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Saturday, October 2, 2021

Police drone helped to fight Llan mountain fire

* North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin with Chief Inspector Jon Aspinall and one of the drones.

A new police drone team has been hailed as “highflying heroes” after saving three lives and playing a key role in putting out a major gorse fire.

The praise came from tech savvy North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin who is keen to expand the unit.

Mr Dunbobbin was briefed on their successes by Chief Inspector Jon Aspinall who leads the dedicated team which includes a sergeant and four constables and was established in April this year.

He also showed Mr Dunbobbin dramatic footage of how the team played a vital part in tackling a huge fire on Llantysilio mountain near Llangollen in early June, alongside 11 crews from the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

A drone was used to identify hotspots on the mountain so that a helicopter from Natural Resources Wales could drop water on them.

Days later the team located a missing pensioner, Roy Giblin, 82, from Abergele, in a patch of long grass near the town’s train station. His grateful family said that without the assistance of the drone “he didn’t stand a chance”.

Rescuers had "little doubt"  the drone  unit saved the life of another  elderly man, Robert Davies, 86, from Morfa Bychan, in Gwynedd, who had gone missing in July.

After a major multi-agency search, he was located by the police drone, hidden from view in tall shrubbery on a hillside above the village and flown to safety by helicopter.

The third life-saving incident came when a man fell down a steep drop at a quarry in Denbigh and landed on a ledge.

Chief Inspector Aspinall said: “He had a severe head injury and I would say that was a situation where our drone flight saved his life because he might not otherwise have been found.

“In addition to finding missing people, the drones are used for a range of different police work including catching criminals fleeing from vehicles or houses, or people who have been involved in domestic abuse and fled the scene. There’s countless examples of the good work that they’re doing.

“They  are incredibly versatile and essentially they have revolutionised policing. It’s enabling us to do things we were not able to do before.

“The fact that the Police and Crime Commissioner is keen on technology in general and drones in particular is music to our ears.”

The drones were deployed more than 350 times in the first three months after going operational.

The squadron includes two wet weather drones that can operate when it’s raining heavily and in winds of up to 35 miles an hours.

As well as having a thermal imaging capacity, the high powered video cameras have a 200x zoom enabling the pilot to tell the time on someone’s wrist watch from high in the sky.

The drones also have a geo-location facility so if the pilot presses a button, it can give officers on the ground the exact longitude and latitude.

If the battery is running low, the drone will automatically return itself to where it took off.

As well as being responsible for how North Wales is policed Mr Dunbobbin is  playing a key role in using technology, including drones, to fight crime across the UK.

The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners have elected him as their deputy lead for police technology and digital and deputy lead for economic and cybercrime, including fraud.

Fellow commissioners decided he was the perfect person for the job because of his background working in the technology industry.

Mr Dunbobbin said: “The drones are incredibly effective and versatile, and I’ve had conversations with the Chief Constable about how the drone team can move forward and what can be done there. 

“I made a pledge in my manifesto that we would make best use of the technology that’s available to us and this is what’s happening here.

The introduction of drones has made a significant difference and at least three lives have been saved already. That’s just priceless.”

Friday, October 1, 2021

Senedd Member praises Dinas Bran's green credentials

* Pictures show Ken Skates MS during his visit to the school.

A Llangollen school’s drive to reduce its carbon footprint has been welcomed by the local Member of the Senedd. 

Clwyd South MS Ken Skates visited Ysgol Dinas Bran during its Great Big Green Week and was impressed by the eco-friendly measures being taken. 

“Dinas Bran has Eco-Schools Platinum status, and sustainability has been at the forefront of students' work over a number of years,” said Mr Skates. 

“Wales is becoming a cleaner, greener country thanks to a range of steps being taken at national level, and it’s really encouraging to see young people in Clwyd South embracing change and showing so much enthusiasm for the environment and sustainability.” 

The green project at Ysgol Dinas Bran and Llangollen Leisure Centre has seen solar panels installed on the school roof which will generate electricity onsite. 

Combined with other measures including heating control upgrades and LED lighting is expected to reduce the school’s carbon emissions by 73 tonnes a year. 

Mr Skates added: “I really enjoyed visiting the school again – this is such a fantastic initiative. Wales is at the forefront of environmental change in the UK and was the first to declare a Climate Emergency in 2019, and I’m thrilled that our drive as a nation has really caught the imagination of our young people.”

In recent years the Welsh Government has banned fracking, introduced strict regulations to reduce farming pollution and cut greenhouse gases and become the third best country in the world for recycling. 

Mr Skates said: “We want to be number one and the Welsh Government wants us to become a zero-waste, carbon net-zero nation by 2050 at the latest. Projects like this and the passion being shown by the students are certainly a huge step in the right direction.”

The Welsh Government has also said more single-use plastics will be banned during the current Senedd term, with firms also incentivised to reduce their waste. 

Eisteddfod announces new executive producer

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has announced the appointment of Camilla King (pictured) as executive producer. 

She joins the eisteddfod from her previous role as head of programming at Cheltenham Music Festival. 

An experienced classical music programmer, project and events manager with a 20-year long career in the arts and charity sectors, she studied music at King’s College London before working as an artist manager for Ingpen & Williams.

This was followed by a period in the casting department at English National Opera, running a choral education scheme for The Gabrieli Consort & Players, and a brief foray into fundraising with Freedom from Torture, an offshoot of Amnesty.  

She is also a writer and broadcaster, and her interview House of Music, with Kadiatu Kanneh-Mason and children, was streamed live from Cheltenham Literature Festival 2020 and later broadcast on Sky Arts and streaming platform Marquee TV. 

Ms King is a trustee of The Carice Singers, who are emerging as one of the most distinctive vocal ensembles in the UK. 

Ms King said: "It is an honour to be joining the team at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod at this time of challenges and change, but also great potential. 

"As we prepare for LIME's 75th anniversary in 2022, our founding principles of promoting peace through the universal languages of music and dance have rarely felt more important or relevant."

Dr Rhys Davies, chair of Llangollen International Eisteddfod, said: "I’m so delighted that Camilla King will be our new executive producer. 

"Camilla has a proven track record in delivering high-quality programmes and she impressed us with her vision. Her experience and achievements are the perfect fit for leading LIME.”

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Skates leads new Senedd mental health group

* Ken Skates MS leads the first meeting of the new group.

Member of the Senedd Ken Skates will lead a new cross-party Welsh Parliament group set up to help improve the nation’s mental health. 

The Clwyd South MS will work with leading charity Mind Cymru and was formally elected as chair of the Cross-Party Group on Mental Health at its inaugural meeting this week. 

Mr Skates said: “Mental health is a subject close to my heart, and I’m pleased that the Welsh Government has dedicated more and more funding to it in recent years. I was particularly proud to see the First Minister appoint a Minister for Mental Health in May. 

“The last year or so has been an incredibly tough period for so many people, with real strain put on our mental health, so there has never been a more important time to ensure we keep this issue high on the agenda and keep coming up with ideas.” 

Cross-Party Groups can be set up by any Members of the Welsh Parliament in respect of any subject area relevant to the Senedd. A group must include representatives from at least three political party groups within the Senedd. 

Mr Skates told the first meeting of the group on Wednesday that it has an important role to play in shaping debate and offering strong representation to the Welsh Government. 

Invitations were sent to all Members of the Senedd and other stakeholders such as Samaritans and Time to Change Wales. More than 30 people and organisations attended. 

Mr Skates added: “I thought it was a really productive first meeting, with some very meaningful discussion and feedback. I look forward to working with Members from across the political spectrum to discuss and drive ideas to improve Wales' mental health.”

Gales staff praised for their kind support during family's tragedy

* The Mayor hands over the letter of thanks to Gales staff. 

A grieving family has sent a glowing letter of support to the staff of Gales of Llangollen for the way they supported them when a lady took seriously ill while dining there one evening last month.

Robert Hyde and his father  George, from Andover in southern England, were holidaying in the town in August when tragedy struck.

Sandra, who was George’s wife and Robert’s mother, was with them at one of the tables in the wine bar when she underwent the medical emergency and Gales management and staff rushed to help.

Despite one member of the team, Kelly Philips, performing CPR and defibrillation on the her before she was taken to hospital Sandra tragically died at the Wrexham Maelor the  following afternoon.

Now Robert has sent a letter of deepest thanks for their “kindness and Christian charity” to wine bar owner Pip Gale, his mother Gillie and their staff which was officially presented to them by Llangollen town mayor Austin Cheminais yesterday evening.

The black-framed message, originally sent to Cllr Cheminais and the town council to be passed on to the restaurant, speaks not only of what was done for Sandra on the fateful evening but also gives fulsome praise for how the two men were looked after by the Gales team in the few days immediately after the trauma.

* The letter of deepest thanks from the Hydes.

Read out in the wine bar last night by the mayor It says: “Your unbelievable kindness and Christian charity during those traumatic days has humbled us.

“Everyone we have told about your support has been filled with both emotion and disbelief at the kindness you showed.

“The simplest acts of kindness can mean the world to some people but the support, kindness and sheer unselfishness shown by you and your team goes beyond any words we can write.

“It is important that the wider community understands exactly how you supported George and I, from the smallest gesture of a much-needed drink to the unbelievable acts of kindness regarding car parking and the accommodation charges.”

The letter adds: “We all know and understand the difficulties the recent Covid pandemic has had on the hospitality industry. This more than ever makes your support and gestures during those traumatic days in August even more humbling and worthy of recognition and praise from the community.

“Your kindness has reinforced our faith in human nature and firmly placed your beautiful town in our hearts.

“Please pass on our deepest heartfelt thanks to all your staff who supported us on that eventful day. Their support and kindness are beyond any words I can write.

“God bless you all and thank you for everything you did for us on the worst day of our lives. Without your help we would have been lost and may never have recovered.”

Pip Gale said after receiving the letter: “I am just very proud of all my staff for what they were able to do for this family.”     

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Campaigner's latest message on his waste centre fight

Earlier this year Phil Jones organised a 900-signature petition calling for an agreement between Denbighshire and Wrexham councils which would mean local people would be able to use the Plas Madoc household recycling site rather than having to drive over to Ruthin use the to tip there. 

But after this suggestion was rejected by Denbighshire he has decided to take things to a higher level by reporting the council to the Local Government Ombudsman.

Here he gives his latest update on the campaign: 

"Dee Valley Recycling: What will the Ombudsman think of our council’s actions? 

"You may recall from my last update that Denbighshire County Council has decided that their recycling service in the Dee Valley is ‘well received’. 

"I want to shine a light on the reality of recycling in the Dee Valley to highlight the difference between the propaganda pushed by the Welsh Government and our experience of the service our council provides.

"We all want to maximise our recycling but this can only be achieved if the Local Government Ombudsman upholds our complaint that our council has failed to restore a proper service after closing our recycling site and that it is now treating us unfairly when compared with the service it provides to its ratepayers outside the Dee Valley.

"Take a look at what the Welsh Government tells us.

“'Since Wales has had its own government in 1999, we have become a global leader in recycling. We’re now first in the UK, second in Europe and third in the world for household waste recycling. Put simply, recycling is what we do!'

"So why can’t we get access to a recycling centre you may ask?

"I will be submitting a formal complaint to the Ombudsman; we should never have had to take it this far. We are now just a few dozen petitioners short of 1,000 names. So, if you know anyone in the Dee Valley who hasn’t yet signed the petition, please get them to do so.

"The Welsh Government can ‘talk the talk’

“'Make recycling what everyone in Wales does whether they live, work or visit! Recycling is necessary to tackle the climate emergency by calling on the Welsh public to Recycle.'

"Will they ever let us ‘walk the walk’"?

Town councillor gives update on council business

llanblogger has been sent the following statement, in the name of Cllr John Palmer, relating to Llangollen Town Council:

"Llangollen Town Council Update.

"I have been advised that a number of misleading comments are circulating on social media with reference to the Town Council’s recent actions resulting from the absence of the Town Clerk. I am therefore taking this opportunity to clarify the action the Town Council has taken. 

"The Town Clerk is currently on sick leave that began in late August. In his absence the Town Mayor, who is also Chair of the Council, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor sought the advice of the Council Monitoring Officer in Denbighshire who as part of his responsibilities, monitors and advises the county’s Town and Community Councils. Based on his advice the decision was made to postpone the round of September council meetings. 

"During September the Facilities Manager has done a sterling job keeping an eye on council business and keeping things ticking over. As the Clerk’s absence continues this temporary arrangement has been reviewed by Councillors. Council meetings can’t continue to be postponed. 

"There are a number of large projects about to start that potentially require input from the Council – these include the refurbishment of Castle Street and urgent repairs to the Town Hall roof.  There are also a number of important annual events that need to be co-ordinated. 

"After consulting with One Voice Wales, who provide support and advice to Councils in Wales, and Denbighshire’s Monitoring Officer, the Mayor convened an emergency Council Meeting to consider the recommended options. Following discussion Councillors decided to nominate an acting Proper Officer, a short term measure to support Council business, pending the Town Clerk’s return to work. 

"I was nominated to take on the role on a voluntary unpaid basis. With the support of fellow Councillors and the Facilities Manager we will endeavour to ensure that Town Council business will run smoothly until the Town Clerk returns to work. 

"Throughout the Mayor has been in constant communication with the Monitoring Officer to ensure that the Town Council is following the correct procedures and complying with the laws and rules appertaining to Town and Community Councils. 

"I am sure that you will join me in wishing our Town Clerk, Gareth Thomas, a speedy recovery. 

"If you need to contact the Council Office urgently please email me

"Councillor John Palmer, Acting Proper Officer Llangollen Town Council."