid were also at an unusually high level.

"We had limited steam traction available for much of the season, so motive power was supplied by DMUs and diesel locomotives which reduced our costs dramatically."

The statement adds: "The anticipated outcome for 2022 is a net profit of between £50k - 100k subject to any adjusted treatments, plus or minus, on audit.

"Availability of suitable steam traction has continued to be a challenge, so we continue to rely heavily on DMUs and diesel locos. This has also assisted with control of costs, given the price volatility and availability of steam coal.  This is likely to remain the case, certainly in the short term.

"Ticket sales have been broadly 10% in excess of budget which was set at 75% of pre-pandemic levels. We also received the benefit of a significant legacy without which the bottom line would reveal a loss of £50k - £100k.

"We have invested substantially in Permanent Way and our coaching stock which is long overdue so, whilst this expenditure could be said to be discretionary, it has really become a necessity.  

"We want to offer a good customer experience and coaching stock needs to look the part insofar as its vintage allows.  This work is ongoing and the intention is to redouble this effort in 2023.

"For 2023 we are budgeting for a very substantial loss given we have the cash reserves. As mentioned this is largely because of the planned continued investment in the infrastructure and rolling stock.

"The budget also includes significant investment in personnel as we try to capitalise on external partnerships and improve volunteer recruitment and the volunteer experience, commercial expertise, and grant application and management resource. Hopefully much of this will be grant-aided thus offsetting the bottom line impact.

"Trying to predict ticket sales during an energy crisis and a cost of living crisis is obviously impossible so it may be the budget is subject to revisions as the year progresses.  We will certainly have to continue to keep a close eye on costs."

Corwen delay

Dealing with the delay to the Corwen opening, a railway spokesperson said: "One further piece of news for you is that there will be a delay to the planned opening of Corwen station, which had been scheduled for early March 2023. 

"The completion and installation of the island platform canopy, a large structure which will require heavy lifting equipment and is being delivered by a third party contractor, supported by a significant government grant, has regrettably been delayed until the new year. 

"This will have a knock-on effect on completion of other work on the station. The volunteer team working on the station however continue to make excellent progress, with the island platform building, signalbox and emergency access ramp all progressing well. 

"Preparations are also being made for the erection of the canopy in early 2023. The water tower has also been connected to the borehole supply. A revised reopening date will be confirmed in the new year once the timescale for the canopy has been confirmed."

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Raging river provides challenging canoeing conditions

Today's rain-swollen River Dee was providing some challenging conditions for the canoeists who were out in force.

Another obstacle to negotiate was a large floating tree trunk which was being washed down towards the bridge by the raging waters.  

llanblogger was on hand to record some of the action.

Cat Meade and family now home after Spanish 'nightmare' holiday

* Cat Meade, left, her son Connor and her mother are now safely back home.

At the end of her family's week-long Spanish "nightmare" holiday Llangollen community champion Cat Meade has returned home to thank the scores of people who came to their support.

As llanblogger has been reporting, she and young son Connor and her elderly mother were stranded in Benidorm over Christmas when the older lady took ill with a chest infection early on in their dream break arranged as a special treat after she recovered from Covid.  

And as Cat, a huge supporter of local good causes, haggled with her insurance company over how best to get her mother safely home and worried about extending their hotel accommodation friends in Llangollen rallied round to send their love over social media and raise over £1,200 through an online funding site to help them out.

At one stage a worried Cat described the family's plight as a "living nightmare".

But yesterday (Saturday) things took a turn for the better when she posted on her Facebook page that the family had at last been able to fly home.

She said: "We are HOME! Thank you to my amazing friends and everyone that's helped us get home both financially and with loving support.

"We couldn't have done it without you all. You are all amazing! 

"Mum's tired but good and happy to be home. Let's hope the New Year brings health and happiness - and a lotto win so I can pay you all back.

"Happy New Year to you lovely lot. xxx"  

The pledges of cash support for the family flooded in after Cat's friend Jane Townend launched the Gofundme page.

In just a few days a total of £1,270 had been promised by a total of 65 donors.

Jane said that the money would either be used to provide immediate financial help for the stranded family or to pay for another holiday after Cat's mother made a full recovery once back at home.

Happy New Year from llanblogger


Saturday, December 31, 2022

Work to start on final phase of town centre traffic schemes


* Plans for the final phase of the town's traffic scheme.

Work is due to start on January 9 on the final phase of the traffic schemes which have reshaped the town centre over the past couple of years.

Affecting the junctions of the A5 with Castle Street and Hall Street/Hill Street, the work by contractors for the county council, which is delivering on behalf of the North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent, is scheduled to last for six weeks and will include:

Three new signalised crossings will be created. Two of these will be on the A5, one from the front of number 4 Berwyn Street to the side of the Armoury, and the second from the front of M’Eating Point to the front of the Welsh Methodist Chapel. The third crossing will be on Castle Street, near the A5 junction, running from the side of the chapel to the front of the shop opposite.

All three crossings will have red coloured tactile paving at either end.

The priority of the junction of Hall Street and Hill Street will be amended, with the existing island there being removed. A new uncontrolled crossing, with buff coloured tactile paving at each end, will run between the Armoury and the Grapes.

There will be a new stop-line position marked on the A5 in front of the junction.

A new asphalt footway construction will run along the Armoury side of Berwyn Street between the Hall Street/Hill Street junction to the small road at the side of M’Eating Point.

Contractors will use four car bays on the Hall Street car park and three long coach bays on the Market Street car park to set up their works cabins. 

Friday, December 30, 2022

Cat Meade gives more details of her 'living nightmare' in Spain

* Cat Meade, left, with son Connor and her mother in Benidorm.

Cat Meade, who is stranded in Spain along with her mother and young son Connor after the older lady took ill on a Christmas holiday, has posted her latest social media update on what she's started to call her "living nightmare".  

Learning of their plight on Facebook friends back home have started a Gofundme page to help, which has so far attracted donations totalling over £1,100 of its £2,500 goal.

Yesterday evening an upset Cat wrote: "Good news! Mum got discharged today, allowed back to hotel with the oxygen (as I sourced as requested by her doctor).

"We have a 'fit to fly with oxygen and no nurse required'. We were delighted, got mum back to hotel and settled, so happy just to be out and doing great.

"Three hours later the insurance call and say they advised the hospital not to discharge to hotel with oxygen .... so further neglect in that case. I'll speak about that another day. 

"I have approval from hotel and oxygen supplied by a professional, which the hospital told me to source.

"Insurance say I had to take her back to hospital! (melt down). I questioned why, as the doctor discharged her and I have a 'fit to fly ...'

"Very rude insurance lady told me they need her in hospital until they decide on pay out, not the doctor. My mum has been in hospital for seven days, chest clear and they discharged. Week or so or more before insurance decide. Really?

"I've called the British Consul here and been for second opinion, they all tell me we can fly, as long as we have oxygen and the longer we stay the more unlikely they pay. And are racking up daily fees for us.

"I feel we are being held captive over insurance and money. We all need to get home and its been a living nightmare.

"I want everyone to know about this and when I get home and get my head back in the game I'm taking this further. For now I'm taking control and getting us on the next flight, will fight insurance when home, I'm not being held captive!"

* Cat's page is at: 

Latest local roadworks update from county council

Latest local roadworks update from Denbighshire County Council is:




A539 Stryd y Castell CASTLE STREET 05/01/2023 05/01/2023 Gwaith ar Gyrbau / Kerbing Works DCC STREETSCENE LLANGOLLEN Goleuadau Traffig Dros Dro/ Temp Traffic Lights