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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Vicar's hopes for a return to normality after Covid-19

* St Collen's Church.

Llangollen's vicar says he hopes St Collen's Church could be open again for public worship by Palm Sunday (March 28) or even earlier.

Father Lee Taylor expresses his hopes for a return to normality following pandemic restrictions in an update on the church's Facebook page.

His post. yesterday (Saturday), says: "As you may be aware, churches in Wales have been legally allowed to open for communal worship (provided they pass a thorough and up-to-date Risk Assessment) but the advice from the Welsh Government, local health authorities and from the Diocese was to find 'alternatives to in-person worship' which is what we have done.

"At the current time, more than a third of the adult population of Wales has now had their first vaccine. The Welsh Government said on 11th February that the vaccination rollout in Wales would slow sharply. However, it is hoped that this will accelerate again in March.
"Although the picture on the horizon is looking hopeful, we must remember that we are still in lockdown under Alert Level 4. There is a long way to go until everyone is vaccinated.

"The UK government has said that the fightback against this disease rests with every single one of us. We must continue to follow the rules and 'hold our nerve' for the next few months. None of us is safe until all of us are safe.
"So we need to wait a bit and see what happens over the next few weeks until the next review from the Welsh Government on Friday 12th March.
"It is worth reminding you that the guidance published for the Church of England is not always going to be the same as that in the Church in Wales.
"It is hoped that we can gather together for public worship at St Collen’s in time for Palm Sunday, or even earlier than this.
"I know this is frustrating for many but our first concern is everyone's safety.
"Let’s all stay as safe as possible until we can again meet with confidence."

Saturday, February 27, 2021

County's social housing rents increase by 1.5%

Denbighshire Housing has increased rents by 1.5 per cent.

It says the change is in accordance with Welsh Government policy for social housing rents and will come into effect from Monday, April 5, with an average weekly rent increase of £1.38.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Denbighshire County Council’s Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, said: “The decision was made after careful consideration as we understand the difficult circumstances households have experienced during 2020 and the early part of 2021.

“We had to demonstrate we are using our resources efficiently, that we provide value for money and consider the affordability of our rents before the decision was approved by the Council’s Cabinet. In a survey, 89 per cent of Council tenants said their rent provides value for money, while rents are the lowest on average for social housing landlords in Denbighshire.

“The long-term business plan for how we manage and maintain our £300million worth of housing stock is based on an annual rent increase linked to inflation.

“Denbighshire Housing is investing in our stock for the benefit of our residents and the longer term improvement of our housing stock.  Alongside carefully investing the rents from our tenants we maximise opportunities to leverage in grant funding to support our strategic aims.

“Over the last five years Denbighshire Housing has installed 1,100 new heating systems, 465 new roofs, 325 new windows, 2,550 properties have been painted externally, 125 air source heat pumps have been installed, 775 kitchens and bathrooms have been installed, £2 million has been spent on disabled adaptations and £1.9 million has been invested on estate and neighbourhood improvements including 17 new play areas.

“The housing budget has been calculated to ensure we can deliver our services, the capital investment programme to maintain the quality standard of our homes and develop our new build programme.”

The council has set a target to create 170 new council homes by 2022 under its Corporate Plan with work already under way on 18 two-bedroom and 4 four-bedroom semi-detached houses on land above Tan y Sgubor, Denbigh and four, one-bedroom apartments on the site of the former Bodnant School canteen on Caradoc Road, Prestatyn.

Denbighshire Housing  provides advice for all families who need additional support with household finances.

Roadworks planned for Princess Street

Latest local roadworks report from is:


Princess Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

01 March — 03 March


Delays likely - Road closure




Works description: LAYING NEW SUPPLY - 6M PUBLIC 13M PRIVATE...


Responsibility for works: Wales & West Utilities Ltd


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: XY254004000164980



Friday, February 26, 2021

Welsh Government confirms earlier vaccine key target dates

An updated vaccine strategy for Wales has been published, confirming earlier key target dates.

The updated targets are to offer the vaccine to all current priority groups by the middle of April and to the wider adult population by the end of July. 

The updated strategy also confirms Wales, in line with the other UK nations, will follow the interim advice of the JCVI on prioritisation for the wider adult population.

Health Minister Vaughan Gething said: “A huge amount of progress has been made in rolling out the vaccine since our strategy was first published only six weeks ago.

"I am pleased to confirm we have brought forward two key target dates, but I must emphasise again that this is based on getting the required supply from the UK Government.

"It is encouraging that the UK Government has brought forward some of Wales’ supply allocation, but from the information available to us at this point there are concerns with both the type of supply and the timing of its delivery.  We have always said that we could go even faster were the supply available.”

He added: “Today’s update also reflects on some of the achievements of our programme to-date, and provides information on the significant and really encouraging evidence that is beginning to emerge around vaccination.  While we remain cautious, there really does appear to be much cause for hope thanks to the success of our vaccination programme.”

* The updated strategy can be found here:

St Collen's bells will toll for Captain Sir Tom

The funeral of NHS mega-fundraiser Captain Sir Tom Moore is taking place tomorrow (Saturday). 

The exact time has not been released but at twelve noon, to mark the occasion, a single bell will be tolled one hundred times at St Collen's and at churches throughout Wales and England.

New law aims to give tenants greater protection

New legislation has been passed in the Senedd to give tenants more protection, stability and security in their homes.  

The Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill will also bring greater clarity on landlord and tenant responsibilities, helping to avoid disagreements and difficulties.

The changes mean that from spring 2022, rental contracts in Wales will change so that:

  • Tenants will have the security and stability of a minimum 12 month contract; 
  • Minimum notice periods will be extended from two to six months in the case of “no fault evictions” – with landlords only able to serve notice six months after tenants have moved in;
  • Rental contracts will be simplified and standardised with model contracts available;
  • Although the notice period that landlords have to give will be longer, they will still be able to seek to repossess their property if a tenant is in breach of contract.

Housing and Local Government Minister Julie James said: "This law will make renting a home in Wales fair, simple and efficient, and it will directly affect the lives of the one in three people who rent a home in Wales. 

“Thanks to our efforts, tenants will have greater peace of mind when renting. Everyone has the right to feel secure in their own home and to be able to plan for the future.

“There will also be clear benefits for landlords. Clearer and easier to understand contracts will reduce disputes and legal costs and the new regime will provide a better way for landlords to deal with abandoned properties.”

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Have your say on active travel in Llangollen

The county council is inviting feedback on where people would like to see improvements to walking and cycling in Llangollen.

This is one of the towns in Denbighshire selected by the Welsh Government to take part in a  exercise being run by the council in partnership with Sustrans Cymru as part of the government’s Active Travel Network Map consultation (ATNM).   

The ATNM is a plan of routes the council will use to inform where improvements to walking and cycling should be made within the county and it will help to make journeys on foot or by bike across Denbighshire easier and safer for everyone, particularly those who don’t currently walk or cycle often and people who use mobility aids.

Cllr Brian Jones, the council’s Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “Active travel helps reduce carbon and improve air quality along with improving health and wellbeing, so this is an excellent opportunity for Denbighshire residents to tell us what they would like to see included on our future Active Travel Network Map.

“In order to design a network that works for everyone, we would like to get the views of as many people as possible, particularly those who don’t currently walk or cycle as this will help make sure the routes built for walking and cycling work for the whole community.”

* For further information on how to provide feedback go to the Active Travel page at