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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Roadworks alert for Berwyn Street


Latest local roadworks alert from is:


Berwyn Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

03 May — 21 May


Delays likely - Traffic control (two-way signals)


Works location: A5, Near Cambrian House, Berwyn Street, Llangollen


Works description: Refurbishment of Traffic Signal - Replacement of Traffic Signal Poles, Tactile Paving & White Lining


Responsibility for works: Welsh Government


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: PD50121111153826438




Friday, April 30, 2021

Eisteddfod advertises for an executive producer

* The job advertisement in Arts Job Finder.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod is looking for an executive producer.

An advertisement for the £45,000-a-year post has just appeared online in the Arts Jobs Finder.

The person appointed, it says, will work closely with the board and “our fantastic team to help us achieve our potential and grow our impact and reach”.

The ad explains: “The Executive Producer is the creative and executive lead for the organisation, shaping its programme, connecting with audiences and partners, supporting and developing the staff team and ensuring the vitality, diversity, sustainability and impact of the Eisteddfod as major annual international event.

“As Chief Executive the Executive Producer is also the lead decision-maker, responsible for the strategic planning and financial sustainability of the company.

“They model a working culture that inspires and supports staff, trustees and contractors.

“They have the confidence of the trustees, volunteers and key stakeholders. They are the face of a world-class programme that attracts a broad audience from North Wales, the North West of England and beyond.

“We want our workforce to be representative of all sections of society and we actively welcome candidates who are currently underrepresented in the arts.

“We are seeking an inspiring individual who values creative ambition, inclusivity and internationalism.”

The post is full-time on a three-year fixed-term contract starting this summer. It requires post-holder to be based within a commutable distance from the Llangollen area.

Closing date for applications is June 1 and more details can be found on the Arts Jobs Finder website at:

Last week the eisteddfod management revealed that, as part of a restructuring exercise, four redundancies had been made from the festival’s six permanent staff.

The impact of the pandemic was blamed.

As part of the same exercise two roles have been created and filled by existing staff from the team of six.

A statement added that a further post was due to be advertised shortly, and this is clearly that of the new executive producer.

Due to the pandemic the 2020 eisteddfod had to be cancelled and replaced with a series of online events.

This year’s festival has also fallen victim to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis and has been postponed until next year. A similar programme of alternative events is being planned.

No waiting order proposed for Hall Street and Willow Street

Denbighshire County Council is proposing to make an order prohibiting the waiting of vehicles at any time on stretches of Hall Street and Willow Street, Llangollen.

According to the schedule of a public notice, on Hall Street the order would cover a section on the north side from a point 27 metres west of the projected kerbline of the unnamed road linking Hall Street to Berwyn Street for a distance of 27 metres in a westerly direction.

On Willow Street, the order would cover an area, on the west side, from the projected southerly kerbline of Hall Street for a distance of 45 metres in a southerly direction and, on the east side, from the projected southern kerbline of Hall Street for a distance of 51 metres in a southerly direction.

Exceptions to the order would be made for the purposes of alighting, boarding, loading and unloading and works of maintenance, repair and so on.

There would also be exceptions for vehicles displaying both a Disabled Person's Badge and a Disabled Person's Parking Disc to wait for a period not exceeding three hours.

Objections to the order can be made via the Denbighshire County Council website, under the County Conversation portal, or by sending a written statement to: Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services, Denbighshire County Council, PO Box 62, Ruthin, LL15 9AZ, no later than May 21st, 2021.     

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Health board's latest vaccination update issued

The Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board, which covers Llangollen, has put out its latest update about the vaccination situation.

Aimed mainly at younger people it says: "This update is to help explain the changes that have been made to the BCU COVID-19 vaccination delivery plan as a result of new national guidance and the impact this has had on the availability of vaccines in North Wales. 

AstraZeneca vaccine advice

·        We are following the latest guidance from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advising that the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine should now not be routinely used in those under 30 years of age.

·        This means that two groups of Cohort 10 will run concurrently - those adults aged between 30 and 50 who will now generally receive the AstraZeneca, and those adults aged under 30 who will receive the Pfizer vaccine.

·        Those aged under 30 years that have already had a first of AstraZeneca will have the second dose of the vaccine to complete their course.We want to use vaccine supplies as quickly as it is received, so that they provide benefit, and this will inevitably mean inviting some under 30s before having completed the 30 to 50 year old age group.

·       The only way to avoid this would be to hold back supplies of the Pfizer vaccine, which would be an unjustifiable risk.

·         More information can be found on the BCU website here

Who we are currently vaccinating and how they will be contacted

This week we are continuing to provide vaccination to the following groups, with invitations made by letter, text message and phone call:

·         People in Priority Groups 1-9 who were unable to receive their vaccination when it was first offered. This includes people aged 50+; people aged 16-64 with certain underlying health conditions; unpaid carers; and those living with people who are immunosuppressed

·         People aged 18-49 years (Priority Group 10)

Asking employers to support their staff

We are appealing to employers across the region to be sympathetic to requests for their staff to take time off to attend their vaccination appointments. Vaccination provides the best protection from becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 and is our best route out of the pandemic. It will also help to reduce staff sickness.

MP praises facelift work at Town Hall

* From left, Charlie Jones, Facilities Officer, Katherine Susanthan, professional upholsterer, and Simon Baynes MP in the balcony at Llangollen Town Hall.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes made a socially distanced visit to see some of the recent improvements to Llangollen Town Hall. 

He met with Charlie Jones, Facilities Officer, and Katherine Susanthan, who are currently reupholstering the seats in the balcony.

Since Charlie became the Facilities Officer of the Town Hall in 2018, she and volunteers, supported by the Friends of Llangollen Town Hall, have been undertaking restoration work in the building, including replacing the stage curtains, cleaning the lead pane windows, repainting the lobby and cleaning its chandelier. 

The current project of reupholstering the balcony seats will take two months and the skills of local professional upholsterer Katherine Susanthan, assisted by Charlie, are making a welcome transformation of the look and comfort of the balcony seats.

Charlie said: “Ysgol Dinas Bran gave us their old curtains and thanks to them we were able to re-make and up-cycle them for the stage. 

"We had donations of pretty vintage china that we use instead of plastic or paper which reduces waste and looks nice. 

"Our old Town Hall chairs were dated and uncomfortable and a school in Ruthin were throwing them away, so a volunteer brought them from Ruthin in a trailer and a group of volunteers from the groups who use the Town Hall cleaned and painted them.

"The old Town Hall chairs have been up-cycled with chalk paint to show what can be done with them and they would be great as spare chairs.

“We’re always looking for volunteers and welcome any contribution they can make, however small because it all makes a difference to the community we live in. 

"Each of us has something to give, and the work our volunteers have done is a gift to the community that makes a real difference. I can’t thank them enough.”

Simon Baynes said: “It was a pleasure to meet Charlie and Katherine and see the great improvements they are making to the balcony seating. 

"This project along with the other improvements that Charlie has overseen are hugely important to securing the future of Llangollen’s much-loved Town Hall and its central role in the heritage and culture of the town. 

"I look forward to visiting again soon and supporting them in their work in the future.”

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

National Park plan for this area branded as "bonkers"

The Daily Post is reporting that moves to create a new national park in north east Wales, which would include Llangollen, have been labelled “bonkers”.

Local councillors say the plans for the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley are likely to meet stiff opposition from farmers and rural businesses worried about extra rules and costs.

* For the full story, see:

Board reports some positive news for railway's future

The Trust board of Llangollen Railway has this morning (Wednesday) issued a statement which is hopeful for the future of the heritage attraction.

In March 1 the railway's Public Limited Company went into receivership with debts of around £350,000.

Since then the assets of the railway have been put up for online auction, which culminates on May 12.

In the meantime, the separate Trust Board, which remains completely solvent, has been battling to raise enough money to buy as many of the assets as possible and get the railway back on track. 

Today's statement from the board says: "The Trust is delighted to announce it has completed a deal with the administrators of Llangollen Railway plc, Cowgill Holloway Business Recovery LLP, for an undisclosed sum, to purchase certain assets belonging to the railway along with the right to use the railway line. 

"This was the first key step towards recovery and thoughts now turn fully to the task of preparing for reopening as we continue on our journey to protect and preserve this beautiful part of our heritage.

"Talks have been initiated meanwhile with the Welsh Government, Business Wales, Denbighshire County Council and the National Heritage Lottery Fund, all of which have been positive. 

"The Safety Management System will have to be rewritten to some degree and fresh approval sought from the Office of Rail & Road.  

"Liz Parkes of North York Moors Railway has been helping us in this regard and we are very appreciative of her support. 

"We have been very encouraged and gratified by all the support received in our fundraising efforts and thank everyone who has contributed.  

"Including promises, funds raised to date are approximately £85,000. This should enable us to submit a competitive bid in the auction on 12 May for key items, such as at least one carriagewith accessible adaptation, function coach, road railer, telehandler and 12t crane.

"Looking ahead to the preparation for re-opening phase, £100,000 approximately is needed to cover necessary overheads, for which we hope to attract at least some grant funding.  

"It remains too soon to speculate when re-opening might be but we are targeting the end of July or early August currently.

"We would also like to acknowledge the continuing support of the media, without which our need for funds would not have reached so wide an audience.

"Please donate if you can: Online at and click the Donate button, or via our Facebook page. For taxpayers, the Railway can apply for 25% Gift Aid.Alternatively, supporters are invited to send cheques payable to Llangollen Railway Trust Ltd to The Station, Abbey Road, Llangollen LL20 8SN."