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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Enthusiasts bid to save historic crane from being scrapped

* The crane which railway enthusiasts are aiming to save from 
being scrapped. 

Enthusiasts at Llangollen Railway have made a last-ditch appeal to save a historic crane being sold off along with other assets from the liquidated public limited company.

Following the PLC going into receivership with debts of around £350,000 in March various assets of the heritage attraction were put up for online auction to pay off creditors.

A massive fundraising appeal enabled the completely separate Railway Trust, which is perfectly solvent, to buy up sufficient assets, including rolling stock, to be able to press ahead with its plans to re-open the railway later this summer.

But there wasn’t enough money raised to buy everything, including a 50-ton Cowans Sheldon crane.

According to a post on the unofficial Llangollen Railway Facebook page on Saturday, this is a historic vehicle and the only one of its kind still in operation.

Despite it already having been sold for scrap, an appeal has been launched to keep it at the railway.

The post says: “As has been mentioned elsewhere, our 50 ton Cowans Sheldon crane has been purchased by a scrap merchant, who we understand wishes to break it up on site.

“This is an historic vehicle and we understand the only one of its kind left operational, having being built for the MoD as a steam crane, acquired by BR and converted to diesel operation as a breakdown crane.

“We understand the total purchase price (including VAT and buyers premium) was around £35k.

“We have had the begging bowl out for some time now and many folk have already donated money to our successful appeals. However, if anyone wants to help try and make a last ditch attempt to save this historic vehicle please contact the LR Trust as soon as possible (

“Transporting the crane is likely to be prohibitively expensive and require partial dismantling, which is what is likely to have put other preservation purchasers off, so the most cost-effective and ideal solution (for us at least!) would be for the vehicle to stay on the railway.”

Following the auction, the Trust said in a statement last Friday morning: "The auction of Llangollen Railway PLC’s assets saw some “fast and furious” bidding for the coaching assets in particular, and the larger plant items. 

"We were delighted to secure our priority one assets, namely one accessible-adapted coach, road railer, 12t crane and Lowmac.  

"We were similarly delighted to learn that friendly bidders have acquired two further coaches and a significant amount of machine tools which will remain on the Railway."

Pete Edwards, Trust chairman, added: “Preparations can now begin in earnest to complete the necessary works on Dee Bridge and in the tunnel. We also need to press ahead with the necessary safety and regulatory matters.

"We are on target to reopen in late July or early August."

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Bryn Collen children to take part in Walk to School Week

Pupils at Ysgol Bryn Collen will join thousands of children across the UK to celebrate the benefits of walking during Walk to School Week.

Walk to School Week, from May 17-21, is organised by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking as part of their National Walking Month campaign each May.

Families are encouraged to walk, cycle, scoot or ‘Park and Stride’ for the whole week to see the big differences that come from small steps, from healthier and happier children to fewer cars outside the school gates. 

This year’s challenge will focus on the ‘walking superpowers’ that benefit individuals, communities and the planet.

Ysgol Bryn Collen children will enjoy Living Streets’ Walk to School Week classroom packs, filled with activities to complete on the way to school and in the classroom. 

Each day, pupils will be introduced to a brand new ‘Walking Superpower’ taking the form of a fun comic-book inspired design. ‘Super Strong’, ‘Super Smart’, ‘Super Smiley’, ‘Super Safe’ and ‘Super Sustainable’ will teach pupils about the benefits of being active and reinforce the power of walking. 

Daily reward stickers and special reward badges are up for grabs at the end of the week for those who travelled actively every day.

Last year, almost 200,000 children across the country took part in Walk to School Week with this year looking to be bigger than ever.

Ysgol Bryn Collen headteacher, Lisa Howden said: “Pupils enjoy the health and happiness that comes from walking, while schools and local communities enjoy reduced congestion and pollution."

Mary Creagh, Chief Executive, Living Streets said“Walk to School Week is a fun, inclusive, free and simple activity, which improves the physical and mental wellbeing of children and celebrates walking for all."  

Holy Cross Church to hold garage sale

A garage sale will be held at the Holy Cross church rooms, from 10.30am, on bank holiday Monday, May 31. 

The rooms are at the end of the alleyway opposite the Castle Street Tourist Information Centre.

The sale will feature a wide range of household bargains and organisers say everything must go.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Auction result enables railway re-opening plans to continue

Llangollen Railway Trust Ltd has been able to buy up enough key assets from the liquidated PLC to continue with its plans for re-opening the heritage attraction in late July or early August, it says.

On March 1 the railway's Public Limited Company went into receivership with debts of around £350,000.

Since then the assets of the railway have been put up for online auction, which ended on Wednesday.

In the meantime, the separate Railway Trust, which remains completely solvent, has been battling to raise enough money to buy as many of the assets as possible and get the railway back on track. 

Following the auction, the Trust said in a statement issued this morning: "The auction of Llangollen Railway PLC’s assets was duly completed on Wednesday 12th May.  

"The bidding was fast and furious on the day for the coaching assets in particular, and the larger plant items. 

"The prices paid were substantially in excess of our expectations which is good news for the PLC’s administrators and we are glad all the creditors, including those who are unsecured, will benefit accordingly.

"We were delighted to secure our priority one assets, namely one accessible-adapted coach, road railer, 12t crane and Lowmac.  

"This would not have been possible without the support and dedication of our members and numerous other donors, and we thank them all.

"We were similarly delighted to learn that friendly bidders have acquired 2 further coaches and a significant amount of machine tools which will remain on the Railway."

Pete Edwards, Trust chairman, said: “It was very important to secure the principal assets which will enable us to continue preparations for reopening without further interruption. 

"The support we have received from so many donors, without which we may well not be able to look forward to running again this year, and the friendly bidders, has been crucial and is very much appreciated.

"Numerous coach and plant items will be leaving the Railway which is a great shame from our point of view but at least their future in preservation is secured.

"Preparations can now begin in earnest to complete the necessary works on Dee Bridge and in the tunnel. We also need to press ahead with the necessary safety and regulatory matters.

"We are on target to reopen in late July or early August."

 *Both appeals to enable the railway to re-open remain open and the trust says it would welcome further support to help fund the higher prices they had to pay for the priority items and to provide the necessary working capital to get us up and running again.  

Donations can be made online at and click the Donate button, or via the railway trust's Facebook page. For taxpayers, the railway can apply for 25% Gift Aid.Alternatively, supporters are invited to send cheques payable to Llangollen Railway Trust Ltd to The Station, Abbey Road, Llangollen LL20 8SN.    


In a statement on how the sale went James Hanson, a spokesman for auctioneers Lambert Smith Hampton, said: "The auction received an incredible amount of interest and the bidding was highly competitive resulting in the prices achieved exceeding expectations. We had over 200 bidders register for the auction and we received in excess of 1300 bids on the 50 lots.

"We had initially requested that interested parties submit offers for the assets of Llangollen Railway PLC for negotiation by private treaty. Due to the level of interest this attracted, we decided that the fairest and most effective method of disposing of the assets would be by public auction. The prices achieved were significantly higher than the offers received prior to the auction thus validating the decision to use this method of sale.

"More importantly, I understand that the Llangollen Railway Trust were successful in purchasing the assets that they require to operate and maintain the railway which is of great value to the local economy. Furthermore, I am aware of at least 2 coaches which were purchased by a private individual who intends to leave the coaches at Llangollen Railway. 

"The majority of the engineering machinery will also stay on site. The 7 other coaches included in the auction were purchased by other heritage railway organisations which means that they will continue to be utilised for the purpose they were built for.

"I am therefore very confident and hopeful that the next time I visit Llangollen Railway, I will have the pleasure of travelling on a train carriage rather than having to put a lot number on it."

Ken Skates steps down from Welsh Government role

Clwyd South Senedd Member Ken Skates (pictured) has voluntarily stepped down from the Welsh Government's cabinet. 

After a number of years at the highest level of government, he yesterday asked First Minister Mark Drakeford, as he reshuffled the cabinet following Welsh Labour's election victory, to accept his resignation as the minister responsible for the economy, transport and North Wales.

In a statement Mr Skates said: "Being re-elected as Member of the Senedd for Clwyd South is a huge honour. It has been a privilege to work with constituents over the last ten years to improve and champion our area, and I will continue to work as hard as I possibly can.  

"This week I informed the First Minister of my wish to step away from Welsh Government. After eight years in government, now is the right time. 

"Clwyd South has always remained my number one priority, and my decision will enable me to spend more time in the constituency, focusing on local matters, as well as further strengthening the Party’s position in North Wales and further afield.

"I will continue to be a loyal supporter of First Minister Mark Drakeford and our Welsh Labour Government from the back benches.  

"Above all, I will spend the next five years focusing relentlessly on helping the people and communities of Clwyd South as the local Member of the Senedd."

Announcing the changes, the first minister paid tribute to Mr Skates, who he said would "continue speaking up for north Wales and for Welsh Labour, but in a different role".


He added: "We will miss his energy and passion."


Replacing Mr Skates in the economy portfolio is former health minister Vaughan Gething and taking over his North Wales responsibility is Wrexham Senedd Member Lesley Griffiths.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Public convenience payment system goes contactless

* The public toilets in Market Street.

You can now spend a penny by card in the town's public toilets.

Denbighshire County Council has upgraded its public convenience payment systems to now include the ability to pay contactless.

The move provides users the option to pay by debit or credit card when visiting facilities at Llangollen and Rhyl. Users can also still use cash at these facilities.

Contactless payment facilities have been installed at Llangollen, Rhyl Town Hall, Rhyl Events Arena and Rhyl Children Village Public Conveniences.

When contactless payment is made, a fee of 30 pence is automatically and instantly deducted from the users account.

Tony Ward, Head of Highways, Facilities and Environmental Services, said: “With advances in technology and fewer people carrying cash on them, especially during the current pandemic, we have brought the systems into these facilities in Llangollen and Rhyl to better support users.

“The installation of the contactless payment system allows users with insufficient cash and alternative method of payment, whilst simultaneously reducing the need for them to carry or handle cash and/or seek change from the attendant.

“The uptake and use of the contactless payment system we have put in place by users was instantaneous with approximately 15% of payments now being made by way of contactless payment.”


Hospice volunteers to brief people on life-limiting illnesses

* Nightingale House Hospice Volunteers have a final catch up before they embark on their new venture, heading out into the community to inform and support those with life-limiting illnesses.

A band of volunteers are heading into communities across North East Wales and the borderlands to inform and support patients and loved ones of those who have life-limiting illnesses. 

Nightingale House Hospice has upskilled and trained a number of its volunteers to go out into the community offering information and support about the services it has on offer. 

The Nightingale House Info Points will be unveiled at the hospice’s flagship store in Regent Street this week. 

Their purpose is to help those who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting condition including cancer, heart failure and Motor Neurone Disease, and tell them more about how they can be cared for by the hospice and the services available to them. 

The ambassadorial volunteers have previously undertaken a number of volunteer roles within the hospice and are already familiar with the services on offer. 

But now the new scheme has gone one step further by training them on the clinical and support services that patients and their loved ones could access. 

All the services at Nightingale House aim to support people either during an extremely uncertain time, during and after treatment or when there are no more treatments available. Help, support and therapies are available for when life becomes more difficult and less enjoyable.

Volunteer Manager Jo Kearns said: “We have gathered together a very loyal and knowledgeable group of volunteers to help us develop the new Info Points service and help us reach out into our communities, offering information and support and letting people know about our services but more importantly how they can access them. 

“People are generally referred to the hospice by their key health care professional such as their Specialist Nurse or GP but patients or their loved ones can also make a direct referral to us just by picking up the phone and these direct calls often result in them accessing our wide range of services including our in-patient unit.” 

Nightingale House Info Point Volunteer, Kevin Jones said: “I have been involved with the hospice for a number of years and I believe this opportunity for us to go out into the community and tell people about the amazing services that can help them better manage their illness or support them and their carers’ in other ways, such as spiritual, emotional or psychological support is so important. 

“We want to go out there and tell people that the hospice is not just a place where you go to die but a vibrant, caring and supportive environment where the team throw their arms around you and give you the support you need, when you need it most. Nightingale House mostly relies on fundraising and charitable donations to keep it running and the more we can highlight the services available the better for all concerned.” 

The Info Points will be moving around the catchment area as new locations are identified over the coming months. If you have a public space and think it would be a great place for our volunteers to locate for a couple of hours each month then please get in touch with Jo Kearns, Volunteer Manager, Nightingale House Hospice on 01978 316800.