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Monday, November 22, 2021

Burnt out car left at Llangollen Golf Club

The Shropshire Star has reported that the charred wreck of a car was left next to the first tee at the Vale of Llangollen Golf Club last Friday.

The story says that one fire engine from the Llangollen station was scrambled to the blaze at 3.04am.

A spokesman for North Wales Fire and Rescue Service said that the fire is thought to have been started deliberately.

The car was said to have suffered 100 percent fire damage and remained overturned and next to the first tee with police tape around it several hours later.

“One crew from Llangollen attended and used one hose-reel jet to extinguish the fire,” the fire service spokesman said.

Police warning over free lottery frauds

North Wales police has issued a warning about free lottery frauds.

A message on the force's Neighbourhood Alerts system says: "Action Fraud have reported a dramatic increase in Advance Fee Lottery Frauds over recent months. 

"Over £925,000 has been lost by victims over the last six months. 

"Victims have reported losing an average of just over £1,500 with 70% of victims aged 50 or over."

Lottery fraud occurs when criminals use fake messages and calls to convince a person that they have won a lottery or a prize draw. 

The victim is then informed that they will need to pay an advance “fee” in order to receive the winnings.

Police advice is:

STOP: Unsolicited offers of large sums of money in return for a small upfront payment should always raise a red flag. Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.

CHALLENGE: Could it be fake? After all, you can’t win a prize in a competition you didn’t enter. Remember, it’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you. 

PROTECT: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud.

Online event planned for budding business starters

Aspiring Denbighshire micro entrepreneurs are being encouraged to drop in at a free online event this month.

It's aimed at anyone interested in using their skills to set up and work for themselves, helping and support older or disabled people.

Social Enterprise Community Catalysts in partnership with Denbighshire County Council are holding online sessions on November 25 to discuss the free support they provide to help entrepreneurs breathe life into their ideas for helping older or disabled people do what they enjoy, and giving them what they need.

The Community Catalysts programme is now up and running across Denbighshire which means you can get free professional advice to help you work for yourself offering care and support.

A number of people from a range of backgrounds are already in the process of setting up. They are offering various services, from DIY to gardening, companionship to help with washing and dressing.

Fabrizio Donati, who is leading the project for Community Catalysts, said: “Lots of people in Denbighshire need some extra help to live the way they want to, perhaps because they are older, disabled or have a long-term health condition. We can help you set up as self-employed offering care and support. You don’t need to have a professional background in care or know how to run a business – you just need to know what good care looks like.”

“Our online event will explain the free mentoring programme, and how you can put in motion your ideas for supporting older or disabled people. We are looking forward to you all joining us.”

Councillor Bobby Feeley, Lead Member for Well-being and Independence, said: “We are really pleased to be working with Community Catalysts to help provide more support to the older and disabled population. This is a great programme which can really help entrepreneurs develop their own ideas to bring needed support to people and I look forward to seeing these come to life through this partnership.”

* To find out more about the process of setting up and to ask any questions, come along to a free online event on Thursday 25 November at 12pm or 18:30pm. You can also contact Fabrizio Donati, Denbighshire Community Catalyst on

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Work planned for next week on 2020 project

Work planned for week starting Monday, November 22 on the 2020 project in the town centre is:

  • Continue with the paving down Castle Street west
  • Complete the paving on Bridge Street north
  • Prepare the footpath for paving on Market Street north
  • Digging for the new tree on Castle Street west

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Emergency services team up to protect the vulnerable

The Welsh Ambulance Service has partnered with fire and rescue services to launch a new initiative to better protect vulnerable people at risk of an accident in their home.

The new system allows ambulance crews to e-refer at-risk patients to their fire and rescue service counterparts in North, Mid and West and South Wales for a Safe and Well check.

Fire crews can then visit the property to mitigate any risks.

Nikki Harvey, the Welsh Ambulance Service’s Head of Safeguarding, said: “Ambulance crews go to a patient’s property to deliver medical interventions, but often while they’re there, they’ll spot things in the home which raise a red flag.

“It could be that there isn’t a smoke alarm, that electrical sockets are overloaded or that there’s a build-up of fat on cooking appliances, all of which present a fire hazard.

“It could be that the patient has cigarette burns on their clothes or furniture, or that the patient’s hoarding has blocked an escape route.

“The new referral form – which our crews complete on an iPad – streamlines the process completely and makes it easier than ever before to enlist the support of fire service colleagues and safeguard that patient.

“Anything that we can do collectively to improve patient safety, mitigate the risk of accidents and prevent harm could reduce 999 calls in the future.”

Tim Owen, Community Safety Manager at North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, on behalf of the three Welsh fire and rescue services, said: “The Welsh Ambulance Service and the regional fire services in Wales work together operationally every day.

“This agreement will enable us to extend this work, identifying those most at risk and vulnerable in our communities to make them safer.

“The sharing of information will enable us to develop the principles of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, targeting our services to those in most need of support.

“It will also provide a template for promoting future joint working.”

If you are aware of a vulnerable person in your community who would benefit from a Safe and Well check, please contact your local fire and rescue service.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Book of condolence for legend Wyn now open at tourist information centre

* Dennis Williams and Barbara Matthews with the condolence book at the Tourist Information Centre.

llanblogger in association with Llangollen's town clerk has arranged for a book of condolence to be opened for him in the Tourist Information Centre.

Wyn – affectionately known as Wyn Paraffin – recently passed away in Chirk  where he had been re-couperating from a stroke.

As soon as news of his passing became known there was a flood of moving tributes from a host of people who knew and admired him.

There was a suggestion from the manager of Llangollen FC, Damien Tobin,  that such comments could be added to an official book of remembrance to be held in a central venue.

So llanblogger contacted the Tourist Information Office in Castle where the team immediately said they would be honoured to host the book in memory of Wyn.

And the book in which people can write their tributes is to be provided courtesy of town clerk Gareth Thomas.     

It is available for written contributions from Mondays-Wednesdays 9.30am-5pm - not on Thursdays when the centre is closed - and on Fridays and Saturdays from 9.30am-5pm.

llanblogger's Phil Robinson said: "I am extremely grateful to the Tourist Information Centre and the town clerk for their help in making this gesture possible.

"Judging by the number of warm tributes received following Wyn's death many, many people would wish to sign the book of condolence.

"He was most certainly one of the town's best-loved figures and, as was said plenty of times in the social media tributes to him, a true legend of Llangollen."   

A separate book of condolence for Wyn has also been placed in St Collen's Church by Father Lee Taylor.  

At their monthly meeting earlier this week members of the town council agreed to dedicate one of the wooden benches along the back wall of Centenary Square to Wyn's memory. 

His funeral is due to take place at St Collen's next Thursday, December 2 at 12noon and then at Wrexham Crematorium at 1.30pm.

Crimebusters urged to apply for haul of cash

* PCC Andy Dunbobbin with Superintendent Helen Corcoran and PACT North Wales chair Ashley Rogers. 

Local crime busters in North Wales are being urged to bid for a share of a £60,000 pot of money seized from crooks.

According to North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin, the Your Community Your Choice fund will be used to recycle the ill-gotten gains of criminals for the benefit of communities across the region.

The initiative is a partnership between Mr Dunbobbin, the North Wales Police and Community Trust (PACT) and North Wales Police.

Half the money is being contributed by the commissioner with the rest coming cash confiscated from criminals via the Proceeds of Crime Act.

As a result, three community groups in each county in North Wales will receive up to £2,500 each whilst there will be three £5,000 grants available for organisations working across three or more counties.

After opening on November 15, the window for groups to submit applications runs until December 10, with the winners being chosen by a public poll.

A shortlist of applicants will be chosen by a special panel and voting opens on January 10  and runs until February 4.

All bids need to support the commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan in which delivering safer neighbourhoods and supporting communities are key priorities.

Mr Dunbobbin said: “This is social justice in action because the Your Community Your Choice scheme is about turning bad money into good money to support our communities from the Flintshire Bridge to Menai Bridge and right across the rest of the region.

“The successful projects will be ones that support the strategic priorities in my Police and Crime Plan

“I want to flip that on its head so that we have a series of community-led initiatives, providing positive outcomes for the people living in those areas.

“As well as having applications from our larger towns, I would like to encourage groups from rural areas coming forward because I am proud to represent all the communities in North Wales and be as inclusive as possible.”

PACT chair Ashley Rogers said: “What I particularly like is the democratic nature of the Your Community Your Choice scheme.

“It’s about community groups applying for grants and then it’s the communities themselves who decide who gets the funding. That’s magical.

“One thing that all applicants will need to do is to discuss their proposal with their local neighbourhood policing team and to be endorsed by their district inspector before submitting their application.

“There’s a certain Robin Hood element to it that I think people love and has made it such a successful scheme, underlined by the fact that it attracted more than 30,000 votes last year.

“I’m very proud that PACT is able to deliver this on behalf of the PCC and North Wales Police and I’d encourage voluntary groups and charities to submit their applications.”

Superintendent Helen Corcoran added: “The Your Community Your Choice fund hits at the very heart of what we’re trying to achieve.

“There are so many worthy community groups out there, and this initiative is about the police and the community working together to actually make things safer for the public of North Wales, with the added benefit of course is that a lot of the money comes from criminals.

“We want to support communities so they are able to take responsibility for their own areas.

“Community groups can do a great deal to make their local areas safer, reduce crime and reduce re-offending, It also sends a good message to the communities because it shows we are listening to them.”

* Completed applications must be returned by e-mail to by 5pm on the closing date of December 10. For more information go to the commissioner’s website  or the PACT website