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Friday, May 14, 2021

Ken Skates steps down from Welsh Government role

Clwyd South Senedd Member Ken Skates (pictured) has voluntarily stepped down from the Welsh Government's cabinet. 

After a number of years at the highest level of government, he yesterday asked First Minister Mark Drakeford, as he reshuffled the cabinet following Welsh Labour's election victory, to accept his resignation as the minister responsible for the economy, transport and North Wales.

In a statement Mr Skates said: "Being re-elected as Member of the Senedd for Clwyd South is a huge honour. It has been a privilege to work with constituents over the last ten years to improve and champion our area, and I will continue to work as hard as I possibly can.  

"This week I informed the First Minister of my wish to step away from Welsh Government. After eight years in government, now is the right time. 

"Clwyd South has always remained my number one priority, and my decision will enable me to spend more time in the constituency, focusing on local matters, as well as further strengthening the Party’s position in North Wales and further afield.

"I will continue to be a loyal supporter of First Minister Mark Drakeford and our Welsh Labour Government from the back benches.  

"Above all, I will spend the next five years focusing relentlessly on helping the people and communities of Clwyd South as the local Member of the Senedd."

Announcing the changes, the first minister paid tribute to Mr Skates, who he said would "continue speaking up for north Wales and for Welsh Labour, but in a different role".


He added: "We will miss his energy and passion."


Replacing Mr Skates in the economy portfolio is former health minister Vaughan Gething and taking over his North Wales responsibility is Wrexham Senedd Member Lesley Griffiths.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Public convenience payment system goes contactless

* The public toilets in Market Street.

You can now spend a penny by card in the town's public toilets.

Denbighshire County Council has upgraded its public convenience payment systems to now include the ability to pay contactless.

The move provides users the option to pay by debit or credit card when visiting facilities at Llangollen and Rhyl. Users can also still use cash at these facilities.

Contactless payment facilities have been installed at Llangollen, Rhyl Town Hall, Rhyl Events Arena and Rhyl Children Village Public Conveniences.

When contactless payment is made, a fee of 30 pence is automatically and instantly deducted from the users account.

Tony Ward, Head of Highways, Facilities and Environmental Services, said: “With advances in technology and fewer people carrying cash on them, especially during the current pandemic, we have brought the systems into these facilities in Llangollen and Rhyl to better support users.

“The installation of the contactless payment system allows users with insufficient cash and alternative method of payment, whilst simultaneously reducing the need for them to carry or handle cash and/or seek change from the attendant.

“The uptake and use of the contactless payment system we have put in place by users was instantaneous with approximately 15% of payments now being made by way of contactless payment.”


Hospice volunteers to brief people on life-limiting illnesses

* Nightingale House Hospice Volunteers have a final catch up before they embark on their new venture, heading out into the community to inform and support those with life-limiting illnesses.

A band of volunteers are heading into communities across North East Wales and the borderlands to inform and support patients and loved ones of those who have life-limiting illnesses. 

Nightingale House Hospice has upskilled and trained a number of its volunteers to go out into the community offering information and support about the services it has on offer. 

The Nightingale House Info Points will be unveiled at the hospice’s flagship store in Regent Street this week. 

Their purpose is to help those who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting condition including cancer, heart failure and Motor Neurone Disease, and tell them more about how they can be cared for by the hospice and the services available to them. 

The ambassadorial volunteers have previously undertaken a number of volunteer roles within the hospice and are already familiar with the services on offer. 

But now the new scheme has gone one step further by training them on the clinical and support services that patients and their loved ones could access. 

All the services at Nightingale House aim to support people either during an extremely uncertain time, during and after treatment or when there are no more treatments available. Help, support and therapies are available for when life becomes more difficult and less enjoyable.

Volunteer Manager Jo Kearns said: “We have gathered together a very loyal and knowledgeable group of volunteers to help us develop the new Info Points service and help us reach out into our communities, offering information and support and letting people know about our services but more importantly how they can access them. 

“People are generally referred to the hospice by their key health care professional such as their Specialist Nurse or GP but patients or their loved ones can also make a direct referral to us just by picking up the phone and these direct calls often result in them accessing our wide range of services including our in-patient unit.” 

Nightingale House Info Point Volunteer, Kevin Jones said: “I have been involved with the hospice for a number of years and I believe this opportunity for us to go out into the community and tell people about the amazing services that can help them better manage their illness or support them and their carers’ in other ways, such as spiritual, emotional or psychological support is so important. 

“We want to go out there and tell people that the hospice is not just a place where you go to die but a vibrant, caring and supportive environment where the team throw their arms around you and give you the support you need, when you need it most. Nightingale House mostly relies on fundraising and charitable donations to keep it running and the more we can highlight the services available the better for all concerned.” 

The Info Points will be moving around the catchment area as new locations are identified over the coming months. If you have a public space and think it would be a great place for our volunteers to locate for a couple of hours each month then please get in touch with Jo Kearns, Volunteer Manager, Nightingale House Hospice on 01978 316800. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Police send out message about social media scam

North Wales Police has used its own Facebook page to issue a warning about a scam on the social media platform's Marketplace selling forum.

It says: "Do you regularly use Facebook Marketplace to sell unwanted items?

"Please be aware of a new scam which has been reported to us recently - especially in the Flintshire and Wrexham areas.

"Victims have been advertising expensive items on Facebook Marketplace and the suspects make contact offering to purchase the item. 

"The suspects arrive to collect the item claiming they cannot pay in cash and offer to make a bank transfer. 

"The victim is shown that a transaction has taken place and they hand the item to the suspects who then leave. 

"Later the victim discovers that the transaction was unsuccessful. 

"Enquiries are ongoing in relation to these recent incidents, however we would advise sellers to be vigilant and use trusted payment systems such as Paypal, or check with your own bank that transactions have been completed. 

"You can report any suspicious behaviour or activity to us via


Ponderosa Cafe wins national accolade


The Ponderosa Cafe on the Horseshoe Pass has been named one of the UK’s best roadside diners and cafes.

* For the full story in the Denbishire free Press, see:

Further help for Covid-hit businesses announced


Businesses in Wales still affected by coronavirus restrictions will be able to claim up to £25,000 more in support to help meet ongoing costs, First Minister Mark Drakeford has announced.

This next package of business support comes as the Welsh Government confirmed up to six people from six different households will be able to meet in indoor regulated settings, such as cafes and pubs, when they open from May 17.

Since the start of the pandemic, the Welsh Government has provided more than £2bn to tens of thousands of businesses across Wales to help them through the pandemic.

This latest support package will help those businesses, which remain affected by restrictions, to meet ongoing costs through to the end of June as they prepare for re-opening and more normal trading conditions.

Businesses that stand to benefit include:

  • Nightclubs and late entertainment venues
  • Events and conference venues not covered by the Welsh Government’s Cultural Recovery Fund (CRF)
  • Hospitality and leisure businesses, including restaurants, pubs and cafes.
  • Supply chain business, which have been materially impacted by restrictions.

The support is the first phase of a £200m package earmarked for the incoming Welsh Government to help businesses affected by the pandemic.

Ministers have made an immediate decision to release funding to support businesses affected by the restrictions but there will be further decisions for the incoming Welsh Government to make about further support, to help businesses recover and develop when restrictions are relaxed further.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “The public health situation continues to improve in Wales – we have the lowest coronavirus rates and the best vaccination rates in the UK.

“We know the restrictions have helped to keep us all safe but they have had a big impact on Welsh businesses, which is why we are making more funding available to support firms and safeguard jobs.

“Eligible businesses will receive support of up to £25k as they prepare to reopen and move towards more normal trading conditions.

“My new government will provide more detail about the extra financial support we will be providing to businesses to help them develop and grow as Wales recovers from the impact of the pandemic.

“As we continue to relax the restrictions, I can confirm that from Monday, up to six people from six different households will be able to meet indoors in regulated settings, such as cafes and pubs.”

An eligibility checker will open on the Business Wales website at midday on May 17 so businesses can find out how much support they are likely to be entitled to and how to apply. Businesses will be able submit applications by the end of the month and they will receive between £2,500 and £25,000 depending on their circumstances. Funding will be calculated based on the size of the business and the type of restrictions they are under.

This support is in addition to the Welsh Government’s £610m non-domestic rates relief which will mean more than 70,000 retail, leisure and hospitality businesses  pay no rates in 2021-22.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Power cut affects part of Llangollen

A power cut is affecting properties in Llangollen as thunder and lightning hits north east Wales, according to the Denbighshire Free Press. 

Scottish Power says the power outage is affecting properties on Bridge Street, Castle Street and surrounding areas.

For the full story, see: