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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Pandemic stops 2021 Llangollen Walking Festival in its tracks


The 2021 Llangollen Walking Festival 2021 has been cancelled due to the pandemic.

The bad news is revealed in the latest newsletter by organisers of the popular event which usually draws hundreds of walking fans to the town.

The update says: “We've just finished a meeting where we reviewed the details and dates of the staged 'unlocking' process and how this impacts on our ability to run our event in 2021.

“Progress with COVID-19 vaccinations are going extremely well but not all of our potential visitors will have had their second vaccine jabs by May 1 when we plan to meet up

“We believe it unwise for us to encourage the gathering of large groups albeit outdoors and encourage people to travel great distances.

“It is also very unlikely local accommodation, steam railway, pubs and cafés will be open.

“We had hoped to consult on a date change and move to later in the year, however, when we reviewed the calendar, there were no viable options.

So, it is with great sadness ​we are cancelling our festival​ for 2021.”

The update adds: “Good news - we hope to offer some Offa's Dyke Path 50th anniversary walks later in 2021.

“If all goes well, we plan to run five - coach assist - one-day-walks over the 50 miles section between Chirk Mill and Prestatyn which is all with-in the Clwydian Range & Dee Valley AONB.

“As more information becomes available you will be the first to know... stay safe and keep walking.

Coronavirus update from Welsh Government

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government (dated yesterday) is:

Coronavirus in numbers

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

Where to find the latest information

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Health centre books remaining 65-69s for jabs

Llangollen Health Centre has just posted its latest Covid vaccination update, which says: "We are now in a position to be able to book in the remaining patients in the 65-69 age group for their Covid vaccine.

"At this point PLEASE do not phone us as our phone lines will be swamped. We will contact you by phone over the next two days to book your appointment."

Town council pledges support for crisis-hit railway


Llangollen Town Council has pledged to do all it can to support Llangollen Railway which has announced plans to call in receivers.

As revealed by llanblogger, the railway said in a statement that the company which runs the heritage attraction had run up big losses over the past three financial years with the result that it was now insolvent to the tune of about £350,000 and could not legally continue trading.

In its own statement this afternoon the town council says: “We are saddened to hear of the difficulties being faced by the Llangollen heritage railway.

“The potential loss of such a valued company would be tragic - a heritage railway which has been restored and run by the endeavours of so many volunteers.

“For years, the railway, as well as being a treasured tourism attraction has provided valuable employment through its engineering works and has also had a positive effect on the careers of local youngsters who have benefited from their apprenticeship scheme.

“The council itself has limited funds to be able to offer any direct assistance but will do whatever it can to ensure prosperity of the railway in the future and wishes the new board of directors well in their endeavours to secure a future for the railway.”

The Town Mayor, Councillor Austin Cheminais, commenting on the news said “Llangollen’s Heritage Railway has been 45 Years in the making and is a major tourist attraction and great asset to the town.

“Its loss would be a major blow to all of those employed by the railway and also to the wider local economy.

“As a council we will do all we can to support the trustees and board as they find a way forward.”

County gives reason for Bridge Street closure

* The Bridge Street roadworks.

As there didn't appear to have been any advance notification, people in Llangollen were left wondering about the reason for roadworks which have led to the closure of Bridge Street for three days this week.

Although the closure notice at the Bridge Street/Castle Street junction says the closure will be for five days, a spokesperson for Denbighshire County Council said: “Bridge Street, Llangollen, is being closed by the council’s Traffic Section between March 1 and March 3 to facilitate the installation of electrical connections to new sign posts. A diversion has been put in place during the closure.”

* The closure notice on the Bridge Street/Castle Street junction.


Government launches campaign to back Covid-hit businesses

The Welsh Government has launched a new campaign to promote the support available to businesses to help them deal with the continued pressures of coronavirus.

The ‘We’re in Your Corner’ campaign will encourage firms the length and breadth of Wales to take advantage of the skills and employment advice and guidance that is on offer through the Skills Gateway for Business online portal. 

A range of support is available such as assistance with developing the capabilities of staff to advice with recruitment and training programmes. This will help businesses move forward through the coronavirus pandemic and thrive in the future. 

Economy Minister Ken Skates (pictured) said: "We’re in Your Corner’ campaign is crucial in supporting the Welsh Government’s Economic Resilience and Reconstruction Mission which was launched earlier this week and aims to reconstruct and rebuild the Welsh economy so that is more prosperous, fair and green than ever before. 

"The Welsh Government’s Covid Commitment, which has been supported by a £40m funding boost during this financial year, is a key part of the support offer to help anyone wanting to get into work, looking to retrain, or start their own business."

He added: "The past 12 months have placed incredibly pressures on our people and our businesses. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Welsh Government has responded at pace to protect thousands of Welsh businesses and jobs with a package of financial assistance worth more than £2 billion. This is the most generous offer of help anywhere in the UK.

“We are firmly in the corner of businesses and this campaign will be crucial in ensuring they are aware of the support that is available to help them meet the challenges and opportunities that today and tomorrow present.

“Our Covid Commitment will also provide free and subsidised training which will enable firms to develop the skills of the workforce and our Business Wales advisers are on hand to provide expert advice on this to meet individual business needs.

“As we continue to navigate these difficult and uncertain times, we will continue to do all we can to back our businesses and our people, but we also have to think about what comes next. That is why I have launched our new Economic Resilience and Reconstruction Mission which offers optimism for the future and will help our people, businesses and communities to succeed and flourish in a more prosperous, fairer and greener economy.

“By working together, we can truly succeed in rebuilding and reconstructing our economy so that is it better and stronger for people across Wales.”

* To find out more about the programmes on offer, call Skills Gateway for Business on 0300 060 3000 or visit 

MP speaks of Wales' importance as part of UK

Simon Baynes MP speaking in the Chamber of the House of Commons.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has spoken of his admiration and gratitude for key workers, Welsh businesses and Wales’ importance as part of the United Kingdom.

His praise came during the annual St David's Day debate in Parliament last week.

The debate, which is held each year in the House of Commons on, or around, St David’s Day, took place last Thursday and usually deals with general Welsh affairs. 

Mr Baynes began his speech by saying: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank the frontline workers in Clwyd South and elsewhere in Wales, including our NHS and emergency service staff, carers, community volunteers, council staff and retail staff, who have done so much to keep us safe during this pandemic."

He continued by offering his sympathies to businesses impacted by Covid and the need for the Welsh Labour Government to make sure its business support package is improved.

He said: "Having grown up in a family hotel business in Wales and now acting as the Conservatives’ Small Business Ambassador for Wales, I speak to many Welsh companies that are struggling in the Covid crisis, particularly in sectors such as hospitality and tourism. 

"A common theme to their comments is the disorganised nature of the roll-out of the Welsh Government’s Economic Resilience Fund, with many people unable to apply due to the IT system crashing, unclear guidelines on information required, and the application period closing in only a matter of hours without any prior warning. 

“Some degree of administrative difficulty is understandable in the current crisis, but businesses feel extremely aggrieved when they hear that the Labour Welsh Government have still yet to spend £650 million of the money that they have received from the UK Government, which could be used to put right the problems caused by short-changing Welsh businesses in business support.”

Commenting later on, Mr Baynes said: "I was very pleased to make a contribution last week to the annual St David's Day debate in Parliament, having made my Maiden Speech in the same debate last year. 

"It’s vital that we continue our progress with the very successful UK vaccination programme to ensure that next year we can mark St David's Day in a more normal way and celebrate all things Welsh together. Until then, I want to wish everyone in Clwyd South and across Wales a very Happy St David's Day!"